0x40012400: ADC address block description
161/161 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
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0x0 | ISR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | IER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | CR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | CFGR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | CFGR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | SMPR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 | AWD1TR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | AWD2TR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | CHSELR0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | CHSELR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x2c | AWD3TR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x40 | DR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xa0 | AWD2CR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xa4 | AWD3CR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xb4 | CALFACT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x308 | CCR |
ADC interrupt and status register
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
10/10 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r/w1c |
r/w1c |
r/w1c |
r/w1c |
r/w1c |
r/w1c |
r/w1c |
r/w1c |
r/w1c |
r/w1c |
Bit 0: ADC ready This bit is set by hardware after the ADC has been enabled (ADEN = 1) and when the ADC reaches a state where it is ready to accept conversion requests. It is cleared by software writing 1 to it..
Allowed values:
0: NotReady: ADC not yet ready to start conversion
1: Ready: ADC ready to start conversion
Bit 1: End of sampling flag This bit is set by hardware during the conversion, at the end of the sampling phase.It is cleared by software by programming it to 1 ..
Allowed values:
0: NotAtEnd: Not at the end of the samplings phase
1: AtEnd: End of sampling phase reached
Bit 2: End of conversion flag This bit is set by hardware at the end of each conversion of a channel when a new data result is available in the ADC_DR register. It is cleared by software writing 1 to it or by reading the ADC_DR register..
Allowed values:
0: NotComplete: Channel conversion is not complete
1: Complete: Channel conversion complete
Bit 3: End of sequence flag This bit is set by hardware at the end of the conversion of a sequence of channels selected by the CHSEL bits. It is cleared by software writing 1 to it..
Allowed values:
0: NotComplete: Conversion sequence is not complete
1: Complete: Conversion sequence complete
Bit 4: ADC overrun This bit is set by hardware when an overrun occurs, meaning that a new conversion has complete while the EOC flag was already set. It is cleared by software writing 1 to it..
Allowed values:
0: NoOverrun: No overrun occurred
1: Overrun: Overrun occurred
Bit 7: Analog watchdog 1 flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoEvent: No analog watchdog event occurred
1: Event: Analog watchdog event occurred
Bit 8: Analog watchdog 2 flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoEvent: No analog watchdog event occurred
1: Event: Analog watchdog event occurred
Bit 9: Analog watchdog 3 flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoEvent: No analog watchdog event occurred
1: Event: Analog watchdog event occurred
Bit 11: End Of Calibration flag This bit is set by hardware when calibration is complete. It is cleared by software writing 1 to it..
Allowed values:
0: NotComplete: Calibration is not complete
1: Complete: Calibration complete
Bit 13: Channel Configuration Ready flag This flag bit is set by hardware when the channel configuration is applied after programming to ADC_CHSELR register or changing CHSELRMOD or SCANDIR. It is cleared by software by programming it to it. Note: When the software configures the channels (by programming ADC_CHSELR or changing CHSELRMOD or SCANDIR), it must wait until the CCRDY flag rises before configuring again or starting conversions, otherwise the new configuration (or the START bit) is ignored. Once the flag is asserted, if the software needs to configure again the channels, it must clear the CCRDY flag before proceeding with a new configuration..
Allowed values:
0: NotComplete: Channel configuration update not applied
1: Complete: Channel configuration update is applied
ADC interrupt enable register
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
10/10 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
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rw |
Bit 0: ADC ready interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the ADC Ready interrupt. Note: The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART bit is cleared (this ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: ADRDY interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: ADRDY interrupt enabled. An interrupt is generated when the ADRDY bit is set.
Bit 1: End of sampling flag interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the end of the sampling phase interrupt. Note: The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART bit is cleared (this ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: EOSMP interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: EOSMP interrupt enabled. An interrupt is generated when the EOSMP bit is set.
Bit 2: End of conversion interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the end of conversion interrupt. Note: The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART bit is cleared (this ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: EOC interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: EOC interrupt enabled. An interrupt is generated when the EOC bit is set.
Bit 3: End of conversion sequence interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the end of sequence of conversions interrupt. Note: The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART bit is cleared (this ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: EOS interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: EOS interrupt enabled. An interrupt is generated when the EOS bit is set.
Bit 4: Overrun interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the overrun interrupt. Note: The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART bit is cleared (this ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Overrun interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Overrun interrupt enabled. An interrupt is generated when the OVR bit is set.
Bit 7: Analog watchdog 1 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Analog watchdog interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Analog watchdog interrupt enabled
Bit 8: Analog watchdog 2 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Analog watchdog interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Analog watchdog interrupt enabled
Bit 9: Analog watchdog 3 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Analog watchdog interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Analog watchdog interrupt enabled
Bit 11: End of calibration interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the end of calibration interrupt. Note: The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART bit is cleared (this ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: End of calibration interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: End of calibration interrupt enabled
Bit 13: Channel Configuration Ready Interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the channel configuration ready interrupt. Note: The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART bit is cleared (this ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Channel configuration ready interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Channel configuration ready interrupt enabled
ADC control register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
6/6 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
r/w1s |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r/w1s |
r/w1s |
r/w1s |
r/w1s |
Bit 0: ADC enable command This bit is set by software to enable the ADC. The ADC is effectively ready to operate once the ADRDY flag has been set. It is cleared by hardware when the ADC is disabled, after the execution of the ADDIS command. Note: The software is allowed to set ADEN only when all bits of ADC_CR registers are 0 (ADCAL = 0, ADSTP = 0, ADSTART = 0, ADDIS = 0 and ADEN = 0).
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: ADC disabled
1: Enabled: ADC enabled
Bit 1: ADC disable command.
Allowed values:
0: NotDisabling: No disable command active
1: Disabling: ADC disabling
Bit 2: ADC start conversion command This bit is set by software to start ADC conversion. Depending on the EXTEN [1:0] configuration bits, a conversion either starts immediately (software trigger configuration) or once a hardware trigger event occurs (hardware trigger configuration). It is cleared by hardware: In single conversion mode (CONT = 0, DISCEN = 0), when software trigger is selected (EXTEN = 00): at the assertion of the end of Conversion Sequence (EOS) flag. In discontinuous conversion mode(CONT = 0, DISCEN = 1), when the software trigger is selected (EXTEN = 00): at the assertion of the end of Conversion (EOC) flag. In all other cases: after the execution of the ADSTP command, at the same time as the ADSTP bit is cleared by hardware. Note: The software is allowed to set ADSTART only when ADEN = 1 and ADDIS = 0 (ADC is enabled and there is no pending request to disable the ADC). Note: After writing to ADC_CHSELR register or changing CHSELRMOD or SCANDIRW, it is mandatory to wait until CCRDY flag is asserted before setting ADSTART, otherwise, the value written to ADSTART is ignored..
Allowed values:
0: NotActive: No conversion ongoing
1: Active: ADC operating and may be converting
Bit 4: ADC stop conversion command.
Allowed values:
0: NotStopping: No stop command active
1: Stopping: ADC stopping conversion
Bit 28: ADC Voltage Regulator Enable This bit is set by software, to enable the ADC internal voltage regulator. The voltage regulator output is available after t<sub>ADCVREG_STUP</sub>. It is cleared by software to disable the voltage regulator. It can be cleared only if ADEN is et to 0. Note: The software is allowed to program this bit field only when the ADC is disabled (ADCAL = 0, ADSTART = 0, ADSTP = 0, ADDIS = 0 and ADEN = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: ADC voltage regulator disabled
1: Enabled: ADC voltage regulator enabled
Bit 31: ADC calibration This bit is set by software to start the calibration of the ADC. It is cleared by hardware after calibration is complete. Note: The software is allowed to set ADCAL only when the ADC is disabled (ADCAL = 0, ADSTART = 0, ADSTP = 0, ADDIS = 0, AUTOFF = 0, and ADEN = 0). Note: The software is allowed to update the calibration factor by writing ADC_CALFACT only when ADEN = 1 and ADSTART = 0 (ADC enabled and no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotCalibrating: ADC calibration either not yet performed or completed
1: Calibrating: ADC calibration in progress
ADC configuration register 1
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Direct memory access enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable the generation of DMA requests. This allows the DMA controller to be used to manage automatically the converted data. For more details, refer to Section 16.6.5: Managing converted data using the DMA on page 325..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: DMA disabled
1: Enabled: DMA enabled
Bit 1: Direct memory access configuration This bit is set and cleared by software to select between two DMA modes of operation and is effective only when DMAEN = 1. For more details, refer to Section 16.6.5: Managing converted data using the DMA on page 325..
Allowed values:
0: OneShot: DMA one shot mode selected
1: Circular: DMA circular mode selected
Bit 2: Scan sequence direction This bit is set and cleared by software to select the direction in which the channels is scanned in the sequence. It is effective only if CHSELMOD bit is cleared. Note: If CCRDY is not yet asserted after channel configuration (writing ADC_CHSELR register or changing CHSELRMOD or SCANDIR), the value written to this bit is ignored..
Allowed values:
0: Upward: Upward scan (from CHSEL0 to CHSEL17)
1: Backward: Backward scan (from CHSEL17 to CHSEL0)
Bits 3-4: Data resolution These bits are written by software to select the resolution of the conversion..
Allowed values:
0: Bits12: 12 bits
1: Bits10: 10 bits
2: Bits8: 8 bits
3: Bits6: 6 bits
Bit 5: Data alignment This bit is set and cleared by software to select right or left alignment. Refer to Figure 43: Data alignment and resolution (oversampling disabled: OVSE = 0) on page 323.
Allowed values:
0: Right: Right alignment
1: Left: Left alignment
Bits 6-8: External trigger selection These bits select the external event used to trigger the start of conversion (refer to Table 67: External triggers for details):.
Allowed values:
0: TIM1_TRGO: Timer 1 TRGO event
1: TIM1_CC4: Timer 1 CC4 event
2: TIM2_TRGO: Timer 2 TRGO event
3: TIM2_CH4: Timer 2 CH4 event
5: TIM2_CH3: Timer 2 CH3 event
7: EXTI_LINE11: EXTI line 11 event
Bits 10-11: External trigger enable and polarity selection These bits are set and cleared by software to select the external trigger polarity and enable the trigger..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Hardware trigger detection disabled
1: RisingEdge: Hardware trigger detection on the rising edge
2: FallingEdge: Hardware trigger detection on the falling edge
3: BothEdges: Hardware trigger detection on both the rising and falling edges
Bit 12: Overrun management mode This bit is set and cleared by software and configure the way data overruns are managed..
Allowed values:
0: Preserve: ADC_DR register is preserved with the old data when an overrun is detected
1: Overwrite: ADC_DR register is overwritten with the last conversion result when an overrun is detected
Bit 13: Single / continuous conversion mode This bit is set and cleared by software. If it is set, conversion takes place continuously until it is cleared. Note: It is not possible to have both discontinuous mode and continuous mode enabled: it is forbidden to set both bits DISCEN = 1 and CONT = 1..
Allowed values:
0: Single: Single conversion mode
1: Continuous: Continuous conversion mode
Bit 14: Wait conversion mode This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable wait conversion mode.<sup>.</sup>.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Wait conversion mode off
1: Enabled: Wait conversion mode on
Bit 15: Auto-off mode This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable auto-off mode.<sup>.</sup>.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Auto-off mode disabled
1: Enabled: Auto-off mode enabled
Bit 16: Discontinuous mode This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable discontinuous mode. Note: It is not possible to have both discontinuous mode and continuous mode enabled: it is forbidden to set both bits DISCEN = 1 and CONT = 1..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Discontinuous mode disabled
1: Enabled: Discontinuous mode enabled
Bit 21: Mode selection of the ADC_CHSELR register This bit is set and cleared by software to control the ADC_CHSELR feature: Note: If CCRDY is not yet asserted after channel configuration (writing ADC_CHSELR register or changing CHSELRMOD or SCANDIR), the value written to this bit is ignored..
Allowed values:
0: BitPerInput: Each bit of the ADC_CHSELR register enables an input
1: Sequence: ADC_CHSELR register is able to sequence up to 8 channels
Bit 22: Enable the watchdog on a single channel or on all channels This bit is set and cleared by software to enable the analog watchdog on the channel identified by the AWDCH[4:0] bits or on all the channels.
Allowed values:
0: AllChannels: Analog watchdog 1 enabled on all channels
1: SingleChannel: Analog watchdog 1 enabled on a single channel
Bit 23: Analog watchdog enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Analog watchdog 1 disabled
1: Enabled: Analog watchdog 1 enabled
Bits 26-30: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They select the input channel to be guarded by the analog watchdog. ..... Others: Reserved Note: The channel selected by the AWDCH[4:0] bits must be also set into the CHSELR register..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x11
ADC configuration register 2
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
6/6 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Oversampler Enable This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADEN bit is cleared..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Oversampler disabled
1: Enabled: Oversampler enabled
Bits 2-4: Oversampling ratio This bit filed defines the number of oversampling ratio. Note: The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADEN bit is cleared..
Allowed values:
0: Mul2: 2x
1: Mul4: 4x
2: Mul8: 8x
3: Mul16: 16x
4: Mul32: 32x
5: Mul64: 64x
6: Mul128: 128x
7: Mul256: 256x
Bits 5-8: Oversampling shift This bit is set and cleared by software. Others: Reserved Note: The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADEN bit is cleared..
Allowed values:
0: NoShift: No shift
1: Shift1: Shift 1-bit
2: Shift2: Shift 2-bits
3: Shift3: Shift 3-bits
4: Shift4: Shift 4-bits
5: Shift5: Shift 5-bits
6: Shift6: Shift 6-bits
7: Shift7: Shift 7-bits
8: Shift8: Shift 8-bits
Bit 9: Triggered Oversampling This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADEN bit is cleared..
Allowed values:
0: TriggerAll: All oversampled conversions for a channel are done consecutively after a trigger
1: TriggerEach: Each oversampled conversion for a channel needs a trigger
Bit 29: Low frequency trigger mode enable This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADEN bit is cleared..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Low Frequency Trigger Mode disabled
1: Enabled: Low Frequency Trigger Mode enabled
Bits 30-31: ADC clock mode These bits are set and cleared by software to define how the analog ADC is clocked: In all synchronous clock modes, there is no jitter in the delay from a timer trigger to the start of a conversion. Note: The software is allowed to write these bits only when the ADC is disabled (ADCAL = 0, ADSTART = 0, ADSTP = 0, ADDIS = 0 and ADEN = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: ADCLK: ADCCLK (Asynchronous clock mode)
1: PCLK_Div2: PCLK/2 (Synchronous clock mode)
2: PCLK_Div4: PCLK/4 (Synchronous clock mode)
3: PCLK: PCLK (Synchronous clock mode)
ADC sampling time register
Offset: 0x14, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
25/25 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-2: Sampling time selection 1.
Allowed values:
0: Cycles1_5: 1.5 ADC clock cycles
1: Cycles3_5: 3.5 ADC clock cycles
2: Cycles7_5: 7.5 ADC clock cycles
3: Cycles12_5: 12.5 ADC clock cycles
4: Cycles19_5: 19.5 ADC clock cycles
5: Cycles39_5: 39.5 ADC clock cycles
6: Cycles79_5: 79.5 ADC clock cycles
7: Cycles160_5: 160.5 ADC clock cycles
Bits 4-6: Sampling time selection 2.
Allowed values:
0: Cycles1_5: 1.5 ADC clock cycles
1: Cycles3_5: 3.5 ADC clock cycles
2: Cycles7_5: 7.5 ADC clock cycles
3: Cycles12_5: 12.5 ADC clock cycles
4: Cycles19_5: 19.5 ADC clock cycles
5: Cycles39_5: 39.5 ADC clock cycles
6: Cycles79_5: 79.5 ADC clock cycles
7: Cycles160_5: 160.5 ADC clock cycles
Bit 8: Channel-0 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 9: Channel-1 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 10: Channel-2 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 11: Channel-3 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 12: Channel-4 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 13: Channel-5 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 14: Channel-6 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 15: Channel-7 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 16: Channel-8 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 17: Channel-9 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 18: Channel-10 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 19: Channel-11 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 20: Channel-12 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 21: Channel-13 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 22: Channel-14 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 23: Channel-15 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 24: Channel-16 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 25: Channel-17 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 26: Channel-18 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 27: Channel-19 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 28: Channel-20 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 29: Channel-21 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
Bit 30: Channel-22 sampling time selection.
Allowed values:
0: Smp1: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP1 register
1: Smp2: Sampling time of CHANNELx use the setting of SMP2 register
ADC watchdog threshold register
Offset: 0x20, size: 32, reset: 0x0FFF0000, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
Bits 0-11: Analog watchdog 1 lower threshold These bits are written by software to define the lower threshold for the analog watchdog. Refer to Section 16.8: Analog window watchdogs on page 329..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xfff
Bits 16-27: Analog watchdog 1 higher threshold These bits are written by software to define the higher threshold for the analog watchdog. Refer to Section 16.8: Analog window watchdogs on page 329..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xfff
ADC watchdog threshold register
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x0FFF0000, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
Bits 0-11: Analog watchdog 2 lower threshold These bits are written by software to define the lower threshold for the analog watchdog. Refer to Section 16.8: Analog window watchdogs on page 329..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xfff
Bits 16-27: Analog watchdog 2 higher threshold These bits are written by software to define the higher threshold for the analog watchdog. Refer to Section 16.8: Analog window watchdogs on page 329..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xfff
ADC channel selection register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
23/23 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
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rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Channel-0 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 1: Channel-1 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 2: Channel-2 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 3: Channel-3 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 4: Channel-4 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 5: Channel-5 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 6: Channel-6 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 7: Channel-7 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 8: Channel-8 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 9: Channel-9 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 10: Channel-10 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 11: Channel-11 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 12: Channel-12 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 13: Channel-13 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 14: Channel-14 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 15: Channel-15 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 16: Channel-16 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 17: Channel-17 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 18: Channel-18 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 19: Channel-19 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 20: Channel-20 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 21: Channel-21 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
Bit 22: Channel-22 selection.
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Input Channel is not selected for conversion
1: Selected: Input Channel is selected for conversion
ADC channel selection register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/8 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: 1 conversion of the sequence.
Allowed values:
0: Ch0: Channel 0 selected for the Nth conversion
1: Ch1: Channel 1 selected for the Nth conversion
2: Ch2: Channel 2 selected for the Nth conversion
3: Ch3: Channel 3 selected for the Nth conversion
4: Ch4: Channel 4 selected for the Nth conversion
5: Ch5: Channel 5 selected for the Nth conversion
6: Ch6: Channel 6 selected for the Nth conversion
7: Ch7: Channel 7 selected for the Nth conversion
8: Ch8: Channel 8 selected for the Nth conversion
9: Ch9: Channel 9 selected for the Nth conversion
10: Ch10: Channel 10 selected for the Nth conversion
11: Ch11: Channel 11 selected for the Nth conversion
12: Ch12: Channel 12 selected for the Nth conversion
13: Ch13: Channel 13 selected for the Nth conversion
14: Ch14: Channel 14 selected for the Nth conversion
15: EOS: End of sequence
Bits 4-7: 2 conversion of the sequence.
Allowed values:
0: Ch0: Channel 0 selected for the Nth conversion
1: Ch1: Channel 1 selected for the Nth conversion
2: Ch2: Channel 2 selected for the Nth conversion
3: Ch3: Channel 3 selected for the Nth conversion
4: Ch4: Channel 4 selected for the Nth conversion
5: Ch5: Channel 5 selected for the Nth conversion
6: Ch6: Channel 6 selected for the Nth conversion
7: Ch7: Channel 7 selected for the Nth conversion
8: Ch8: Channel 8 selected for the Nth conversion
9: Ch9: Channel 9 selected for the Nth conversion
10: Ch10: Channel 10 selected for the Nth conversion
11: Ch11: Channel 11 selected for the Nth conversion
12: Ch12: Channel 12 selected for the Nth conversion
13: Ch13: Channel 13 selected for the Nth conversion
14: Ch14: Channel 14 selected for the Nth conversion
15: EOS: End of sequence
Bits 8-11: 3 conversion of the sequence.
Allowed values:
0: Ch0: Channel 0 selected for the Nth conversion
1: Ch1: Channel 1 selected for the Nth conversion
2: Ch2: Channel 2 selected for the Nth conversion
3: Ch3: Channel 3 selected for the Nth conversion
4: Ch4: Channel 4 selected for the Nth conversion
5: Ch5: Channel 5 selected for the Nth conversion
6: Ch6: Channel 6 selected for the Nth conversion
7: Ch7: Channel 7 selected for the Nth conversion
8: Ch8: Channel 8 selected for the Nth conversion
9: Ch9: Channel 9 selected for the Nth conversion
10: Ch10: Channel 10 selected for the Nth conversion
11: Ch11: Channel 11 selected for the Nth conversion
12: Ch12: Channel 12 selected for the Nth conversion
13: Ch13: Channel 13 selected for the Nth conversion
14: Ch14: Channel 14 selected for the Nth conversion
15: EOS: End of sequence
Bits 12-15: 4 conversion of the sequence.
Allowed values:
0: Ch0: Channel 0 selected for the Nth conversion
1: Ch1: Channel 1 selected for the Nth conversion
2: Ch2: Channel 2 selected for the Nth conversion
3: Ch3: Channel 3 selected for the Nth conversion
4: Ch4: Channel 4 selected for the Nth conversion
5: Ch5: Channel 5 selected for the Nth conversion
6: Ch6: Channel 6 selected for the Nth conversion
7: Ch7: Channel 7 selected for the Nth conversion
8: Ch8: Channel 8 selected for the Nth conversion
9: Ch9: Channel 9 selected for the Nth conversion
10: Ch10: Channel 10 selected for the Nth conversion
11: Ch11: Channel 11 selected for the Nth conversion
12: Ch12: Channel 12 selected for the Nth conversion
13: Ch13: Channel 13 selected for the Nth conversion
14: Ch14: Channel 14 selected for the Nth conversion
15: EOS: End of sequence
Bits 16-19: 5 conversion of the sequence.
Allowed values:
0: Ch0: Channel 0 selected for the Nth conversion
1: Ch1: Channel 1 selected for the Nth conversion
2: Ch2: Channel 2 selected for the Nth conversion
3: Ch3: Channel 3 selected for the Nth conversion
4: Ch4: Channel 4 selected for the Nth conversion
5: Ch5: Channel 5 selected for the Nth conversion
6: Ch6: Channel 6 selected for the Nth conversion
7: Ch7: Channel 7 selected for the Nth conversion
8: Ch8: Channel 8 selected for the Nth conversion
9: Ch9: Channel 9 selected for the Nth conversion
10: Ch10: Channel 10 selected for the Nth conversion
11: Ch11: Channel 11 selected for the Nth conversion
12: Ch12: Channel 12 selected for the Nth conversion
13: Ch13: Channel 13 selected for the Nth conversion
14: Ch14: Channel 14 selected for the Nth conversion
15: EOS: End of sequence
Bits 20-23: 6 conversion of the sequence.
Allowed values:
0: Ch0: Channel 0 selected for the Nth conversion
1: Ch1: Channel 1 selected for the Nth conversion
2: Ch2: Channel 2 selected for the Nth conversion
3: Ch3: Channel 3 selected for the Nth conversion
4: Ch4: Channel 4 selected for the Nth conversion
5: Ch5: Channel 5 selected for the Nth conversion
6: Ch6: Channel 6 selected for the Nth conversion
7: Ch7: Channel 7 selected for the Nth conversion
8: Ch8: Channel 8 selected for the Nth conversion
9: Ch9: Channel 9 selected for the Nth conversion
10: Ch10: Channel 10 selected for the Nth conversion
11: Ch11: Channel 11 selected for the Nth conversion
12: Ch12: Channel 12 selected for the Nth conversion
13: Ch13: Channel 13 selected for the Nth conversion
14: Ch14: Channel 14 selected for the Nth conversion
15: EOS: End of sequence
Bits 24-27: 7 conversion of the sequence.
Allowed values:
0: Ch0: Channel 0 selected for the Nth conversion
1: Ch1: Channel 1 selected for the Nth conversion
2: Ch2: Channel 2 selected for the Nth conversion
3: Ch3: Channel 3 selected for the Nth conversion
4: Ch4: Channel 4 selected for the Nth conversion
5: Ch5: Channel 5 selected for the Nth conversion
6: Ch6: Channel 6 selected for the Nth conversion
7: Ch7: Channel 7 selected for the Nth conversion
8: Ch8: Channel 8 selected for the Nth conversion
9: Ch9: Channel 9 selected for the Nth conversion
10: Ch10: Channel 10 selected for the Nth conversion
11: Ch11: Channel 11 selected for the Nth conversion
12: Ch12: Channel 12 selected for the Nth conversion
13: Ch13: Channel 13 selected for the Nth conversion
14: Ch14: Channel 14 selected for the Nth conversion
15: EOS: End of sequence
Bits 28-31: 8 conversion of the sequence.
Allowed values:
0: Ch0: Channel 0 selected for the Nth conversion
1: Ch1: Channel 1 selected for the Nth conversion
2: Ch2: Channel 2 selected for the Nth conversion
3: Ch3: Channel 3 selected for the Nth conversion
4: Ch4: Channel 4 selected for the Nth conversion
5: Ch5: Channel 5 selected for the Nth conversion
6: Ch6: Channel 6 selected for the Nth conversion
7: Ch7: Channel 7 selected for the Nth conversion
8: Ch8: Channel 8 selected for the Nth conversion
9: Ch9: Channel 9 selected for the Nth conversion
10: Ch10: Channel 10 selected for the Nth conversion
11: Ch11: Channel 11 selected for the Nth conversion
12: Ch12: Channel 12 selected for the Nth conversion
13: Ch13: Channel 13 selected for the Nth conversion
14: Ch14: Channel 14 selected for the Nth conversion
15: EOS: End of sequence
ADC watchdog threshold register
Offset: 0x2c, size: 32, reset: 0x0FFF0000, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
Bits 0-11: Analog watchdog 3lower threshold These bits are written by software to define the lower threshold for the analog watchdog. Refer to Section 16.8: Analog window watchdogs on page 329..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xfff
Bits 16-27: Analog watchdog 3 higher threshold These bits are written by software to define the higher threshold for the analog watchdog. Refer to Section 16.8: Analog window watchdogs on page 329..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xfff
ADC data register
Offset: 0x40, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
Bits 0-15: Converted data These bits are read-only. They contain the conversion result from the last converted channel. The data are left- or right-aligned as shown in Figure 43: Data alignment and resolution (oversampling disabled: OVSE = 0) on page 323. Just after a calibration is complete, DATA[6:0] contains the calibration factor..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
ADC analog watchdog 2 configuration register
Offset: 0xa0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
23/23 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 1: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 2: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 3: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 4: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 5: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 6: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 7: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 8: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 9: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 10: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 11: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 12: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 13: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 14: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 15: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 16: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 17: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 18: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 19: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 20: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 21: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
Bit 22: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 2 (AWD2). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD2CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD2
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD2
ADC Analog Watchdog 3 Configuration register
Offset: 0xa4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
23/23 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 1: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 2: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 3: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 4: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 5: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 6: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 7: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 8: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 9: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 10: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 11: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 12: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 13: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 14: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 15: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 16: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 17: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 18: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 19: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 20: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 21: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
Bit 22: Analog watchdog channel selection These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable and select the input channels to be guarded by analog watchdog 3 (AWD3). Note: The channels selected through ADC_AWD3CR must be also configured into the ADC_CHSELR registers. The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: NotMonitored: ADC analog channel-x is not monitored by AWD3
1: Monitored: ADC analog channel-x is monitored by AWD3
ADC calibration factor
Offset: 0xb4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-6: Calibration factor These bits are written by hardware or by software. Once a calibration is complete, they are updated by hardware with the calibration factors. Software can write these bits with a new calibration factor. If the new calibration factor is different from the current one stored into the analog ADC, it is then applied once a new conversion is launched. Just after a calibration is complete, DATA[6:0] contains the calibration factor. Note: Software can write these bits only when ADEN=1 (ADC is enabled and no calibration is ongoing and no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7f
ADC common configuration register
Offset: 0x308, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
3/3 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits 18-21: ADC prescaler Set and cleared by software to select the frequency of the clock to the ADC. Other: Reserved Note: Software is allowed to write these bits only when the ADC is disabled (ADCAL = 0, ADSTART = 0, ADSTP = 0, ADDIS = 0 and ADEN = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Div1: Input ADC clock not divided
1: Div2: Input ADC clock divided by 2
2: Div4: Input ADC clock divided by 4
3: Div6: Input ADC clock divided by 6
4: Div8: Input ADC clock divided by 8
5: Div10: Input ADC clock divided by 10
6: Div12: Input ADC clock divided by 12
7: Div16: Input ADC clock divided by 16
8: Div32: Input ADC clock divided by 32
9: Div64: Input ADC clock divided by 64
10: Div128: Input ADC clock divided by 128
11: Div256: Input ADC clock divided by 256
Bit 22: V<sub>REFINT</sub> enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the V<sub>REFINT</sub>. Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: The selected ADC channel disabled
1: Enabled: The selected ADC channel enabled
Bit 23: Temperature sensor enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the temperature sensor. Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART = 0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: The selected ADC channel disabled
1: Enabled: The selected ADC channel enabled
0x40023000: CRC address block description
0/8 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | DR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | IDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | CR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | INIT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | POL |
CRC data register
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0xFFFFFFFF, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
CRC independent data register
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
CRC control register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/4 fields covered.
Bit 0: RESET bit This bit is set by software to reset the CRC calculation unit and set the data register to the value stored in the CRC_INIT register. This bit can only be set, it is automatically cleared by hardware.
Bits 3-4: Polynomial size These bits control the size of the polynomial..
Bits 5-6: Reverse input data This bitfield controls the reversal of the bit order of the input data.
Bit 7: Reverse output data This bit controls the reversal of the bit order of the output data..
CRC initial value
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0xFFFFFFFF, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
0x40006c00: CRS address block description
9/26 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | CR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | CFGR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | ISR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | ICR |
CRS control register
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00004000, access: read-write
0/8 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: SYNC event OK interrupt enable.
Bit 1: SYNC warning interrupt enable.
Bit 2: Synchronization or trimming error interrupt enable.
Bit 3: Expected SYNC interrupt enable.
Bit 5: Frequency error counter enable This bit enables the oscillator clock for the frequency error counter. When this bit is set, the CRS_CFGR register is write-protected and cannot be modified..
Bit 6: Automatic trimming enable This bit enables the automatic hardware adjustment of TRIM bits according to the measured frequency error between two SYNC events. If this bit is set, the TRIM bits are read-only. The TRIM value can be adjusted by hardware by one or two steps at a time, depending on the measured frequency error value. Refer to Section 7.4.4 for more details..
Bit 7: Generate software SYNC event This bit is set by software in order to generate a software SYNC event. It is automatically cleared by hardware..
Bits 8-14: HSI48 oscillator smooth trimming The default value of the HSI48 oscillator smooth trimming is 64, which corresponds to the middle of the trimming interval..
CRS configuration register
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x2022BB7F, access: read-write
0/5 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Counter reload value RELOAD is the value to be loaded in the frequency error counter with each SYNC event. Refer to Section 7.4.3 for more details about counter behavior..
Bits 16-23: Frequency error limit FELIM contains the value to be used to evaluate the captured frequency error value latched in the FECAP[15:0] bits of the CRS_ISR register. Refer to Section 7.4.4 for more details about FECAP evaluation..
Bits 24-26: SYNC divider These bits are set and cleared by software to control the division factor of the SYNC signal..
Bits 28-29: SYNC signal source selection These bits are set and cleared by software to select the SYNC signal source (see Table 28): Note: When using USB LPM (Link Power Management) and the device is in Sleep mode, the periodic USB SOF is not generated by the host. No SYNC signal is therefore provided to the CRS to calibrate the HSI48 oscillator on the run. To guarantee the required clock precision after waking up from Sleep mode, the LSE or reference clock on the GPIOs must be used as SYNC signal..
Bit 31: SYNC polarity selection This bit is set and cleared by software to select the input polarity for the SYNC signal source..
CRS interrupt and status register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
9/9 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
r |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
Bit 0: SYNC event OK flag This flag is set by hardware when the measured frequency error is smaller than FELIM * 3. This means that either no adjustment of the TRIM value is needed or that an adjustment by one trimming step is enough to compensate the frequency error. An interrupt is generated if the SYNCOKIE bit is set in the CRS_CR register. It is cleared by software by setting the SYNCOKC bit in the CRS_ICR register..
Bit 1: SYNC warning flag This flag is set by hardware when the measured frequency error is greater than or equal to FELIM * 3, but smaller than FELIM * 128. This means that to compensate the frequency error, the TRIM value must be adjusted by two steps or more. An interrupt is generated if the SYNCWARNIE bit is set in the CRS_CR register. It is cleared by software by setting the SYNCWARNC bit in the CRS_ICR register..
Bit 2: Error flag This flag is set by hardware in case of any synchronization or trimming error. It is the logical OR of the TRIMOVF, SYNCMISS and SYNCERR bits. An interrupt is generated if the ERRIE bit is set in the CRS_CR register. It is cleared by software in reaction to setting the ERRC bit in the CRS_ICR register, which clears the TRIMOVF, SYNCMISS and SYNCERR bits..
Bit 3: Expected SYNC flag This flag is set by hardware when the frequency error counter reached a zero value. An interrupt is generated if the ESYNCIE bit is set in the CRS_CR register. It is cleared by software by setting the ESYNCC bit in the CRS_ICR register..
Bit 8: SYNC error This flag is set by hardware when the SYNC pulse arrives before the ESYNC event and the measured frequency error is greater than or equal to FELIM * 128. This means that the frequency error is too big (internal frequency too low) to be compensated by adjusting the TRIM value, and that some other action has to be taken. An interrupt is generated if the ERRIE bit is set in the CRS_CR register. It is cleared by software by setting the ERRC bit in the CRS_ICR register..
Bit 9: SYNC missed This flag is set by hardware when the frequency error counter reaches value FELIM * 128 and no SYNC is detected, meaning either that a SYNC pulse was missed, or the frequency error is too big (internal frequency too high) to be compensated by adjusting the TRIM value, hence some other action must be taken. At this point, the frequency error counter is stopped (waiting for a next SYNC), and an interrupt is generated if the ERRIE bit is set in the CRS_CR register. It is cleared by software by setting the ERRC bit in the CRS_ICR register..
Bit 10: Trimming overflow or underflow This flag is set by hardware when the automatic trimming tries to over- or under-flow the TRIM value. An interrupt is generated if the ERRIE bit is set in the CRS_CR register. It is cleared by software by setting the ERRC bit in the CRS_ICR register..
Bit 15: Frequency error direction FEDIR is the counting direction of the frequency error counter latched in the time of the last SYNC event. It shows whether the actual frequency is below or above the target..
Bits 16-31: Frequency error capture FECAP is the frequency error counter value latched in the time of the last SYNC event. Refer to Section 7.4.4 for more details about FECAP usage..
CRS interrupt flag clear register
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/4 fields covered.
Bit 0: SYNC event OK clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the SYNCOKF flag in the CRS_ISR register..
Bit 1: SYNC warning clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the SYNCWARNF flag in the CRS_ISR register..
Bit 2: Error clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears TRIMOVF, SYNCMISS and SYNCERR bits and consequently also the ERRF flag in the CRS_ISR register..
Bit 3: Expected SYNC clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the ESYNCF flag in the CRS_ISR register..
0x40015800: DBG address block description
2/14 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | IDCODE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | CR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | APB_FZ1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | APB_FZ2 |
DBG device ID code register
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
2/2 fields covered.
DBG configuration register
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/2 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
DBG APB freeze register 1
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/6 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Clocking of TIM2 counter when the core is halted This bit enables/disables the clock to the counter of TIM2 when the core is halted: This bit is only available on STM32C071xx. On the other devices, it is reserved..
Bit 1: Clocking of TIM3 counter when the core is halted This bit enables/disables the clock to the counter of TIM3 when the core is halted:.
Bit 10: Clocking of RTC counter when the core is halted This bit enables/disables the clock to the counter of RTC when the core is halted:.
Bit 11: Clocking of WWDG counter when the core is halted This bit enables/disables the clock to the counter of WWDG when the core is halted:.
Bit 12: Clocking of IWDG counter when the core is halted This bit enables/disables the clock to the counter of IWDG when the core is halted:.
Bit 21: SMBUS timeout when core is halted.
DBG APB freeze register 2
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/4 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
Bit 11: Clocking of TIM1 counter when the core is halted This bit enables/disables the clock to the counter of TIM1 when the core is halted:.
Bit 15: Clocking of TIM14 counter when the core is halted This bit enables/disables the clock to the counter of TIM14 when the core is halted:.
Bit 17: Clocking of TIM16 counter when the core is halted This bit enables/disables the clock to the counter of TIM16 when the core is halted:.
Bit 18: Clocking of TIM17 counter when the core is halted This bit enables/disables the clock to the counter of TIM17 when the core is halted:.
0x40020000: DMA register bank
105/115 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | ISR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | IFCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | CR [1] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | NDTR [1] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | PAR [1] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | MAR [1] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | CR [2] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 | NDTR [2] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | PAR [2] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | MAR [2] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x30 | CR [3] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x34 | NDTR [3] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x38 | PAR [3] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x3c | MAR [3] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x44 | CR [4] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x48 | NDTR [4] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4c | PAR [4] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x50 | MAR [4] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x58 | CR [5] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x5c | NDTR [5] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x60 | PAR [5] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x64 | MAR [5] |
DMA interrupt status register
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
20/20 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
r |
r |
r |
r |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
Bit 0: Channel 1 Global interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoEvent: No transfer error, half event, complete event
1: Event: A transfer error, half event or complete event has occured
Bit 1: Channel 1 Transfer Complete flag.
Allowed values:
0: NotComplete: No transfer complete event
1: Complete: A transfer complete event has occured
Bit 2: Channel 1 Half Transfer Complete flag.
Allowed values:
0: NotHalf: No half transfer event
1: Half: A half transfer event has occured
Bit 3: Channel 1 Transfer Error flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoError: No transfer error
1: Error: A transfer error has occured
Bit 4: Channel 2 Global interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoEvent: No transfer error, half event, complete event
1: Event: A transfer error, half event or complete event has occured
Bit 5: Channel 2 Transfer Complete flag.
Allowed values:
0: NotComplete: No transfer complete event
1: Complete: A transfer complete event has occured
Bit 6: Channel 2 Half Transfer Complete flag.
Allowed values:
0: NotHalf: No half transfer event
1: Half: A half transfer event has occured
Bit 7: Channel 2 Transfer Error flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoError: No transfer error
1: Error: A transfer error has occured
Bit 8: Channel 3 Global interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoEvent: No transfer error, half event, complete event
1: Event: A transfer error, half event or complete event has occured
Bit 9: Channel 3 Transfer Complete flag.
Allowed values:
0: NotComplete: No transfer complete event
1: Complete: A transfer complete event has occured
Bit 10: Channel 3 Half Transfer Complete flag.
Allowed values:
0: NotHalf: No half transfer event
1: Half: A half transfer event has occured
Bit 11: Channel 3 Transfer Error flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoError: No transfer error
1: Error: A transfer error has occured
Bit 12: Channel 4 Global interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoEvent: No transfer error, half event, complete event
1: Event: A transfer error, half event or complete event has occured
Bit 13: Channel 4 Transfer Complete flag.
Allowed values:
0: NotComplete: No transfer complete event
1: Complete: A transfer complete event has occured
Bit 14: Channel 4 Half Transfer Complete flag.
Allowed values:
0: NotHalf: No half transfer event
1: Half: A half transfer event has occured
Bit 15: Channel 4 Transfer Error flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoError: No transfer error
1: Error: A transfer error has occured
Bit 16: Channel 5 Global interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoEvent: No transfer error, half event, complete event
1: Event: A transfer error, half event or complete event has occured
Bit 17: Channel 5 Transfer Complete flag.
Allowed values:
0: NotComplete: No transfer complete event
1: Complete: A transfer complete event has occured
Bit 18: Channel 5 Half Transfer Complete flag.
Allowed values:
0: NotHalf: No half transfer event
1: Half: A half transfer event has occured
Bit 19: Channel 5 Transfer Error flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoError: No transfer error
1: Error: A transfer error has occured
DMA interrupt flag clear register
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
20/20 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
Bit 0: Channel 1 Global interrupt clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the GIF, TEIF, HTIF, TCIF flags in the ISR register
Bit 1: Channel 1 Transfer Complete clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the TCIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 2: Channel 1 Half Transfer clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the HTIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 3: Channel 1 Transfer Error clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the TEIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 4: Channel 2 Global interrupt clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the GIF, TEIF, HTIF, TCIF flags in the ISR register
Bit 5: Channel 2 Transfer Complete clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the TCIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 6: Channel 2 Half Transfer clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the HTIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 7: Channel 2 Transfer Error clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the TEIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 8: Channel 3 Global interrupt clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the GIF, TEIF, HTIF, TCIF flags in the ISR register
Bit 9: Channel 3 Transfer Complete clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the TCIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 10: Channel 3 Half Transfer clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the HTIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 11: Channel 3 Transfer Error clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the TEIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 12: Channel 4 Global interrupt clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the GIF, TEIF, HTIF, TCIF flags in the ISR register
Bit 13: Channel 4 Transfer Complete clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the TCIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 14: Channel 4 Half Transfer clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the HTIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 15: Channel 4 Transfer Error clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the TEIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 16: Channel 5 Global interrupt clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the GIF, TEIF, HTIF, TCIF flags in the ISR register
Bit 17: Channel 5 Transfer Complete clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the TCIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 18: Channel 5 Half Transfer clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the HTIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 19: Channel 5 Transfer Error clear.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the TEIF flag in the ISR register
DMA channel 1 configuration register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
12/12 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Channel enable When a channel transfer error occurs, this bit is cleared by hardware. It can not be set again by software (channel x re-activated) until the TEIFx bit of the DMA_ISR register is cleared (by setting the CTEIFx bit of the DMA_IFCR register). Note: This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Channel disabled
1: Enabled: Channel enabled
Bit 1: Transfer complete interrupt enable Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transfer Complete interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Transfer Complete interrupt enabled
Bit 2: Half transfer interrupt enable Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Half Transfer interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Half Transfer interrupt enabled
Bit 3: Transfer error interrupt enable Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transfer Error interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Transfer Error interrupt enabled
Bit 4: Data transfer direction This bit must be set only in memory-to-peripheral and peripheral-to-memory modes. Source attributes are defined by PSIZE and PINC, plus the DMA_CPARx register. This is still valid in a memory-to-memory mode. Destination attributes are defined by MSIZE and MINC, plus the DMA_CMARx register. This is still valid in a peripheral-to-peripheral mode. Destination attributes are defined by PSIZE and PINC, plus the DMA_CPARx register. This is still valid in a memory-to-memory mode. Source attributes are defined by MSIZE and MINC, plus the DMA_CMARx register. This is still valid in a peripheral-to-peripheral mode. Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: FromPeripheral: Read from peripheral
1: FromMemory: Read from memory
Bit 5: Circular mode Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Circular buffer disabled
1: Enabled: Circular buffer enabled
Bit 6: Peripheral increment mode Defines the increment mode for each DMA transfer to the identified peripheral. n memory-to-memory mode, this bit identifies the memory destination if DIR = 1 and the memory source if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bit identifies the peripheral destination if DIR = 1 and the peripheral source if DIR = 0. Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Increment mode disabled
1: Enabled: Increment mode enabled
Bit 7: Memory increment mode Defines the increment mode for each DMA transfer to the identified memory. In memory-to-memory mode, this bit identifies the memory source if DIR = 1 and the memory destination if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bit identifies the peripheral source if DIR = 1 and the peripheral destination if DIR = 0. Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Increment mode disabled
1: Enabled: Increment mode enabled
Bits 8-9: Peripheral size Defines the data size of each DMA transfer to the identified peripheral. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory destination if DIR = 1 and the memory source if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral destination if DIR = 1 and the peripheral source if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Bits8: 8-bit size
1: Bits16: 16-bit size
2: Bits32: 32-bit size
Bits 10-11: Memory size Defines the data size of each DMA transfer to the identified memory. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory source if DIR = 1 and the memory destination if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral source if DIR = 1 and the peripheral destination if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Bits8: 8-bit size
1: Bits16: 16-bit size
2: Bits32: 32-bit size
Bits 12-13: Priority level Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Low: Low priority
1: Medium: Medium priority
2: High: High priority
3: VeryHigh: Very high priority
Bit 14: Memory-to-memory mode Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Memory to memory mode disabled
1: Enabled: Memory to memory mode enabled
DMA channel 1 number of data to transfer register
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Number of data to transfer (0 to 2<sup>16</sup> - 1) This bitfield is updated by hardware when the channel is enabled: It is decremented after each single DMA read followed by write transfer, indicating the remaining amount of data items to transfer. It is kept at zero when the programmed amount of data to transfer is reached, if the channel is not in circular mode (CIRC = 0 in the DMA_CCRx register). It is reloaded automatically by the previously programmed value, when the transfer is complete, if the channel is in circular mode (CIRC = 1). If this bitfield is zero, no transfer can be served whatever the channel status (enabled or not). Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
DMA channel 1 peripheral address register
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
Bits 0-31: Peripheral address It contains the base address of the peripheral data register from/to which the data is read/written. When PSIZE[1:0] = 01 (16 bits), bit 0 of PA[31:0] is ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a half-word address. When PSIZE[1:0] = 10 (32 bits), bits 1 and 0 of PA[31:0] are ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a word address. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory destination address if DIR = 1 and the memory source address if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral destination address if DIR = 1 and the peripheral source address if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
DMA channel 1 memory address register
Offset: 0x14, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
Bits 0-31: Peripheral address It contains the base address of the memory from/to which the data is read/written. When MSIZE[1:0] = 01 (16 bits), bit 0 of MA[31:0] is ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a half-word address. When MSIZE[1:0] = 10 (32 bits), bits 1 and 0 of MA[31:0] are ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a word address. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory source address if DIR = 1 and the memory destination address if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral source address if DIR = 1 and the peripheral destination address if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
DMA channel 1 configuration register
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
12/12 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Channel enable When a channel transfer error occurs, this bit is cleared by hardware. It can not be set again by software (channel x re-activated) until the TEIFx bit of the DMA_ISR register is cleared (by setting the CTEIFx bit of the DMA_IFCR register). Note: This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Channel disabled
1: Enabled: Channel enabled
Bit 1: Transfer complete interrupt enable Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transfer Complete interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Transfer Complete interrupt enabled
Bit 2: Half transfer interrupt enable Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Half Transfer interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Half Transfer interrupt enabled
Bit 3: Transfer error interrupt enable Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transfer Error interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Transfer Error interrupt enabled
Bit 4: Data transfer direction This bit must be set only in memory-to-peripheral and peripheral-to-memory modes. Source attributes are defined by PSIZE and PINC, plus the DMA_CPARx register. This is still valid in a memory-to-memory mode. Destination attributes are defined by MSIZE and MINC, plus the DMA_CMARx register. This is still valid in a peripheral-to-peripheral mode. Destination attributes are defined by PSIZE and PINC, plus the DMA_CPARx register. This is still valid in a memory-to-memory mode. Source attributes are defined by MSIZE and MINC, plus the DMA_CMARx register. This is still valid in a peripheral-to-peripheral mode. Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: FromPeripheral: Read from peripheral
1: FromMemory: Read from memory
Bit 5: Circular mode Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Circular buffer disabled
1: Enabled: Circular buffer enabled
Bit 6: Peripheral increment mode Defines the increment mode for each DMA transfer to the identified peripheral. n memory-to-memory mode, this bit identifies the memory destination if DIR = 1 and the memory source if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bit identifies the peripheral destination if DIR = 1 and the peripheral source if DIR = 0. Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Increment mode disabled
1: Enabled: Increment mode enabled
Bit 7: Memory increment mode Defines the increment mode for each DMA transfer to the identified memory. In memory-to-memory mode, this bit identifies the memory source if DIR = 1 and the memory destination if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bit identifies the peripheral source if DIR = 1 and the peripheral destination if DIR = 0. Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Increment mode disabled
1: Enabled: Increment mode enabled
Bits 8-9: Peripheral size Defines the data size of each DMA transfer to the identified peripheral. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory destination if DIR = 1 and the memory source if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral destination if DIR = 1 and the peripheral source if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Bits8: 8-bit size
1: Bits16: 16-bit size
2: Bits32: 32-bit size
Bits 10-11: Memory size Defines the data size of each DMA transfer to the identified memory. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory source if DIR = 1 and the memory destination if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral source if DIR = 1 and the peripheral destination if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Bits8: 8-bit size
1: Bits16: 16-bit size
2: Bits32: 32-bit size
Bits 12-13: Priority level Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Low: Low priority
1: Medium: Medium priority
2: High: High priority
3: VeryHigh: Very high priority
Bit 14: Memory-to-memory mode Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Memory to memory mode disabled
1: Enabled: Memory to memory mode enabled
DMA channel 1 number of data to transfer register
Offset: 0x20, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Number of data to transfer (0 to 2<sup>16</sup> - 1) This bitfield is updated by hardware when the channel is enabled: It is decremented after each single DMA read followed by write transfer, indicating the remaining amount of data items to transfer. It is kept at zero when the programmed amount of data to transfer is reached, if the channel is not in circular mode (CIRC = 0 in the DMA_CCRx register). It is reloaded automatically by the previously programmed value, when the transfer is complete, if the channel is in circular mode (CIRC = 1). If this bitfield is zero, no transfer can be served whatever the channel status (enabled or not). Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
DMA channel 1 peripheral address register
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
Bits 0-31: Peripheral address It contains the base address of the peripheral data register from/to which the data is read/written. When PSIZE[1:0] = 01 (16 bits), bit 0 of PA[31:0] is ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a half-word address. When PSIZE[1:0] = 10 (32 bits), bits 1 and 0 of PA[31:0] are ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a word address. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory destination address if DIR = 1 and the memory source address if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral destination address if DIR = 1 and the peripheral source address if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
DMA channel 1 memory address register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
Bits 0-31: Peripheral address It contains the base address of the memory from/to which the data is read/written. When MSIZE[1:0] = 01 (16 bits), bit 0 of MA[31:0] is ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a half-word address. When MSIZE[1:0] = 10 (32 bits), bits 1 and 0 of MA[31:0] are ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a word address. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory source address if DIR = 1 and the memory destination address if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral source address if DIR = 1 and the peripheral destination address if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
DMA channel 1 configuration register
Offset: 0x30, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
12/12 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Channel enable When a channel transfer error occurs, this bit is cleared by hardware. It can not be set again by software (channel x re-activated) until the TEIFx bit of the DMA_ISR register is cleared (by setting the CTEIFx bit of the DMA_IFCR register). Note: This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Channel disabled
1: Enabled: Channel enabled
Bit 1: Transfer complete interrupt enable Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transfer Complete interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Transfer Complete interrupt enabled
Bit 2: Half transfer interrupt enable Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Half Transfer interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Half Transfer interrupt enabled
Bit 3: Transfer error interrupt enable Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transfer Error interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Transfer Error interrupt enabled
Bit 4: Data transfer direction This bit must be set only in memory-to-peripheral and peripheral-to-memory modes. Source attributes are defined by PSIZE and PINC, plus the DMA_CPARx register. This is still valid in a memory-to-memory mode. Destination attributes are defined by MSIZE and MINC, plus the DMA_CMARx register. This is still valid in a peripheral-to-peripheral mode. Destination attributes are defined by PSIZE and PINC, plus the DMA_CPARx register. This is still valid in a memory-to-memory mode. Source attributes are defined by MSIZE and MINC, plus the DMA_CMARx register. This is still valid in a peripheral-to-peripheral mode. Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: FromPeripheral: Read from peripheral
1: FromMemory: Read from memory
Bit 5: Circular mode Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Circular buffer disabled
1: Enabled: Circular buffer enabled
Bit 6: Peripheral increment mode Defines the increment mode for each DMA transfer to the identified peripheral. n memory-to-memory mode, this bit identifies the memory destination if DIR = 1 and the memory source if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bit identifies the peripheral destination if DIR = 1 and the peripheral source if DIR = 0. Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Increment mode disabled
1: Enabled: Increment mode enabled
Bit 7: Memory increment mode Defines the increment mode for each DMA transfer to the identified memory. In memory-to-memory mode, this bit identifies the memory source if DIR = 1 and the memory destination if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bit identifies the peripheral source if DIR = 1 and the peripheral destination if DIR = 0. Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Increment mode disabled
1: Enabled: Increment mode enabled
Bits 8-9: Peripheral size Defines the data size of each DMA transfer to the identified peripheral. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory destination if DIR = 1 and the memory source if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral destination if DIR = 1 and the peripheral source if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Bits8: 8-bit size
1: Bits16: 16-bit size
2: Bits32: 32-bit size
Bits 10-11: Memory size Defines the data size of each DMA transfer to the identified memory. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory source if DIR = 1 and the memory destination if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral source if DIR = 1 and the peripheral destination if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Bits8: 8-bit size
1: Bits16: 16-bit size
2: Bits32: 32-bit size
Bits 12-13: Priority level Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Low: Low priority
1: Medium: Medium priority
2: High: High priority
3: VeryHigh: Very high priority
Bit 14: Memory-to-memory mode Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Memory to memory mode disabled
1: Enabled: Memory to memory mode enabled
DMA channel 1 number of data to transfer register
Offset: 0x34, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Number of data to transfer (0 to 2<sup>16</sup> - 1) This bitfield is updated by hardware when the channel is enabled: It is decremented after each single DMA read followed by write transfer, indicating the remaining amount of data items to transfer. It is kept at zero when the programmed amount of data to transfer is reached, if the channel is not in circular mode (CIRC = 0 in the DMA_CCRx register). It is reloaded automatically by the previously programmed value, when the transfer is complete, if the channel is in circular mode (CIRC = 1). If this bitfield is zero, no transfer can be served whatever the channel status (enabled or not). Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
DMA channel 1 peripheral address register
Offset: 0x38, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
Bits 0-31: Peripheral address It contains the base address of the peripheral data register from/to which the data is read/written. When PSIZE[1:0] = 01 (16 bits), bit 0 of PA[31:0] is ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a half-word address. When PSIZE[1:0] = 10 (32 bits), bits 1 and 0 of PA[31:0] are ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a word address. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory destination address if DIR = 1 and the memory source address if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral destination address if DIR = 1 and the peripheral source address if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
DMA channel 1 memory address register
Offset: 0x3c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
Bits 0-31: Peripheral address It contains the base address of the memory from/to which the data is read/written. When MSIZE[1:0] = 01 (16 bits), bit 0 of MA[31:0] is ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a half-word address. When MSIZE[1:0] = 10 (32 bits), bits 1 and 0 of MA[31:0] are ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a word address. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory source address if DIR = 1 and the memory destination address if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral source address if DIR = 1 and the peripheral destination address if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
DMA channel 1 configuration register
Offset: 0x44, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
12/12 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Channel enable When a channel transfer error occurs, this bit is cleared by hardware. It can not be set again by software (channel x re-activated) until the TEIFx bit of the DMA_ISR register is cleared (by setting the CTEIFx bit of the DMA_IFCR register). Note: This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Channel disabled
1: Enabled: Channel enabled
Bit 1: Transfer complete interrupt enable Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transfer Complete interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Transfer Complete interrupt enabled
Bit 2: Half transfer interrupt enable Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Half Transfer interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Half Transfer interrupt enabled
Bit 3: Transfer error interrupt enable Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transfer Error interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Transfer Error interrupt enabled
Bit 4: Data transfer direction This bit must be set only in memory-to-peripheral and peripheral-to-memory modes. Source attributes are defined by PSIZE and PINC, plus the DMA_CPARx register. This is still valid in a memory-to-memory mode. Destination attributes are defined by MSIZE and MINC, plus the DMA_CMARx register. This is still valid in a peripheral-to-peripheral mode. Destination attributes are defined by PSIZE and PINC, plus the DMA_CPARx register. This is still valid in a memory-to-memory mode. Source attributes are defined by MSIZE and MINC, plus the DMA_CMARx register. This is still valid in a peripheral-to-peripheral mode. Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: FromPeripheral: Read from peripheral
1: FromMemory: Read from memory
Bit 5: Circular mode Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Circular buffer disabled
1: Enabled: Circular buffer enabled
Bit 6: Peripheral increment mode Defines the increment mode for each DMA transfer to the identified peripheral. n memory-to-memory mode, this bit identifies the memory destination if DIR = 1 and the memory source if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bit identifies the peripheral destination if DIR = 1 and the peripheral source if DIR = 0. Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Increment mode disabled
1: Enabled: Increment mode enabled
Bit 7: Memory increment mode Defines the increment mode for each DMA transfer to the identified memory. In memory-to-memory mode, this bit identifies the memory source if DIR = 1 and the memory destination if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bit identifies the peripheral source if DIR = 1 and the peripheral destination if DIR = 0. Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Increment mode disabled
1: Enabled: Increment mode enabled
Bits 8-9: Peripheral size Defines the data size of each DMA transfer to the identified peripheral. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory destination if DIR = 1 and the memory source if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral destination if DIR = 1 and the peripheral source if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Bits8: 8-bit size
1: Bits16: 16-bit size
2: Bits32: 32-bit size
Bits 10-11: Memory size Defines the data size of each DMA transfer to the identified memory. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory source if DIR = 1 and the memory destination if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral source if DIR = 1 and the peripheral destination if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Bits8: 8-bit size
1: Bits16: 16-bit size
2: Bits32: 32-bit size
Bits 12-13: Priority level Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Low: Low priority
1: Medium: Medium priority
2: High: High priority
3: VeryHigh: Very high priority
Bit 14: Memory-to-memory mode Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Memory to memory mode disabled
1: Enabled: Memory to memory mode enabled
DMA channel 1 number of data to transfer register
Offset: 0x48, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Number of data to transfer (0 to 2<sup>16</sup> - 1) This bitfield is updated by hardware when the channel is enabled: It is decremented after each single DMA read followed by write transfer, indicating the remaining amount of data items to transfer. It is kept at zero when the programmed amount of data to transfer is reached, if the channel is not in circular mode (CIRC = 0 in the DMA_CCRx register). It is reloaded automatically by the previously programmed value, when the transfer is complete, if the channel is in circular mode (CIRC = 1). If this bitfield is zero, no transfer can be served whatever the channel status (enabled or not). Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
DMA channel 1 peripheral address register
Offset: 0x4c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
Bits 0-31: Peripheral address It contains the base address of the peripheral data register from/to which the data is read/written. When PSIZE[1:0] = 01 (16 bits), bit 0 of PA[31:0] is ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a half-word address. When PSIZE[1:0] = 10 (32 bits), bits 1 and 0 of PA[31:0] are ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a word address. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory destination address if DIR = 1 and the memory source address if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral destination address if DIR = 1 and the peripheral source address if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
DMA channel 1 memory address register
Offset: 0x50, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
Bits 0-31: Peripheral address It contains the base address of the memory from/to which the data is read/written. When MSIZE[1:0] = 01 (16 bits), bit 0 of MA[31:0] is ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a half-word address. When MSIZE[1:0] = 10 (32 bits), bits 1 and 0 of MA[31:0] are ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a word address. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory source address if DIR = 1 and the memory destination address if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral source address if DIR = 1 and the peripheral destination address if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
DMA channel 1 configuration register
Offset: 0x58, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
12/12 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Channel enable When a channel transfer error occurs, this bit is cleared by hardware. It can not be set again by software (channel x re-activated) until the TEIFx bit of the DMA_ISR register is cleared (by setting the CTEIFx bit of the DMA_IFCR register). Note: This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Channel disabled
1: Enabled: Channel enabled
Bit 1: Transfer complete interrupt enable Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transfer Complete interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Transfer Complete interrupt enabled
Bit 2: Half transfer interrupt enable Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Half Transfer interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Half Transfer interrupt enabled
Bit 3: Transfer error interrupt enable Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transfer Error interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Transfer Error interrupt enabled
Bit 4: Data transfer direction This bit must be set only in memory-to-peripheral and peripheral-to-memory modes. Source attributes are defined by PSIZE and PINC, plus the DMA_CPARx register. This is still valid in a memory-to-memory mode. Destination attributes are defined by MSIZE and MINC, plus the DMA_CMARx register. This is still valid in a peripheral-to-peripheral mode. Destination attributes are defined by PSIZE and PINC, plus the DMA_CPARx register. This is still valid in a memory-to-memory mode. Source attributes are defined by MSIZE and MINC, plus the DMA_CMARx register. This is still valid in a peripheral-to-peripheral mode. Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: FromPeripheral: Read from peripheral
1: FromMemory: Read from memory
Bit 5: Circular mode Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Circular buffer disabled
1: Enabled: Circular buffer enabled
Bit 6: Peripheral increment mode Defines the increment mode for each DMA transfer to the identified peripheral. n memory-to-memory mode, this bit identifies the memory destination if DIR = 1 and the memory source if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bit identifies the peripheral destination if DIR = 1 and the peripheral source if DIR = 0. Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Increment mode disabled
1: Enabled: Increment mode enabled
Bit 7: Memory increment mode Defines the increment mode for each DMA transfer to the identified memory. In memory-to-memory mode, this bit identifies the memory source if DIR = 1 and the memory destination if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bit identifies the peripheral source if DIR = 1 and the peripheral destination if DIR = 0. Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Increment mode disabled
1: Enabled: Increment mode enabled
Bits 8-9: Peripheral size Defines the data size of each DMA transfer to the identified peripheral. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory destination if DIR = 1 and the memory source if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral destination if DIR = 1 and the peripheral source if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Bits8: 8-bit size
1: Bits16: 16-bit size
2: Bits32: 32-bit size
Bits 10-11: Memory size Defines the data size of each DMA transfer to the identified memory. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory source if DIR = 1 and the memory destination if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral source if DIR = 1 and the peripheral destination if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Bits8: 8-bit size
1: Bits16: 16-bit size
2: Bits32: 32-bit size
Bits 12-13: Priority level Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Low: Low priority
1: Medium: Medium priority
2: High: High priority
3: VeryHigh: Very high priority
Bit 14: Memory-to-memory mode Note: This bit is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Memory to memory mode disabled
1: Enabled: Memory to memory mode enabled
DMA channel 1 number of data to transfer register
Offset: 0x5c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Number of data to transfer (0 to 2<sup>16</sup> - 1) This bitfield is updated by hardware when the channel is enabled: It is decremented after each single DMA read followed by write transfer, indicating the remaining amount of data items to transfer. It is kept at zero when the programmed amount of data to transfer is reached, if the channel is not in circular mode (CIRC = 0 in the DMA_CCRx register). It is reloaded automatically by the previously programmed value, when the transfer is complete, if the channel is in circular mode (CIRC = 1). If this bitfield is zero, no transfer can be served whatever the channel status (enabled or not). Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
DMA channel 1 peripheral address register
Offset: 0x60, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
Bits 0-31: Peripheral address It contains the base address of the peripheral data register from/to which the data is read/written. When PSIZE[1:0] = 01 (16 bits), bit 0 of PA[31:0] is ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a half-word address. When PSIZE[1:0] = 10 (32 bits), bits 1 and 0 of PA[31:0] are ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a word address. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory destination address if DIR = 1 and the memory source address if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral destination address if DIR = 1 and the peripheral source address if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
DMA channel 1 memory address register
Offset: 0x64, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
Bits 0-31: Peripheral address It contains the base address of the memory from/to which the data is read/written. When MSIZE[1:0] = 01 (16 bits), bit 0 of MA[31:0] is ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a half-word address. When MSIZE[1:0] = 10 (32 bits), bits 1 and 0 of MA[31:0] are ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a word address. In memory-to-memory mode, this bitfield identifies the memory source address if DIR = 1 and the memory destination address if DIR = 0. In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this bitfield identifies the peripheral source address if DIR = 1 and the peripheral destination address if DIR = 0. Note: This bitfield is set and cleared by software. It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1). It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1)..
0x40020800: DMAMUX address block description
59/73 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | CCR[0] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | CCR[1] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | CCR[2] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | CCR[3] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | CCR[4] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x80 | CSR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x84 | CFR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x100 | RGCR[0] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x104 | RGCR[1] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x108 | RGCR[2] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10c | RGCR[3] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x140 | RGSR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x144 | RGCFR |
DMA Multiplexer Channel 0 Control register
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/7 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-5: DMA request identification Selects the input DMA request. See the DMAMUX table about assignments of multiplexer inputs to resources..
Bit 8: Synchronization overrun interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Synchronization overrun interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Synchronization overrun interrupt enabled
Bit 9: Event generation enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Event generation disabled
1: Enabled: Event generation enabled
Bit 16: Synchronization enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Synchronization disabled
1: Enabled: Synchronization enabled
Bits 17-18: Synchronization polarity Defines the edge polarity of the selected synchronization input:.
Allowed values:
0: NoEdge: No event, i.e. no synchronization nor detection
1: RisingEdge: Rising edge
2: FallingEdge: Falling edge
3: BothEdges: Rising and falling edges
Bits 19-23: Number of DMA requests minus 1 to forward Defines the number of DMA requests to forward to the DMA controller after a synchronization event, and/or the number of DMA requests before an output event is generated. This field must only be written when both SE and EGE bits are low..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1f
Bits 24-28: Synchronization identification Selects the synchronization input (see Table 44: DMAMUX: assignment of synchronization inputs to resources)..
DMA Multiplexer Channel 1 Control register
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/7 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-5: DMA request identification Selects the input DMA request. See the DMAMUX table about assignments of multiplexer inputs to resources..
Bit 8: Synchronization overrun interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Synchronization overrun interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Synchronization overrun interrupt enabled
Bit 9: Event generation enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Event generation disabled
1: Enabled: Event generation enabled
Bit 16: Synchronization enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Synchronization disabled
1: Enabled: Synchronization enabled
Bits 17-18: Synchronization polarity Defines the edge polarity of the selected synchronization input:.
Allowed values:
0: NoEdge: No event, i.e. no synchronization nor detection
1: RisingEdge: Rising edge
2: FallingEdge: Falling edge
3: BothEdges: Rising and falling edges
Bits 19-23: Number of DMA requests minus 1 to forward Defines the number of DMA requests to forward to the DMA controller after a synchronization event, and/or the number of DMA requests before an output event is generated. This field must only be written when both SE and EGE bits are low..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1f
Bits 24-28: Synchronization identification Selects the synchronization input (see Table 44: DMAMUX: assignment of synchronization inputs to resources)..
DMA Multiplexer Channel 2 Control register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/7 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-5: DMA request identification Selects the input DMA request. See the DMAMUX table about assignments of multiplexer inputs to resources..
Bit 8: Synchronization overrun interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Synchronization overrun interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Synchronization overrun interrupt enabled
Bit 9: Event generation enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Event generation disabled
1: Enabled: Event generation enabled
Bit 16: Synchronization enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Synchronization disabled
1: Enabled: Synchronization enabled
Bits 17-18: Synchronization polarity Defines the edge polarity of the selected synchronization input:.
Allowed values:
0: NoEdge: No event, i.e. no synchronization nor detection
1: RisingEdge: Rising edge
2: FallingEdge: Falling edge
3: BothEdges: Rising and falling edges
Bits 19-23: Number of DMA requests minus 1 to forward Defines the number of DMA requests to forward to the DMA controller after a synchronization event, and/or the number of DMA requests before an output event is generated. This field must only be written when both SE and EGE bits are low..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1f
Bits 24-28: Synchronization identification Selects the synchronization input (see Table 44: DMAMUX: assignment of synchronization inputs to resources)..
DMA Multiplexer Channel 3 Control register
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/7 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-5: DMA request identification Selects the input DMA request. See the DMAMUX table about assignments of multiplexer inputs to resources..
Bit 8: Synchronization overrun interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Synchronization overrun interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Synchronization overrun interrupt enabled
Bit 9: Event generation enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Event generation disabled
1: Enabled: Event generation enabled
Bit 16: Synchronization enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Synchronization disabled
1: Enabled: Synchronization enabled
Bits 17-18: Synchronization polarity Defines the edge polarity of the selected synchronization input:.
Allowed values:
0: NoEdge: No event, i.e. no synchronization nor detection
1: RisingEdge: Rising edge
2: FallingEdge: Falling edge
3: BothEdges: Rising and falling edges
Bits 19-23: Number of DMA requests minus 1 to forward Defines the number of DMA requests to forward to the DMA controller after a synchronization event, and/or the number of DMA requests before an output event is generated. This field must only be written when both SE and EGE bits are low..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1f
Bits 24-28: Synchronization identification Selects the synchronization input (see Table 44: DMAMUX: assignment of synchronization inputs to resources)..
DMA Multiplexer Channel 4 Control register
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/7 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-5: DMA request identification Selects the input DMA request. See the DMAMUX table about assignments of multiplexer inputs to resources..
Bit 8: Synchronization overrun interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Synchronization overrun interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Synchronization overrun interrupt enabled
Bit 9: Event generation enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Event generation disabled
1: Enabled: Event generation enabled
Bit 16: Synchronization enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Synchronization disabled
1: Enabled: Synchronization enabled
Bits 17-18: Synchronization polarity Defines the edge polarity of the selected synchronization input:.
Allowed values:
0: NoEdge: No event, i.e. no synchronization nor detection
1: RisingEdge: Rising edge
2: FallingEdge: Falling edge
3: BothEdges: Rising and falling edges
Bits 19-23: Number of DMA requests minus 1 to forward Defines the number of DMA requests to forward to the DMA controller after a synchronization event, and/or the number of DMA requests before an output event is generated. This field must only be written when both SE and EGE bits are low..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1f
Bits 24-28: Synchronization identification Selects the synchronization input (see Table 44: DMAMUX: assignment of synchronization inputs to resources)..
DMAMUX request line multiplexer interrupt channel status register
Offset: 0x80, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
5/5 fields covered.
Bit 0: Synchronization Overrun Flag 0.
Allowed values:
0: NoSyncEvent: No synchronization event occured on a DMA request line multiplexer channel x, while the DMA request counter value is lower than NBREQ
1: SyncEvent: Synchronization event occured on a DMA request line multiplexer channel x, while the DMA request counter value is lower than NBREQ
Bit 1: Synchronization Overrun Flag 1.
Allowed values:
0: NoSyncEvent: No synchronization event occured on a DMA request line multiplexer channel x, while the DMA request counter value is lower than NBREQ
1: SyncEvent: Synchronization event occured on a DMA request line multiplexer channel x, while the DMA request counter value is lower than NBREQ
Bit 2: Synchronization Overrun Flag 2.
Allowed values:
0: NoSyncEvent: No synchronization event occured on a DMA request line multiplexer channel x, while the DMA request counter value is lower than NBREQ
1: SyncEvent: Synchronization event occured on a DMA request line multiplexer channel x, while the DMA request counter value is lower than NBREQ
Bit 3: Synchronization Overrun Flag 3.
Allowed values:
0: NoSyncEvent: No synchronization event occured on a DMA request line multiplexer channel x, while the DMA request counter value is lower than NBREQ
1: SyncEvent: Synchronization event occured on a DMA request line multiplexer channel x, while the DMA request counter value is lower than NBREQ
Bit 4: Synchronization Overrun Flag 4.
Allowed values:
0: NoSyncEvent: No synchronization event occured on a DMA request line multiplexer channel x, while the DMA request counter value is lower than NBREQ
1: SyncEvent: Synchronization event occured on a DMA request line multiplexer channel x, while the DMA request counter value is lower than NBREQ
DMAMUX request line multiplexer interrupt clear flag register
Offset: 0x84, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
5/5 fields covered.
Bit 0: Synchronization Clear Overrun Flag 0.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear synchronization flag
Bit 1: Synchronization Clear Overrun Flag 1.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear synchronization flag
Bit 2: Synchronization Clear Overrun Flag 2.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear synchronization flag
Bit 3: Synchronization Clear Overrun Flag 3.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear synchronization flag
Bit 4: Synchronization Clear Overrun Flag 4.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear synchronization flag
DMAMUX request generator channel 0 configuration register
Offset: 0x100, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
4/5 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-4: Signal identification Selects the DMA request trigger input used for the channel x of the DMA request generator.
Bit 8: Trigger overrun interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Trigger overrun interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Trigger overrun interrupt enabled
Bit 16: DMA request generator channel x enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: DMA request generation disabled
1: Enabled: DMA request enabled
Bits 17-18: DMA request generator trigger polarity Defines the edge polarity of the selected trigger input.
Allowed values:
0: NoEdge: No event, i.e. no detection nor generation
1: RisingEdge: Rising edge
2: FallingEdge: Falling edge
3: BothEdges: Rising and falling edges
Bits 19-23: Number of DMA requests to be generated (minus 1) Defines the number of DMA requests to be generated after a trigger event. The actual number of generated DMA requests is GNBREQ +1. Note: This field must be written only when GE bit is disabled..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1f
DMAMUX request generator channel 1 configuration register
Offset: 0x104, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
4/5 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-4: Signal identification Selects the DMA request trigger input used for the channel x of the DMA request generator.
Bit 8: Trigger overrun interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Trigger overrun interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Trigger overrun interrupt enabled
Bit 16: DMA request generator channel x enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: DMA request generation disabled
1: Enabled: DMA request enabled
Bits 17-18: DMA request generator trigger polarity Defines the edge polarity of the selected trigger input.
Allowed values:
0: NoEdge: No event, i.e. no detection nor generation
1: RisingEdge: Rising edge
2: FallingEdge: Falling edge
3: BothEdges: Rising and falling edges
Bits 19-23: Number of DMA requests to be generated (minus 1) Defines the number of DMA requests to be generated after a trigger event. The actual number of generated DMA requests is GNBREQ +1. Note: This field must be written only when GE bit is disabled..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1f
DMAMUX request generator channel 2 configuration register
Offset: 0x108, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
4/5 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-4: Signal identification Selects the DMA request trigger input used for the channel x of the DMA request generator.
Bit 8: Trigger overrun interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Trigger overrun interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Trigger overrun interrupt enabled
Bit 16: DMA request generator channel x enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: DMA request generation disabled
1: Enabled: DMA request enabled
Bits 17-18: DMA request generator trigger polarity Defines the edge polarity of the selected trigger input.
Allowed values:
0: NoEdge: No event, i.e. no detection nor generation
1: RisingEdge: Rising edge
2: FallingEdge: Falling edge
3: BothEdges: Rising and falling edges
Bits 19-23: Number of DMA requests to be generated (minus 1) Defines the number of DMA requests to be generated after a trigger event. The actual number of generated DMA requests is GNBREQ +1. Note: This field must be written only when GE bit is disabled..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1f
DMAMUX request generator channel 3 configuration register
Offset: 0x10c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
4/5 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-4: Signal identification Selects the DMA request trigger input used for the channel x of the DMA request generator.
Bit 8: Trigger overrun interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Trigger overrun interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Trigger overrun interrupt enabled
Bit 16: DMA request generator channel x enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: DMA request generation disabled
1: Enabled: DMA request enabled
Bits 17-18: DMA request generator trigger polarity Defines the edge polarity of the selected trigger input.
Allowed values:
0: NoEdge: No event, i.e. no detection nor generation
1: RisingEdge: Rising edge
2: FallingEdge: Falling edge
3: BothEdges: Rising and falling edges
Bits 19-23: Number of DMA requests to be generated (minus 1) Defines the number of DMA requests to be generated after a trigger event. The actual number of generated DMA requests is GNBREQ +1. Note: This field must be written only when GE bit is disabled..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1f
DMAMUX request generator interrupt status register
Offset: 0x140, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
4/4 fields covered.
Bit 0: Generator Overrun Flag 0.
Allowed values:
0: NoTrigger: No new trigger event occured on DMA request generator channel x, before the request counter underrun
1: Trigger: New trigger event occured on DMA request generator channel x, before the request counter underrun
Bit 1: Generator Overrun Flag 1.
Allowed values:
0: NoTrigger: No new trigger event occured on DMA request generator channel x, before the request counter underrun
1: Trigger: New trigger event occured on DMA request generator channel x, before the request counter underrun
Bit 2: Generator Overrun Flag 2.
Allowed values:
0: NoTrigger: No new trigger event occured on DMA request generator channel x, before the request counter underrun
1: Trigger: New trigger event occured on DMA request generator channel x, before the request counter underrun
Bit 3: Generator Overrun Flag 3.
Allowed values:
0: NoTrigger: No new trigger event occured on DMA request generator channel x, before the request counter underrun
1: Trigger: New trigger event occured on DMA request generator channel x, before the request counter underrun
DMAMUX request generator interrupt clear flag register
Offset: 0x144, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
4/4 fields covered.
Bit 0: Generator Clear Overrun Flag 0.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear overrun flag
Bit 1: Generator Clear Overrun Flag 1.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear overrun flag
Bit 2: Generator Clear Overrun Flag 2.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear overrun flag
Bit 3: Generator Clear Overrun Flag 3.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear overrun flag
0x40021800: EXTI address block description
0/145 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | RTSR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | FTSR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | SWIER1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | RPR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | FPR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | RTSR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x2c | FTSR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x30 | SWIER2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x34 | RPR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x38 | FPR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x60 | EXTICR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x64 | EXTICR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x68 | EXTICR3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x6c | EXTICR4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x80 | IMR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x84 | EMR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x90 | IMR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x94 | EMR2 |
EXTI rising trigger selection register 1
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 1: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 2: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 3: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 4: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 5: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 6: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 7: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 8: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 9: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 10: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 11: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 12: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 13: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 14: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 15: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. Note: The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
EXTI falling trigger selection register 1
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 1: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 2: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 3: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 4: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 5: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 6: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 7: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 8: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 9: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 10: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 11: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 12: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 13: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 14: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
Bit 15: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line x (x = 15 to 0). Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the corresponding line. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
EXTI software interrupt event register 1
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
Bit 1: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
Bit 2: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
Bit 3: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
Bit 4: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
Bit 5: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
Bit 6: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
Bit 7: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
Bit 8: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
Bit 9: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
Bit 10: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
Bit 11: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
Bit 12: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
Bit 13: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
Bit 14: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
Bit 15: Software rising edge event trigger on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the corresponding line x, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR1 and EXTI_FTSR1 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
EXTI rising edge pending register 1
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 1: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 2: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 3: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 4: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 5: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 6: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 7: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 8: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 9: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 10: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 11: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 12: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 13: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 14: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 15: Rising edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a rising edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
EXTI falling edge pending register 1
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 1: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 2: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 3: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 4: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 5: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 6: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 7: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 8: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 9: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 10: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 11: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 12: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 13: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 14: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
Bit 15: Falling edge event pending for configurable line x (x = 15 to 0) Each bit is set upon a falling edge event generated by hardware or by software (through the EXTI_SWIER1 register) on the corresponding line. Each bit is cleared by writing 1 into it..
EXTI rising trigger selection register 2
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bit 2: Rising trigger event configuration bit of configurable line 34 Each bit enables/disables the rising edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the line 34. This configurable line is edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on this inputs. Note: If a rising edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Rising edge trigger can be set for a line with falling edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
EXTI falling trigger selection register 2
Offset: 0x2c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bit 2: Falling trigger event configuration bit of configurable line 34. Each bit enables/disables the falling edge trigger for the event and interrupt on the line 34. The configurable lines are edge triggered; no glitch must be generated on these inputs. Note: If a falling edge on the configurable line occurs during writing of the register, the associated pending bit is not set. Falling edge trigger can be set for a line with rising edge trigger enabled. In this case, both edges generate a trigger..
EXTI software interrupt event register 2
Offset: 0x30, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bit 2: Software rising edge event trigger on line 34 Setting of any bit by software triggers a rising edge event on the line 34, resulting in an interrupt, independently of EXTI_RTSR2 and EXTI_FTSR2 settings. The bits are automatically cleared by HW. Reading of any bit always returns 0..
EXTI rising edge pending register 2
Offset: 0x34, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
EXTI falling edge pending register 2
Offset: 0x38, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
EXTI external interrupt selection register
Offset: 0x60, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/4 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-7: EXTI0 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI0 external interrupt. Others reserved.
Bits 8-15: EXTI1 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI1 external interrupt. Others reserved.
Bits 16-23: EXTI2 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI2 external interrupt. Others reserved.
Bits 24-31: EXTI3 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI3 external interrupt. Others reserved.
EXTI external interrupt selection register
Offset: 0x64, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/4 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-7: EXTI4 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI4 external interrupt. Others reserved.
Bits 8-15: EXTI5 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI5 external interrupt. Others reserved.
Bits 16-23: EXTI6 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI6 external interrupt. Others reserved.
Bits 24-31: EXTI7 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI7 external interrupt. Others reserved.
EXTI external interrupt selection register
Offset: 0x68, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/4 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-7: EXTI8 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI8 external interrupt. Others reserved.
Bits 8-15: EXTI9 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI9 external interrupt. Others reserved.
Bits 16-23: EXTI10 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI10 external interrupt. Others reserved.
Bits 24-31: EXTI11 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI11 external interrupt. Others reserved.
EXTI external interrupt selection register
Offset: 0x6c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/4 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-7: EXTI12 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI12 external interrupt. Others reserved.
Bits 8-15: EXTI13 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI13 external interrupt. Others reserved.
Bits 16-23: EXTI14 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI14 external interrupt. Others reserved.
Bits 24-31: EXTI15 GPIO port selection These bits are written by software to select the source input for EXTI15 external interrupt. Others reserved.
EXTI CPU wakeup with interrupt mask register 1
Offset: 0x80, size: 32, reset: 0xFFF80000, access: read-write
0/20 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 1: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 2: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 3: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 4: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 5: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 6: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 7: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 8: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 9: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 10: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 11: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 12: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 13: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 14: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 15: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 19: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line 19 Setting/clearing this bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 23: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line 23 Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 25: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line 25 Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
Bit 31: CPU wakeup with interrupt mask on line 31 Setting/clearing this bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with interrupt, by an event on the corresponding line..
EXTI CPU wakeup with event mask register
Offset: 0x84, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/20 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 1: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 2: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 3: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 4: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 5: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 6: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 7: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 8: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 9: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 10: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 11: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 12: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 13: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 14: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 15: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line x (x = 15 to 0) Setting/clearing each bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 19: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line 19 Setting/clearing this bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 23: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line 23 Setting/clearing this bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 25: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line 25 Setting/clearing this bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
Bit 31: CPU wakeup with event generation mask on line 31 Setting/clearing this bit unmasks/masks the CPU wakeup with event generation on the corresponding line..
EXTI CPU wakeup with interrupt mask register 2
Offset: 0x90, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/2 fields covered.
0x40022000: Spider_FLASH register block
2/65 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | ACR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | KEYR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | OPTKEYR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | SR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | CR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 | OPTR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | PCROP1ASR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | PCROP1AER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x2c | WRP1AR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x30 | WRP1BR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x34 | PCROP1BSR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x38 | PCROP1BER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x80 | SECR |
FLASH access control register
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00040600, access: read-write
0/6 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-2: Flash memory access latency The value in this bitfield represents the number of CPU wait states when accessing the flash memory. Other: Reserved A new write into the bitfield becomes effective when it returns the same value upon read..
Bit 8: CPU Prefetch enable.
Bit 9: CPU Instruction cache enable.
Bit 11: CPU Instruction cache reset This bit can be written only when the instruction cache is disabled..
Bit 16: Main flash memory area empty This bit indicates whether the first location of the Main flash memory area was read as erased or as programmed during OBL. It is not affected by the system reset. Software may need to change this bit value after a flash memory program or erase operation. The bit can be set and reset by software..
Bit 18: Debug access software enable Software may use this bit to enable/disable the debugger read access..
FLASH key register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
0/1 fields covered.
FLASH option key register
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
0/1 fields covered.
FLASH status register
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/13 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
r |
r |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: End of operation Set by hardware when one or more flash memory operation (programming / erase) has been completed successfully. This bit is set only if the end of operation interrupts are enabled (EOPIE=1). Cleared by writing 1..
Bit 1: Operation error Set by hardware when a flash memory operation (program / erase) completes unsuccessfully. This bit is set only if error interrupts are enabled (ERRIE=1). Cleared by writing 1 ..
Bit 3: Programming error Set by hardware when a double-word address to be programmed contains a value different from '0xFFFF FFFF' before programming, except if the data to write is '0x0000 0000'. Cleared by writing 1..
Bit 4: Write protection error Set by hardware when an address to be erased/programmed belongs to a write-protected part (by WRP, PCROP or RDP Level 1) of the flash memory. Cleared by writing 1..
Bit 5: Programming alignment error Set by hardware when the data to program cannot be contained in the same double word (64-bit) flash memory in case of standard programming, or if there is a change of page during fast programming. Cleared by writing 1..
Bit 6: Size error Set by hardware when the size of the access is a byte or half-word during a program or a fast program sequence. Only double word programming is allowed (consequently: word access). Cleared by writing 1..
Bit 7: Programming sequence error Set by hardware when a write access to the flash memory is performed by the code while PG or FSTPG have not been set previously. Set also by hardware when PROGERR, SIZERR, PGAERR, WRPERR, MISSERR or FASTERR is set due to a previous programming error. Cleared by writing 1..
Bit 8: Fast programming data miss error In Fast programming mode, 16 double words (128 bytes) must be sent to flash memory successively, and the new data must be sent to the logic control before the current data is fully programmed. MISSERR is set by hardware when the new data is not present in time. Cleared by writing 1..
Bit 9: Fast programming error Set by hardware when a fast programming sequence (activated by FSTPG) is interrupted due to an error (alignment, size, write protection or data miss). The corresponding status bit (PGAERR, SIZERR, WRPERR or MISSERR) is set at the same time. Cleared by writing 1..
Bit 14: PCROP read error Set by hardware when an address to be read belongs to a read protected area of the flash memory (PCROP protection). An interrupt is generated if RDERRIE is set in FLASH_CR. Cleared by writing 1..
Bit 15: Option and Engineering bits loading validity error.
Bit 16: Busy This flag indicates that a flash memory operation requested by FLASH control register (FLASH_CR) is in progress. This bit is set at the beginning of the flash memory operation, and cleared when the operation finishes or when an error occurs..
Bit 18: Programming or erase configuration busy. This flag is set and reset by hardware. For flash program operation, it is set when the first word is sent, and cleared after the second word is sent when the operation completes or ends with an error. For flash erase operation, it is set when setting the STRT bit of the FLASH_CR register and cleared when the operation completes or ends with an error. When set, a programming or erase operation is ongoing and the corresponding settings in the FLASH control register (FLASH_CR) are used (busy) and cannot be changed. Any other flash operation launch must be postponed. When cleared, the programming and erase settings in the FLASH control register (FLASH_CR) can be modified. Note: The CFGBSY bit is also set when attempting to write locked flash memory (with the first byte sent). When the CFGBSY bit is set, writing into the FLASH_CR register causes HardFault.To clear the CFGBSY bit, send a double word to the flash memory and wait until the access is finished (otherwise the CFGBSY bit remains set)..
FLASH control register
Offset: 0x14, size: 32, reset: 0xC0000000, access: read-write
0/14 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Flash memory programming enable.
Bit 1: Page erase enable.
Bit 2: Mass erase When set, this bit triggers the mass erase, that is, all user pages..
Bits 3-8: Page number selection These bits select the page to erase: ... Note: Values corresponding to addresses outside the Main memory are not allowed. See Table 6 and Table 7..
Bit 16: Start erase operation This bit triggers an erase operation when set. This bit is possible to set only by software and to clear only by hardware. The hardware clears it when one of BSY1 and BSY2 flags in the FLASH_SR register transits to zero..
Bit 17: Start of modification of option bytes This bit triggers an options operation when set. This bit is set only by software, and is cleared when the BSY1 bit is cleared in FLASH_SR..
Bit 18: Fast programming enable.
Bit 24: End-of-operation interrupt enable This bit enables the interrupt generation upon setting the EOP flag in the FLASH_SR register..
Bit 25: Error interrupt enable This bit enables the interrupt generation upon setting the OPERR flag in the FLASH_SR register..
Bit 26: PCROP read error interrupt enable This bit enables the interrupt generation upon setting the RDERR flag in the FLASH_SR register..
Bit 27: Option byte load launch When set, this bit triggers the load of option bytes into option registers. It is automatically cleared upon the completion of the load. The high state of the bit indicates pending option byte load. The bit cannot be cleared by software. It cannot be written as long as OPTLOCK is set..
Bit 28: Securable memory area protection enable This bit enables the protection on securable area, provided that a non-null securable memory area size (SEC_SIZE[4:0]) is defined in option bytes. This bit is possible to set only by software and to clear only through a system reset..
Bit 30: Options Lock This bit is set only. When set, all bits concerning user option in FLASH_CR register and so option page are locked. This bit is cleared by hardware after detecting the unlock sequence. The LOCK bit must be cleared before doing the unlock sequence for OPTLOCK bit. In case of an unsuccessful unlock operation, this bit remains set until the next reset..
Bit 31: FLASH_CR Lock This bit is set only. When set, the FLASH_CR register is locked. It is cleared by hardware after detecting the unlock sequence. In case of an unsuccessful unlock operation, this bit remains set until the next system reset..
FLASH option register
Offset: 0x20, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/19 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-7: Read protection level Other: Level 1, memories read protection active.
Bit 8: Brown out reset enable.
Bits 9-10: BOR threshold at rising V<sub>DD</sub> supply Rising V<sub>DD</sub> crossings this threshold releases the reset signal..
Bits 11-12: BOR threshold at falling V<sub>DD</sub> supply Falling V<sub>DD</sub> crossings this threshold activates the reset signal..
Bit 13: None.
Bit 14: None.
Bit 15: None.
Bit 16: None.
Bit 17: Independent watchdog counter freeze in Stop mode.
Bit 18: None.
Bit 19: Window watchdog selection.
Bit 21: HSE remapping enable/disable When cleared, the bit remaps the HSE clock source from PF0-OSC_IN/PF1-OSC_OUT pins to PC14-OSCX_IN/PC15-OSCX_OUT. Thus PC14-OSCX_IN/PC15-OSCX_OUT are shared by both LSE and HSE and the two clock sources cannot be use simultaneously. On packages with less than 48 pins, the remapping is always enabled (PF0-OSC_IN/PF1-OSC_OUT are not available), regardless of this bit. As all STM32C011xx packages have less than 48 pins, this bit is only applicable to STM32C031xx. Note: On 48 pins packages, when HSE_NOT_REMAPPED is reset, HSE cannot be used in bypass mode. Refer to product errata sheet for more details..
Bit 22: SRAM parity check control enable/disable.
Bit 23: Multiple-bonding security The bit allows enabling automatic I/O configuration to prevent conflicts on I/Os connected (bonded) onto the same pin. If the software sets one of the I/Os connected to the same pin as active by configuring the SYSCFG_CFGR3 register, enabling this bit automatically forces the other I/Os in digital input mode, regardless of their software configuration. When the bit is disabled, the SYSCFG_CFGR3 register setting is ignored, all GPIOs linked to a given pin are active and can be set in the mode specified by the corresponding GPIOx_MODER register. The user software must ensure that there is no conflict between GPIOs..
Bit 24: BOOT0 signal source selection This option bit defines the source of the BOOT0 signal..
Bit 25: Boot configuration Together with the BOOT0 pin or option bit nBOOT0 (depending on nBOOT_SEL option bit configuration), this bit selects boot mode from the Main flash memory, SRAM or the System memory. Refer to Section 3: Boot configuration..
Bit 26: nBOOT0 option bit.
Bits 27-28: NRST pin configuration.
Bit 29: Internal reset holder enable bit.
FLASH PCROP area A start address register
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
FLASH PCROP area A end address register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/2 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-7: PCROP1A area end offset Contains the offset of the last subpage of the PCROP1A area. Note: The number of effective bits depends on the size of the flash memory in the device..
Bit 31: PCROP area erase upon RDP level regression This bit determines whether the PCROP area (and the totality of the PCROP area boundary pages) is erased by the mass erase triggered by the RDP level regression from Level 1 to Level 0: The software can only set this bit. It is automatically reset upon mass erase following the RDP regression from Level 1 to Level 0..
FLASH WRP area A address register
Offset: 0x2c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/2 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-5: WRP area A start offset This bitfield contains the offset of the first page of the WRP area A. Note: The number of effective bits depends on the size of the flash memory in the device..
Bits 16-21: WRP area A end offset This bitfield contains the offset of the last page of the WRP area A. Note: The number of effective bits depends on the size of the flash memory in the device..
FLASH WRP area B address register
Offset: 0x30, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/2 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-5: WRP area B start offset This bitfield contains the offset of the first page of the WRP area B. Note: The number of effective bits depends on the size of the flash memory in the device..
Bits 16-21: WRP area B end offset This bitfield contains the offset of the last page of the WRP area B. Note: The number of effective bits depends on the size of the flash memory in the device..
FLASH PCROP area B start address register
Offset: 0x34, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
FLASH PCROP area B end address register
Offset: 0x38, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
FLASH security register
Offset: 0x80, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/2 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-5: Securable memory area size Contains the number of securable flash memory pages. Note: The number of effective bits depends on the size of the flash memory in the device..
Bit 16: used to force boot from user area If the bit is set in association with RDP level 1, the debug capabilities are disabled, except in the case of a bad OBL (mismatch)..
0x50000000: GPIOA address block description
177/177 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | MODER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | OTYPER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | OSPEEDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | PUPDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | IDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | ODR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | BSRR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | LCKR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 | AFRL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | AFRH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | BRR |
GPIO port mode register
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0xFFFFFFFF, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 2-3: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 4-5: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 6-7: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 8-9: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 10-11: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 12-13: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 14-15: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 16-17: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 18-19: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 20-21: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 22-23: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 24-25: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 26-27: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 28-29: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 30-31: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
GPIO port output type register
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 1: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 2: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 3: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 4: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 5: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 6: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 7: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 8: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 9: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 10: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 11: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 12: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 13: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 14: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 15: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
GPIO port output speed register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 2-3: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 4-5: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 6-7: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 8-9: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 10-11: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 12-13: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 14-15: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 16-17: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 18-19: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 20-21: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 22-23: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 24-25: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 26-27: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 28-29: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 30-31: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 2-3: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 4-5: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 6-7: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 8-9: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 10-11: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 12-13: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 14-15: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 16-17: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 18-19: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 20-21: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 22-23: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 24-25: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 26-27: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 28-29: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 30-31: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
GPIO port input data register
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
Bit 0: Port input data pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 1: Port input data pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 2: Port input data pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 3: Port input data pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 4: Port input data pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 5: Port input data pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 6: Port input data pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 7: Port input data pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 8: Port input data pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 9: Port input data pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 10: Port input data pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 11: Port input data pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 12: Port input data pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 13: Port input data pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 14: Port input data pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 15: Port input data pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
GPIO port output data register
Offset: 0x14, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port output data pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 1: Port output data pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 2: Port output data pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 3: Port output data pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 4: Port output data pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 5: Port output data pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 6: Port output data pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 7: Port output data pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 8: Port output data pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 9: Port output data pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 10: Port output data pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 11: Port output data pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 12: Port output data pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 13: Port output data pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 14: Port output data pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 15: Port output data pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
GPIO port bit set/reset register
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
32/32 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
Bit 0: Port x set pin 0.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 1: Port x set pin 1.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 2: Port x set pin 2.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 3: Port x set pin 3.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 4: Port x set pin 4.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 5: Port x set pin 5.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 6: Port x set pin 6.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 7: Port x set pin 7.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 8: Port x set pin 8.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 9: Port x set pin 9.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 10: Port x set pin 10.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 11: Port x set pin 11.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 12: Port x set pin 12.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 13: Port x set pin 13.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 14: Port x set pin 14.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 15: Port x set pin 15.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 16: Port x reset pin 0.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 17: Port x reset pin 1.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 18: Port x reset pin 2.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 19: Port x reset pin 3.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 20: Port x reset pin 4.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 21: Port x reset pin 5.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 22: Port x reset pin 6.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 23: Port x reset pin 7.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 24: Port x reset pin 8.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 25: Port x reset pin 9.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 26: Port x reset pin 10.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 27: Port x reset pin 11.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 28: Port x reset pin 12.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 29: Port x reset pin 13.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 30: Port x reset pin 14.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 31: Port x reset pin 15.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
GPIO port configuration lock register
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
17/17 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port x lock pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 1: Port x lock pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 2: Port x lock pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 3: Port x lock pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 4: Port x lock pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 5: Port x lock pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 6: Port x lock pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 7: Port x lock pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 8: Port x lock pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 9: Port x lock pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 10: Port x lock pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 11: Port x lock pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 12: Port x lock pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 13: Port x lock pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 14: Port x lock pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 15: Port x lock pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 16: Lock key This bit can be read any time. It can only be modified using the lock key write sequence. LOCK key write sequence: WR LCKR[16] = 1 + LCKR[15:0] WR LCKR[16] = 0 + LCKR[15:0] WR LCKR[16] = 1 + LCKR[15:0] RD LCKR RD LCKR[16] = 1 (this read operation is optional but it confirms that the lock is active) Note: During the LOCK key write sequence, the value of LCK[15:0] must not change. Note: Any error in the lock sequence aborts the lock. Note: After the first lock sequence on any bit of the port, any read access on the LCKK bit returns 1 until the next MCU reset or peripheral reset..
Allowed values:
0: NotActive: Port configuration lock key not active
1: Active: Port configuration lock key active
GPIO alternate function low register
Offset: 0x20, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/8 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 4-7: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 8-11: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 12-15: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 16-19: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 20-23: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 24-27: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 28-31: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
GPIO alternate function high register
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/8 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 4-7: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 8-11: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 12-15: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 16-19: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 20-23: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 24-27: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 28-31: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
GPIO port bit reset register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
Bit 0: Port x reset pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 1: Port x reset pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 2: Port x reset pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 3: Port x reset pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 4: Port x reset pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 5: Port x reset pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 6: Port x reset pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 7: Port x reset pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 8: Port x reset pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 9: Port x reset pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 10: Port x reset pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 11: Port x reset pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 12: Port x reset pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 13: Port x reset pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 14: Port x reset pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 15: Port x reset pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
0x50000400: GPIOB address block description
177/177 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | MODER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | OTYPER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | OSPEEDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | PUPDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | IDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | ODR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | BSRR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | LCKR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 | AFRL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | AFRH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | BRR |
GPIO port mode register
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0xFFFFFFFF, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 2-3: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 4-5: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 6-7: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 8-9: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 10-11: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 12-13: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 14-15: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 16-17: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 18-19: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 20-21: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 22-23: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 24-25: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 26-27: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 28-29: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 30-31: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
GPIO port output type register
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 1: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 2: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 3: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 4: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 5: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 6: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 7: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 8: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 9: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 10: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 11: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 12: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 13: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 14: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 15: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
GPIO port output speed register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 2-3: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 4-5: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 6-7: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 8-9: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 10-11: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 12-13: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 14-15: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 16-17: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 18-19: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 20-21: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 22-23: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 24-25: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 26-27: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 28-29: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 30-31: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 2-3: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 4-5: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 6-7: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 8-9: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 10-11: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 12-13: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 14-15: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 16-17: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 18-19: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 20-21: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 22-23: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 24-25: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 26-27: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 28-29: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 30-31: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
GPIO port input data register
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
Bit 0: Port input data pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 1: Port input data pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 2: Port input data pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 3: Port input data pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 4: Port input data pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 5: Port input data pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 6: Port input data pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 7: Port input data pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 8: Port input data pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 9: Port input data pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 10: Port input data pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 11: Port input data pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 12: Port input data pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 13: Port input data pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 14: Port input data pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 15: Port input data pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
GPIO port output data register
Offset: 0x14, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port output data pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 1: Port output data pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 2: Port output data pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 3: Port output data pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 4: Port output data pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 5: Port output data pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 6: Port output data pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 7: Port output data pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 8: Port output data pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 9: Port output data pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 10: Port output data pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 11: Port output data pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 12: Port output data pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 13: Port output data pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 14: Port output data pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 15: Port output data pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
GPIO port bit set/reset register
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
32/32 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
Bit 0: Port x set pin 0.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 1: Port x set pin 1.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 2: Port x set pin 2.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 3: Port x set pin 3.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 4: Port x set pin 4.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 5: Port x set pin 5.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 6: Port x set pin 6.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 7: Port x set pin 7.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 8: Port x set pin 8.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 9: Port x set pin 9.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 10: Port x set pin 10.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 11: Port x set pin 11.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 12: Port x set pin 12.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 13: Port x set pin 13.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 14: Port x set pin 14.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 15: Port x set pin 15.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 16: Port x reset pin 0.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 17: Port x reset pin 1.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 18: Port x reset pin 2.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 19: Port x reset pin 3.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 20: Port x reset pin 4.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 21: Port x reset pin 5.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 22: Port x reset pin 6.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 23: Port x reset pin 7.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 24: Port x reset pin 8.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 25: Port x reset pin 9.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 26: Port x reset pin 10.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 27: Port x reset pin 11.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 28: Port x reset pin 12.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 29: Port x reset pin 13.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 30: Port x reset pin 14.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 31: Port x reset pin 15.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
GPIO port configuration lock register
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
17/17 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port x lock pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 1: Port x lock pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 2: Port x lock pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 3: Port x lock pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 4: Port x lock pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 5: Port x lock pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 6: Port x lock pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 7: Port x lock pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 8: Port x lock pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 9: Port x lock pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 10: Port x lock pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 11: Port x lock pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 12: Port x lock pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 13: Port x lock pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 14: Port x lock pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 15: Port x lock pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 16: Lock key This bit can be read any time. It can only be modified using the lock key write sequence. LOCK key write sequence: WR LCKR[16] = 1 + LCKR[15:0] WR LCKR[16] = 0 + LCKR[15:0] WR LCKR[16] = 1 + LCKR[15:0] RD LCKR RD LCKR[16] = 1 (this read operation is optional but it confirms that the lock is active) Note: During the LOCK key write sequence, the value of LCK[15:0] must not change. Note: Any error in the lock sequence aborts the lock. Note: After the first lock sequence on any bit of the port, any read access on the LCKK bit returns 1 until the next MCU reset or peripheral reset..
Allowed values:
0: NotActive: Port configuration lock key not active
1: Active: Port configuration lock key active
GPIO alternate function low register
Offset: 0x20, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/8 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 4-7: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 8-11: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 12-15: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 16-19: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 20-23: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 24-27: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 28-31: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
GPIO alternate function high register
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/8 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 4-7: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 8-11: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 12-15: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 16-19: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 20-23: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 24-27: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 28-31: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
GPIO port bit reset register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
Bit 0: Port x reset pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 1: Port x reset pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 2: Port x reset pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 3: Port x reset pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 4: Port x reset pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 5: Port x reset pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 6: Port x reset pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 7: Port x reset pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 8: Port x reset pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 9: Port x reset pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 10: Port x reset pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 11: Port x reset pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 12: Port x reset pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 13: Port x reset pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 14: Port x reset pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 15: Port x reset pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
0x50000800: GPIOC address block description
177/177 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | MODER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | OTYPER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | OSPEEDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | PUPDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | IDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | ODR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | BSRR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | LCKR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 | AFRL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | AFRH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | BRR |
GPIO port mode register
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0xFFFFFFFF, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 2-3: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 4-5: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 6-7: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 8-9: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 10-11: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 12-13: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 14-15: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 16-17: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 18-19: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 20-21: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 22-23: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 24-25: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 26-27: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 28-29: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 30-31: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
GPIO port output type register
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 1: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 2: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 3: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 4: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 5: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 6: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 7: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 8: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 9: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 10: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 11: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 12: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 13: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 14: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 15: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
GPIO port output speed register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 2-3: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 4-5: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 6-7: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 8-9: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 10-11: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 12-13: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 14-15: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 16-17: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 18-19: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 20-21: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 22-23: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 24-25: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 26-27: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 28-29: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 30-31: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 2-3: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 4-5: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 6-7: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 8-9: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 10-11: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 12-13: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 14-15: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 16-17: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 18-19: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 20-21: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 22-23: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 24-25: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 26-27: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 28-29: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 30-31: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
GPIO port input data register
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
Bit 0: Port input data pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 1: Port input data pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 2: Port input data pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 3: Port input data pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 4: Port input data pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 5: Port input data pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 6: Port input data pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 7: Port input data pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 8: Port input data pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 9: Port input data pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 10: Port input data pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 11: Port input data pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 12: Port input data pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 13: Port input data pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 14: Port input data pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 15: Port input data pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
GPIO port output data register
Offset: 0x14, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port output data pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 1: Port output data pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 2: Port output data pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 3: Port output data pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 4: Port output data pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 5: Port output data pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 6: Port output data pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 7: Port output data pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 8: Port output data pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 9: Port output data pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 10: Port output data pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 11: Port output data pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 12: Port output data pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 13: Port output data pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 14: Port output data pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 15: Port output data pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
GPIO port bit set/reset register
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
32/32 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
Bit 0: Port x set pin 0.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 1: Port x set pin 1.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 2: Port x set pin 2.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 3: Port x set pin 3.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 4: Port x set pin 4.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 5: Port x set pin 5.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 6: Port x set pin 6.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 7: Port x set pin 7.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 8: Port x set pin 8.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 9: Port x set pin 9.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 10: Port x set pin 10.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 11: Port x set pin 11.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 12: Port x set pin 12.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 13: Port x set pin 13.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 14: Port x set pin 14.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 15: Port x set pin 15.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 16: Port x reset pin 0.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 17: Port x reset pin 1.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 18: Port x reset pin 2.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 19: Port x reset pin 3.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 20: Port x reset pin 4.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 21: Port x reset pin 5.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 22: Port x reset pin 6.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 23: Port x reset pin 7.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 24: Port x reset pin 8.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 25: Port x reset pin 9.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 26: Port x reset pin 10.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 27: Port x reset pin 11.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 28: Port x reset pin 12.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 29: Port x reset pin 13.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 30: Port x reset pin 14.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 31: Port x reset pin 15.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
GPIO port configuration lock register
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
17/17 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port x lock pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 1: Port x lock pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 2: Port x lock pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 3: Port x lock pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 4: Port x lock pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 5: Port x lock pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 6: Port x lock pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 7: Port x lock pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 8: Port x lock pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 9: Port x lock pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 10: Port x lock pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 11: Port x lock pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 12: Port x lock pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 13: Port x lock pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 14: Port x lock pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 15: Port x lock pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 16: Lock key This bit can be read any time. It can only be modified using the lock key write sequence. LOCK key write sequence: WR LCKR[16] = 1 + LCKR[15:0] WR LCKR[16] = 0 + LCKR[15:0] WR LCKR[16] = 1 + LCKR[15:0] RD LCKR RD LCKR[16] = 1 (this read operation is optional but it confirms that the lock is active) Note: During the LOCK key write sequence, the value of LCK[15:0] must not change. Note: Any error in the lock sequence aborts the lock. Note: After the first lock sequence on any bit of the port, any read access on the LCKK bit returns 1 until the next MCU reset or peripheral reset..
Allowed values:
0: NotActive: Port configuration lock key not active
1: Active: Port configuration lock key active
GPIO alternate function low register
Offset: 0x20, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/8 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 4-7: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 8-11: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 12-15: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 16-19: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 20-23: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 24-27: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 28-31: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
GPIO alternate function high register
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/8 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 4-7: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 8-11: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 12-15: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 16-19: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 20-23: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 24-27: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 28-31: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
GPIO port bit reset register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
Bit 0: Port x reset pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 1: Port x reset pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 2: Port x reset pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 3: Port x reset pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 4: Port x reset pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 5: Port x reset pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 6: Port x reset pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 7: Port x reset pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 8: Port x reset pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 9: Port x reset pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 10: Port x reset pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 11: Port x reset pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 12: Port x reset pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 13: Port x reset pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 14: Port x reset pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 15: Port x reset pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
0x50000c00: GPIOD address block description
177/177 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | MODER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | OTYPER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | OSPEEDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | PUPDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | IDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | ODR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | BSRR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | LCKR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 | AFRL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | AFRH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | BRR |
GPIO port mode register
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0xFFFFFFFF, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 2-3: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 4-5: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 6-7: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 8-9: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 10-11: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 12-13: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 14-15: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 16-17: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 18-19: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 20-21: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 22-23: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 24-25: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 26-27: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 28-29: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 30-31: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
GPIO port output type register
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 1: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 2: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 3: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 4: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 5: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 6: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 7: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 8: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 9: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 10: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 11: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 12: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 13: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 14: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 15: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
GPIO port output speed register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 2-3: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 4-5: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 6-7: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 8-9: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 10-11: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 12-13: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 14-15: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 16-17: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 18-19: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 20-21: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 22-23: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 24-25: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 26-27: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 28-29: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 30-31: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 2-3: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 4-5: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 6-7: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 8-9: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 10-11: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 12-13: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 14-15: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 16-17: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 18-19: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 20-21: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 22-23: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 24-25: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 26-27: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 28-29: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 30-31: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
GPIO port input data register
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
Bit 0: Port input data pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 1: Port input data pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 2: Port input data pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 3: Port input data pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 4: Port input data pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 5: Port input data pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 6: Port input data pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 7: Port input data pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 8: Port input data pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 9: Port input data pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 10: Port input data pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 11: Port input data pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 12: Port input data pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 13: Port input data pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 14: Port input data pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 15: Port input data pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
GPIO port output data register
Offset: 0x14, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port output data pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 1: Port output data pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 2: Port output data pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 3: Port output data pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 4: Port output data pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 5: Port output data pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 6: Port output data pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 7: Port output data pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 8: Port output data pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 9: Port output data pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 10: Port output data pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 11: Port output data pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 12: Port output data pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 13: Port output data pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 14: Port output data pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 15: Port output data pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
GPIO port bit set/reset register
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
32/32 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
Bit 0: Port x set pin 0.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 1: Port x set pin 1.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 2: Port x set pin 2.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 3: Port x set pin 3.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 4: Port x set pin 4.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 5: Port x set pin 5.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 6: Port x set pin 6.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 7: Port x set pin 7.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 8: Port x set pin 8.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 9: Port x set pin 9.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 10: Port x set pin 10.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 11: Port x set pin 11.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 12: Port x set pin 12.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 13: Port x set pin 13.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 14: Port x set pin 14.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 15: Port x set pin 15.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 16: Port x reset pin 0.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 17: Port x reset pin 1.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 18: Port x reset pin 2.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 19: Port x reset pin 3.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 20: Port x reset pin 4.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 21: Port x reset pin 5.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 22: Port x reset pin 6.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 23: Port x reset pin 7.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 24: Port x reset pin 8.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 25: Port x reset pin 9.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 26: Port x reset pin 10.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 27: Port x reset pin 11.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 28: Port x reset pin 12.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 29: Port x reset pin 13.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 30: Port x reset pin 14.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 31: Port x reset pin 15.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
GPIO port configuration lock register
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
17/17 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port x lock pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 1: Port x lock pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 2: Port x lock pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 3: Port x lock pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 4: Port x lock pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 5: Port x lock pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 6: Port x lock pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 7: Port x lock pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 8: Port x lock pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 9: Port x lock pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 10: Port x lock pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 11: Port x lock pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 12: Port x lock pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 13: Port x lock pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 14: Port x lock pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 15: Port x lock pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 16: Lock key This bit can be read any time. It can only be modified using the lock key write sequence. LOCK key write sequence: WR LCKR[16] = 1 + LCKR[15:0] WR LCKR[16] = 0 + LCKR[15:0] WR LCKR[16] = 1 + LCKR[15:0] RD LCKR RD LCKR[16] = 1 (this read operation is optional but it confirms that the lock is active) Note: During the LOCK key write sequence, the value of LCK[15:0] must not change. Note: Any error in the lock sequence aborts the lock. Note: After the first lock sequence on any bit of the port, any read access on the LCKK bit returns 1 until the next MCU reset or peripheral reset..
Allowed values:
0: NotActive: Port configuration lock key not active
1: Active: Port configuration lock key active
GPIO alternate function low register
Offset: 0x20, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/8 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 4-7: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 8-11: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 12-15: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 16-19: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 20-23: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 24-27: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 28-31: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
GPIO alternate function high register
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/8 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 4-7: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 8-11: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 12-15: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 16-19: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 20-23: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 24-27: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 28-31: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
GPIO port bit reset register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
Bit 0: Port x reset pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 1: Port x reset pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 2: Port x reset pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 3: Port x reset pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 4: Port x reset pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 5: Port x reset pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 6: Port x reset pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 7: Port x reset pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 8: Port x reset pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 9: Port x reset pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 10: Port x reset pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 11: Port x reset pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 12: Port x reset pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 13: Port x reset pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 14: Port x reset pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 15: Port x reset pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
0x50001400: GPIOF address block description
177/177 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | MODER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | OTYPER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | OSPEEDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | PUPDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | IDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | ODR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | BSRR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | LCKR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 | AFRL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | AFRH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | BRR |
GPIO port mode register
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0xFFFFFFFF, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 2-3: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 4-5: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 6-7: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 8-9: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 10-11: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 12-13: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 14-15: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 16-17: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 18-19: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 20-21: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 22-23: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 24-25: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 26-27: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 28-29: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
Bits 30-31: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Input: Input mode
1: Output: General purpose output mode
2: Alternate: Alternate function mode
3: Analog: Analog mode
GPIO port output type register
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 1: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 2: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 3: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 4: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 5: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 6: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 7: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 8: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 9: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 10: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 11: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 12: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 13: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 14: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
Bit 15: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: Output push-pull (reset state)
1: OpenDrain: Output open-drain
GPIO port output speed register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 2-3: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 4-5: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 6-7: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 8-9: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 10-11: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 12-13: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 14-15: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 16-17: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 18-19: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 20-21: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 22-23: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 24-25: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 26-27: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 28-29: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
Bits 30-31: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: LowSpeed: Low speed
1: MediumSpeed: Medium speed
2: HighSpeed: High speed
3: VeryHighSpeed: Very high speed
GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Port x configuration pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 2-3: Port x configuration pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 4-5: Port x configuration pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 6-7: Port x configuration pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 8-9: Port x configuration pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 10-11: Port x configuration pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 12-13: Port x configuration pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 14-15: Port x configuration pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 16-17: Port x configuration pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 18-19: Port x configuration pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 20-21: Port x configuration pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 22-23: Port x configuration pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 24-25: Port x configuration pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 26-27: Port x configuration pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 28-29: Port x configuration pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
Bits 30-31: Port x configuration pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Floating: No pull-up, pull-down
1: PullUp: Pull-up
2: PullDown: Pull-down
GPIO port input data register
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
Bit 0: Port input data pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 1: Port input data pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 2: Port input data pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 3: Port input data pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 4: Port input data pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 5: Port input data pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 6: Port input data pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 7: Port input data pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 8: Port input data pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 9: Port input data pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 10: Port input data pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 11: Port input data pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 12: Port input data pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 13: Port input data pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 14: Port input data pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
Bit 15: Port input data pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Input is logic low
1: High: Input is logic high
GPIO port output data register
Offset: 0x14, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port output data pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 1: Port output data pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 2: Port output data pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 3: Port output data pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 4: Port output data pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 5: Port output data pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 6: Port output data pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 7: Port output data pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 8: Port output data pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 9: Port output data pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 10: Port output data pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 11: Port output data pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 12: Port output data pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 13: Port output data pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 14: Port output data pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
Bit 15: Port output data pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Low: Set output to logic low
1: High: Set output to logic high
GPIO port bit set/reset register
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
32/32 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
Bit 0: Port x set pin 0.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 1: Port x set pin 1.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 2: Port x set pin 2.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 3: Port x set pin 3.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 4: Port x set pin 4.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 5: Port x set pin 5.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 6: Port x set pin 6.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 7: Port x set pin 7.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 8: Port x set pin 8.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 9: Port x set pin 9.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 10: Port x set pin 10.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 11: Port x set pin 11.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 12: Port x set pin 12.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 13: Port x set pin 13.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 14: Port x set pin 14.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 15: Port x set pin 15.
Allowed values:
1: Set: Sets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 16: Port x reset pin 0.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 17: Port x reset pin 1.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 18: Port x reset pin 2.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 19: Port x reset pin 3.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 20: Port x reset pin 4.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 21: Port x reset pin 5.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 22: Port x reset pin 6.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 23: Port x reset pin 7.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 24: Port x reset pin 8.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 25: Port x reset pin 9.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 26: Port x reset pin 10.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 27: Port x reset pin 11.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 28: Port x reset pin 12.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 29: Port x reset pin 13.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 30: Port x reset pin 14.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
Bit 31: Port x reset pin 15.
Allowed values:
1: Reset: Resets the corresponding ODx bit
GPIO port configuration lock register
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
17/17 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port x lock pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 1: Port x lock pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 2: Port x lock pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 3: Port x lock pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 4: Port x lock pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 5: Port x lock pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 6: Port x lock pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 7: Port x lock pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 8: Port x lock pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 9: Port x lock pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 10: Port x lock pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 11: Port x lock pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 12: Port x lock pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 13: Port x lock pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 14: Port x lock pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 15: Port x lock pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: Unlocked: Port configuration not locked
1: Locked: Port configuration locked
Bit 16: Lock key This bit can be read any time. It can only be modified using the lock key write sequence. LOCK key write sequence: WR LCKR[16] = 1 + LCKR[15:0] WR LCKR[16] = 0 + LCKR[15:0] WR LCKR[16] = 1 + LCKR[15:0] RD LCKR RD LCKR[16] = 1 (this read operation is optional but it confirms that the lock is active) Note: During the LOCK key write sequence, the value of LCK[15:0] must not change. Note: Any error in the lock sequence aborts the lock. Note: After the first lock sequence on any bit of the port, any read access on the LCKK bit returns 1 until the next MCU reset or peripheral reset..
Allowed values:
0: NotActive: Port configuration lock key not active
1: Active: Port configuration lock key active
GPIO alternate function low register
Offset: 0x20, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/8 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 4-7: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 8-11: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 12-15: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 16-19: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 20-23: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 24-27: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 28-31: Alternate function selection for port x pin y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
GPIO alternate function high register
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/8 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 4-7: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 8-11: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 12-15: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 16-19: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 20-23: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 24-27: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
Bits 28-31: Alternate function selection for port x, I/O y These bits are written by software to configure alternate function I/Os.
Allowed values:
0: AF0: AF0
1: AF1: AF1
2: AF2: AF2
3: AF3: AF3
4: AF4: AF4
5: AF5: AF5
6: AF6: AF6
7: AF7: AF7
8: AF8: AF8
9: AF9: AF9
10: AF10: AF10
11: AF11: AF11
12: AF12: AF12
13: AF13: AF13
14: AF14: AF14
15: AF15: AF15
GPIO port bit reset register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
16/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
Bit 0: Port x reset pin 0.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 1: Port x reset pin 1.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 2: Port x reset pin 2.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 3: Port x reset pin 3.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 4: Port x reset pin 4.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 5: Port x reset pin 5.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 6: Port x reset pin 6.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 7: Port x reset pin 7.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 8: Port x reset pin 8.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 9: Port x reset pin 9.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 10: Port x reset pin 10.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 11: Port x reset pin 11.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 12: Port x reset pin 12.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 13: Port x reset pin 13.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 14: Port x reset pin 14.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
Bit 15: Port x reset pin 15.
Allowed values:
0: NoAction: No action on the corresponding ODx bit
1: Reset: Reset the ODx bit
0x40005400: I2C address block description
76/76 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | CR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | CR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | OAR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | OAR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | TIMINGR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | TIMEOUTR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | ISR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | ICR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 | PECR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | RXDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | TXDR |
I2C control register 1
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
20/20 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Peripheral enable Note: When PE = 0, the I2C SCL and SDA lines are released. Internal state machines and status bits are put back to their reset value. When cleared, PE must be kept low for at least three APB clock cycles..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Peripheral disabled
1: Enabled: Peripheral enabled
Bit 1: TX interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transmit (TXIS) interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Transmit (TXIS) interrupt enabled
Bit 2: RX interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Receive (RXNE) interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Receive (RXNE) interrupt enabled
Bit 3: Address match interrupt enable (slave only).
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Address match (ADDR) interrupts disabled
1: Enabled: Address match (ADDR) interrupts enabled
Bit 4: Not acknowledge received interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Not acknowledge (NACKF) received interrupts disabled
1: Enabled: Not acknowledge (NACKF) received interrupts enabled
Bit 5: Stop detection interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Stop detection (STOPF) interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Stop detection (STOPF) interrupt enabled
Bit 6: Transfer complete interrupt enable Note: Any of these events generates an interrupt: Note: Transfer complete (TC) Note: Transfer complete reload (TCR).
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transfer Complete interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Transfer Complete interrupt enabled
Bit 7: Error interrupts enable Note: Any of these errors generates an interrupt: Note: Arbitration loss (ARLO) Note: Bus error detection (BERR) Note: Overrun/underrun (OVR) Note: Timeout detection (TIMEOUT) Note: PEC error detection (PECERR) Note: Alert pin event detection (ALERT).
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Error detection interrupts disabled
1: Enabled: Error detection interrupts enabled
Bits 8-11: Digital noise filter These bits are used to configure the digital noise filter on SDA and SCL input. The digital filter, filters spikes with a length of up to DNF[3:0] * t<sub>I2CCLK</sub> ... Note: If the analog filter is enabled, the digital filter is added to it. This filter can be programmed only when the I2C is disabled (PE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: Digital filter disabled
1: Filter1: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 1 tI2CCLK
2: Filter2: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 2 tI2CCLK
3: Filter3: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 3 tI2CCLK
4: Filter4: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 4 tI2CCLK
5: Filter5: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 5 tI2CCLK
6: Filter6: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 6 tI2CCLK
7: Filter7: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 7 tI2CCLK
8: Filter8: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 8 tI2CCLK
9: Filter9: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 9 tI2CCLK
10: Filter10: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 10 tI2CCLK
11: Filter11: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 11 tI2CCLK
12: Filter12: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 12 tI2CCLK
13: Filter13: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 13 tI2CCLK
14: Filter14: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 14 tI2CCLK
15: Filter15: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 15 tI2CCLK
Bit 12: Analog noise filter OFF Note: This bit can be programmed only when the I2C is disabled (PE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Enabled: Analog noise filter enabled
1: Disabled: Analog noise filter disabled
Bit 14: DMA transmission requests enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: DMA mode disabled for transmission
1: Enabled: DMA mode enabled for transmission
Bit 15: DMA reception requests enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: DMA mode disabled for reception
1: Enabled: DMA mode enabled for reception
Bit 16: Slave byte control This bit is used to enable hardware byte control in slave mode..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Slave byte control disabled
1: Enabled: Slave byte control enabled
Bit 17: Clock stretching disable This bit is used to disable clock stretching in slave mode. It must be kept cleared in master mode. Note: This bit can be programmed only when the I2C is disabled (PE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Enabled: Clock stretching enabled
1: Disabled: Clock stretching disabled
Bit 18: Wake-up from Stop mode enable Note: If the wake-up from Stop mode feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3. Note: WUPEN can be set only when DNF = 0000..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Wakeup from Stop mode disabled
1: Enabled: Wakeup from Stop mode enabled
Bit 19: General call enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: General call disabled. Address 0b00000000 is NACKed
1: Enabled: General call enabled. Address 0b00000000 is ACKed
Bit 20: SMBus host address enable Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Host address disabled. Address 0b0001000x is NACKed
1: Enabled: Host address enabled. Address 0b0001000x is ACKed
Bit 21: SMBus device default address enable Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Device default address disabled. Address 0b1100001x is NACKed
1: Enabled: Device default address enabled. Address 0b1100001x is ACKed
Bit 22: SMBus alert enable Note: When ALERTEN = 0, the SMBA pin can be used as a standard GPIO. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: In device mode (SMBHEN=Disabled) Releases SMBA pin high and Alert Response Address Header disabled (0001100x) followed by NACK. In host mode (SMBHEN=Enabled) SMBus Alert pin (SMBA) not supported
1: Enabled: In device mode (SMBHEN=Disabled) Drives SMBA pin low and Alert Response Address Header enabled (0001100x) followed by ACK.In host mode (SMBHEN=Enabled) SMBus Alert pin (SMBA) supported
Bit 23: PEC enable Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: PEC calculation disabled
1: Enabled: PEC calculation enabled
I2C control register 2
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
11/11 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
r/w1s |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r/w1s |
r/w1s |
r/w1s |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-9: Slave address (master mode) In 7-bit addressing mode (ADD10 = 0): SADD[7:1] must be written with the 7-bit slave address to be sent. Bits SADD[9], SADD[8] and SADD[0] are don't care. In 10-bit addressing mode (ADD10 = 1): SADD[9:0] must be written with the 10-bit slave address to be sent. Note: Changing these bits when the START bit is set is not allowed..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x3ff
Bit 10: Transfer direction (master mode) Note: Changing this bit when the START bit is set is not allowed..
Allowed values:
0: Write: Master requests a write transfer
1: Read: Master requests a read transfer
Bit 11: 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) Note: Changing this bit when the START bit is set is not allowed..
Allowed values:
0: Bit7: The master operates in 7-bit addressing mode
1: Bit10: The master operates in 10-bit addressing mode
Bit 12: 10-bit address header only read direction (master receiver mode) Note: Changing this bit when the START bit is set is not allowed..
Allowed values:
0: Complete: The master sends the complete 10 bit slave address read sequence
1: Partial: The master only sends the 1st 7 bits of the 10 bit address, followed by Read direction
Bit 13: Start generation This bit is set by software, and cleared by hardware after the Start followed by the address sequence is sent, by an arbitration loss, by an address matched in slave mode, by a timeout error detection, or when PE = 0. If the I2C is already in master mode with AUTOEND = 0, setting this bit generates a Repeated start condition when RELOAD = 0, after the end of the NBYTES transfer. Otherwise, setting this bit generates a START condition once the bus is free. Note: Writing 0 to this bit has no effect. Note: The START bit can be set even if the bus is BUSY or I2C is in slave mode. Note: This bit has no effect when RELOAD is set..
Allowed values:
0: NoStart: No Start generation
1: Start: Restart/Start generation
Bit 14: Stop generation (master mode) The bit is set by software, cleared by hardware when a STOP condition is detected, or when PE = 0. In master mode: Note: Writing 0 to this bit has no effect..
Allowed values:
0: NoStop: No Stop generation
1: Stop: Stop generation after current byte transfer
Bit 15: NACK generation (slave mode) The bit is set by software, cleared by hardware when the NACK is sent, or when a STOP condition or an Address matched is received, or when PE = 0. Note: Writing 0 to this bit has no effect. Note: This bit is used only in slave mode: in master receiver mode, NACK is automatically generated after last byte preceding STOP or RESTART condition, whatever the NACK bit value. Note: When an overrun occurs in slave receiver NOSTRETCH mode, a NACK is automatically generated, whatever the NACK bit value. Note: When hardware PEC checking is enabled (PECBYTE = 1), the PEC acknowledge value does not depend on the NACK value..
Allowed values:
0: Ack: an ACK is sent after current received byte
1: Nack: a NACK is sent after current received byte
Bits 16-23: Number of bytes The number of bytes to be transmitted/received is programmed there. This field is don t care in slave mode with SBC = 0. Note: Changing these bits when the START bit is set is not allowed..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
Bit 24: NBYTES reload mode This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Completed: The transfer is completed after the NBYTES data transfer (STOP or RESTART will follow)
1: NotCompleted: The transfer is not completed after the NBYTES data transfer (NBYTES will be reloaded)
Bit 25: Automatic end mode (master mode) This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: This bit has no effect in slave mode or when the RELOAD bit is set..
Allowed values:
0: Software: Software end mode: TC flag is set when NBYTES data are transferred, stretching SCL low
1: Automatic: Automatic end mode: a STOP condition is automatically sent when NBYTES data are transferred
Bit 26: Packet error checking byte This bit is set by software, and cleared by hardware when the PEC is transferred, or when a STOP condition or an Address matched is received, also when PE = 0. Note: Writing 0 to this bit has no effect. Note: This bit has no effect when RELOAD is set, and in slave mode when SBC = 0. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: NoPec: No PEC transfer
1: Pec: PEC transmission/reception is requested
I2C own address 1 register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
3/3 fields covered.
Bits 0-9: Interface own slave address 7-bit addressing mode: OA1[7:1] contains the 7-bit own slave address. Bits OA1[9], OA1[8] and OA1[0] are don't care. 10-bit addressing mode: OA1[9:0] contains the 10-bit own slave address. Note: These bits can be written only when OA1EN = 0..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x3ff
Bit 10: Own address 1 10-bit mode Note: This bit can be written only when OA1EN = 0..
Allowed values:
0: Bit7: Own address 1 is a 7-bit address
1: Bit10: Own address 1 is a 10-bit address
Bit 15: Own address 1 enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Own address 1 disabled. The received slave address OA1 is NACKed
1: Enabled: Own address 1 enabled. The received slave address OA1 is ACKed
I2C own address 2 register
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
3/3 fields covered.
Bits 1-7: Interface address 7-bit addressing mode: 7-bit address Note: These bits can be written only when OA2EN = 0..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7f
Bits 8-10: Own address 2 masks.
Allowed values:
0: NoMask: No mask
1: Mask1: OA2[1] is masked and don’t care. Only OA2[7:2] are compared
2: Mask2: OA2[2:1] are masked and don’t care. Only OA2[7:3] are compared
3: Mask3: OA2[3:1] are masked and don’t care. Only OA2[7:4] are compared
4: Mask4: OA2[4:1] are masked and don’t care. Only OA2[7:5] are compared
5: Mask5: OA2[5:1] are masked and don’t care. Only OA2[7:6] are compared
6: Mask6: OA2[6:1] are masked and don’t care. Only OA2[7] is compared.
7: Mask7: OA2[7:1] are masked and don’t care. No comparison is done, and all (except reserved) 7-bit received addresses are acknowledged
Bit 15: Own address 2 enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Own address 2 disabled. The received slave address OA2 is NACKed
1: Enabled: Own address 2 enabled. The received slave address OA2 is ACKed
I2C timing register
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/5 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-7: SCL low period (master mode) This field is used to generate the SCL low period in master mode. t<sub>SCLL </sub>= (SCLL + 1) x t<sub>PRESC</sub> Note: SCLL is also used to generate t<sub>BUF </sub>and t<sub>SU:STA </sub>timings..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
Bits 8-15: SCL high period (master mode) This field is used to generate the SCL high period in master mode. t<sub>SCLH </sub>= (SCLH + 1) x t<sub>PRESC</sub> Note: SCLH is also used to generate t<sub>SU:STO </sub>and t<sub>HD:STA </sub>timing..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
Bits 16-19: Data hold time This field is used to generate the delay t<sub>SDADEL </sub>between SCL falling edge and SDA edge. In master and in slave modes with NOSTRETCH = 0, the SCL line is stretched low during t<sub>SDADEL</sub>. t<sub>SDADEL</sub>= SDADEL x t<sub>PRESC</sub> Note: SDADEL is used to generate t<sub>HD:DAT </sub>timing..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 20-23: Data setup time This field is used to generate a delay t<sub>SCLDEL</sub> = (SCLDEL + 1) x t<sub>PRESC</sub> between SDA edge and SCL rising edge. In master and in slave modes with NOSTRETCH = 0, the SCL line is stretched low during t<sub>SCLDEL</sub>. Note: t<sub>SCLDEL</sub> is used to generate t<sub>SU:DAT </sub>timing..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 28-31: Timing prescaler This field is used to prescale I2CCLK to generate the clock period t<sub>PRESC </sub>used for data setup and hold counters (refer to I2C timings), and for SCL high and low level counters (refer to I2C master initialization). t<sub>PRESC </sub>= (PRESC + 1) x t<sub>I2CCLK</sub>.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
I2C timeout register
Offset: 0x14, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/5 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-11: Bus timeout A This field is used to configure: The SCL low timeout condition t<sub>TIMEOUT</sub> when TIDLE = 0 t<sub>TIMEOUT</sub>= (TIMEOUTA + 1) x 2048 x t<sub>I2CCLK</sub> The bus idle condition (both SCL and SDA high) when TIDLE = 1 t<sub>IDLE</sub>= (TIMEOUTA + 1) x 4 x t<sub>I2CCLK</sub> Note: These bits can be written only when TIMOUTEN = 0..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xfff
Bit 12: Idle clock timeout detection Note: This bit can be written only when TIMOUTEN = 0..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: TIMEOUTA is used to detect SCL low timeout
1: Enabled: TIMEOUTA is used to detect both SCL and SDA high timeout (bus idle condition)
Bit 15: Clock timeout enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: SCL timeout detection is disabled
1: Enabled: SCL timeout detection is enabled
Bits 16-27: Bus timeout B This field is used to configure the cumulative clock extension timeout: Master mode: the master cumulative clock low extend time (t<sub>LOW:MEXT</sub>) is detected Slave mode: the slave cumulative clock low extend time (t<sub>LOW:SEXT</sub>) is detected t<sub>LOW:EXT </sub>= (TIMEOUTB + TIDLE = 01) x 2048 x t<sub>I2CCLK</sub> Note: These bits can be written only when TEXTEN = 0..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xfff
Bit 31: Extended clock timeout enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Extended clock timeout detection is disabled
1: Enabled: Extended clock timeout detection is enabled
I2C interrupt and status register
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000001, access: read-write
17/17 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
r |
r |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r/w1s |
r/w1s |
Bit 0: Transmit data register empty (transmitters) This bit is set by hardware when the I2C_TXDR register is empty. It is cleared when the next data to be sent is written in the I2C_TXDR register. This bit can be written to 1 by software in order to flush the transmit data register I2C_TXDR. Note: This bit is set by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NotEmpty: TXDR register not empty
1: Empty: TXDR register empty
Bit 1: Transmit interrupt status (transmitters) This bit is set by hardware when the I2C_TXDR register is empty and the data to be transmitted must be written in the I2C_TXDR register. It is cleared when the next data to be sent is written in the I2C_TXDR register. This bit can be written to 1 by software only when NOSTRETCH = 1, to generate a TXIS event (interrupt if TXIE = 1 or DMA request if TXDMAEN = 1). Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NotEmpty: The TXDR register is not empty
1: Empty: The TXDR register is empty and the data to be transmitted must be written in the TXDR register
Bit 2: Receive data register not empty (receivers) This bit is set by hardware when the received data is copied into the I2C_RXDR register, and is ready to be read. It is cleared when I2C_RXDR is read. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: Empty: The RXDR register is empty
1: NotEmpty: Received data is copied into the RXDR register, and is ready to be read
Bit 3: Address matched (slave mode) This bit is set by hardware as soon as the received slave address matched with one of the enabled slave addresses. It is cleared by software by setting ADDRCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NotMatch: Adress mismatched or not received
1: Match: Received slave address matched with one of the enabled slave addresses
Bit 4: Not acknowledge received flag This flag is set by hardware when a NACK is received after a byte transmission. It is cleared by software by setting the NACKCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NoNack: No NACK has been received
1: Nack: NACK has been received
Bit 5: Stop detection flag This flag is set by hardware when a STOP condition is detected on the bus and the peripheral is involved in this transfer: as a master, provided that the STOP condition is generated by the peripheral. as a slave, provided that the peripheral has been addressed previously during this transfer. It is cleared by software by setting the STOPCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NoStop: No Stop condition detected
1: Stop: Stop condition detected
Bit 6: Transfer complete (master mode) This flag is set by hardware when RELOAD = 0, AUTOEND = 0 and NBYTES data have been transferred. It is cleared by software when START bit or STOP bit is set. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NotComplete: Transfer is not complete
1: Complete: NBYTES has been transfered
Bit 7: Transfer complete reload This flag is set by hardware when RELOAD = 1 and NBYTES data have been transferred. It is cleared by software when NBYTES is written to a non-zero value. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0. Note: This flag is only for master mode, or for slave mode when the SBC bit is set..
Allowed values:
0: NotComplete: Transfer is not complete
1: Complete: NBYTES has been transfered
Bit 8: Bus error This flag is set by hardware when a misplaced Start or STOP condition is detected whereas the peripheral is involved in the transfer. The flag is not set during the address phase in slave mode. It is cleared by software by setting the BERRCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NoError: No bus error
1: Error: Misplaced Start and Stop condition is detected
Bit 9: Arbitration lost This flag is set by hardware in case of arbitration loss. It is cleared by software by setting the ARLOCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NotLost: No arbitration lost
1: Lost: Arbitration lost
Bit 10: Overrun/underrun (slave mode) This flag is set by hardware in slave mode with NOSTRETCH = 1, when an overrun/underrun error occurs. It is cleared by software by setting the OVRCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NoOverrun: No overrun/underrun error occurs
1: Overrun: slave mode with NOSTRETCH=1, when an overrun/underrun error occurs
Bit 11: PEC error in reception This flag is set by hardware when the received PEC does not match with the PEC register content. A NACK is automatically sent after the wrong PEC reception. It is cleared by software by setting the PECCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: Match: Received PEC does match with PEC register
1: NoMatch: Received PEC does not match with PEC register
Bit 12: Timeout or t<sub>LOW</sub> detection flag This flag is set by hardware when a timeout or extended clock timeout occurred. It is cleared by software by setting the TIMEOUTCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: NoTimeout: No timeout occured
1: Timeout: Timeout occured
Bit 13: SMBus alert This flag is set by hardware when SMBHEN = 1 (SMBus host configuration), ALERTEN = 1 and an SMBALERT event (falling edge) is detected on SMBA pin. It is cleared by software by setting the ALERTCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: NoAlert: SMBA alert is not detected
1: Alert: SMBA alert event is detected on SMBA pin
Bit 15: Bus busy This flag indicates that a communication is in progress on the bus. It is set by hardware when a START condition is detected, and cleared by hardware when a STOP condition is detected, or when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NotBusy: No communication is in progress on the bus
1: Busy: A communication is in progress on the bus
Bit 16: Transfer direction (slave mode) This flag is updated when an address match event occurs (ADDR = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Write: Write transfer, slave enters receiver mode
1: Read: Read transfer, slave enters transmitter mode
Bits 17-23: Address match code (slave mode) These bits are updated with the received address when an address match event occurs (ADDR = 1). In the case of a 10-bit address, ADDCODE provides the 10-bit header followed by the two MSBs of the address..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7f
I2C interrupt clear register
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
9/9 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
Bit 3: Address matched flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the ADDR flag in the I2C_ISR register. Writing 1 to this bit also clears the START bit in the I2C_CR2 register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the ADDR flag in ISR register
Bit 4: Not acknowledge flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the NACKF flag in I2C_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the NACK flag in ISR register
Bit 5: STOP detection flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the STOPF flag in the I2C_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the STOP flag in ISR register
Bit 8: Bus error flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the BERRF flag in the I2C_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the BERR flag in ISR register
Bit 9: Arbitration lost flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the ARLO flag in the I2C_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the ARLO flag in ISR register
Bit 10: Overrun/underrun flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the OVR flag in the I2C_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the OVR flag in ISR register
Bit 11: PEC error flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the PECERR flag in the I2C_ISR register. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the PEC flag in ISR register
Bit 12: Timeout detection flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the TIMEOUT flag in the I2C_ISR register. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the TIMOUT flag in ISR register
Bit 13: Alert flag clear Note: Writing 1 to this bit clears the ALERT flag in the I2C_ISR register. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the ALERT flag in ISR register
I2C PEC register
Offset: 0x20, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
I2C receive data register
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
I2C transmit data register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
0x40005800: I2C address block description
76/76 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | CR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | CR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | OAR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | OAR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | TIMINGR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | TIMEOUTR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | ISR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | ICR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 | PECR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | RXDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | TXDR |
I2C control register 1
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
20/20 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Peripheral enable Note: When PE = 0, the I2C SCL and SDA lines are released. Internal state machines and status bits are put back to their reset value. When cleared, PE must be kept low for at least three APB clock cycles..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Peripheral disabled
1: Enabled: Peripheral enabled
Bit 1: TX interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transmit (TXIS) interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Transmit (TXIS) interrupt enabled
Bit 2: RX interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Receive (RXNE) interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Receive (RXNE) interrupt enabled
Bit 3: Address match interrupt enable (slave only).
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Address match (ADDR) interrupts disabled
1: Enabled: Address match (ADDR) interrupts enabled
Bit 4: Not acknowledge received interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Not acknowledge (NACKF) received interrupts disabled
1: Enabled: Not acknowledge (NACKF) received interrupts enabled
Bit 5: Stop detection interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Stop detection (STOPF) interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Stop detection (STOPF) interrupt enabled
Bit 6: Transfer complete interrupt enable Note: Any of these events generates an interrupt: Note: Transfer complete (TC) Note: Transfer complete reload (TCR).
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transfer Complete interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Transfer Complete interrupt enabled
Bit 7: Error interrupts enable Note: Any of these errors generates an interrupt: Note: Arbitration loss (ARLO) Note: Bus error detection (BERR) Note: Overrun/underrun (OVR) Note: Timeout detection (TIMEOUT) Note: PEC error detection (PECERR) Note: Alert pin event detection (ALERT).
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Error detection interrupts disabled
1: Enabled: Error detection interrupts enabled
Bits 8-11: Digital noise filter These bits are used to configure the digital noise filter on SDA and SCL input. The digital filter, filters spikes with a length of up to DNF[3:0] * t<sub>I2CCLK</sub> ... Note: If the analog filter is enabled, the digital filter is added to it. This filter can be programmed only when the I2C is disabled (PE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: Digital filter disabled
1: Filter1: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 1 tI2CCLK
2: Filter2: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 2 tI2CCLK
3: Filter3: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 3 tI2CCLK
4: Filter4: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 4 tI2CCLK
5: Filter5: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 5 tI2CCLK
6: Filter6: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 6 tI2CCLK
7: Filter7: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 7 tI2CCLK
8: Filter8: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 8 tI2CCLK
9: Filter9: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 9 tI2CCLK
10: Filter10: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 10 tI2CCLK
11: Filter11: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 11 tI2CCLK
12: Filter12: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 12 tI2CCLK
13: Filter13: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 13 tI2CCLK
14: Filter14: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 14 tI2CCLK
15: Filter15: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 15 tI2CCLK
Bit 12: Analog noise filter OFF Note: This bit can be programmed only when the I2C is disabled (PE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Enabled: Analog noise filter enabled
1: Disabled: Analog noise filter disabled
Bit 14: DMA transmission requests enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: DMA mode disabled for transmission
1: Enabled: DMA mode enabled for transmission
Bit 15: DMA reception requests enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: DMA mode disabled for reception
1: Enabled: DMA mode enabled for reception
Bit 16: Slave byte control This bit is used to enable hardware byte control in slave mode..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Slave byte control disabled
1: Enabled: Slave byte control enabled
Bit 17: Clock stretching disable This bit is used to disable clock stretching in slave mode. It must be kept cleared in master mode. Note: This bit can be programmed only when the I2C is disabled (PE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Enabled: Clock stretching enabled
1: Disabled: Clock stretching disabled
Bit 18: Wake-up from Stop mode enable Note: If the wake-up from Stop mode feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3. Note: WUPEN can be set only when DNF = 0000..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Wakeup from Stop mode disabled
1: Enabled: Wakeup from Stop mode enabled
Bit 19: General call enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: General call disabled. Address 0b00000000 is NACKed
1: Enabled: General call enabled. Address 0b00000000 is ACKed
Bit 20: SMBus host address enable Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Host address disabled. Address 0b0001000x is NACKed
1: Enabled: Host address enabled. Address 0b0001000x is ACKed
Bit 21: SMBus device default address enable Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Device default address disabled. Address 0b1100001x is NACKed
1: Enabled: Device default address enabled. Address 0b1100001x is ACKed
Bit 22: SMBus alert enable Note: When ALERTEN = 0, the SMBA pin can be used as a standard GPIO. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: In device mode (SMBHEN=Disabled) Releases SMBA pin high and Alert Response Address Header disabled (0001100x) followed by NACK. In host mode (SMBHEN=Enabled) SMBus Alert pin (SMBA) not supported
1: Enabled: In device mode (SMBHEN=Disabled) Drives SMBA pin low and Alert Response Address Header enabled (0001100x) followed by ACK.In host mode (SMBHEN=Enabled) SMBus Alert pin (SMBA) supported
Bit 23: PEC enable Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: PEC calculation disabled
1: Enabled: PEC calculation enabled
I2C control register 2
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
11/11 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
r/w1s |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r/w1s |
r/w1s |
r/w1s |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-9: Slave address (master mode) In 7-bit addressing mode (ADD10 = 0): SADD[7:1] must be written with the 7-bit slave address to be sent. Bits SADD[9], SADD[8] and SADD[0] are don't care. In 10-bit addressing mode (ADD10 = 1): SADD[9:0] must be written with the 10-bit slave address to be sent. Note: Changing these bits when the START bit is set is not allowed..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x3ff
Bit 10: Transfer direction (master mode) Note: Changing this bit when the START bit is set is not allowed..
Allowed values:
0: Write: Master requests a write transfer
1: Read: Master requests a read transfer
Bit 11: 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) Note: Changing this bit when the START bit is set is not allowed..
Allowed values:
0: Bit7: The master operates in 7-bit addressing mode
1: Bit10: The master operates in 10-bit addressing mode
Bit 12: 10-bit address header only read direction (master receiver mode) Note: Changing this bit when the START bit is set is not allowed..
Allowed values:
0: Complete: The master sends the complete 10 bit slave address read sequence
1: Partial: The master only sends the 1st 7 bits of the 10 bit address, followed by Read direction
Bit 13: Start generation This bit is set by software, and cleared by hardware after the Start followed by the address sequence is sent, by an arbitration loss, by an address matched in slave mode, by a timeout error detection, or when PE = 0. If the I2C is already in master mode with AUTOEND = 0, setting this bit generates a Repeated start condition when RELOAD = 0, after the end of the NBYTES transfer. Otherwise, setting this bit generates a START condition once the bus is free. Note: Writing 0 to this bit has no effect. Note: The START bit can be set even if the bus is BUSY or I2C is in slave mode. Note: This bit has no effect when RELOAD is set..
Allowed values:
0: NoStart: No Start generation
1: Start: Restart/Start generation
Bit 14: Stop generation (master mode) The bit is set by software, cleared by hardware when a STOP condition is detected, or when PE = 0. In master mode: Note: Writing 0 to this bit has no effect..
Allowed values:
0: NoStop: No Stop generation
1: Stop: Stop generation after current byte transfer
Bit 15: NACK generation (slave mode) The bit is set by software, cleared by hardware when the NACK is sent, or when a STOP condition or an Address matched is received, or when PE = 0. Note: Writing 0 to this bit has no effect. Note: This bit is used only in slave mode: in master receiver mode, NACK is automatically generated after last byte preceding STOP or RESTART condition, whatever the NACK bit value. Note: When an overrun occurs in slave receiver NOSTRETCH mode, a NACK is automatically generated, whatever the NACK bit value. Note: When hardware PEC checking is enabled (PECBYTE = 1), the PEC acknowledge value does not depend on the NACK value..
Allowed values:
0: Ack: an ACK is sent after current received byte
1: Nack: a NACK is sent after current received byte
Bits 16-23: Number of bytes The number of bytes to be transmitted/received is programmed there. This field is don t care in slave mode with SBC = 0. Note: Changing these bits when the START bit is set is not allowed..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
Bit 24: NBYTES reload mode This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Completed: The transfer is completed after the NBYTES data transfer (STOP or RESTART will follow)
1: NotCompleted: The transfer is not completed after the NBYTES data transfer (NBYTES will be reloaded)
Bit 25: Automatic end mode (master mode) This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: This bit has no effect in slave mode or when the RELOAD bit is set..
Allowed values:
0: Software: Software end mode: TC flag is set when NBYTES data are transferred, stretching SCL low
1: Automatic: Automatic end mode: a STOP condition is automatically sent when NBYTES data are transferred
Bit 26: Packet error checking byte This bit is set by software, and cleared by hardware when the PEC is transferred, or when a STOP condition or an Address matched is received, also when PE = 0. Note: Writing 0 to this bit has no effect. Note: This bit has no effect when RELOAD is set, and in slave mode when SBC = 0. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: NoPec: No PEC transfer
1: Pec: PEC transmission/reception is requested
I2C own address 1 register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
3/3 fields covered.
Bits 0-9: Interface own slave address 7-bit addressing mode: OA1[7:1] contains the 7-bit own slave address. Bits OA1[9], OA1[8] and OA1[0] are don't care. 10-bit addressing mode: OA1[9:0] contains the 10-bit own slave address. Note: These bits can be written only when OA1EN = 0..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x3ff
Bit 10: Own address 1 10-bit mode Note: This bit can be written only when OA1EN = 0..
Allowed values:
0: Bit7: Own address 1 is a 7-bit address
1: Bit10: Own address 1 is a 10-bit address
Bit 15: Own address 1 enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Own address 1 disabled. The received slave address OA1 is NACKed
1: Enabled: Own address 1 enabled. The received slave address OA1 is ACKed
I2C own address 2 register
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
3/3 fields covered.
Bits 1-7: Interface address 7-bit addressing mode: 7-bit address Note: These bits can be written only when OA2EN = 0..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7f
Bits 8-10: Own address 2 masks.
Allowed values:
0: NoMask: No mask
1: Mask1: OA2[1] is masked and don’t care. Only OA2[7:2] are compared
2: Mask2: OA2[2:1] are masked and don’t care. Only OA2[7:3] are compared
3: Mask3: OA2[3:1] are masked and don’t care. Only OA2[7:4] are compared
4: Mask4: OA2[4:1] are masked and don’t care. Only OA2[7:5] are compared
5: Mask5: OA2[5:1] are masked and don’t care. Only OA2[7:6] are compared
6: Mask6: OA2[6:1] are masked and don’t care. Only OA2[7] is compared.
7: Mask7: OA2[7:1] are masked and don’t care. No comparison is done, and all (except reserved) 7-bit received addresses are acknowledged
Bit 15: Own address 2 enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Own address 2 disabled. The received slave address OA2 is NACKed
1: Enabled: Own address 2 enabled. The received slave address OA2 is ACKed
I2C timing register
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/5 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-7: SCL low period (master mode) This field is used to generate the SCL low period in master mode. t<sub>SCLL </sub>= (SCLL + 1) x t<sub>PRESC</sub> Note: SCLL is also used to generate t<sub>BUF </sub>and t<sub>SU:STA </sub>timings..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
Bits 8-15: SCL high period (master mode) This field is used to generate the SCL high period in master mode. t<sub>SCLH </sub>= (SCLH + 1) x t<sub>PRESC</sub> Note: SCLH is also used to generate t<sub>SU:STO </sub>and t<sub>HD:STA </sub>timing..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
Bits 16-19: Data hold time This field is used to generate the delay t<sub>SDADEL </sub>between SCL falling edge and SDA edge. In master and in slave modes with NOSTRETCH = 0, the SCL line is stretched low during t<sub>SDADEL</sub>. t<sub>SDADEL</sub>= SDADEL x t<sub>PRESC</sub> Note: SDADEL is used to generate t<sub>HD:DAT </sub>timing..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 20-23: Data setup time This field is used to generate a delay t<sub>SCLDEL</sub> = (SCLDEL + 1) x t<sub>PRESC</sub> between SDA edge and SCL rising edge. In master and in slave modes with NOSTRETCH = 0, the SCL line is stretched low during t<sub>SCLDEL</sub>. Note: t<sub>SCLDEL</sub> is used to generate t<sub>SU:DAT </sub>timing..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 28-31: Timing prescaler This field is used to prescale I2CCLK to generate the clock period t<sub>PRESC </sub>used for data setup and hold counters (refer to I2C timings), and for SCL high and low level counters (refer to I2C master initialization). t<sub>PRESC </sub>= (PRESC + 1) x t<sub>I2CCLK</sub>.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
I2C timeout register
Offset: 0x14, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/5 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-11: Bus timeout A This field is used to configure: The SCL low timeout condition t<sub>TIMEOUT</sub> when TIDLE = 0 t<sub>TIMEOUT</sub>= (TIMEOUTA + 1) x 2048 x t<sub>I2CCLK</sub> The bus idle condition (both SCL and SDA high) when TIDLE = 1 t<sub>IDLE</sub>= (TIMEOUTA + 1) x 4 x t<sub>I2CCLK</sub> Note: These bits can be written only when TIMOUTEN = 0..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xfff
Bit 12: Idle clock timeout detection Note: This bit can be written only when TIMOUTEN = 0..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: TIMEOUTA is used to detect SCL low timeout
1: Enabled: TIMEOUTA is used to detect both SCL and SDA high timeout (bus idle condition)
Bit 15: Clock timeout enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: SCL timeout detection is disabled
1: Enabled: SCL timeout detection is enabled
Bits 16-27: Bus timeout B This field is used to configure the cumulative clock extension timeout: Master mode: the master cumulative clock low extend time (t<sub>LOW:MEXT</sub>) is detected Slave mode: the slave cumulative clock low extend time (t<sub>LOW:SEXT</sub>) is detected t<sub>LOW:EXT </sub>= (TIMEOUTB + TIDLE = 01) x 2048 x t<sub>I2CCLK</sub> Note: These bits can be written only when TEXTEN = 0..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xfff
Bit 31: Extended clock timeout enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Extended clock timeout detection is disabled
1: Enabled: Extended clock timeout detection is enabled
I2C interrupt and status register
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000001, access: read-write
17/17 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
r |
r |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r/w1s |
r/w1s |
Bit 0: Transmit data register empty (transmitters) This bit is set by hardware when the I2C_TXDR register is empty. It is cleared when the next data to be sent is written in the I2C_TXDR register. This bit can be written to 1 by software in order to flush the transmit data register I2C_TXDR. Note: This bit is set by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NotEmpty: TXDR register not empty
1: Empty: TXDR register empty
Bit 1: Transmit interrupt status (transmitters) This bit is set by hardware when the I2C_TXDR register is empty and the data to be transmitted must be written in the I2C_TXDR register. It is cleared when the next data to be sent is written in the I2C_TXDR register. This bit can be written to 1 by software only when NOSTRETCH = 1, to generate a TXIS event (interrupt if TXIE = 1 or DMA request if TXDMAEN = 1). Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NotEmpty: The TXDR register is not empty
1: Empty: The TXDR register is empty and the data to be transmitted must be written in the TXDR register
Bit 2: Receive data register not empty (receivers) This bit is set by hardware when the received data is copied into the I2C_RXDR register, and is ready to be read. It is cleared when I2C_RXDR is read. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: Empty: The RXDR register is empty
1: NotEmpty: Received data is copied into the RXDR register, and is ready to be read
Bit 3: Address matched (slave mode) This bit is set by hardware as soon as the received slave address matched with one of the enabled slave addresses. It is cleared by software by setting ADDRCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NotMatch: Adress mismatched or not received
1: Match: Received slave address matched with one of the enabled slave addresses
Bit 4: Not acknowledge received flag This flag is set by hardware when a NACK is received after a byte transmission. It is cleared by software by setting the NACKCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NoNack: No NACK has been received
1: Nack: NACK has been received
Bit 5: Stop detection flag This flag is set by hardware when a STOP condition is detected on the bus and the peripheral is involved in this transfer: as a master, provided that the STOP condition is generated by the peripheral. as a slave, provided that the peripheral has been addressed previously during this transfer. It is cleared by software by setting the STOPCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NoStop: No Stop condition detected
1: Stop: Stop condition detected
Bit 6: Transfer complete (master mode) This flag is set by hardware when RELOAD = 0, AUTOEND = 0 and NBYTES data have been transferred. It is cleared by software when START bit or STOP bit is set. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NotComplete: Transfer is not complete
1: Complete: NBYTES has been transfered
Bit 7: Transfer complete reload This flag is set by hardware when RELOAD = 1 and NBYTES data have been transferred. It is cleared by software when NBYTES is written to a non-zero value. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0. Note: This flag is only for master mode, or for slave mode when the SBC bit is set..
Allowed values:
0: NotComplete: Transfer is not complete
1: Complete: NBYTES has been transfered
Bit 8: Bus error This flag is set by hardware when a misplaced Start or STOP condition is detected whereas the peripheral is involved in the transfer. The flag is not set during the address phase in slave mode. It is cleared by software by setting the BERRCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NoError: No bus error
1: Error: Misplaced Start and Stop condition is detected
Bit 9: Arbitration lost This flag is set by hardware in case of arbitration loss. It is cleared by software by setting the ARLOCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NotLost: No arbitration lost
1: Lost: Arbitration lost
Bit 10: Overrun/underrun (slave mode) This flag is set by hardware in slave mode with NOSTRETCH = 1, when an overrun/underrun error occurs. It is cleared by software by setting the OVRCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NoOverrun: No overrun/underrun error occurs
1: Overrun: slave mode with NOSTRETCH=1, when an overrun/underrun error occurs
Bit 11: PEC error in reception This flag is set by hardware when the received PEC does not match with the PEC register content. A NACK is automatically sent after the wrong PEC reception. It is cleared by software by setting the PECCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: Match: Received PEC does match with PEC register
1: NoMatch: Received PEC does not match with PEC register
Bit 12: Timeout or t<sub>LOW</sub> detection flag This flag is set by hardware when a timeout or extended clock timeout occurred. It is cleared by software by setting the TIMEOUTCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: NoTimeout: No timeout occured
1: Timeout: Timeout occured
Bit 13: SMBus alert This flag is set by hardware when SMBHEN = 1 (SMBus host configuration), ALERTEN = 1 and an SMBALERT event (falling edge) is detected on SMBA pin. It is cleared by software by setting the ALERTCF bit. Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE = 0. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
0: NoAlert: SMBA alert is not detected
1: Alert: SMBA alert event is detected on SMBA pin
Bit 15: Bus busy This flag indicates that a communication is in progress on the bus. It is set by hardware when a START condition is detected, and cleared by hardware when a STOP condition is detected, or when PE = 0..
Allowed values:
0: NotBusy: No communication is in progress on the bus
1: Busy: A communication is in progress on the bus
Bit 16: Transfer direction (slave mode) This flag is updated when an address match event occurs (ADDR = 1)..
Allowed values:
0: Write: Write transfer, slave enters receiver mode
1: Read: Read transfer, slave enters transmitter mode
Bits 17-23: Address match code (slave mode) These bits are updated with the received address when an address match event occurs (ADDR = 1). In the case of a 10-bit address, ADDCODE provides the 10-bit header followed by the two MSBs of the address..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7f
I2C interrupt clear register
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
9/9 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
Bit 3: Address matched flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the ADDR flag in the I2C_ISR register. Writing 1 to this bit also clears the START bit in the I2C_CR2 register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the ADDR flag in ISR register
Bit 4: Not acknowledge flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the NACKF flag in I2C_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the NACK flag in ISR register
Bit 5: STOP detection flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the STOPF flag in the I2C_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the STOP flag in ISR register
Bit 8: Bus error flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the BERRF flag in the I2C_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the BERR flag in ISR register
Bit 9: Arbitration lost flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the ARLO flag in the I2C_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the ARLO flag in ISR register
Bit 10: Overrun/underrun flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the OVR flag in the I2C_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the OVR flag in ISR register
Bit 11: PEC error flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the PECERR flag in the I2C_ISR register. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the PEC flag in ISR register
Bit 12: Timeout detection flag clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the TIMEOUT flag in the I2C_ISR register. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the TIMOUT flag in ISR register
Bit 13: Alert flag clear Note: Writing 1 to this bit clears the ALERT flag in the I2C_ISR register. Note: If the SMBus feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to 0. Refer to Section 25.3..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the ALERT flag in ISR register
I2C PEC register
Offset: 0x20, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
I2C receive data register
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
I2C transmit data register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
0x40003000: IWDG address block description
7/7 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 (16-bit) | KR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 (16-bit) | PR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 (16-bit) | RLR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc (16-bit) | SR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 (16-bit) | WINR |
IWDG key register
Offset: 0x0, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
Bits 0-15: Key value (write only, read 0x0000) These bits must be written by software at regular intervals with the key value 0xAAAA, otherwise the watchdog generates a reset when the counter reaches 0. Writing the key value 0x5555 to enable access to the IWDG_PR, IWDG_RLR and IWDG_WINR registers (see Section 22.3.4: Register access protection) Writing the key value 0xCCCC starts the watchdog (except if the hardware watchdog option is selected).
Allowed values:
21845: Unlock: Enable access to PR, RLR and WINR registers
43690: Feed: Feed watchdog with RLR register value
52428: Start: Start the watchdog
IWDG prescaler register
Offset: 0x4, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-2: Prescaler divider These bits are write access protected see Section 22.3.4: Register access protection. They are written by software to select the prescaler divider feeding the counter clock. PVU bit of the IWDG status register (IWDG_SR) must be reset in order to be able to change the prescaler divider. Note: Reading this register returns the prescaler value from the V<sub>DD</sub> voltage domain. This value may not be up to date/valid if a write operation to this register is ongoing. For this reason the value read from this register is valid only when the PVU bit in the IWDG status register (IWDG_SR) is reset..
Allowed values:
0: DivideBy4: Divider /4
1: DivideBy8: Divider /8
2: DivideBy16: Divider /16
3: DivideBy32: Divider /32
4: DivideBy64: Divider /64
5: DivideBy128: Divider /128
6 (+): DivideBy256: Divider /256
IWDG reload register
Offset: 0x8, size: 16, reset: 0x00000FFF, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-11: Watchdog counter reload value These bits are write access protected see Register access protection. They are written by software to define the value to be loaded in the watchdog counter each time the value 0xAAAA is written in the IWDG key register (IWDG_KR). The watchdog counter counts down from this value. The timeout period is a function of this value and the clock prescaler. Refer to the datasheet for the timeout information. The RVU bit in the IWDG status register (IWDG_SR) must be reset to be able to change the reload value. Note: Reading this register returns the reload value from the V<sub>DD</sub> voltage domain. This value may not be up to date/valid if a write operation to this register is ongoing on it. For this reason the value read from this register is valid only when the RVU bit in the IWDG status register (IWDG_SR) is reset..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xfff
IWDG status register
Offset: 0xc, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
3/3 fields covered.
Bit 0: Watchdog prescaler value update This bit is set by hardware to indicate that an update of the prescaler value is ongoing. It is reset by hardware when the prescaler update operation is completed in the V<sub>DD</sub> voltage domain (takes up to five LSI cycles). Prescaler value can be updated only when PVU bit is reset..
Bit 1: Watchdog counter reload value update This bit is set by hardware to indicate that an update of the reload value is ongoing. It is reset by hardware when the reload value update operation is completed in the V<sub>DD</sub> voltage domain (takes up to five LSI cycles). Reload value can be updated only when RVU bit is reset..
Bit 2: Watchdog counter window value update This bit is set by hardware to indicate that an update of the window value is ongoing. It is reset by hardware when the reload value update operation is completed in the V<sub>DD</sub> voltage domain (takes up to five LSI cycles). Window value can be updated only when WVU bit is reset..
IWDG window register
Offset: 0x10, size: 16, reset: 0x00000FFF, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-11: Watchdog counter window value These bits are write access protected, see Section 22.3.4, they contain the high limit of the window value to be compared with the downcounter. To prevent a reset, the downcounter must be reloaded when its value is lower than the window register value and greater than 0x0 The WVU bit in the IWDG status register (IWDG_SR) must be reset in order to be able to change the reload value. Note: Reading this register returns the reload value from the V<sub>DD</sub> voltage domain. This value may not be valid if a write operation to this register is ongoing. For this reason the value read from this register is valid only when the WVU bit in the IWDG status register (IWDG_SR) is reset..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xfff
0x40007000: PWR address block description
10/161 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | CR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | CR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | CR3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | CR4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | SR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | SR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | SCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 | PUCRA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | PDCRA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | PUCRB | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x2c | PDCRB | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x30 | PUCRC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x34 | PDCRC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x38 | PUCRD | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x3c | PDCRD | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x48 | PUCRF | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4c | PDCRF | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x70 | BKP0R | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x74 | BKP1R | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x78 | BKP2R | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x7c | BKP3R |
PWR control register 1
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000208, access: read-write
0/3 fields covered.
Bits 0-2: Low-power mode selection These bits select the low-power mode entered when CPU enters deepsleep mode. 1XX: Shutdown mode.
Bit 3: Flash memory powered down during Stop mode This bit determines whether the Flash memory is put in power-down mode or remains in idle mode when the device enters Stop mode..
Bit 5: Flash memory powered down during Sleep mode This bit determines whether the Flash memory is put in power-down mode or remains in idle mode when the device enters Sleep mode..
PWR control register 1
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000100, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
PWR control register 3
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00008000, access: read-write
0/8 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Enable WKUP1 wakeup pin When this bit is set, the WKUP1 external wakeup pin is enabled and triggers a wakeup event when a rising or a falling edge occurs. The active edge is configured via the WP1 bit of the PWR_CR4 register..
Bit 1: Enable WKUP2 wakeup pin When this bit is set, the WKUP2 external wakeup pin is enabled and triggers a wakeup event when a rising or a falling edge occurs. The active edge is configured via the WP2 bit of the PWR_CR4 register..
Bit 2: Enable WKUP3 wakeup pin When this bit is set, the WKUP3 external wakeup pin is enabled and triggers a wakeup event when a rising or a falling edge occurs. The active edge is configured via the WP3 bit of the PWR_CR4 register..
Bit 3: Enable WKUP4 wakeup pin When this bit is set, the WKUP4 external wakeup pin is enabled and triggers a wakeup event when a rising or a falling edge occurs. The active edge is configured via the WP4 bit in the PWR_CR4 register..
Bit 4: Enable WKUP5 wakeup pin When this bit is set, the WKUP5 external wakeup pin is enabled and triggers a wakeup event when a rising or a falling edge occurs. The active edge is configured through WP5 bit in the PWR_CR4 register..
Bit 5: Enable WKUP6 wakeup pin When this bit is set, the WKUP6 external wakeup pin is enabled and triggers a wakeup event when a rising or a falling edge occurs. The active edge is configured through WP6 bit in the PWR_CR4 register..
Bit 10: Apply pull-up and pull-down configuration This bit determines whether the I/O pull-up and pull-down configurations defined in the PWR_PUCRx and PWR_PDCRx registers are applied..
Bit 15: Enable internal wakeup line When set, a rising edge on the internal wakeup line triggers a wakeup event..
PWR control register 4
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/6 fields covered.
Bit 0: WKUP1 wakeup pin polarity WKUP1 external wakeup signal polarity (level or edge) to generate wakeup condition:.
Bit 1: WKUP2 wakeup pin polarity WKUP2 external wakeup signal polarity (level or edge) to generate wakeup condition:.
Bit 2: WKUP3 wakeup pin polarity WKUP3 external wakeup signal polarity (level or edge) to generate wakeup condition:.
Bit 3: WKUP4 wakeup pin polarity WKUP4 external wakeup signal polarity (level or edge) to generate wakeup condition:.
Bit 4: WKUP5 wakeup pin polarity WKUP5 external wakeup signal polarity (level or edge) to generate wakeup condition:.
Bit 5: WKUP6 wakeup pin polarity WKUP6 external wakeup signal polarity (level or edge) to generate wakeup condition:.
PWR status register 1
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
8/8 fields covered.
Bit 0: Wakeup flag 1 This bit is set when a wakeup condition is detected on WKUP1 wakeup pin. It is cleared by setting the CWUF1 bit of the PWR_SCR register..
Bit 1: Wakeup flag 2 This bit is set when a wakeup condition is detected on WKUP2 wakeup pin. It is cleared by setting the CWUF2 bit of the PWR_SCR register..
Bit 2: Wakeup flag 3 This bit is set when a wakeup condition is detected on WKUP3 wakeup pin. It is cleared by setting the CWUF3 bit of the PWR_SCR register..
Bit 3: Wakeup flag 4 This bit is set when a wakeup condition is detected on WKUP4 wakeup pin. It is cleared by setting the CWUF4 bit of the PWR_SCR register..
Bit 4: Wakeup flag 5 This bit is set when a wakeup condition is detected on WKUP5 wakeup pin. It is cleared by setting the CWUF5 bit of the PWR_SCR register..
Bit 5: Wakeup flag 6 This bit is set when a wakeup condition is detected on WKUP6 wakeup pin. It is cleared by setting the CWUF6 bit of the PWR_SCR register..
Bit 8: Standby flag This bit is set by hardware when the device enters Standby mode and is cleared by setting the CSBF bit in the PWR_SCR register, or by a power-on reset. It is not cleared by the system reset..
Bit 15: Wakeup flag internal This bit is set when a wakeup condition is detected on the internal wakeup line. It is cleared when all internal wakeup sources are cleared..
PWR status register 2
Offset: 0x14, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
2/2 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
r |
Bit 7: Flash ready flag This bit is set by hardware to indicate when the Flash memory is ready to be accessed after wakeup from power-down. To place the Flash memory in power-down, set either FPD_SLP or FPD_STP bit. Note: If the system boots from SRAM, the user application must wait till FLASH_RDY bit is set, prior to jumping to Flash memory..
Bit 13: V<sub>DDIO2</sub> supply voltage monitoring output flag This flag indicates the readiness of the V<sub>DDIO2</sub> supply voltage (excess of 1.2 V). The flag is cleared when the PVM of V<sub>DDIO2</sub> is disabled (PVM_VDDIO2[0] = 0). Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on the other products..
PWR status clear register
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
0/7 fields covered.
Bit 0: Clear wakeup flag 1 Setting this bit clears the WUF1 flag in the PWR_SR1 register..
Bit 1: Clear wakeup flag 2 Setting this bit clears the WUF2 flag in the PWR_SR1 register..
Bit 2: Clear wakeup flag 3 Setting this bit clears the WUF3 flag in the PWR_SR1 register..
Bit 3: Clear wakeup flag 4 Setting this bit clears the WUF4 flag in the PWR_SR1 register..
Bit 4: Clear wakeup flag 5 Setting this bit clears the WUF5 flag in the PWR_SR1 register..
Bit 5: Clear wakeup flag 6 Setting this bit clears the WUF6 flag in the PWR_SR1 register..
Bit 8: Clear standby flag Setting this bit clears the SBF flag in the PWR_SR1 register..
PWR Port A pull-up control register
Offset: 0x20, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 1: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 2: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 3: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 4: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 5: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 6: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 7: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 8: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 9: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 10: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 11: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 12: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 13: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 14: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 15: Port A pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
PWR Port A pull-down control register
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 1: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 2: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 3: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 4: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 5: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 6: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 7: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 8: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 9: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 10: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 11: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 12: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 13: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 14: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 15: Port A pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PA[i] I/O. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
PWR Port B pull-up control register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 1: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 2: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 3: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 4: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 5: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 6: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 7: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 8: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 9: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 10: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 11: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 12: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 13: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 14: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 15: Port B pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU7 and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
PWR Port B pull-down control register
Offset: 0x2c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 1: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 2: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 3: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 4: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 5: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 6: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 7: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 8: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 9: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 10: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 11: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 12: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 13: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 14: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 15: Port B pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PB[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD7 and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
PWR Port C pull-up control register
Offset: 0x30, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 1: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 2: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 3: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 4: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 5: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 6: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 7: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 8: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 9: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 10: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 11: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 12: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 13: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 14: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 15: Port C pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU15 and PU14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PU15 to PU13, PU7, and PU6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
PWR Port C pull-down control register
Offset: 0x34, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/16 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 1: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 2: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 3: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 4: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 5: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 6: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 7: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 8: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 9: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 10: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 11: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 12: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 13: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 14: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 15: Port C pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PC[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD15 and PD14 are available. On STM32C031xx, only PD15 to PD13, PD7, and PD6 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
PWR Port D pull-up control register
Offset: 0x38, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/9 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port D pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PD[i] I/O. Not available on STM32C011xx. On STM32C031xx, only PU3 to PU0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 1: Port D pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PD[i] I/O. Not available on STM32C011xx. On STM32C031xx, only PU3 to PU0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 2: Port D pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PD[i] I/O. Not available on STM32C011xx. On STM32C031xx, only PU3 to PU0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 3: Port D pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PD[i] I/O. Not available on STM32C011xx. On STM32C031xx, only PU3 to PU0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 4: Port D pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PD[i] I/O. Not available on STM32C011xx. On STM32C031xx, only PU3 to PU0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 5: Port D pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PD[i] I/O. Not available on STM32C011xx. On STM32C031xx, only PU3 to PU0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 6: Port D pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PD[i] I/O. Not available on STM32C011xx. On STM32C031xx, only PU3 to PU0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 8: Port D pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PD[i] I/O. Only available on STM32C071xx. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 9: Port D pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PD[i] I/O. Only available on STM32C071xx. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
PWR Port D pull-down control register
Offset: 0x3c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/9 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Port D pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PD[i] I/O. Not available on STM32C011xx. On STM32C031xx, only PD3 to PD0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 1: Port D pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PD[i] I/O. Not available on STM32C011xx. On STM32C031xx, only PD3 to PD0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 2: Port D pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PD[i] I/O. Not available on STM32C011xx. On STM32C031xx, only PD3 to PD0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 3: Port D pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PD[i] I/O. Not available on STM32C011xx. On STM32C031xx, only PD3 to PD0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 4: Port D pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PD[i] I/O. Not available on STM32C011xx. On STM32C031xx, only PD3 to PD0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 5: Port D pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PD[i] I/O. Not available on STM32C011xx. On STM32C031xx, only PD3 to PD0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 6: Port D pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PD[i] I/O. Not available on STM32C011xx. On STM32C031xx, only PD3 to PD0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 8: Port D pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PD[i] I/O. Only available on STM32C071xx. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 9: Port D pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PD[i] I/O. Only available on STM32C071xx. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
PWR Port F pull-up control register
Offset: 0x48, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/4 fields covered.
Bit 0: Port F pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PF[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU2 is available. On STM32C031xx, only PU2 to PU0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 1: Port F pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PF[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU2 is available. On STM32C031xx, only PU2 to PU0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 2: Port F pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PF[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU2 is available. On STM32C031xx, only PU2 to PU0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 3: Port F pull-up bit i Setting PUi bit while the corresponding PDi bit is zero and the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-up device on the PF[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PU2 is available. On STM32C031xx, only PU2 to PU0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-up device must not be activated when a pull-down device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
PWR Port F pull-down control register
Offset: 0x4c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/4 fields covered.
Bit 0: Port F pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PF[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD2 is available. On STM32C031xx, only PD2 to PD0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 1: Port F pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PF[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD2 is available. On STM32C031xx, only PD2 to PD0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 2: Port F pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PF[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD2 is available. On STM32C031xx, only PD2 to PD0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
Bit 3: Port F pull-down bit i Setting PDi bit while the APC bit of the PWR_CR3 register is set activates a pull-down device on the PF[i] I/O. On STM32C011xx, only PD2 is available. On STM32C031xx, only PD2 to PD0 are available. Note: For the same pin, this pull-down device must not be activated when a pull-up device is set through the GPIOx_PUPDR register..
PWR backup 0 register
Offset: 0x70, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
PWR backup 1 register
Offset: 0x74, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
PWR backup 2 register
Offset: 0x78, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
PWR backup 3 register
Offset: 0x7c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
0x40021000: RCC address block description
22/151 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | CR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | ICSCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | CFGR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | CRRCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CIER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | CIFR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 | CICR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | IOPRSTR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | AHBRSTR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x2c | APBRSTR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x30 | APBRSTR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x34 | IOPENR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x38 | AHBENR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x3c | APBENR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x40 | APBENR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x44 | IOPSMENR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x48 | AHBSMENR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4c | APBSMENR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x50 | APBSMENR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x54 | CCIPR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x58 | CCIPR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x5c | CSR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x60 | CSR2 |
RCC clock control register
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00001540, access: read-write
2/12 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
r |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
r |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 2-4: Clock division factor for system clock Set and cleared by software. SYSCLK is result of the division by: Note: This bitfield is only available on STM32C071xx..
Bits 5-7: HSI48 kernel clock division factor This bitfield controlled by software sets the division factor of the kernel clock divider to produce HSIKER clock:.
Bit 8: HSI48 clock enable Set and cleared by software and hardware, with hardware taking priority. Kept low by hardware as long as the device is in a low-power mode. Kept high by hardware as long as the system is clocked with a clock derived from HSI48. This includes the exit from low-power modes and the system clock fall-back to HSI48 upon failing HSE oscillator clock selected as system clock source..
Bit 9: HSI48 always-enable for peripheral kernels. Set and cleared by software. Setting the bit activates the HSI48 oscillator in Run and Stop modes, regardless of the HSION bit state. The HSI48 clock can only feed USART1, USART2, and I2C1 peripherals configured with HSI48 as kernel clock. Note: Keeping the HSI48 active in Stop mode allows speeding up the serial interface communication as the HSI48 clock is ready immediately upon exiting Stop mode..
Bit 10: HSI48 clock ready flag Set by hardware when the HSI48 oscillator is enabled through HSION and ready to use (stable). Note: Upon clearing HSION, HSIRDY goes low after six HSI48 clock cycles..
Bits 11-13: HSI48 clock division factor This bitfield controlled by software sets the division factor of the HSI48 clock divider to produce HSISYS clock:.
Bit 16: HSE clock enable Set and cleared by software. Cleared by hardware to stop the HSE oscillator when entering Stop, or Standby, or Shutdown mode. This bit cannot be cleared if the HSE oscillator is used directly or indirectly as the system clock..
Bit 17: HSE clock ready flag Set by hardware to indicate that the HSE oscillator is stable and ready for use. Note: Upon clearing HSEON, HSERDY goes low after six HSE clock cycles..
Bit 18: HSE crystal oscillator bypass Set and cleared by software. When the bit is set, the internal HSE oscillator is bypassed for use of an external clock. The external clock must then be enabled with the HSEON bit set. Write access to the bit is only effective when the HSE oscillator is disabled..
Bit 19: Clock security system enable Set by software to enable the clock security system. When the bit is set, the clock detector is enabled by hardware when the HSE oscillator is ready, and disabled by hardware if a HSE clock failure is detected. The bit is cleared by hardware upon reset..
Bit 22: HSIUSB48 clock enable Set and cleared by software and hardware, with hardware taking priority. Kept low by hardware as long as the device is in a low-power mode. Kept high by hardware as long as the system is clocked from HSIUSB48. Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on other devices..
Bit 23: HSIUSB48 clock ready flag Set by hardware when the HSIUSB48 oscillator is enabled through HSIUSB48ON and ready to use (stable). Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on other devices..
RCC internal clock source calibration register
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00004000, access: read-write
1/2 fields covered.
Bits 0-7: HSI48 clock calibration This bitfield directly acts on the HSI48 clock frequency. Its value is a sum of an internal factory-programmed number and the value of the HSITRIM[6:0] bitfield. In the factory, the internal number is set to calibrate the HSI48 clock frequency to 48 MHz (with HSITRIM[6:0] left at its reset value). Refer to the device datasheet for HSI48 calibration accuracy and for the frequency trimming granularity. Note: The trimming effect presents discontinuities at HSICAL[7:0] multiples of 64..
Bits 8-14: HSI48 clock trimming The value of this bitfield contributes to the HSICAL[7:0] bitfield value. It allows HSI48 clock frequency user trimming. The HSI48 frequency accuracy as stated in the device datasheet applies when this bitfield is left at its reset value..
RCC clock configuration register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/8 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
r |
rw |
Bits 0-2: System clock switch This bitfield is controlled by software and hardware. The bitfield selects the clock for SYSCLK as follows: Others: Reserved The setting is forced by hardware to 000 (HSISYS selected) when the MCU exits Stop, or Standby, or Shutdown mode, or when the setting is 001 (HSE selected) and HSE oscillator failure is detected..
Bits 3-5: System clock switch status This bitfield is controlled by hardware to indicate the clock source used as system clock: Others: Reserved.
Bits 8-11: AHB prescaler This bitfield is controlled by software. To produce HCLK clock, it sets the division factor of SYSCLK clock as follows: 0xxx: 1.
Bits 12-14: APB prescaler This bitfield is controlled by software. To produce PCLK clock, it sets the division factor of HCLK clock as follows: 0xx: 1.
Bits 16-19: Microcontroller clock output 2 clock selector This bitfield is controlled by software. It sets the clock selector for MCO2 output as follows: Other: reserved, must not be used Note: This clock output may have some truncated cycles at startup or during MCO2 clock source switching. On STM32C011xx and STM32C031xx, MCOSEL[3] is reserved..
Bits 20-23: Microcontroller clock output 2 prescaler This bitfield is controlled by software. It sets the division factor of the clock sent to the MCO2 output as follows: ... Other: Reserved It is highly recommended to set this field before the MCO2 output is enabled. Note: Values above 0111 are only significant for STM32C071xx. On STM32C011xx and STM32C031xx devices, MCOPRE[3] is reserved..
Bits 24-27: Microcontroller clock output clock selector This bitfield is controlled by software. It sets the clock selector for MCO output as follows: Other: reserved, must not be used Note: This clock output may have some truncated cycles at startup or during MCO clock source switching. On STM32C011xx and STM32C031xx, MCOSEL[3] is reserved..
Bits 28-31: Microcontroller clock output prescaler This bitfield is controlled by software. It sets the division factor of the clock sent to the MCO output as follows: ... Other: Reserved It is highly recommended to set this field before the MCO output is enabled. Note: Values above 0111 are only significant for STM32C071xx. On STM32C011xx and STM32C031xx devices, MCOPRE[3] is reserved..
RCC clock recovery RC register
Offset: 0x14, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
RCC clock interrupt enable register
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/5 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: LSI ready interrupt enable Set and cleared by software to enable/disable interrupt caused by the LSI oscillator stabilization:.
Bit 1: LSE ready interrupt enable Set and cleared by software to enable/disable interrupt caused by the LSE oscillator stabilization:.
Bit 2: HSIUSB48 ready interrupt enable Set and cleared by software to enable/disable interrupt caused by the HSIUSB48 oscillator stabilization: Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on other devices..
Bit 3: HSI48 ready interrupt enable Set and cleared by software to enable/disable interrupt caused by the HSI48 oscillator stabilization:.
Bit 4: HSE ready interrupt enable Set and cleared by software to enable/disable interrupt caused by the HSE oscillator stabilization:.
RCC clock interrupt flag register
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
7/7 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
Bit 0: LSI ready interrupt flag This flag indicates a pending interrupt upon LSE clock getting ready. Set by hardware when the LSI clock becomes stable and LSIRDYDIE is set. Cleared by software setting the LSIRDYC bit..
Bit 1: LSE ready interrupt flag This flag indicates a pending interrupt upon LSE clock getting ready. Set by hardware when the LSE clock becomes stable and LSERDYDIE is set. Cleared by software setting the LSERDYC bit..
Bit 2: HSIUSB48 ready interrupt flag Set by hardware when the HSIUSB48 clock becomes stable and HSIUSB48RDYIE is set as a response to setting HSIUSB48ON (refer to RCC clock control register (RCC_CR)). When HSIUSB48ON is not set but the HSIUSB48 oscillator is enabled by the peripheral through a clock request, this bit is not set and no interrupt is generated. Cleared by software setting the HSIUSB48RDYC bit. Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on other devices..
Bit 3: HSI48 ready interrupt flag This flag indicates a pending interrupt upon HSI48 clock getting ready. Set by hardware when the HSI48 clock becomes stable and HSIRDYIE is set in response to setting the HSION (refer to RCC clock control register (RCC_CR)). When HSION is not set but the HSI48 oscillator is enabled by the peripheral through a clock request, this bit is not set and no interrupt is generated. Cleared by software setting the HSIRDYC bit..
Bit 4: HSE ready interrupt flag This flag indicates a pending interrupt upon HSE clock getting ready. Set by hardware when the HSE clock becomes stable and HSERDYIE is set. Cleared by software setting the HSERDYC bit..
Bit 8: HSE clock security system interrupt flag This flag indicates a pending interrupt upon HSE clock failure. Set by hardware when a failure is detected in the HSE oscillator. Cleared by software setting the CSSC bit..
Bit 9: LSE clock security system interrupt flag This flag indicates a pending interrupt upon LSE clock failure. Set by hardware when a failure is detected in the LSE oscillator. Cleared by software by setting the LSECSSC bit..
RCC clock interrupt clear register
Offset: 0x20, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
0/7 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
Bit 0: LSI ready interrupt clear This bit is set by software to clear the LSIRDYF flag..
Bit 1: LSE ready interrupt clear This bit is set by software to clear the LSERDYF flag..
Bit 2: HSIUSB48 ready interrupt clear This bit is set software to clear the HSIUSB48RDYF flag. Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on other devices..
Bit 3: HSI48 ready interrupt clear This bit is set software to clear the HSIRDYF flag..
Bit 4: HSE ready interrupt clear This bit is set by software to clear the HSERDYF flag..
Bit 8: Clock security system interrupt clear This bit is set by software to clear the HSECSSF flag..
Bit 9: LSE Clock security system interrupt clear This bit is set by software to clear the LSECSSF flag..
RCC I/O port reset register
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/5 fields covered.
Bit 0: I/O port A reset This bit is set and cleared by software..
Bit 1: I/O port B reset This bit is set and cleared by software..
Bit 2: I/O port C reset This bit is set and cleared by software..
Bit 3: I/O port D reset This bit is set and cleared by software..
Bit 5: I/O port F reset This bit is set and cleared by software..
RCC AHB peripheral reset register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/3 fields covered.
RCC APB peripheral reset register 1
Offset: 0x2c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/10 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: TIM2 timer reset Set and cleared by software. Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on other devices..
Bit 1: TIM3 timer reset Set and cleared by software..
Bit 13: USB reset Set and cleared by software. Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on other devices..
Bit 14: SPI2 reset Set and cleared by software. Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on other devices..
Bit 16: CRS reset Set and cleared by software. Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on other devices..
Bit 17: USART2 reset Set and cleared by software..
Bit 21: I2C1 reset Set and cleared by software..
Bit 22: I2C2 reset Set and cleared by software. Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on other devices..
Bit 27: Debug support reset Set and cleared by software..
Bit 28: Power interface reset Set and cleared by software..
RCC APB peripheral reset register 2
Offset: 0x30, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/8 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: SYSCFG reset Set and cleared by software..
Bit 11: TIM1 timer reset Set and cleared by software..
Bit 12: SPI1 reset Set and cleared by software..
Bit 14: USART1 reset Set and cleared by software..
Bit 15: TIM14 timer reset Set and cleared by software..
Bit 17: TIM16 timer reset Set and cleared by software..
Bit 18: TIM16 timer reset Set and cleared by software..
Bit 20: ADC reset Set and cleared by software..
RCC I/O port clock enable register
Offset: 0x34, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/5 fields covered.
Bit 0: I/O port A clock enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Bit 1: I/O port B clock enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Bit 2: I/O port C clock enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Bit 3: I/O port D clock enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Bit 5: I/O port F clock enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
RCC AHB peripheral clock enable register
Offset: 0x38, size: 32, reset: 0x00000100, access: read-write
0/3 fields covered.
Bit 0: DMA1 and DMAMUX clock enable Set and cleared by software. DMAMUX is enabled as long as at least one DMA peripheral is enabled..
Bit 8: Flash memory interface clock enable Set and cleared by software. This bit can only be cleared when the Flash memory is in power down mode..
Bit 12: CRC clock enable Set and cleared by software..
RCC APB peripheral clock enable register 1
Offset: 0x3c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/12 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: TIM2 timer clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 1: TIM3 timer clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 10: RTC APB clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 11: WWDG clock enable Set by software to enable the window watchdog clock. Cleared by hardware system reset This bit can also be set by hardware if the WWDG_SW option bit is 0..
Bit 13: USB clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 14: SPI2 clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 16: CRS clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 17: USART2 clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 21: I2C1 clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 22: I2C2 clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 27: Debug support clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 28: Power interface clock enable Set and cleared by software..
RCC APB peripheral clock enable register 2
Offset: 0x40, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/8 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: SYSCFG clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 11: TIM1 timer clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 12: SPI1 clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 14: USART1 clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 15: TIM14 timer clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 17: TIM16 timer clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 18: TIM16 timer clock enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 20: ADC clock enable Set and cleared by software..
RCC I/O port in Sleep mode clock enable register
Offset: 0x44, size: 32, reset: 0x0000002F, access: read-write
0/5 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: I/O port A clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
Bit 1: I/O port B clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
Bit 2: I/O port C clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
Bit 3: I/O port D clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
Bit 5: I/O port F clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
RCC AHB peripheral clock enable in Sleep/Stop mode register
Offset: 0x48, size: 32, reset: 0x00001301, access: read-write
0/4 fields covered.
Bit 0: DMA1 and DMAMUX clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software. Clock to DMAMUX during Sleep mode is enabled as long as the clock in Sleep mode is enabled to at least one DMA peripheral..
Bit 8: Flash memory interface clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software. This bit can be activated only when the Flash memory is in power down mode..
Bit 9: SRAM clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
Bit 12: CRC clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
RCC APB peripheral clock enable in Sleep/Stop mode register 1
Offset: 0x4c, size: 32, reset: 0x18636C03, access: read-write
0/12 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: TIM2 timer clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software. Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on other devices..
Bit 1: TIM3 timer clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
Bit 10: RTC APB clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
Bit 11: WWDG clock enable during Sleep and Stop modes Set and cleared by software..
Bit 13: USB clock enable during Sleep and Stop modes Set and cleared by software. Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on other devices..
Bit 14: SPI2 clock enable during Sleep and Stop modes Set and cleared by software. Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on other devices..
Bit 16: CRS clock enable during Sleep and Stop modes Set and cleared by software. Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on other devices..
Bit 17: USART2 clock enable during Sleep and Stop modes Set and cleared by software..
Bit 21: I2C1 clock enable during Sleep and Stop modes Set and cleared by software..
Bit 22: I2C2 clock enable during Sleep and Stop modes Set and cleared by software. Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on other devices..
Bit 27: Debug support clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
Bit 28: Power interface clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
RCC APB peripheral clock enable in Sleep/Stop mode register 2
Offset: 0x50, size: 32, reset: 0x0016D801, access: read-write
0/8 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: SYSCFG clock enable during Sleep and Stop modes Set and cleared by software..
Bit 11: TIM1 timer clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
Bit 12: SPI1 clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
Bit 14: USART1 clock enable during Sleep and Stop modes Set and cleared by software..
Bit 15: TIM14 timer clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
Bit 17: TIM16 timer clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
Bit 18: TIM16 timer clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
Bit 20: ADC clock enable during Sleep mode Set and cleared by software..
RCC peripherals independent clock configuration register 1
Offset: 0x54, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/4 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: USART1 clock source selection This bitfield is controlled by software to select USART1 clock source as follows:.
Bits 12-13: I2C1 clock source selection This bitfield is controlled by software to select I2C1 clock source as follows:.
Bits 14-15: I2S1 clock source selection This bitfield is controlled by software to select I2S1 clock source as follows:.
Bits 30-31: ADCs clock source selection This bitfield is controlled by software to select the asynchronous clock source for ADC:.
RCC peripherals independent clock configuration register 2
Offset: 0x58, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
RCC control/status register 1
Offset: 0x5c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/11 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
r |
rw |
rw |
rw |
r |
rw |
Bit 0: LSE oscillator enable Set and cleared by software to enable LSE oscillator:.
Bit 1: LSE oscillator ready Set and cleared by hardware to indicate when the external 32 kHz oscillator is ready (stable): After the LSEON bit is cleared, LSERDY goes low after 6 external low-speed oscillator clock cycles..
Bit 2: LSE oscillator bypass Set and cleared by software to bypass the LSE oscillator (in debug mode). This bit can be written only when the external 32 kHz oscillator is disabled (LSEON=0 and LSERDY=0)..
Bit 3: LSE oscillator drive capability Set by software to select the LSE oscillator drive capability as follows: Applicable when the LSE oscillator is in Xtal mode, as opposed to bypass mode..
Bit 5: CSS on LSE enable Set by software to enable the clock security system on LSE (32 kHz) oscillator as follows: LSECSSON must be enabled after the LSE oscillator is enabled (LSEON bit enabled) and ready (LSERDY flag set by hardware), and after the RTCSEL bit is selected. Once enabled, this bit cannot be disabled, except after a LSE failure detection (LSECSSD =1). In that case the software must disable the LSECSSON bit..
Bit 6: CSS on LSE failure Detection Set by hardware to indicate when a failure is detected by the clock security system on the external 32 kHz oscillator (LSE):.
Bits 8-9: RTC clock source selection Set by software to select the clock source for the RTC as follows: Once the RTC clock source is selected, it cannot be changed anymore unless the RTC domain is reset, or unless a failure is detected on LSE (LSECSSD is set). The RTCRST bit can be used to reset this bitfield to 00..
Bit 15: RTC clock enable Set and cleared by software. The bit enables clock to RTC and TAMP..
Bit 16: RTC domain software reset Set and cleared by software to reset the RTC domain:.
Bit 24: Low-speed clock output (LSCO) enable Set and cleared by software..
Bit 25: Low-speed clock output selection Set and cleared by software to select the low-speed output clock:.
RCC control/status register 2
Offset: 0x60, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/10 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
rw |
Bit 0: LSI oscillator enable Set and cleared by software to enable/disable the LSI oscillator:.
Bit 1: LSI oscillator ready Set and cleared by hardware to indicate when the LSI oscillator is ready (stable): After the LSION bit is cleared, LSIRDY goes low after 3 LSI oscillator clock cycles. This bit can be set even if LSION = 0 if the LSI is requested by the Clock Security System on LSE, by the Independent Watchdog or by the RTC..
Bit 23: Remove reset flags Set by software to clear the reset flags..
Bit 25: Option byte loader reset flag Set by hardware when a reset from the Option byte loading occurs. Cleared by setting the RMVF bit..
Bit 26: Pin reset flag Set by hardware when a reset from the NRST pin occurs. Cleared by setting the RMVF bit..
Bit 27: BOR or POR/PDR flag Set by hardware when a BOR or POR/PDR occurs. Cleared by setting the RMVF bit..
Bit 28: Software reset flag Set by hardware when a software reset occurs. Cleared by setting the RMVF bit..
Bit 29: Independent window watchdog reset flag Set by hardware when an independent watchdog reset domain occurs. Cleared by setting the RMVF bit..
Bit 30: Window watchdog reset flag Set by hardware when a window watchdog reset occurs. Cleared by setting the RMVF bit..
Bit 31: Low-power reset flag Set by hardware when a reset occurs due to illegal Stop, or Standby, or Shutdown mode entry. Cleared by setting the RMVF bit. This operates only if nRST_STOP, or nRST_STDBY or nRST_SHDW option bits are cleared..
0x40002800: RTC address block description
88/89 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | TR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | DR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | SSR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | ICSR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | PRER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | WPR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | CALR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x2c | SHIFTR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x30 | TSTR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x34 | TSDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x38 | TSSSR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x40 | ALRMAR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x44 | ALRMASSR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x50 | SR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x54 | MISR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x5c | SCR |
RTC time register
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
7/7 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Second units in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 4-6: Second tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7
Bits 8-11: Minute units in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 12-14: Minute tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7
Bits 16-19: Hour units in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 20-21: Hour tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0x3
Bit 22: AM/PM notation.
Allowed values:
0: AM: AM or 24-hour format
1: PM: PM
RTC date register
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00002101, access: read-write
7/7 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Date units in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 4-5: Date tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0x3
Bits 8-11: Month units in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bit 12: Month tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1
Bits 13-15: Week day units ....
Allowed values: 0x1-0x7
Bits 16-19: Year units in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 20-23: Year tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
RTC sub second register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
Bits 0-15: Sub second value SS[15:0] is the value in the synchronous prescaler counter. The fraction of a second is given by the formula below: Second fraction = (PREDIV_S - SS) / (PREDIV_S + 1) Note: SS can be larger than PREDIV_S only after a shift operation. In that case, the correct time/date is one second less than as indicated by RTC_TR/RTC_DR..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
RTC initialization control and status register
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000007, access: read-write
7/7 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
r |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
r |
r/w0c |
r |
r |
r |
Bit 0: Alarm A write flag This bit is set by hardware when alarm A values can be changed, after the ALRAE bit has been set to 0 in RTC_CR. It is cleared by hardware in initialization mode..
Bit 3: Shift operation pending This flag is set by hardware as soon as a shift operation is initiated by a write to the RTC_SHIFTR register. It is cleared by hardware when the corresponding shift operation has been executed. Writing to the SHPF bit has no effect..
Allowed values:
0: NoShiftPending: No shift operation is pending
1: ShiftPending: A shift operation is pending
Bit 4: Initialization status flag This bit is set by hardware when the calendar year field is different from 0 (Power-on reset state)..
Allowed values:
0: NotInitalized: Calendar has not been initialized
1: Initalized: Calendar has been initialized
Bit 5: Registers synchronization flag This bit is set by hardware each time the calendar registers are copied into the shadow registers (RTC_SSR, RTC_TR and RTC_DR). This bit is cleared by hardware in initialization mode, while a shift operation is pending (SHPF = 1), or when in bypass shadow register mode (BYPSHAD = 1). This bit can also be cleared by software. It is cleared either by software or by hardware in initialization mode..
Allowed values:
0: NotSynced: Calendar shadow registers not yet synchronized
1: Synced: Calendar shadow registers synchronized
Bit 6: Initialization flag When this bit is set to 1, the RTC is in initialization state, and the time, date and prescaler registers can be updated..
Allowed values:
0: NotAllowed: Calendar registers update is not allowed
1: Allowed: Calendar registers update is allowed
Bit 7: Initialization mode.
Allowed values:
0: FreeRunningMode: Free running mode
1: InitMode: Initialization mode used to program time and date register (RTC_TR and RTC_DR), and prescaler register (RTC_PRER). Counters are stopped and start counting from the new value when INIT is reset.
Bit 16: Recalibration pending Flag The RECALPF status flag is automatically set to 1 when software writes to the RTC_CALR register, indicating that the RTC_CALR register is blocked. When the new calibration settings are taken into account, this bit returns to 0. Refer to Re-calibration on-the-fly..
Allowed values:
1: Pending: The RECALPF status flag is automatically set to 1 when software writes to the RTC_CALR register, indicating that the RTC_CALR register is blocked. When the new calibration settings are taken into account, this bit returns to 0
RTC prescaler register
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x007F00FF, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-14: Synchronous prescaler factor This is the synchronous division factor: ck_spre frequency = ck_apre frequency/(PREDIV_S+1).
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7fff
Bits 16-22: Asynchronous prescaler factor This is the asynchronous division factor: ck_apre frequency = RTCCLK frequency/(PREDIV_A+1).
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7f
RTC control register
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
18/18 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
w |
w |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 3: Timestamp event active edge TSE must be reset when TSEDGE is changed to avoid unwanted TSF setting..
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: RTC_TS input rising edge generates a time-stamp event
1: FallingEdge: RTC_TS input falling edge generates a time-stamp event
Bit 4: RTC_REFIN reference clock detection enable (50 or 60 Hz) Note: PREDIV_S must be 0x00FF..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: RTC_REFIN detection disabled
1: Enabled: RTC_REFIN detection enabled
Bit 5: Bypass the shadow registers Note: If the frequency of the APB1 clock is less than seven times the frequency of RTCCLK, BYPSHAD must be set to 1..
Allowed values:
0: ShadowReg: Calendar values (when reading from RTC_SSR, RTC_TR, and RTC_DR) are taken from the shadow registers, which are updated once every two RTCCLK cycles
1: BypassShadowReg: Calendar values (when reading from RTC_SSR, RTC_TR, and RTC_DR) are taken directly from the calendar counters
Bit 6: Hour format.
Allowed values:
0: TwentyFourHour: 24 hour/day format
1: AmPm: AM/PM hour format
Bit 8: Alarm A enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Alarm disabled
1: Enabled: Alarm enabled
Bit 11: timestamp enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Timestamp disabled
1: Enabled: Timestamp enabled
Bit 12: Alarm A interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Alarm Interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Alarm Interrupt enabled
Bit 15: Timestamp interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Time-stamp Interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Time-stamp Interrupt enabled
Bit 16: Add 1 hour (summer time change) When this bit is set outside initialization mode, 1 hour is added to the calendar time. This bit is always read as 0..
Allowed values:
1: Add1: Adds 1 hour to the current time. This can be used for summer time change outside initialization mode
Bit 17: Subtract 1 hour (winter time change) When this bit is set outside initialization mode, 1 hour is subtracted to the calendar time if the current hour is not 0. This bit is always read as 0. Setting this bit has no effect when current hour is 0..
Allowed values:
1: Sub1: Subtracts 1 hour to the current time. This can be used for winter time change outside initialization mode
Bit 18: Backup This bit can be written by the user to memorize whether the daylight saving time change has been performed or not..
Allowed values:
0: DSTNotChanged: Daylight Saving Time change has not been performed
1: DSTChanged: Daylight Saving Time change has been performed
Bit 19: Calibration output selection When COE = 1, this bit selects which signal is output on CALIB. These frequencies are valid for RTCCLK at 32.768 kHz and prescalers at their default values (PREDIV_A = 127 and PREDIV_S = 255). Refer to Section 24.3.14: Calibration clock output..
Allowed values:
0: CalFreq_512Hz: Calibration output is 512 Hz (with default prescaler setting)
1: CalFreq_1Hz: Calibration output is 1 Hz (with default prescaler setting)
Bit 20: Output polarity This bit is used to configure the polarity of TAMPALRM output..
Allowed values:
0: High: The pin is high when ALRAF/ALRBF/WUTF is asserted (depending on OSEL[1:0])
1: Low: The pin is low when ALRAF/ALRBF/WUTF is asserted (depending on OSEL[1:0])
Bits 21-22: Output selection These bits are used to select the flag to be routed to TAMPALRM output..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Output disabled
1: AlarmA: Alarm A output enabled
2: AlarmB: Alarm B output enabled
3: Wakeup: Wakeup output enabled
Bit 23: Calibration output enable This bit enables the CALIB output.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Calibration output disabled
1: Enabled: Calibration output enabled
Bit 29: TAMPALRM pull-up enable.
Allowed values:
0: NoPullUp: No pull-up is applied on TAMPALRM output
1: PullUp: A pull-up is applied on TAMPALRM output
Bit 30: TAMPALRM output type.
Allowed values:
0: PushPull: TAMPALRM is push-pull output
1: OpenDrain: TAMPALRM is open-drain output
Bit 31: RTC_OUT2 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: RTC output 2 disable
1: Enabled: RTC output 2 enable
RTC write protection register
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
Bits 0-7: Write protection key This byte is written by software. Reading this byte always returns 0x00. Refer to RTC register write protection for a description of how to unlock RTC register write protection..
Allowed values:
0: Activate: Activate write protection (any value that is not the keys)
83: Deactivate2: Key 2
202: Deactivate1: Key 1
RTC calibration register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
4/4 fields covered.
Bits 0-8: Calibration minus The frequency of the calendar is reduced by masking CALM out of 2<sup>20</sup> RTCCLK pulses (32 seconds if the input frequency is 32768 Hz). This decreases the frequency of the calendar with a resolution of 0.9537 ppm. To increase the frequency of the calendar, this feature should be used in conjunction with CALP. See Section 24.3.12: RTC smooth digital calibration on page 606..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1ff
Bit 13: Use a 16-second calibration cycle period When CALW16 is set to 1, the 16-second calibration cycle period is selected. This bit must not be set to 1 if CALW8 = 1. Note: CALM[0] is stuck at 0 when CALW16 = 1. Refer to Section 24.3.12: RTC smooth digital calibration..
Allowed values:
1: SixteenSeconds: When CALW16 is set to ‘1’, the 16-second calibration cycle period is selected.This bit must not be set to ‘1’ if CALW8=1
Bit 14: Use an 8-second calibration cycle period When CALW8 is set to 1, the 8-second calibration cycle period is selected. Note: CALM[1:0] are stuck at 00 when CALW8 = 1. Refer to Section 24.3.12: RTC smooth digital calibration..
Allowed values:
1: EightSeconds: When CALW8 is set to ‘1’, the 8-second calibration cycle period is selected
Bit 15: Increase frequency of RTC by 488.5 ppm This feature is intended to be used in conjunction with CALM, which lowers the frequency of the calendar with a fine resolution. if the input frequency is 32768 Hz, the number of RTCCLK pulses added during a 32-second window is calculated as follows: (512 CALP) - CALM. Refer to Section 24.3.12: RTC smooth digital calibration..
Allowed values:
0: NoChange: No RTCCLK pulses are added
1: IncreaseFreq: One RTCCLK pulse is effectively inserted every 2^11 pulses (frequency increased by 488.5 ppm)
RTC shift control register
Offset: 0x2c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
2/2 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
w |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
Bits 0-14: Subtract a fraction of a second These bits are write only and is always read as zero. Writing to this bit has no effect when a shift operation is pending (when SHPF = 1, in RTC_ICSR). The value which is written to SUBFS is added to the synchronous prescaler counter. Since this counter counts down, this operation effectively subtracts from (delays) the clock by: Delay (seconds) = SUBFS / (PREDIV_S + 1) A fraction of a second can effectively be added to the clock (advancing the clock) when the ADD1S function is used in conjunction with SUBFS, effectively advancing the clock by: Advance (seconds) = (1 - (SUBFS / (PREDIV_S + 1))). Note: Writing to SUBFS causes RSF to be cleared. Software can then wait until RSF = 1 to be sure that the shadow registers have been updated with the shifted time..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7fff
Bit 31: Add one second This bit is write only and is always read as zero. Writing to this bit has no effect when a shift operation is pending (when SHPF = 1, in RTC_ICSR). This function is intended to be used with SUBFS (see description below) in order to effectively add a fraction of a second to the clock in an atomic operation..
Allowed values:
1: Add1: Add one second to the clock/calendar
RTC timestamp time register
Offset: 0x30, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
7/7 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Second units in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 4-6: Second tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7
Bits 8-11: Minute units in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 12-14: Minute tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7
Bits 16-19: Hour units in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 20-21: Hour tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0x3
Bit 22: AM/PM notation.
Allowed values:
0: AM: AM or 24-hour format
1: PM: PM
RTC timestamp date register
Offset: 0x34, size: 32, reset: 0x00002101, access: read-write
7/7 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Date units in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 4-5: Date tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0x3
Bits 8-11: Month units in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bit 12: Month tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1
Bits 13-15: Week day units ....
Allowed values: 0x1-0x7
Bits 16-19: Year units in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 20-23: Year tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
RTC timestamp sub second register
Offset: 0x38, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
Bits 0-15: Sub second value SS[15:0] is the value in the synchronous prescaler counter. The fraction of a second is given by the formula below: Second fraction = (PREDIV_S - SS) / (PREDIV_S + 1) Note: SS can be larger than PREDIV_S only after a shift operation. In that case, the correct time/date is one second less than as indicated by RTC_TR/RTC_DR..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
Alarm register
Offset: 0x40, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
14/14 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Second units in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 4-6: Second tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7
Bit 7: Alarm seconds mask.
Allowed values:
0: Mask: Alarm set if the date/day match
1: NotMask: Date/day don’t care in Alarm comparison
Bits 8-11: Minute units in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 12-14: Minute tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7
Bit 15: Alarm minutes mask.
Allowed values:
0: Mask: Alarm set if the date/day match
1: NotMask: Date/day don’t care in Alarm comparison
Bits 16-19: Hour units in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 20-21: Hour tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0x3
Bit 22: AM/PM notation.
Allowed values:
0: AM: AM or 24-hour format
1: PM: PM
Bit 23: Alarm hours mask.
Allowed values:
0: Mask: Alarm set if the date/day match
1: NotMask: Date/day don’t care in Alarm comparison
Bits 24-27: Date units or day in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xf
Bits 28-29: Date tens in BCD format.
Allowed values: 0x0-0x3
Bit 30: Week day selection.
Allowed values:
0: DateUnits: DU[3:0] represents the date units
1: WeekDay: DU[3:0] represents the week day. DT[1:0] is don’t care.
Bit 31: Alarm date mask.
Allowed values:
0: Mask: Alarm set if the date/day match
1: NotMask: Date/day don’t care in Alarm comparison
Alarm sub-second register
Offset: 0x44, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/2 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-14: Sub seconds value This value is compared with the contents of the synchronous prescaler counter to determine if alarm A is to be activated. Only bits 0 up MASKSS-1 are compared..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7fff
Bits 24-27: Mask the most-significant bits starting at this bit ... The overflow bits of the synchronous counter (bits 15) is never compared. This bit can be different from 0 only after a shift operation. Note: The overflow bits of the synchronous counter (bits 15) is never compared. This bit can be different from 0 only after a shift operation..
RTC status register
Offset: 0x50, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
3/3 fields covered.
Bit 0: Alarm A flag This flag is set by hardware when the time/date registers (RTC_TR and RTC_DR) match the alarm A register (RTC_ALRMAR)..
Allowed values:
1: Match: This flag is set by hardware when the time/date registers (RTC_TR and RTC_DR) match the Alarm register (RTC_ALRxBR)
Bit 3: Timestamp flag This flag is set by hardware when a timestamp event occurs..
Allowed values:
1: TimestampEvent: This flag is set by hardware when a time-stamp event occurs
Bit 4: Timestamp overflow flag This flag is set by hardware when a timestamp event occurs while TSF is already set. It is recommended to check and then clear TSOVF only after clearing the TSF bit. Otherwise, an overflow might not be noticed if a timestamp event occurs immediately before the TSF bit is cleared..
Allowed values:
1: Overflow: This flag is set by hardware when a time-stamp event occurs while TSF is already set
RTC masked interrupt status register
Offset: 0x54, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
3/3 fields covered.
Bit 0: Alarm A masked flag This flag is set by hardware when the alarm A interrupt occurs..
Allowed values:
1: Match: This flag is set by hardware when the time/date registers (RTC_TR and RTC_DR) match the Alarm register (RTC_ALRMxR)
Bit 3: Timestamp masked flag This flag is set by hardware when a timestamp interrupt occurs..
Allowed values:
1: TimestampEvent: This flag is set by hardware when a time-stamp event occurs
Bit 4: Timestamp overflow masked flag This flag is set by hardware when a timestamp interrupt occurs while TSMF is already set. It is recommended to check and then clear TSOVF only after clearing the TSF bit. Otherwise, an overflow might not be noticed if a timestamp event occurs immediately before the TSF bit is cleared..
Allowed values:
1: Overflow: This flag is set by hardware when a time-stamp event occurs while TSF is already set
RTC status clear register
Offset: 0x5c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
3/3 fields covered.
Bit 0: Clear alarm A flag Writing 1 in this bit clears the ALRAF bit in the RTC_SR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear interrupt flag
Bit 3: Clear timestamp flag Writing 1 in this bit clears the TSOVF bit in the RTC_SR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear interrupt flag
Bit 4: Clear timestamp overflow flag Writing 1 in this bit clears the TSOVF bit in the RTC_SR register. It is recommended to check and then clear TSOVF only after clearing the TSF bit. Otherwise, an overflow might not be noticed if a timestamp event occurs immediately before the TSF bit is cleared..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear interrupt flag
0x40013000: SPI address block description
54/54 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
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0 |
0x0 (16-bit) | CR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 (16-bit) | CR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 (16-bit) | SR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc (16-bit) | DR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc (8-bit) | DR8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 (16-bit) | CRCPR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 (16-bit) | RXCRCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 (16-bit) | TXCRCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c (16-bit) | I2SCFGR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 (16-bit) | I2SPR |
SPI control register 1
Offset: 0x0, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
14/14 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Clock phase Note: This bit should not be changed when communication is ongoing. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode and SPI TI mode except the case when CRC is applied at TI mode..
Allowed values:
0: FirstEdge: The first clock transition is the first data capture edge
1: SecondEdge: The second clock transition is the first data capture edge
Bit 1: Clock polarity Note: This bit should not be changed when communication is ongoing. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode and SPI TI mode except the case when CRC is applied at TI mode..
Allowed values:
0: IdleLow: CK to 0 when idle
1: IdleHigh: CK to 1 when idle
Bit 2: Master selection Note: This bit should not be changed when communication is ongoing. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Slave: Slave configuration
1: Master: Master configuration
Bits 3-5: Baud rate control Note: These bits should not be changed when communication is ongoing. Note: These bits are not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Div2: f_PCLK / 2
1: Div4: f_PCLK / 4
2: Div8: f_PCLK / 8
3: Div16: f_PCLK / 16
4: Div32: f_PCLK / 32
5: Div64: f_PCLK / 64
6: Div128: f_PCLK / 128
7: Div256: f_PCLK / 256
Bit 6: SPI enable Note: When disabling the SPI, follow the procedure described in Procedure for disabling the SPI on page 789. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Peripheral disabled
1: Enabled: Peripheral enabled
Bit 7: Frame format Note: 1. This bit should not be changed when communication is ongoing. Note: 2. This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode and SPI TI mode..
Allowed values:
0: MSBFirst: Data is transmitted/received with the MSB first
1: LSBFirst: Data is transmitted/received with the LSB first
Bit 8: Internal slave select This bit has an effect only when the SSM bit is set. The value of this bit is forced onto the NSS pin and the I/O value of the NSS pin is ignored. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode and SPI TI mode..
Allowed values:
0: SlaveSelected: 0 is forced onto the NSS pin and the I/O value of the NSS pin is ignored
1: SlaveNotSelected: 1 is forced onto the NSS pin and the I/O value of the NSS pin is ignored
Bit 9: Software slave management When the SSM bit is set, the NSS pin input is replaced with the value from the SSI bit. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode and SPI TI mode..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Software slave management disabled
1: Enabled: Software slave management enabled
Bit 10: Receive only mode enabled. This bit enables simplex communication using a single unidirectional line to receive data exclusively. Keep BIDIMODE bit clear when receive only mode is active.This bit is also useful in a multislave system in which this particular slave is not accessed, the output from the accessed slave is not corrupted. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: FullDuplex: Full duplex (Transmit and receive)
1: OutputDisabled: Output disabled (Receive-only mode)
Bit 11: CRC length This bit is set and cleared by software to select the CRC length. Note: This bit should be written only when SPI is disabled (SPE = 0 ) for correct operation. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: EightBit: 8-bit CRC length
1: SixteenBit: 16-bit CRC length
Bit 12: Transmit CRC next Note: This bit has to be written as soon as the last data is written in the SPI1_DR register. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: TxBuffer: Next transmit value is from Tx buffer
1: CRC: Next transmit value is from Tx CRC register
Bit 13: Hardware CRC calculation enable Note: This bit should be written only when SPI is disabled (SPE = 0 ) for correct operation. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CRC calculation disabled
1: Enabled: CRC calculation enabled
Bit 14: Output enable in bidirectional mode This bit combined with the BIDIMODE bit selects the direction of transfer in bidirectional mode. Note: In master mode, the MOSI pin is used and in slave mode, the MISO pin is used. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: OutputDisabled: Output disabled (receive-only mode)
1: OutputEnabled: Output enabled (transmit-only mode)
Bit 15: Bidirectional data mode enable. This bit enables half-duplex communication using common single bidirectional data line. Keep RXONLY bit clear when bidirectional mode is active. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Unidirectional: 2-line unidirectional data mode selected
1: Bidirectional: 1-line bidirectional data mode selected
SPI control register 2
Offset: 0x4, size: 16, reset: 0x00000700, access: read-write
12/12 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Rx buffer DMA enable When this bit is set, a DMA request is generated whenever the RXNE flag is set..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Rx buffer DMA disabled
1: Enabled: Rx buffer DMA enabled
Bit 1: Tx buffer DMA enable When this bit is set, a DMA request is generated whenever the TXE flag is set..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Tx buffer DMA disabled
1: Enabled: Tx buffer DMA enabled
Bit 2: SS output enable Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode and SPI TI mode..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: SS output is disabled in master mode
1: Enabled: SS output is enabled in master mode
Bit 3: NSS pulse management This bit is used in master mode only. it allows the SPI to generate an NSS pulse between two consecutive data when doing continuous transfers. In the case of a single data transfer, it forces the NSS pin high level after the transfer. It has no meaning if CPHA = 1 , or FRF = 1 . Note: 1. This bit must be written only when the SPI is disabled (SPE=0). Note: 2. This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode and SPI TI mode..
Allowed values:
0: NoPulse: No NSS pulse
1: PulseGenerated: NSS pulse generated
Bit 4: Frame format 1 SPI TI mode Note: This bit must be written only when the SPI is disabled (SPE=0). Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Motorola: SPI Motorola mode
1: TI: SPI TI mode
Bit 5: Error interrupt enable This bit controls the generation of an interrupt when an error condition occurs (CRCERR, OVR, MODF in SPI mode, FRE at TI mode and UDR, OVR, and FRE in I<sup>2</sup>S mode)..
Allowed values:
0: Masked: Error interrupt masked
1: NotMasked: Error interrupt not masked
Bit 6: RX buffer not empty interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Masked: RXE interrupt masked
1: NotMasked: RXE interrupt not masked
Bit 7: Tx buffer empty interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Masked: TXE interrupt masked
1: NotMasked: TXE interrupt not masked
Bits 8-11: Data size These bits configure the data length for SPI transfers. If software attempts to write one of the Not used values, they are forced to the value 0111 (8-bit) Note: These bits are not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
3: FourBit: 4-bit
4: FiveBit: 5-bit
5: SixBit: 6-bit
6: SevenBit: 7-bit
7: EightBit: 8-bit
8: NineBit: 9-bit
9: TenBit: 10-bit
10: ElevenBit: 11-bit
11: TwelveBit: 12-bit
12: ThirteenBit: 13-bit
13: FourteenBit: 14-bit
14: FifteenBit: 15-bit
15: SixteenBit: 16-bit
Bit 12: FIFO reception threshold This bit is used to set the threshold of the RXFIFO that triggers an RXNE event Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Half: RXNE event is generated if the FIFO level is greater than or equal to 1/2 (16-bit)
1: Quarter: RXNE event is generated if the FIFO level is greater than or equal to 1/4 (8-bit)
Bit 13: Last DMA transfer for reception This bit is used in data packing mode, to define if the total number of data to receive by DMA is odd or even. It has significance only if the RXDMAEN bit in the SPI1_CR2 register is set and if packing mode is used (data length =< 8-bit and write access to SPI1_DR is 16-bit wide). It has to be written when the SPI is disabled (SPE = 0 in the SPI1_CR1 register). Note: Refer to Procedure for disabling the SPI on page 789 if the CRCEN bit is set. Note: This bit is not used in I S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Even: Number of data to transfer for receive is even
1: Odd: Number of data to transfer for receive is odd
Bit 14: Last DMA transfer for transmission This bit is used in data packing mode, to define if the total number of data to transmit by DMA is odd or even. It has significance only if the TXDMAEN bit in the SPI1_CR2 register is set and if packing mode is used (data length =< 8-bit and write access to SPI1_DR is 16-bit wide). It has to be written when the SPI is disabled (SPE = 0 in the SPI1_CR1 register). Note: Refer to Procedure for disabling the SPI on page 789 if the CRCEN bit is set. Note: This bit is not used in I S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Even: Number of data to transfer for transmit is even
1: Odd: Number of data to transfer for transmit is odd
SPI status register
Offset: 0x8, size: 16, reset: 0x00000002, access: read-write
11/11 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r/w0c |
r |
r |
r |
r |
Bit 0: Receive buffer not empty.
Allowed values:
0: Empty: Rx buffer empty
1: NotEmpty: Rx buffer not empty
Bit 1: Transmit buffer empty.
Allowed values:
0: NotEmpty: Tx buffer not empty
1: Empty: Tx buffer empty
Bit 2: Channel side Note: This bit is not used in SPI mode. It has no significance in PCM mode..
Allowed values:
0: Left: Channel left has to be transmitted or has been received
1: Right: Channel right has to be transmitted or has been received
Bit 3: Underrun flag This flag is set by hardware and reset by a software sequence. Refer to I2S error flags on page 821 for the software sequence. Note: This bit is not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: NoUnderrun: No underrun occurred
1: Underrun: Underrun occurred
Bit 4: CRC error flag Note: This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software writing 0. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Match: CRC value received matches the SPIx_RXCRCR value
1: NoMatch: CRC value received does not match the SPIx_RXCRCR value
Bit 5: Mode fault This flag is set by hardware and reset by a software sequence. Refer to Section : Mode fault (MODF) on page 799 for the software sequence. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: NoFault: No mode fault occurred
1: Fault: Mode fault occurred
Bit 6: Overrun flag This flag is set by hardware and reset by a software sequence. Refer to I2S error flags on page 821 for the software sequence..
Allowed values:
0: NoOverrun: No overrun occurred
1: Overrun: Overrun occurred
Bit 7: Busy flag This flag is set and cleared by hardware. Note: The BSY flag must be used with caution: refer to Section 27.5.10: SPI status flags and Procedure for disabling the SPI on page 789..
Allowed values:
0: NotBusy: SPI not busy
1: Busy: SPI busy
Bit 8: Frame format error This flag is used for SPI in TI slave mode and I<sup>2</sup>S slave mode. Refer to Section 27.5.11: SPI error flags and Section 27.7.8: I2S error flags. This flag is set by hardware and reset when SPI1_SR is read by software..
Allowed values:
0: NoError: No frame format error
1: Error: A frame format error occurred
Bits 9-10: FIFO reception level These bits are set and cleared by hardware. Note: These bits are not used in I S mode and in SPI receive-only mode while CRC calculation is enabled..
Allowed values:
0: Empty: Rx FIFO Empty
1: Quarter: Rx 1/4 FIFO
2: Half: Rx 1/2 FIFO
3: Full: Rx FIFO full
Bits 11-12: FIFO transmission level These bits are set and cleared by hardware. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Empty: Tx FIFO Empty
1: Quarter: Tx 1/4 FIFO
2: Half: Tx 1/2 FIFO
3: Full: Tx FIFO full
SPI data register
Offset: 0xc, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Data register Data received or to be transmitted The data register serves as an interface between the Rx and Tx FIFOs. When the data register is read, RxFIFO is accessed while the write to data register accesses TxFIFO (See Section 27.5.9: Data transmission and reception procedures). Note: Data is always right-aligned. Unused bits are ignored when writing to the register, and read as zero when the register is read. The Rx threshold setting must always correspond with the read access currently used..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
Direct 8-bit access to data register
Offset: 0xc, size: 8, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
SPI CRC polynomial register
Offset: 0x10, size: 16, reset: 0x00000007, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
SPI Rx CRC register
Offset: 0x14, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
Bits 0-15: Rx CRC register When CRC calculation is enabled, the RXCRC[15:0] bits contain the computed CRC value of the subsequently received bytes. This register is reset when the CRCEN bit in SPI1_CR1 register is written to 1. The CRC is calculated serially using the polynomial programmed in the SPI1_CRCPR register. Only the 8 LSB bits are considered when the CRC frame format is set to be 8-bit length (CRCL bit in the SPI1_CR1 is cleared). CRC calculation is done based on any CRC8 standard. The entire 16-bits of this register are considered when a 16-bit CRC frame format is selected (CRCL bit in the SPI1_CR1 register is set). CRC calculation is done based on any CRC16 standard. Note: A read to this register when the BSY Flag is set could return an incorrect value. Note: These bits are not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
SPI Tx CRC register
Offset: 0x18, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
Bits 0-15: Tx CRC register When CRC calculation is enabled, the TXCRC[7:0] bits contain the computed CRC value of the subsequently transmitted bytes. This register is reset when the CRCEN bit of SPI1_CR1 is written to 1. The CRC is calculated serially using the polynomial programmed in the SPI1_CRCPR register. Only the 8 LSB bits are considered when the CRC frame format is set to be 8-bit length (CRCL bit in the SPI1_CR1 is cleared). CRC calculation is done based on any CRC8 standard. The entire 16-bits of this register are considered when a 16-bit CRC frame format is selected (CRCL bit in the SPI1_CR1 register is set). CRC calculation is done based on any CRC16 standard. Note: A read to this register when the BSY flag is set could return an incorrect value. Note: These bits are not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
SPI1_I2S configuration register
Offset: 0x1c, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
9/9 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) The bit write operation has a meaning only if DATLEN = 00 otherwise the channel length is fixed to 32-bit by hardware whatever the value filled in. Note: For correct operation, this bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled. Note: It is not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: SixteenBit: 16-bit wide
1: ThirtyTwoBit: 32-bit wide
Bits 1-2: Data length to be transferred Note: For correct operation, these bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. Note: They are not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: SixteenBit: 16-bit data length
1: TwentyFourBit: 24-bit data length
2: ThirtyTwoBit: 32-bit data length
Bit 3: Inactive state clock polarity Note: For correct operation, this bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled. Note: It is not used in SPI mode. Note: The bit CKPOL does not affect the CK edge sensitivity used to receive or transmit the SD and WS signals..
Allowed values:
0: IdleLow: I2S clock inactive state is low level
1: IdleHigh: I2S clock inactive state is high level
Bits 4-5: I2S standard selection For more details on I<sup>2</sup>S standards, refer to Section 27.7.2 on page 805 Note: For correct operation, these bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. Note: They are not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: Philips: I2S Philips standard
1: MSB: MSB justified standard
2: LSB: LSB justified standard
3: PCM: PCM standard
Bit 7: PCM frame synchronization Note: This bit has a meaning only if I2SSTD = 11 (PCM standard is used). Note: It is not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: Short: Short frame synchronisation
1: Long: Long frame synchronisation
Bits 8-9: I2S configuration mode Note: These bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. Note: They are not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: SlaveTx: Slave - transmit
1: SlaveRx: Slave - receive
2: MasterTx: Master - transmit
3: MasterRx: Master - receive
Bit 10: I2S enable Note: This bit is not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: I2S peripheral is disabled
1: Enabled: I2S peripheral is enabled
Bit 11: I2S mode selection Note: This bit should be configured when the SPI is disabled..
Allowed values:
0: SPIMode: SPI mode is selected
1: I2SMode: I2S mode is selected
Bit 12: Asynchronous start enable. When the I2S is enabled in slave mode, the hardware starts the transfer when the I2S clock is received and an appropriate transition is detected on the WS signal. When the I2S is enabled in slave mode, the hardware starts the transfer when the I2S clock is received and the appropriate level is detected on the WS signal. Note: The appropriate transition is a falling edge on WS signal when I<sup>2</sup>S Philips Standard is used, or a rising edge for other standards. Note: The appropriate level is a low level on WS signal when I<sup>2</sup>S Philips Standard is used, or a high level for other standards. Note: Please refer to Section 27.7.3: Start-up description for additional information..
Allowed values:
0: AsyncStartDisabled: Asynchronous start disabled
1: AsyncStartEnabled: Asynchronous start enabled
SPI1_I2S prescaler register
Offset: 0x20, size: 16, reset: 0x00000002, access: read-write
3/3 fields covered.
Bits 0-7: I2S linear prescaler I2SDIV [7:0] = 0 or I2SDIV [7:0] = 1 are forbidden values. Refer to Section 27.7.3 on page 812. Note: These bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. They are used only when the I2S is in master mode. Note: They are not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values: 0x2-0xff
Bit 8: Odd factor for the prescaler Refer to Section 27.7.3 on page 812. Note: This bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled. It is used only when the I2S is in master mode. Note: It is not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: Even: Real divider value is I2SDIV * 2
1: Odd: Real divider value is (I2SDIV * 2) + 1
Bit 9: Master clock output enable Note: This bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled. It is used only when the I2S is in master mode. Note: It is not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Master clock output is disabled
1: Enabled: Master clock output is enabled
0x40003800: SPI address block description
54/54 fields covered.
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5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 (16-bit) | CR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 (16-bit) | CR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 (16-bit) | SR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc (16-bit) | DR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc (8-bit) | DR8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 (16-bit) | CRCPR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 (16-bit) | RXCRCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 (16-bit) | TXCRCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c (16-bit) | I2SCFGR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 (16-bit) | I2SPR |
SPI control register 1
Offset: 0x0, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
14/14 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Clock phase Note: This bit should not be changed when communication is ongoing. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode and SPI TI mode except the case when CRC is applied at TI mode..
Allowed values:
0: FirstEdge: The first clock transition is the first data capture edge
1: SecondEdge: The second clock transition is the first data capture edge
Bit 1: Clock polarity Note: This bit should not be changed when communication is ongoing. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode and SPI TI mode except the case when CRC is applied at TI mode..
Allowed values:
0: IdleLow: CK to 0 when idle
1: IdleHigh: CK to 1 when idle
Bit 2: Master selection Note: This bit should not be changed when communication is ongoing. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Slave: Slave configuration
1: Master: Master configuration
Bits 3-5: Baud rate control Note: These bits should not be changed when communication is ongoing. Note: These bits are not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Div2: f_PCLK / 2
1: Div4: f_PCLK / 4
2: Div8: f_PCLK / 8
3: Div16: f_PCLK / 16
4: Div32: f_PCLK / 32
5: Div64: f_PCLK / 64
6: Div128: f_PCLK / 128
7: Div256: f_PCLK / 256
Bit 6: SPI enable Note: When disabling the SPI, follow the procedure described in Procedure for disabling the SPI on page 789. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Peripheral disabled
1: Enabled: Peripheral enabled
Bit 7: Frame format Note: 1. This bit should not be changed when communication is ongoing. Note: 2. This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode and SPI TI mode..
Allowed values:
0: MSBFirst: Data is transmitted/received with the MSB first
1: LSBFirst: Data is transmitted/received with the LSB first
Bit 8: Internal slave select This bit has an effect only when the SSM bit is set. The value of this bit is forced onto the NSS pin and the I/O value of the NSS pin is ignored. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode and SPI TI mode..
Allowed values:
0: SlaveSelected: 0 is forced onto the NSS pin and the I/O value of the NSS pin is ignored
1: SlaveNotSelected: 1 is forced onto the NSS pin and the I/O value of the NSS pin is ignored
Bit 9: Software slave management When the SSM bit is set, the NSS pin input is replaced with the value from the SSI bit. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode and SPI TI mode..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Software slave management disabled
1: Enabled: Software slave management enabled
Bit 10: Receive only mode enabled. This bit enables simplex communication using a single unidirectional line to receive data exclusively. Keep BIDIMODE bit clear when receive only mode is active.This bit is also useful in a multislave system in which this particular slave is not accessed, the output from the accessed slave is not corrupted. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: FullDuplex: Full duplex (Transmit and receive)
1: OutputDisabled: Output disabled (Receive-only mode)
Bit 11: CRC length This bit is set and cleared by software to select the CRC length. Note: This bit should be written only when SPI is disabled (SPE = 0 ) for correct operation. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: EightBit: 8-bit CRC length
1: SixteenBit: 16-bit CRC length
Bit 12: Transmit CRC next Note: This bit has to be written as soon as the last data is written in the SPI1_DR register. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: TxBuffer: Next transmit value is from Tx buffer
1: CRC: Next transmit value is from Tx CRC register
Bit 13: Hardware CRC calculation enable Note: This bit should be written only when SPI is disabled (SPE = 0 ) for correct operation. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CRC calculation disabled
1: Enabled: CRC calculation enabled
Bit 14: Output enable in bidirectional mode This bit combined with the BIDIMODE bit selects the direction of transfer in bidirectional mode. Note: In master mode, the MOSI pin is used and in slave mode, the MISO pin is used. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: OutputDisabled: Output disabled (receive-only mode)
1: OutputEnabled: Output enabled (transmit-only mode)
Bit 15: Bidirectional data mode enable. This bit enables half-duplex communication using common single bidirectional data line. Keep RXONLY bit clear when bidirectional mode is active. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Unidirectional: 2-line unidirectional data mode selected
1: Bidirectional: 1-line bidirectional data mode selected
SPI control register 2
Offset: 0x4, size: 16, reset: 0x00000700, access: read-write
12/12 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Rx buffer DMA enable When this bit is set, a DMA request is generated whenever the RXNE flag is set..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Rx buffer DMA disabled
1: Enabled: Rx buffer DMA enabled
Bit 1: Tx buffer DMA enable When this bit is set, a DMA request is generated whenever the TXE flag is set..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Tx buffer DMA disabled
1: Enabled: Tx buffer DMA enabled
Bit 2: SS output enable Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode and SPI TI mode..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: SS output is disabled in master mode
1: Enabled: SS output is enabled in master mode
Bit 3: NSS pulse management This bit is used in master mode only. it allows the SPI to generate an NSS pulse between two consecutive data when doing continuous transfers. In the case of a single data transfer, it forces the NSS pin high level after the transfer. It has no meaning if CPHA = 1 , or FRF = 1 . Note: 1. This bit must be written only when the SPI is disabled (SPE=0). Note: 2. This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode and SPI TI mode..
Allowed values:
0: NoPulse: No NSS pulse
1: PulseGenerated: NSS pulse generated
Bit 4: Frame format 1 SPI TI mode Note: This bit must be written only when the SPI is disabled (SPE=0). Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Motorola: SPI Motorola mode
1: TI: SPI TI mode
Bit 5: Error interrupt enable This bit controls the generation of an interrupt when an error condition occurs (CRCERR, OVR, MODF in SPI mode, FRE at TI mode and UDR, OVR, and FRE in I<sup>2</sup>S mode)..
Allowed values:
0: Masked: Error interrupt masked
1: NotMasked: Error interrupt not masked
Bit 6: RX buffer not empty interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Masked: RXE interrupt masked
1: NotMasked: RXE interrupt not masked
Bit 7: Tx buffer empty interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Masked: TXE interrupt masked
1: NotMasked: TXE interrupt not masked
Bits 8-11: Data size These bits configure the data length for SPI transfers. If software attempts to write one of the Not used values, they are forced to the value 0111 (8-bit) Note: These bits are not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
3: FourBit: 4-bit
4: FiveBit: 5-bit
5: SixBit: 6-bit
6: SevenBit: 7-bit
7: EightBit: 8-bit
8: NineBit: 9-bit
9: TenBit: 10-bit
10: ElevenBit: 11-bit
11: TwelveBit: 12-bit
12: ThirteenBit: 13-bit
13: FourteenBit: 14-bit
14: FifteenBit: 15-bit
15: SixteenBit: 16-bit
Bit 12: FIFO reception threshold This bit is used to set the threshold of the RXFIFO that triggers an RXNE event Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Half: RXNE event is generated if the FIFO level is greater than or equal to 1/2 (16-bit)
1: Quarter: RXNE event is generated if the FIFO level is greater than or equal to 1/4 (8-bit)
Bit 13: Last DMA transfer for reception This bit is used in data packing mode, to define if the total number of data to receive by DMA is odd or even. It has significance only if the RXDMAEN bit in the SPI1_CR2 register is set and if packing mode is used (data length =< 8-bit and write access to SPI1_DR is 16-bit wide). It has to be written when the SPI is disabled (SPE = 0 in the SPI1_CR1 register). Note: Refer to Procedure for disabling the SPI on page 789 if the CRCEN bit is set. Note: This bit is not used in I S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Even: Number of data to transfer for receive is even
1: Odd: Number of data to transfer for receive is odd
Bit 14: Last DMA transfer for transmission This bit is used in data packing mode, to define if the total number of data to transmit by DMA is odd or even. It has significance only if the TXDMAEN bit in the SPI1_CR2 register is set and if packing mode is used (data length =< 8-bit and write access to SPI1_DR is 16-bit wide). It has to be written when the SPI is disabled (SPE = 0 in the SPI1_CR1 register). Note: Refer to Procedure for disabling the SPI on page 789 if the CRCEN bit is set. Note: This bit is not used in I S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Even: Number of data to transfer for transmit is even
1: Odd: Number of data to transfer for transmit is odd
SPI status register
Offset: 0x8, size: 16, reset: 0x00000002, access: read-write
11/11 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r/w0c |
r |
r |
r |
r |
Bit 0: Receive buffer not empty.
Allowed values:
0: Empty: Rx buffer empty
1: NotEmpty: Rx buffer not empty
Bit 1: Transmit buffer empty.
Allowed values:
0: NotEmpty: Tx buffer not empty
1: Empty: Tx buffer empty
Bit 2: Channel side Note: This bit is not used in SPI mode. It has no significance in PCM mode..
Allowed values:
0: Left: Channel left has to be transmitted or has been received
1: Right: Channel right has to be transmitted or has been received
Bit 3: Underrun flag This flag is set by hardware and reset by a software sequence. Refer to I2S error flags on page 821 for the software sequence. Note: This bit is not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: NoUnderrun: No underrun occurred
1: Underrun: Underrun occurred
Bit 4: CRC error flag Note: This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software writing 0. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Match: CRC value received matches the SPIx_RXCRCR value
1: NoMatch: CRC value received does not match the SPIx_RXCRCR value
Bit 5: Mode fault This flag is set by hardware and reset by a software sequence. Refer to Section : Mode fault (MODF) on page 799 for the software sequence. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: NoFault: No mode fault occurred
1: Fault: Mode fault occurred
Bit 6: Overrun flag This flag is set by hardware and reset by a software sequence. Refer to I2S error flags on page 821 for the software sequence..
Allowed values:
0: NoOverrun: No overrun occurred
1: Overrun: Overrun occurred
Bit 7: Busy flag This flag is set and cleared by hardware. Note: The BSY flag must be used with caution: refer to Section 27.5.10: SPI status flags and Procedure for disabling the SPI on page 789..
Allowed values:
0: NotBusy: SPI not busy
1: Busy: SPI busy
Bit 8: Frame format error This flag is used for SPI in TI slave mode and I<sup>2</sup>S slave mode. Refer to Section 27.5.11: SPI error flags and Section 27.7.8: I2S error flags. This flag is set by hardware and reset when SPI1_SR is read by software..
Allowed values:
0: NoError: No frame format error
1: Error: A frame format error occurred
Bits 9-10: FIFO reception level These bits are set and cleared by hardware. Note: These bits are not used in I S mode and in SPI receive-only mode while CRC calculation is enabled..
Allowed values:
0: Empty: Rx FIFO Empty
1: Quarter: Rx 1/4 FIFO
2: Half: Rx 1/2 FIFO
3: Full: Rx FIFO full
Bits 11-12: FIFO transmission level These bits are set and cleared by hardware. Note: This bit is not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values:
0: Empty: Tx FIFO Empty
1: Quarter: Tx 1/4 FIFO
2: Half: Tx 1/2 FIFO
3: Full: Tx FIFO full
SPI data register
Offset: 0xc, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Data register Data received or to be transmitted The data register serves as an interface between the Rx and Tx FIFOs. When the data register is read, RxFIFO is accessed while the write to data register accesses TxFIFO (See Section 27.5.9: Data transmission and reception procedures). Note: Data is always right-aligned. Unused bits are ignored when writing to the register, and read as zero when the register is read. The Rx threshold setting must always correspond with the read access currently used..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
Direct 8-bit access to data register
Offset: 0xc, size: 8, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
SPI CRC polynomial register
Offset: 0x10, size: 16, reset: 0x00000007, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
SPI Rx CRC register
Offset: 0x14, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
Bits 0-15: Rx CRC register When CRC calculation is enabled, the RXCRC[15:0] bits contain the computed CRC value of the subsequently received bytes. This register is reset when the CRCEN bit in SPI1_CR1 register is written to 1. The CRC is calculated serially using the polynomial programmed in the SPI1_CRCPR register. Only the 8 LSB bits are considered when the CRC frame format is set to be 8-bit length (CRCL bit in the SPI1_CR1 is cleared). CRC calculation is done based on any CRC8 standard. The entire 16-bits of this register are considered when a 16-bit CRC frame format is selected (CRCL bit in the SPI1_CR1 register is set). CRC calculation is done based on any CRC16 standard. Note: A read to this register when the BSY Flag is set could return an incorrect value. Note: These bits are not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
SPI Tx CRC register
Offset: 0x18, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
Bits 0-15: Tx CRC register When CRC calculation is enabled, the TXCRC[7:0] bits contain the computed CRC value of the subsequently transmitted bytes. This register is reset when the CRCEN bit of SPI1_CR1 is written to 1. The CRC is calculated serially using the polynomial programmed in the SPI1_CRCPR register. Only the 8 LSB bits are considered when the CRC frame format is set to be 8-bit length (CRCL bit in the SPI1_CR1 is cleared). CRC calculation is done based on any CRC8 standard. The entire 16-bits of this register are considered when a 16-bit CRC frame format is selected (CRCL bit in the SPI1_CR1 register is set). CRC calculation is done based on any CRC16 standard. Note: A read to this register when the BSY flag is set could return an incorrect value. Note: These bits are not used in I<sup>2</sup>S mode..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
SPI1_I2S configuration register
Offset: 0x1c, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
9/9 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) The bit write operation has a meaning only if DATLEN = 00 otherwise the channel length is fixed to 32-bit by hardware whatever the value filled in. Note: For correct operation, this bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled. Note: It is not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: SixteenBit: 16-bit wide
1: ThirtyTwoBit: 32-bit wide
Bits 1-2: Data length to be transferred Note: For correct operation, these bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. Note: They are not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: SixteenBit: 16-bit data length
1: TwentyFourBit: 24-bit data length
2: ThirtyTwoBit: 32-bit data length
Bit 3: Inactive state clock polarity Note: For correct operation, this bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled. Note: It is not used in SPI mode. Note: The bit CKPOL does not affect the CK edge sensitivity used to receive or transmit the SD and WS signals..
Allowed values:
0: IdleLow: I2S clock inactive state is low level
1: IdleHigh: I2S clock inactive state is high level
Bits 4-5: I2S standard selection For more details on I<sup>2</sup>S standards, refer to Section 27.7.2 on page 805 Note: For correct operation, these bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. Note: They are not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: Philips: I2S Philips standard
1: MSB: MSB justified standard
2: LSB: LSB justified standard
3: PCM: PCM standard
Bit 7: PCM frame synchronization Note: This bit has a meaning only if I2SSTD = 11 (PCM standard is used). Note: It is not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: Short: Short frame synchronisation
1: Long: Long frame synchronisation
Bits 8-9: I2S configuration mode Note: These bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. Note: They are not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: SlaveTx: Slave - transmit
1: SlaveRx: Slave - receive
2: MasterTx: Master - transmit
3: MasterRx: Master - receive
Bit 10: I2S enable Note: This bit is not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: I2S peripheral is disabled
1: Enabled: I2S peripheral is enabled
Bit 11: I2S mode selection Note: This bit should be configured when the SPI is disabled..
Allowed values:
0: SPIMode: SPI mode is selected
1: I2SMode: I2S mode is selected
Bit 12: Asynchronous start enable. When the I2S is enabled in slave mode, the hardware starts the transfer when the I2S clock is received and an appropriate transition is detected on the WS signal. When the I2S is enabled in slave mode, the hardware starts the transfer when the I2S clock is received and the appropriate level is detected on the WS signal. Note: The appropriate transition is a falling edge on WS signal when I<sup>2</sup>S Philips Standard is used, or a rising edge for other standards. Note: The appropriate level is a low level on WS signal when I<sup>2</sup>S Philips Standard is used, or a high level for other standards. Note: Please refer to Section 27.7.3: Start-up description for additional information..
Allowed values:
0: AsyncStartDisabled: Asynchronous start disabled
1: AsyncStartEnabled: Asynchronous start enabled
SPI1_I2S prescaler register
Offset: 0x20, size: 16, reset: 0x00000002, access: read-write
3/3 fields covered.
Bits 0-7: I2S linear prescaler I2SDIV [7:0] = 0 or I2SDIV [7:0] = 1 are forbidden values. Refer to Section 27.7.3 on page 812. Note: These bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. They are used only when the I2S is in master mode. Note: They are not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values: 0x2-0xff
Bit 8: Odd factor for the prescaler Refer to Section 27.7.3 on page 812. Note: This bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled. It is used only when the I2S is in master mode. Note: It is not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: Even: Real divider value is I2SDIV * 2
1: Odd: Real divider value is (I2SDIV * 2) + 1
Bit 9: Master clock output enable Note: This bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled. It is used only when the I2S is in master mode. Note: It is not used in SPI mode..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Master clock output is disabled
1: Enabled: Master clock output is enabled
0x40010000: Spider_SYSCFG register block
46/67 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | CFGR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CFGR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x3c | CFGR3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x80 | ITLINE0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x84 | ITLINE1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x88 | ITLINE2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8c | ITLINE3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x90 | ITLINE4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x94 | ITLINE5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x98 | ITLINE6 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x9c | ITLINE7 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xa0 | ITLINE8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xa4 | ITLINE9 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xa8 | ITLINE10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xac | ITLINE11 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xb0 | ITLINE12 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xb4 | ITLINE13 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xb8 | ITLINE14 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xbc | ITLINE15 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc0 | ITLINE16 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xcc | ITLINE19 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xd4 | ITLINE21 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xd8 | ITLINE22 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xdc | ITLINE23 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xe0 | ITLINE24 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xe4 | ITLINE25 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xe8 | ITLINE26 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xec | ITLINE27 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xf0 | ITLINE28 |
SYSCFG configuration register 1
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/14 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Memory mapping selection bits This bitfield controlled by software selects the memory internally mapped at the address 0x0000 0000. Its reset value is determined by the boot mode configuration. Refer to Section 3: Boot configuration for more details. x0: Main Flash memory.
Bit 3: PA11 pin remapping This bit is set and cleared by software. When set, it remaps the PA11 pin to operate as PA9 GPIO port, instead as PA11 GPIO port. Note: If the PINMUX2[1:0] bitfield of the SYSCFG_CFGR3 register is at 00, PA11_RMP must be kept at 0 to prevent conflict due to two GPIO outputs with different output levels connected to the same pin..
Bit 4: PA12 pin remapping This bit is set and cleared by software. When set, it remaps the PA12 pin to operate as PA10 GPIO port, instead as PA12 GPIO port. Note: If the PINMUX4[1:0] bitfield of the SYSCFG_CFGR3 register is at 00, PA12_RMP must be kept at 0 to prevent conflict due to two GPIO outputs with different output levels connected to the same pin..
Bit 5: IR output polarity selection.
Bits 6-7: IR Modulation Envelope signal selection This bitfield selects the signal for IR modulation envelope:.
Bit 16: Fast Mode Plus (FM+) enable for PB6 This bit is set and cleared by software. It enables I<sup>2</sup>C FM+ driving capability on PB6 I/O port..
Bit 17: Fast Mode Plus (FM+) enable for PB7 This bit is set and cleared by software. It enables I<sup>2</sup>C FM+ driving capability on PB7 I/O port..
Bit 18: Fast Mode Plus (FM+) enable for PB8 This bit is set and cleared by software. It enables I<sup>2</sup>C FM+ driving capability on PB8 I/O port. Note: Not available on STM32C011xx..
Bit 19: Fast Mode Plus (FM+) enable for PB9 This bit is set and cleared by software. It enables I<sup>2</sup>C FM+ driving capability on PB9 I/O port. Note: Not available on STM32C011xx..
Bit 20: Fast Mode Plus (FM+) enable for I2C1 This bit is set and cleared by software. It enables I<sup>2</sup>C FM+ driving capability on I/O ports configured as I2C1 through GPIOx_AFR registers..
Bit 21: Fast Mode Plus (FM+) enable for I2C2 This bit is set and cleared by software. It enables I<sup>2</sup>C FM+ driving capability on I/O ports configured as I2C2 through GPIOx_AFR registers. Note: Only applicable to STM32C071xx. Reserved on the other products..
Bit 22: Fast Mode Plus (FM+) enable for PA9 This bit is set and cleared by software. It enables I<sup>2</sup>C FM+ driving capability on PA9 I/O port..
Bit 23: Fast Mode Plus (FM+) enable for PA10 This bit is set and cleared by software. It enables I<sup>2</sup>C FM+ driving capability on PA10 I/O port..
Bit 24: Fast Mode Plus (FM+) enable for PC14 This bit is set and cleared by software. It enables I<sup>2</sup>C FM+ driving capability on PC14 I/O port. Note: Not available on STM32C011xx..
SYSCFG configuration register 2
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
SYSCFG configuration register 3
Offset: 0x3c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/6 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Pin GPIO multiplexer 0 This bit is set by software and cleared by system reset. It assigns a GPIO to a pin. 1x: Reserved 1x: Reserved.
Bits 2-3: Pin GPIO multiplexer 1 This bit is set by software and cleared by system reset. It assigns a GPIO to a pin. 1x: Reserved.
Bits 4-5: Pin GPIO multiplexer 2 This bit is set by software and cleared by system reset. It assigns a GPIO to a pin. 1x: Reserved Note: The PA11_RMP bit of the SYSCFG_CFGR1 takes priority over the selection through this bitfield. Refer to the description of the SYSCFG_CFGR1 register for more details..
Bits 6-7: Pin GPIO multiplexer 3 This bit is set by software and cleared by system reset. It assigns a GPIO to a pin. 1x: Reserved.
Bits 8-9: Pin GPIO multiplexer 4 This bit is set by software and cleared by system reset. It assigns a GPIO to a pin. 1x: Reserved Note: The PA12_RMP bit of the SYSCFG_CFGR1 takes priority over the selection through this bitfield. Refer to the description of the SYSCFG_CFGR1 register for more details..
Bits 10-11: Pin GPIO multiplexer 5 This bit is set by software and cleared by system reset. It assigns a GPIO to a pin..
SYSCFG interrupt line 0 status register
Offset: 0x80, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 1 status register
Offset: 0x84, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 2 status register
Offset: 0x88, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 3 status register
Offset: 0x8c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 4 status register
Offset: 0x90, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
2/2 fields covered.
SYSCFG interrupt line 5 status register
Offset: 0x94, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
2/2 fields covered.
SYSCFG interrupt line 6 status register
Offset: 0x98, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
2/2 fields covered.
SYSCFG interrupt line 7 status register
Offset: 0x9c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
12/12 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
r |
Bit 0: EXTI line 4 interrupt request pending.
Bit 1: EXTI line 5 interrupt request pending.
Bit 2: EXTI line 6 interrupt request pending.
Bit 3: EXTI line 7 interrupt request pending.
Bit 4: EXTI line 8 interrupt request pending.
Bit 5: EXTI line 9 interrupt request pending.
Bit 6: EXTI line 10 interrupt request pending.
Bit 7: EXTI line 11 interrupt request pending.
Bit 8: EXTI line 12 interrupt request pending.
Bit 9: EXTI line 13 interrupt request pending.
Bit 10: EXTI line 14 interrupt request pending.
Bit 11: EXTI line 15 interrupt request pending.
SYSCFG interrupt line 8 status register
Offset: 0xa0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 9 status register
Offset: 0xa4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 10 status register
Offset: 0xa8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
2/2 fields covered.
SYSCFG interrupt line 11 status register
Offset: 0xac, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
3/3 fields covered.
Bit 0: DMAMUX interrupt request pending.
Bit 1: DMA channel 5 interrupt request pending Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on the other products..
Bit 2: DMA channel 5 interrupt request pending Note: Only applicable on STM32C071xx, reserved on the other products..
SYSCFG interrupt line 12 status register
Offset: 0xb0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 13 status register
Offset: 0xb4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
4/4 fields covered.
SYSCFG interrupt line 14 status register
Offset: 0xb8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 15 status register
Offset: 0xbc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 16 status register
Offset: 0xc0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 19 status register
Offset: 0xcc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 21 status register
Offset: 0xd4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 22 status register
Offset: 0xd8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 23 status register
Offset: 0xdc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 24 status register
Offset: 0xe0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 25 status register
Offset: 0xe4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 26 status register
Offset: 0xe8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 27 status register
Offset: 0xec, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
SYSCFG interrupt line 28 status register
Offset: 0xf0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
0x40012c00: TIM1 address block description
144/181 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 (16-bit) | CR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | CR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | SMCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc (16-bit) | DIER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | SR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 (16-bit) | EGR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CCMR1_Input | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CCMR1_Output | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | CCMR2_Input | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | CCMR2_Output | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 | CCER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | CNT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 (16-bit) | PSC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x2c (16-bit) | ARR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x30 (16-bit) | RCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x34 (16-bit) | CCR[1] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x38 (16-bit) | CCR[2] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x3c (16-bit) | CCR[3] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x40 (16-bit) | CCR[4] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x44 | BDTR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x48 (16-bit) | DCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4c | DMAR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x54 | CCMR3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x58 | CCR5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x5c (16-bit) | CCR6 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x60 | AF1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x64 | AF2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x68 | TISEL |
TIM1 control register 1
Offset: 0x0, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/9 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Counter enable Note: External clock, gated mode and encoder mode can work only if the CEN bit has been previously set by software. However trigger mode can set the CEN bit automatically by hardware..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Counter disabled
1: Enabled: Counter enabled
Bit 1: Update disable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable UEV event generation. Counter overflow/underflow Setting the UG bit Update generation through the slave mode controller Buffered registers are then loaded with their preload values..
Allowed values:
0: Enabled: Update event enabled
1: Disabled: Update event disabled
Bit 2: Update request source This bit is set and cleared by software to select the UEV event sources. Counter overflow/underflow Setting the UG bit Update generation through the slave mode controller.
Allowed values:
0: AnyEvent: Any of counter overflow/underflow, setting UG, or update through slave mode, generates an update interrupt or DMA request
1: CounterOnly: Only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt or DMA request
Bit 3: One pulse mode.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Counter is not stopped at update event
1: Enabled: Counter stops counting at the next update event (clearing the CEN bit)
Bit 4: Direction Note: This bit is read only when the timer is configured in Center-aligned mode or Encoder mode..
Allowed values:
0: Up: Counter used as upcounter
1: Down: Counter used as downcounter
Bits 5-6: Center-aligned mode selection Note: Switch from edge-aligned mode to center-aligned mode as long as the counter is enabled (CEN=1) is not allowed.
Allowed values:
0: EdgeAligned: The counter counts up or down depending on the direction bit
1: CenterAligned1: The counter counts up and down alternatively. Output compare interrupt flags are set only when the counter is counting down.
2: CenterAligned2: The counter counts up and down alternatively. Output compare interrupt flags are set only when the counter is counting up.
3: CenterAligned3: The counter counts up and down alternatively. Output compare interrupt flags are set both when the counter is counting up or down.
Bit 7: Auto-reload preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: TIMx_APRR register is not buffered
1: Enabled: TIMx_APRR register is buffered
Bits 8-9: Clock division This bit-field indicates the division ratio between the timer clock (CK_INT) frequency and the dead-time and sampling clock (t<sub>DTS</sub>)used by the dead-time generators and the digital filters (ETR, TIx): Note: t<sub>DTS</sub> = 1/f<sub>DTS</sub>, t<sub>CK_INT</sub> = 1/f<sub>CK_INT</sub>..
Allowed values:
0: Div1: t_DTS = t_CK_INT
1: Div2: t_DTS = 2 × t_CK_INT
2: Div4: t_DTS = 4 × t_CK_INT
Bit 11: UIF status bit remapping.
TIM1 control register 2
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
13/15 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Capture/compare preloaded control Note: This bit acts only on channels that have a complementary output..
Allowed values:
0: NotPreloaded: CCxE, CCxNE and OCxM bits are not preloaded
1: Preloaded: CCxE, CCxNE and OCxM bits are preloaded
Bit 2: Capture/compare control update selection Note: This bit acts only on channels that have a complementary output..
Allowed values:
0: Sw: When capture/compare control bits are preloaded (CCPC=1), they are updated by setting the COMG bit only
1: SwOrEdge: When capture/compare control bits are preloaded (CCPC=1), they are updated by setting the COMG bit or when an rising edge occurs on TRGI
Bit 3: Capture/compare DMA selection.
Allowed values:
0: OnCompare: CCx DMA request sent when CCx event occurs
1: OnUpdate: CCx DMA request sent when update event occurs
Bits 4-6: Master mode selection These bits allow selected information to be sent in master mode to slave timers for synchronization (TRGO). The combination is as follows: Note: The clock of the slave timer or ADC must be enabled prior to receive events from the master timer, and must not be changed on-the-fly while triggers are received from the master timer..
Bit 7: TI1 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Normal: The TIMx_CH1 pin is connected to TI1 input
1: XOR: The TIMx_CH1, CH2, CH3 pins are connected to TI1 input
Bit 8: Output Idle state (OC1 output).
Allowed values:
0: Reset: OCx=0 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
1: Set: OCx=1 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
Bit 9: Output Idle state (OC1N output).
Allowed values:
0: Reset: OCxN=0 after a dead-time when MOE=0
1: Set: OCxN=1 after a dead-time when MOE=0
Bit 10: Output Idle state (OC2 output).
Allowed values:
0: Reset: OCx=0 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
1: Set: OCx=1 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
Bit 11: Output Idle state (OC2N output).
Allowed values:
0: Reset: OCxN=0 after a dead-time when MOE=0
1: Set: OCxN=1 after a dead-time when MOE=0
Bit 12: Output Idle state (OC3 output).
Allowed values:
0: Reset: OCx=0 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
1: Set: OCx=1 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
Bit 13: Output Idle state (OC3N output).
Allowed values:
0: Reset: OCxN=0 after a dead-time when MOE=0
1: Set: OCxN=1 after a dead-time when MOE=0
Bit 14: Output Idle state (OC4 output).
Allowed values:
0: Reset: OCx=0 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
1: Set: OCx=1 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
Bit 16: Output Idle state (OC5 output).
Allowed values:
0: Reset: OCx=0 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
1: Set: OCx=1 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
Bit 18: Output Idle state (OC6 output).
Allowed values:
0: Reset: OCx=0 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
1: Set: OCx=1 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
Bits 20-23: Master mode selection 2 These bits allow the information to be sent to ADC for synchronization (TRGO2) to be selected. The combination is as follows: Note: The clock of the slave timer or ADC must be enabled prior to receive events from the master timer, and must not be changed on-the-fly while triggers are received from the master timer..
TIM1 slave mode control register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/10 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-2: SMS[2:0]: Slave mode selection When external signals are selected the active edge of the trigger signal (TRGI) is linked to the polarity selected on the external input (see Input Control register and Control Register description. Codes above 1000: Reserved. Note: The gated mode must not be used if TI1F_ED is selected as the trigger input (TS=00100). Indeed, TI1F_ED outputs 1 pulse for each transition on TI1F, whereas the gated mode checks the level of the trigger signal. Note: The clock of the slave peripherals (timer, ADC, ...) receiving the TRGO or the TRGO2 signals must be enabled prior to receive events from the master timer, and the clock frequency (prescaler) must not be changed on-the-fly while triggers are received from the master timer..
Bit 3: OCREF clear selection This bit is used to select the OCREF clear source..
Bits 4-6: TS[2:0]: Trigger selection This bit-field selects the trigger input to be used to synchronize the counter. Others: Reserved See Table 73: TIM1 internal trigger connection on page 395 for more details on ITRx meaning for each Timer. Note: These bits must be changed only when they are not used (e.g. when SMS=000) to avoid wrong edge detections at the transition..
Bit 7: Master/slave mode.
Allowed values:
0: NoSync: No action
1: Sync: The effect of an event on the trigger input (TRGI) is delayed to allow a perfect synchronization between the current timer and its slaves (through TRGO). It is useful if we want to synchronize several timers on a single external event.
Bits 8-11: External trigger filter This bit-field then defines the frequency used to sample ETRP signal and the length of the digital filter applied to ETRP. The digital filter is made of an event counter in which N consecutive events are needed to validate a transition on the output:.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
Bits 12-13: External trigger prescaler External trigger signal ETRP frequency must be at most 1/4 of f<sub>CK_INT</sub> frequency. A prescaler can be enabled to reduce ETRP frequency. It is useful when inputting fast external clocks..
Allowed values:
0: Div1: Prescaler OFF
1: Div2: ETRP frequency divided by 2
2: Div4: ETRP frequency divided by 4
3: Div8: ETRP frequency divided by 8
Bit 14: External clock enable This bit enables External clock mode 2. Note: Setting the ECE bit has the same effect as selecting external clock mode 1 with TRGI connected to ETRF (SMS=111 and TS=00111). It is possible to simultaneously use external clock mode 2 with the following slave modes: reset mode, gated mode and trigger mode. Nevertheless, TRGI must not be connected to ETRF in this case (TS bits must not be 00111). Note: If external clock mode 1 and external clock mode 2 are enabled at the same time, the external clock input is ETRF..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: External clock mode 2 disabled
1: Enabled: External clock mode 2 enabled. The counter is clocked by any active edge on the ETRF signal.
Bit 15: External trigger polarity This bit selects whether ETR or ETR is used for trigger operations.
Allowed values:
0: NotInverted: ETR is noninverted, active at high level or rising edge
1: Inverted: ETR is inverted, active at low level or falling edge
Bit 16: SMS[3].
Bits 20-21: TS[4:3].
TIM1 DMA/interrupt enable register
Offset: 0xc, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
15/15 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Update interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Update interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Update interrupt enabled
Bit 1: Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: CCx interrupt enabled
Bit 2: Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: CCx interrupt enabled
Bit 3: Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: CCx interrupt enabled
Bit 4: Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: CCx interrupt enabled
Bit 5: COM interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: COM interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: COM interrupt enabled
Bit 6: Trigger interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Trigger interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Trigger interrupt enabled
Bit 7: Break interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Break interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Break interrupt enabled
Bit 8: Update DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Update DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: Update DMA request enabled
Bit 9: Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: CCx DMA request enabled
Bit 10: Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: CCx DMA request enabled
Bit 11: Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: CCx DMA request enabled
Bit 12: Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: CCx DMA request enabled
Bit 13: COM DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: COM DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: COM DMA request enabled
Bit 14: Trigger DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Trigger DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: Trigger DMA request enabled
TIM1 status register
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
16/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
Bit 0: Update interrupt flag This bit is set by hardware on an update event. It is cleared by software. At overflow or underflow regarding the repetition counter value (update if repetition counter = 0) and if the UDIS=0 in the TIMx_CR1 register. When CNT is reinitialized by software using the UG bit in TIMx_EGR register, if URS=0 and UDIS=0 in the TIMx_CR1 register. When CNT is reinitialized by a trigger event (refer to Section 17.4.3: TIM1 slave mode control register (TIM1_SMCR)), if URS=0 and UDIS=0 in the TIMx_CR1 register..
Allowed values:
0: NoUpdateOccurred: No update occurred
1: UpdatePending: Update interrupt pending
Bit 1: Capture/compare 1 interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 2: Capture/compare 2 interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 3: Capture/compare 3 interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 4: Capture/compare 4 interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 5: COM interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware on COM event (when Capture/compare Control bits - CCxE, CCxNE, OCxM - have been updated). It is cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: NoCOM: No COM event occurred
1: COM: COM interrupt pending
Bit 6: Trigger interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware on the TRG trigger event (active edge detected on TRGI input when the slave mode controller is enabled in all modes but gated mode. It is set when the counter starts or stops when gated mode is selected. It is cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: NoTrigger: No trigger event occurred
1: Trigger: Trigger interrupt pending
Bit 7: Break interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware as soon as the break input goes active. It can be cleared by software if the break input is not active..
Allowed values:
0: NoTrigger: No break event occurred
1: Trigger: An active level has been detected on the break input. An interrupt is generated if BIE=1 in the TIMx_DIER register
Bit 8: Break 2 interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware as soon as the break 2 input goes active. It can be cleared by software if the break 2 input is not active..
Allowed values:
0: NoTrigger: No break event occurred
1: Trigger: An active level has been detected on the break 2 input. An interrupt is generated if BIE=1 in the TIMx_DIER register
Bit 9: Capture/Compare 1 overcapture flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoOvercapture: No overcapture has been detected
1: Overcapture: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCRx register while CCxIF flag was already set
Bit 10: Capture/Compare 2 overcapture flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoOvercapture: No overcapture has been detected
1: Overcapture: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCRx register while CCxIF flag was already set
Bit 11: Capture/Compare 3 overcapture flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoOvercapture: No overcapture has been detected
1: Overcapture: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCRx register while CCxIF flag was already set
Bit 12: Capture/Compare 4 overcapture flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoOvercapture: No overcapture has been detected
1: Overcapture: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCRx register while CCxIF flag was already set
Bit 13: System Break interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware as soon as the system break input goes active. It can be cleared by software if the system break input is not active. This flag must be reset to re-start PWM operation..
Allowed values:
0: NoTrigger: No break event occurred
1: Trigger: An active level has been detected on the system break input. An interrupt is generated if BIE=1 in the TIMx_DIER register
Bit 16: Compare 5 interrupt flag Refer to CC1IF description (Note: Channel 5 can only be configured as output).
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 17: Compare 6 interrupt flag Refer to CC1IF description (Note: Channel 6 can only be configured as output).
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
TIM1 event generation register
Offset: 0x14, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
9/9 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
Bit 0: Update generation This bit can be set by software, it is automatically cleared by hardware..
Allowed values:
1: Update: Re-initializes the timer counter and generates an update of the registers.
Bit 1: Capture/compare 1 generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: If CC1 is an output: CC1IF flag is set, Corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. If CC1 is an input: The current value of the counter is captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 2: Capture/compare 2 generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: If CC1 is an output: CC1IF flag is set, Corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. If CC1 is an input: The current value of the counter is captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 3: Capture/compare 3 generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: If CC1 is an output: CC1IF flag is set, Corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. If CC1 is an input: The current value of the counter is captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 4: Capture/compare 4 generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: If CC1 is an output: CC1IF flag is set, Corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. If CC1 is an input: The current value of the counter is captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 5: Capture/Compare control update generation This bit can be set by software, it is automatically cleared by hardware Note: This bit acts only on channels having a complementary output..
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: When CCPC bit is set, it allows CCxE, CCxNE and OCxM bits to be updated
Bit 6: Trigger generation This bit is set by software in order to generate an event, it is automatically cleared by hardware..
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: The TIF flag is set in TIMx_SR register. Related interrupt or DMA transfer can occur if enabled.
Bit 7: Break generation This bit is set by software in order to generate an event, it is automatically cleared by hardware..
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: A break event is generated. MOE bit is cleared and BIF flag is set. Related interrupt or DMA transfer can occur if enabled
Bit 8: Break 2 generation This bit is set by software in order to generate an event, it is automatically cleared by hardware..
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: A break 2 event is generated. MOE bit is cleared and B2IF flag is set. Related interrupt can occur if enabled
TIM1 capture/compare mode register 1
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
6/6 fields covered.
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 1 Selection This bit-field defines the direction of the channel (input/output) as well as the used input. Note: CC1S bits are writable only when the channel is OFF (CC1E = 0 in TIMx_CCER)..
Allowed values:
1: TI1: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TI1
2: TI2: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TI2
3: TRC: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TRC
Bits 2-3: Input capture 1 prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: NoPrescaler: No prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input
1: TwoEvents: Capture is done once every 2 events
2: FourEvents: Capture is done once every 4 events
3: EightEvents: Capture is done once every 8 events
Bits 4-7: Input capture 1 filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
Bits 8-9: Capture/Compare 2 selection This bit-field defines the direction of the channel (input/output) as well as the used input. Note: CC2S bits are writable only when the channel is OFF (CC2E = 0 in TIMx_CCER)..
Allowed values:
1: TI2: CC2 channel is configured as input, IC2 is mapped on TI2
2: TI1: CC2 channel is configured as input, IC2 is mapped on TI1
3: TRC: CC2 channel is configured as input, IC2 is mapped on TRC
Bits 10-11: Input capture 2 prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: NoPrescaler: No prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input
1: TwoEvents: Capture is done once every 2 events
2: FourEvents: Capture is done once every 4 events
3: EightEvents: Capture is done once every 8 events
Bits 12-15: Input capture 2 filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
TIM1 capture/compare mode register 1
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
12/12 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 1 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Output: CCx channel is configured as output
Bit 2: Output compare 1 fast enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Fast output disabled
1: Enabled: Fast output enabled
Bit 3: Output compare 1 preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Preload register on CCRx disabled. New values written to CCRx are taken into account immediately
1: Enabled: Preload register on CCRx enabled. Preload value is loaded into active register on each update event
Bits 4-6: Output compare 1 mode.
Allowed values:
0: Frozen: The comparison between the output compare register TIMx_CCRy and the counter TIMx_CNT has no effect on the outputs / OpmMode1: Retriggerable OPM mode 1 - In up-counting mode, the channel is active until a trigger event is detected (on TRGI signal). In down-counting mode, the channel is inactive
1: ActiveOnMatch: Set channel to active level on match. OCyREF signal is forced high when the counter matches the capture/compare register / OpmMode2: Inversely to OpmMode1
2: InactiveOnMatch: Set channel to inactive level on match. OCyREF signal is forced low when the counter matches the capture/compare register / Reserved
3: Toggle: OCyREF toggles when TIMx_CNT=TIMx_CCRy / Reserved
4: ForceInactive: OCyREF is forced low / CombinedPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC is the logical OR between OC1REF and OC2REF
5: ForceActive: OCyREF is forced high / CombinedPwmMode2: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 2. OCyREFC is the logical AND between OC1REF and OC2REF
6: PwmMode1: In upcounting, channel is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCRy else inactive. In downcounting, channel is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCRy else active / AsymmetricPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC outputs OC1REF when the counter is counting up, OC2REF when it is counting down
7: PwmMode2: Inversely to PwmMode1 / AsymmetricPwmMode2: Inversely to AsymmetricPwmMode1
Bit 7: Output compare 1 clear enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: OCxRef is not affected by the ETRF signal
1: Enabled: OCxRef is cleared as soon as a High level is detected on ETRF signal
Bits 8-9: Capture/Compare 2 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Output: CCx channel is configured as output
Bit 10: Output compare 2 fast enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Fast output disabled
1: Enabled: Fast output enabled
Bit 11: Output compare 2 preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Preload register on CCRx disabled. New values written to CCRx are taken into account immediately
1: Enabled: Preload register on CCRx enabled. Preload value is loaded into active register on each update event
Bits 12-14: Output compare 2 mode.
Allowed values:
0: Frozen: The comparison between the output compare register TIMx_CCRy and the counter TIMx_CNT has no effect on the outputs / OpmMode1: Retriggerable OPM mode 1 - In up-counting mode, the channel is active until a trigger event is detected (on TRGI signal). In down-counting mode, the channel is inactive
1: ActiveOnMatch: Set channel to active level on match. OCyREF signal is forced high when the counter matches the capture/compare register / OpmMode2: Inversely to OpmMode1
2: InactiveOnMatch: Set channel to inactive level on match. OCyREF signal is forced low when the counter matches the capture/compare register / Reserved
3: Toggle: OCyREF toggles when TIMx_CNT=TIMx_CCRy / Reserved
4: ForceInactive: OCyREF is forced low / CombinedPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC is the logical OR between OC1REF and OC2REF
5: ForceActive: OCyREF is forced high / CombinedPwmMode2: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 2. OCyREFC is the logical AND between OC1REF and OC2REF
6: PwmMode1: In upcounting, channel is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCRy else inactive. In downcounting, channel is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCRy else active / AsymmetricPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC outputs OC1REF when the counter is counting up, OC2REF when it is counting down
7: PwmMode2: Inversely to PwmMode1 / AsymmetricPwmMode2: Inversely to AsymmetricPwmMode1
Bit 15: Output compare 2 clear enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: OCxRef is not affected by the ETRF signal
1: Enabled: OCxRef is cleared as soon as a High level is detected on ETRF signal
Bit 16: Output compare 1 mode, bit 3.
Allowed values:
0: Normal: Normal output compare mode (modes 0-7)
1: Extended: Extended output compare mode (modes 7-15)
Bit 24: Output compare 2 mode, bit 3.
Allowed values:
0: Normal: Normal output compare mode (modes 0-7)
1: Extended: Extended output compare mode (modes 7-15)
TIM1 capture/compare mode register 2
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
6/6 fields covered.
Bits 0-1: Capture/compare 3 selection This bit-field defines the direction of the channel (input/output) as well as the used input. Note: CC3S bits are writable only when the channel is OFF (CC3E = 0 in TIMx_CCER)..
Allowed values:
1: TI3: CC3 channel is configured as input, IC3 is mapped on TI3
2: TI4: CC3 channel is configured as input, IC3 is mapped on TI4
3: TRC: CC3 channel is configured as input, IC3 is mapped on TRC
Bits 2-3: Input capture 3 prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: NoPrescaler: No prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input
1: TwoEvents: Capture is done once every 2 events
2: FourEvents: Capture is done once every 4 events
3: EightEvents: Capture is done once every 8 events
Bits 4-7: Input capture 3 filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
Bits 8-9: Capture/Compare 4 selection This bit-field defines the direction of the channel (input/output) as well as the used input. Note: CC4S bits are writable only when the channel is OFF (CC4E = 0 in TIMx_CCER)..
Allowed values:
1: TI4: CC4 channel is configured as input, IC4 is mapped on TI4
2: TI3: CC4 channel is configured as input, IC4 is mapped on TI3
3: TRC: CC4 channel is configured as input, IC4 is mapped on TRC
Bits 10-11: Input capture 4 prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: NoPrescaler: No prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input
1: TwoEvents: Capture is done once every 2 events
2: FourEvents: Capture is done once every 4 events
3: EightEvents: Capture is done once every 8 events
Bits 12-15: Input capture 4 filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
TIM1 capture/compare mode register 2
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
12/12 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 3 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Output: CCx channel is configured as output
Bit 2: Output compare 3 fast enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Fast output disabled
1: Enabled: Fast output enabled
Bit 3: Output compare 3 preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Preload register on CCRx disabled. New values written to CCRx are taken into account immediately
1: Enabled: Preload register on CCRx enabled. Preload value is loaded into active register on each update event
Bits 4-6: Output compare 3 mode.
Allowed values:
0: Frozen: The comparison between the output compare register TIMx_CCRy and the counter TIMx_CNT has no effect on the outputs / OpmMode1: Retriggerable OPM mode 1 - In up-counting mode, the channel is active until a trigger event is detected (on TRGI signal). In down-counting mode, the channel is inactive
1: ActiveOnMatch: Set channel to active level on match. OCyREF signal is forced high when the counter matches the capture/compare register / OpmMode2: Inversely to OpmMode1
2: InactiveOnMatch: Set channel to inactive level on match. OCyREF signal is forced low when the counter matches the capture/compare register / Reserved
3: Toggle: OCyREF toggles when TIMx_CNT=TIMx_CCRy / Reserved
4: ForceInactive: OCyREF is forced low / CombinedPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC is the logical OR between OC1REF and OC2REF
5: ForceActive: OCyREF is forced high / CombinedPwmMode2: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 2. OCyREFC is the logical AND between OC1REF and OC2REF
6: PwmMode1: In upcounting, channel is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCRy else inactive. In downcounting, channel is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCRy else active / AsymmetricPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC outputs OC1REF when the counter is counting up, OC2REF when it is counting down
7: PwmMode2: Inversely to PwmMode1 / AsymmetricPwmMode2: Inversely to AsymmetricPwmMode1
Bit 7: Output compare 3 clear enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: OCxRef is not affected by the ETRF signal
1: Enabled: OCxRef is cleared as soon as a High level is detected on ETRF signal
Bits 8-9: Capture/Compare 4 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Output: CCx channel is configured as output
Bit 10: Output compare 4 fast enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Fast output disabled
1: Enabled: Fast output enabled
Bit 11: Output compare 4 preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Preload register on CCRx disabled. New values written to CCRx are taken into account immediately
1: Enabled: Preload register on CCRx enabled. Preload value is loaded into active register on each update event
Bits 12-14: Output compare 4 mode.
Allowed values:
0: Frozen: The comparison between the output compare register TIMx_CCRy and the counter TIMx_CNT has no effect on the outputs / OpmMode1: Retriggerable OPM mode 1 - In up-counting mode, the channel is active until a trigger event is detected (on TRGI signal). In down-counting mode, the channel is inactive
1: ActiveOnMatch: Set channel to active level on match. OCyREF signal is forced high when the counter matches the capture/compare register / OpmMode2: Inversely to OpmMode1
2: InactiveOnMatch: Set channel to inactive level on match. OCyREF signal is forced low when the counter matches the capture/compare register / Reserved
3: Toggle: OCyREF toggles when TIMx_CNT=TIMx_CCRy / Reserved
4: ForceInactive: OCyREF is forced low / CombinedPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC is the logical OR between OC1REF and OC2REF
5: ForceActive: OCyREF is forced high / CombinedPwmMode2: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 2. OCyREFC is the logical AND between OC1REF and OC2REF
6: PwmMode1: In upcounting, channel is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCRy else inactive. In downcounting, channel is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCRy else active / AsymmetricPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC outputs OC1REF when the counter is counting up, OC2REF when it is counting down
7: PwmMode2: Inversely to PwmMode1 / AsymmetricPwmMode2: Inversely to AsymmetricPwmMode1
Bit 15: Output compare 4 clear enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: OCxRef is not affected by the ETRF signal
1: Enabled: OCxRef is cleared as soon as a High level is detected on ETRF signal
Bit 16: Output compare 3 mode, bit 3.
Allowed values:
0: Normal: Normal output compare mode (modes 0-7)
1: Extended: Extended output compare mode (modes 7-15)
Bit 24: Output compare 4 mode, bit 3.
Allowed values:
0: Normal: Normal output compare mode (modes 0-7)
1: Extended: Extended output compare mode (modes 7-15)
TIM1 capture/compare enable register
Offset: 0x20, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
19/19 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Capture/Compare 1 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 1: Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 2: Capture/Compare 1 complementary output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Complementary output disabled
1: Enabled: Complementary output enabled
Bit 3: Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: ActiveHigh: OCxN active high
1: ActiveLow: OCxN active low
Bit 4: Capture/Compare 2 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 5: Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 6: Capture/Compare 2 complementary output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Complementary output disabled
1: Enabled: Complementary output enabled
Bit 7: Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: ActiveHigh: OCxN active high
1: ActiveLow: OCxN active low
Bit 8: Capture/Compare 3 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 9: Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 10: Capture/Compare 3 complementary output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Complementary output disabled
1: Enabled: Complementary output enabled
Bit 11: Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: ActiveHigh: OCxN active high
1: ActiveLow: OCxN active low
Bit 12: Capture/Compare 4 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 13: Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 15: Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: ActiveHigh: OCxN active high
1: ActiveLow: OCxN active low
Bit 16: Capture/Compare 5 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 17: Capture/Compare 5 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 20: Capture/Compare 6 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 21: Capture/Compare 6 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
TIM1 counter
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
TIM1 prescaler
Offset: 0x28, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Prescaler value The counter clock frequency (CK_CNT) is equal to f<sub>CK_PSC</sub> / (PSC[15:0] + 1). PSC contains the value to be loaded in the active prescaler register at each update event (including when the counter is cleared through UG bit of TIMx_EGR register or through trigger controller when configured in reset mode )..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
TIM1 auto-reload register
Offset: 0x2c, size: 16, reset: 0x0000FFFF, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Auto-reload value ARR is the value to be loaded in the actual auto-reload register. Refer to the Section 17.3.1: Time-base unit on page 331 for more details about ARR update and behavior. The counter is blocked while the auto-reload value is null..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
TIM1 repetition counter register
Offset: 0x30, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Repetition counter value These bits allow the user to set-up the update rate of the compare registers (i.e. periodic transfers from preload to active registers) when preload registers are enable, as well as the update interrupt generation rate, if this interrupt is enable. Each time the REP_CNT related downcounter reaches zero, an update event is generated and it restarts counting from REP value. As REP_CNT is reloaded with REP value only at the repetition update event U_RC, any write to the TIMx_RCR register is not taken in account until the next repetition update event. It means in PWM mode (REP+1) corresponds to: the number of PWM periods in edge-aligned mode the number of half PWM period in center-aligned mode..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x34, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x38, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x3c, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x40, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
TIM1 break and dead-time register
Offset: 0x44, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
10/16 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-7: Dead-time generator setup.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
Bits 8-9: Lock configuration These bits offer a write protection against software errors. Note: The LOCK bits can be written only once after the reset. Once the TIMx_BDTR register has been written, their content is frozen until the next reset..
Allowed values:
0: Off: No bit is write protected
1: Level1: Any bits except MOE, OSSR, OSSI and LOCK in TIMx_BDTR register, OISx and OISxN bits in TIMx_CR2 register can no longer be written
2: Level2: LOCK Level 1 + CC Polarity bits (CCxP/CCxNP bits in TIMx_CCER register, as long as the related channel is configured in output through the CCxS bits) as well as OSSR and OSSI bits can no longer be written
3: Level3: LOCK Level 2 + CC Control bits (OCxM and OCxPE bits in TIMx_CCMRx registers, as long as the related channel is configured in output through the CCxS bits) can no longer be written
Bit 10: Off-state selection for Idle mode This bit is used when MOE=0 due to a break event or by a software write, on channels configured as outputs. See OC/OCN enable description for more details (Section 17.4.11: TIM1 capture/compare enable register (TIM1_CCER)). Note: This bit can not be modified as soon as the LOCK level 2 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Allowed values:
0: HiZ: When inactive, OC/OCN outputs are disabled
1: IdleLevel: When inactive, OC/OCN outputs are forced to idle level
Bit 11: Off-state selection for Run mode This bit is used when MOE=1 on channels having a complementary output which are configured as outputs. OSSR is not implemented if no complementary output is implemented in the timer. See OC/OCN enable description for more details (Section 17.4.11: TIM1 capture/compare enable register (TIM1_CCER)). Note: This bit can not be modified as soon as the LOCK level 2 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Allowed values:
0: HiZ: When inactive, OC/OCN outputs are disabled
1: IdleLevel: When inactive, OC/OCN outputs are enabled with their inactive level
Bit 12: Break enable This bit enables the complete break protection (including all sources connected to bk_acth and BRK sources, as per Figure 100: Break and Break2 circuitry overview). Note: This bit cannot be modified when LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register). Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Break function x disabled
1: Enabled: Break function x enabled
Bit 13: Break polarity Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register). Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective..
Allowed values:
0: ActiveLow: Break input BRKx is active low
1: ActiveHigh: Break input BRKx is active high
Bit 14: Automatic output enable Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Allowed values:
0: Manual: MOE can be set only by software
1: Automatic: MOE can be set by software or automatically at the next update event (if none of the break inputs BRK and BRK2 is active)
Bit 15: Main output enable This bit is cleared asynchronously by hardware as soon as one of the break inputs is active (BRK or BRK2). It is set by software or automatically depending on the AOE bit. It is acting only on the channels which are configured in output. In response to a break event or if MOE is written to 0: OC and OCN outputs are disabled or forced to idle state depending on the OSSI bit. See OC/OCN enable description for more details (Section 17.4.11: TIM1 capture/compare enable register (TIM1_CCER))..
Allowed values:
0: DisabledIdle: OC/OCN are disabled or forced idle depending on OSSI
1: Enabled: OC/OCN are enabled if CCxE/CCxNE are set
Bits 16-19: Break filter This bit-field defines the frequency used to sample BRK input and the length of the digital filter applied to BRK. The digital filter is made of an event counter in which N consecutive events are needed to validate a transition on the output: Note: This bit cannot be modified when LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Bits 20-23: Break 2 filter This bit-field defines the frequency used to sample BRK2 input and the length of the digital filter applied to BRK2. The digital filter is made of an event counter in which N consecutive events are needed to validate a transition on the output: Note: This bit cannot be modified when LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Bit 24: Break 2 enable Note: The BRK2 must only be used with OSSR = OSSI = 1. Note: This bit cannot be modified when LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register). Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Break function x disabled
1: Enabled: Break function x enabled
Bit 25: Break 2 polarity Note: This bit cannot be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register). Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective..
Allowed values:
0: ActiveLow: Break input BRKx is active low
1: ActiveHigh: Break input BRKx is active high
Bit 26: Break Disarm This bit is cleared by hardware when no break source is active. The BKDSRM bit must be set by software to release the bidirectional output control (open-drain output in Hi-Z state) and then be polled it until it is reset by hardware, indicating that the fault condition has disappeared. Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective..
Bit 27: Break2 Disarm Refer to BKDSRM description.
Bit 28: Break Bidirectional In the bidirectional mode (BKBID bit set to 1), the break input is configured both in input mode and in open drain output mode. Any active break event asserts a low logic level on the Break input to indicate an internal break event to external devices. Note: This bit cannot be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register). Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective..
Bit 29: Break2 bidirectional Refer to BKBID description.
TIM1 DMA control register
Offset: 0x48, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
Bits 0-4: DMA base address This 5-bits vector defines the base-address for DMA transfers (when read/write access are done through the TIMx_DMAR address). DBA is defined as an offset starting from the address of the TIMx_CR1 register. Example: ....
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1f
Bits 8-12: DMA burst length This 5-bit vector defines the length of DMA transfers (the timer recognizes a burst transfer when a read or a write access is done to the TIMx_DMAR address), i.e. the number of transfers. Transfers can be in half-words or in bytes (see example below). ... Example: Let us consider the following transfer: DBL = 7 bytes & DBA = TIMx_CR1. If DBL = 7 bytes and DBA = TIMx_CR1 represents the address of the byte to be transferred, the address of the transfer should be given by the following equation: (TIMx_CR1 address) + DBA + (DMA index), where DMA index = DBL In this example, 7 bytes are added to (TIMx_CR1 address) + DBA, which gives us the address from/to which the data is copied. In this case, the transfer is done to 7 registers starting from the following address: (TIMx_CR1 address) + DBA According to the configuration of the DMA Data Size, several cases may occur: If the DMA Data Size is configured in half-words, 16-bit data is transferred to each of the 7 registers. If the DMA Data Size is configured in bytes, the data is also transferred to 7 registers: the first register contains the first MSB byte, the second register, the first LSB byte and so on. So with the transfer Timer, one also has to specify the size of data transferred by DMA..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x12
TIM1 DMA address for full transfer
Offset: 0x4c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-31: DMA register for burst accesses A read or write operation to the DMAR register accesses the register located at the address (TIMx_CR1 address) + (DBA + DMA index) x 4 where TIMx_CR1 address is the address of the control register 1, DBA is the DMA base address configured in TIMx_DCR register, DMA index is automatically controlled by the DMA transfer, and ranges from 0 to DBL (DBL configured in TIMx_DCR)..
TIM1 capture/compare mode register 3
Offset: 0x54, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/10 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 2: Output compare 5 fast enable Refer to OC1FE description..
Bit 3: Output compare 5 preload enable Refer to OC1PE description..
Bits 4-6: OC5M[2:0]: Output compare 5 mode Refer to OC1M description..
Bit 7: Output compare 5 clear enable Refer to OC1CE description..
Bit 10: Output compare 6 fast enable Refer to OC1FE description..
Bit 11: Output compare 6 preload enable Refer to OC1PE description..
Bits 12-14: OC6M[2:0]: Output compare 6 mode Refer to OC1M description..
Bit 15: Output compare 6 clear enable Refer to OC1CE description..
Bit 16: OC5M[3].
Bit 24: OC6M[3].
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x58, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/4 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Capture/Compare value.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
Bit 29: Group Channel 5 and Channel 1 Distortion on Channel 1 output: This bit can either have immediate effect or be preloaded and taken into account after an update event (if preload feature is selected in TIMxCCMR1). Note: it is also possible to apply this distortion on combined PWM signals..
Bit 30: Group Channel 5 and Channel 2 Distortion on Channel 2 output: This bit can either have immediate effect or be preloaded and taken into account after an update event (if preload feature is selected in TIMxCCMR1). Note: it is also possible to apply this distortion on combined PWM signals..
Bit 31: Group Channel 5 and Channel 3 Distortion on Channel 3 output: This bit can either have immediate effect or be preloaded and taken into account after an update event (if preload feature is selected in TIMxCCMR2). Note: it is also possible to apply this distortion on combined PWM signals..
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x5c, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
TIM1 alternate function option register 1
Offset: 0x60, size: 32, reset: 0x00000001, access: read-write
0/3 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: BRK BKIN input enable This bit enables the BKIN alternate function input for the timer s BRK input. BKIN input is ORed with the other BRK sources. Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Bit 9: BRK BKIN input polarity This bit selects the BKIN alternate function input sensitivity. It must be programmed together with the BKP polarity bit. Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Bits 14-17: ETR source selection These bits select the ETR input source. Others: Reserved Note: These bits can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
TIM1 Alternate function register 2
Offset: 0x64, size: 32, reset: 0x00000001, access: read-write
0/2 fields covered.
Bit 0: BRK2 BKIN input enable This bit enables the BKIN2 alternate function input for the timer s BRK2 input. BKIN2 input is ORed with the other BRK2 sources. Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Bit 9: BRK2 BKIN2 input polarity This bit selects the BKIN2 alternate function input sensitivity. It must be programmed together with the BK2P polarity bit. Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
0x40002000: TIM14 address block description
26/31 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 (16-bit) | CR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc (16-bit) | DIER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 (16-bit) | SR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 (16-bit) | EGR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CCMR1_Input | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CCMR1_Output | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 (16-bit) | CCER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | CNT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 (16-bit) | PSC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x2c (16-bit) | ARR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x34 (16-bit) | CCR[1] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x68 (16-bit) | TISEL |
TIM14 control register 1
Offset: 0x0, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
6/7 fields covered.
Bit 0: Counter enable Note: External clock and gated mode can work only if the CEN bit has been previously set by software. However trigger mode can set the CEN bit automatically by hardware..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Counter disabled
1: Enabled: Counter enabled
Bit 1: Update disable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable update interrupt (UEV) event generation. Counter overflow Setting the UG bit. Buffered registers are then loaded with their preload values..
Allowed values:
0: Enabled: Update event enabled
1: Disabled: Update event disabled
Bit 2: Update request source This bit is set and cleared by software to select the update interrupt (UEV) sources. Counter overflow Setting the UG bit.
Allowed values:
0: AnyEvent: Any of counter overflow/underflow, setting UG, or update through slave mode, generates an update interrupt or DMA request
1: CounterOnly: Only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt or DMA request
Bit 3: One-pulse mode.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Counter is not stopped at update event
1: Enabled: Counter stops counting at the next update event (clearing the CEN bit)
Bit 7: Auto-reload preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: TIMx_APRR register is not buffered
1: Enabled: TIMx_APRR register is buffered
Bits 8-9: Clock division This bit-field indicates the division ratio between the timer clock (CK_INT) frequency and sampling clock used by the digital filters (TIx),.
Allowed values:
0: Div1: t_DTS = t_CK_INT
1: Div2: t_DTS = 2 × t_CK_INT
2: Div4: t_DTS = 4 × t_CK_INT
Bit 11: UIF status bit remapping.
TIM14 Interrupt enable register
Offset: 0xc, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
TIM14 status register
Offset: 0x10, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
3/3 fields covered.
Bit 0: Update interrupt flag This bit is set by hardware on an update event. It is cleared by software. At overflow and if UDIS= 0 in the TIMx_CR1 register. When CNT is reinitialized by software using the UG bit in TIMx_EGR register, if URS= 0 and UDIS= 0 in the TIMx_CR1 register..
Allowed values:
0: NoUpdateOccurred: No update occurred
1: UpdatePending: Update interrupt pending
Bit 1: Capture/compare 1 interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 9: Capture/Compare 1 overcapture flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoOvercapture: No overcapture has been detected
1: Overcapture: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCRx register while CCxIF flag was already set
TIM14 event generation register
Offset: 0x14, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
2/2 fields covered.
Bit 0: Update generation This bit can be set by software, it is automatically cleared by hardware..
Allowed values:
1: Update: Re-initializes the timer counter and generates an update of the registers.
Bit 1: Capture/compare 1 generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: If CC1 is an output: CC1IF flag is set, Corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. If CC1 is an input: The current value of the counter is captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
TIM14 capture/compare mode register 1
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
3/3 fields covered.
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 1 selection This bit-field defines the direction of the channel (input/output) as well as the used input. Note: CC1S bits are writable only when the channel is OFF (CC1E = 0 in TIMx_CCER)..
Allowed values:
1: TI1: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TI1
2: TI2: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TI2
3: TRC: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TRC
Bits 2-3: Input capture 1 prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: NoPrescaler: No prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input
1: TwoEvents: Capture is done once every 2 events
2: FourEvents: Capture is done once every 4 events
3: EightEvents: Capture is done once every 8 events
Bits 4-7: Input capture 1 filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
TIM14 capture/compare mode register 1
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
4/5 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 1 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Output: CCx channel is configured as output
Bit 2: Output compare 1 fast enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Fast output disabled
1: Enabled: Fast output enabled
Bit 3: Output compare 1 preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Preload register on CCRx disabled. New values written to CCRx are taken into account immediately
1: Enabled: Preload register on CCRx enabled. Preload value is loaded into active register on each update event
Bits 4-6: Output compare 1 mode.
Allowed values:
0: Frozen: The comparison between the output compare register TIMx_CCRy and the counter TIMx_CNT has no effect on the outputs
1: ActiveOnMatch: Set channel to active level on match. OCyREF signal is forced high when the counter matches the capture/compare register
2: InactiveOnMatch: Set channel to inactive level on match. OCyREF signal is forced low when the counter matches the capture/compare register
3: Toggle: OCyREF toggles when TIMx_CNT=TIMx_CCRy
4: ForceInactive: OCyREF is forced low
5: ForceActive: OCyREF is forced high
6: PwmMode1: In upcounting, channel is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCRy else inactive. In downcounting, channel is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCRy else active
7: PwmMode2: Inversely to PwmMode1
Bit 16: Output compare 1 mode, bit 3.
TIM14 capture/compare enable register
Offset: 0x20, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/3 fields covered.
Bit 0: Capture/Compare 1 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 1: Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 3: Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity.
TIM14 counter
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/2 fields covered.
TIM14 prescaler
Offset: 0x28, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Prescaler value The counter clock frequency CK_CNT is equal to f<sub>CK_PSC</sub> / (PSC[15:0] + 1). PSC contains the value to be loaded in the active prescaler register at each update event. (including when the counter is cleared through UG bit of TIMx_EGR register or through trigger controller when configured in reset mode )..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
TIM14 auto-reload register
Offset: 0x2c, size: 16, reset: 0x0000FFFF, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Auto-reload value ARR is the value to be loaded in the actual auto-reload register. Refer to Section 19.3.1: Time-base unit on page 517 for more details about ARR update and behavior. The counter is blocked while the auto-reload value is null..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x34, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
TIM14 timer input selection register
Offset: 0x68, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
0x40014400: TIM16 address block description
51/62 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 (16-bit) | CR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 (16-bit) | CR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc (16-bit) | DIER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 (16-bit) | SR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 (16-bit) | EGR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CCMR1_Input | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CCMR1_Output | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 (16-bit) | CCER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | CNT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 (16-bit) | PSC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x2c (16-bit) | ARR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x30 (16-bit) | RCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x34 (16-bit) | CCR[1] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x44 | BDTR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x48 (16-bit) | DCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4c (16-bit) | DMAR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x60 | AF1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x68 | TISEL |
TIM16 control register 1
Offset: 0x0, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
6/7 fields covered.
Bit 0: Counter enable Note: External clock and gated mode can work only if the CEN bit has been previously set by software. However trigger mode can set the CEN bit automatically by hardware..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Counter disabled
1: Enabled: Counter enabled
Bit 1: Update disable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable UEV event generation. Counter overflow/underflow Setting the UG bit Update generation through the slave mode controller Buffered registers are then loaded with their preload values..
Allowed values:
0: Enabled: Update event enabled
1: Disabled: Update event disabled
Bit 2: Update request source This bit is set and cleared by software to select the UEV event sources. Counter overflow/underflow Setting the UG bit Update generation through the slave mode controller.
Allowed values:
0: AnyEvent: Any of counter overflow/underflow, setting UG, or update through slave mode, generates an update interrupt or DMA request
1: CounterOnly: Only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt or DMA request
Bit 3: One pulse mode.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Counter is not stopped at update event
1: Enabled: Counter stops counting at the next update event (clearing the CEN bit)
Bit 7: Auto-reload preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: TIMx_APRR register is not buffered
1: Enabled: TIMx_APRR register is buffered
Bits 8-9: Clock division This bit-field indicates the division ratio between the timer clock (CK_INT) frequency and the dead-time and sampling clock (t<sub>DTS</sub>)used by the dead-time generators and the digital filters (TIx),.
Allowed values:
0: Div1: t_DTS = t_CK_INT
1: Div2: t_DTS = 2 × t_CK_INT
2: Div4: t_DTS = 4 × t_CK_INT
Bit 11: UIF status bit remapping.
TIM16 control register 2
Offset: 0x4, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/5 fields covered.
Bit 0: Capture/compare preloaded control Note: This bit acts only on channels that have a complementary output..
Allowed values:
0: NotPreloaded: CCxE, CCxNE and OCxM bits are not preloaded
1: Preloaded: CCxE, CCxNE and OCxM bits are preloaded
Bit 2: Capture/compare control update selection Note: This bit acts only on channels that have a complementary output..
Allowed values:
0: Sw: When capture/compare control bits are preloaded (CCPC=1), they are updated by setting the COMG bit only
1: SwOrEdge: When capture/compare control bits are preloaded (CCPC=1), they are updated by setting the COMG bit or when an rising edge occurs on TRGI
Bit 3: Capture/compare DMA selection.
Allowed values:
0: OnCompare: CCx DMA request sent when CCx event occurs
1: OnUpdate: CCx DMA request sent when update event occurs
Bit 8: Output Idle state (OC1 output).
Allowed values:
0: Reset: OCx=0 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
1: Set: OCx=1 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
Bit 9: Output Idle state (OC1N output).
Allowed values:
0: Reset: OCxN=0 after a dead-time when MOE=0
1: Set: OCxN=1 after a dead-time when MOE=0
TIM16 DMA/interrupt enable register
Offset: 0xc, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
6/6 fields covered.
Bit 0: Update interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Update interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Update interrupt enabled
Bit 1: Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: CCx interrupt enabled
Bit 5: COM interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: COM interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: COM interrupt enabled
Bit 7: Break interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Break interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Break interrupt enabled
Bit 8: Update DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Update DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: Update DMA request enabled
Bit 9: Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: CCx DMA request enabled
TIM16 status register
Offset: 0x10, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/5 fields covered.
Bit 0: Update interrupt flag This bit is set by hardware on an update event. It is cleared by software. At overflow regarding the repetition counter value (update if repetition counter = 0) and if the UDIS=0 in the TIMx_CR1 register. When CNT is reinitialized by software using the UG bit in TIMx_EGR register, if URS=0 and UDIS=0 in the TIMx_CR1 register..
Allowed values:
0: NoUpdateOccurred: No update occurred
1: UpdatePending: Update interrupt pending
Bit 1: Capture/compare 1 interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 5: COM interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoCOM: No COM event occurred
1: COM: COM interrupt pending
Bit 7: Break interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware as soon as the break input goes active. It can be cleared by software if the break input is not active..
Allowed values:
0: NoTrigger: No break event occurred
1: Trigger: An active level has been detected on the break input. An interrupt is generated if BIE=1 in the TIMx_DIER register
Bit 9: Capture/Compare 1 overcapture flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoOvercapture: No overcapture has been detected
1: Overcapture: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCRx register while CCxIF flag was already set
TIM16 event generation register
Offset: 0x14, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
4/4 fields covered.
Bit 0: Update generation This bit can be set by software, it is automatically cleared by hardware..
Allowed values:
1: Update: Re-initializes the timer counter and generates an update of the registers.
Bit 1: Capture/compare 1 generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: If CC1 is an output: CC1IF flag is set, Corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. If CC1 is an input: The current value of the counter is captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 5: Capture/Compare control update generation This bit can be set by software, it is automatically cleared by hardware. Note: This bit acts only on channels that have a complementary output..
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: When CCPC bit is set, it allows CCxE, CCxNE and OCxM bits to be updated
Bit 7: Break generation This bit is set by software in order to generate an event, it is automatically cleared by hardware..
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: A break event is generated. MOE bit is cleared and BIF flag is set. Related interrupt or DMA transfer can occur if enabled
TIM16 capture/compare mode register 1
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
3/3 fields covered.
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 1 Selection This bit-field defines the direction of the channel (input/output) as well as the used input. Others: Reserved Note: CC1S bits are writable only when the channel is OFF (CC1E = 0 in TIMx_CCER)..
Allowed values:
1: TI1: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TI1
2: TI2: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TI2
3: TRC: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TRC
Bits 2-3: Input capture 1 prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: NoPrescaler: No prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input
1: TwoEvents: Capture is done once every 2 events
2: FourEvents: Capture is done once every 4 events
3: EightEvents: Capture is done once every 8 events
Bits 4-7: Input capture 1 filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
TIM16 capture/compare mode register 1
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
4/5 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 1 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Output: CCx channel is configured as output
Bit 2: Output compare 1 fast enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Fast output disabled
1: Enabled: Fast output enabled
Bit 3: Output compare 1 preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Preload register on CCRx disabled. New values written to CCRx are taken into account immediately
1: Enabled: Preload register on CCRx enabled. Preload value is loaded into active register on each update event
Bits 4-6: Output compare 1 mode.
Allowed values:
0: Frozen: The comparison between the output compare register TIMx_CCRy and the counter TIMx_CNT has no effect on the outputs
1: ActiveOnMatch: Set channel to active level on match. OCyREF signal is forced high when the counter matches the capture/compare register
2: InactiveOnMatch: Set channel to inactive level on match. OCyREF signal is forced low when the counter matches the capture/compare register
3: Toggle: OCyREF toggles when TIMx_CNT=TIMx_CCRy
4: ForceInactive: OCyREF is forced low
5: ForceActive: OCyREF is forced high
6: PwmMode1: In upcounting, channel is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCRy else inactive. In downcounting, channel is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCRy else active
7: PwmMode2: Inversely to PwmMode1
Bit 16: Output compare 1 mode, bit 3.
TIM16 capture/compare enable register
Offset: 0x20, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
4/4 fields covered.
Bit 0: Capture/Compare 1 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 1: Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 2: Capture/Compare 1 complementary output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Complementary output disabled
1: Enabled: Complementary output enabled
Bit 3: Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: ActiveHigh: OCxN active high
1: ActiveLow: OCxN active low
TIM16 counter
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
TIM16 prescaler
Offset: 0x28, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Prescaler value The counter clock frequency (CK_CNT) is equal to f<sub>CK_PSC</sub> / (PSC[15:0] + 1). PSC contains the value to be loaded in the active prescaler register at each update event (including when the counter is cleared through UG bit of TIMx_EGR register or through trigger controller when configured in reset mode )..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
TIM16 auto-reload register
Offset: 0x2c, size: 16, reset: 0x0000FFFF, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Auto-reload value ARR is the value to be loaded in the actual auto-reload register. Refer to the Section 20.3.1: Time-base unit on page 526 for more details about ARR update and behavior. The counter is blocked while the auto-reload value is null..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
TIM16 repetition counter register
Offset: 0x30, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-7: Repetition counter value These bits allow the user to set-up the update rate of the compare registers (i.e. periodic transfers from preload to active registers) when preload registers are enable, as well as the update interrupt generation rate, if this interrupt is enable. Each time the REP_CNT related downcounter reaches zero, an update event is generated and it restarts counting from REP value. As REP_CNT is reloaded with REP value only at the repetition update event U_RC, any write to the TIMx_RCR register is not taken in account until the next repetition update event. It means in PWM mode (REP+1) corresponds to the number of PWM periods in edge-aligned mode..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x34, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
TIM16 break and dead-time register
Offset: 0x44, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/11 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-7: Dead-time generator setup This bit-field defines the duration of the dead-time inserted between the complementary outputs. DT correspond to this duration. DTG[7:5] = 0xx => DT = DTG[7:0] x t<sub>dtg</sub> with t <sub>dtg</sub>= t<sub>DTS</sub> DTG[7:5] = 10x => DT = (64 + DTG[5:0]) x t<sub>dtg</sub> with t <sub>dtg</sub>= 2 x t<sub>DTS</sub> DTG[7:5] = 110 => DT = (32 + DTG[4:0]) x t<sub>dtg</sub> with t <sub>dtg</sub>= 8 x t<sub>DTS</sub> DTG[7:5] = 111 => DT = (32 + DTG[4:0]) x t<sub>dtg</sub> with t <sub>dtg</sub>= 16 x t<sub>DTS</sub> Example if t <sub>DTS</sub>= 125 ns (8 MHz), dead-time possible values are: 0 to 15875 ns by 125 ns steps, 16 s to 31750 ns by 250 ns steps, 32 s to 63 s by 1 s steps, 64 s to 126 s by 2 s steps Note: This bit-field can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1, 2 or 3 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
Bits 8-9: Lock configuration These bits offer a write protection against software errors. Note: The LOCK bits can be written only once after the reset. Once the TIMx_BDTR register has been written, their content is frozen until the next reset..
Allowed values:
0: Off: No bit is write protected
1: Level1: Any bits except MOE, OSSR, OSSI and LOCK in TIMx_BDTR register, OISx and OISxN bits in TIMx_CR2 register can no longer be written
2: Level2: LOCK Level 1 + CC Polarity bits (CCxP/CCxNP bits in TIMx_CCER register, as long as the related channel is configured in output through the CCxS bits) as well as OSSR and OSSI bits can no longer be written
3: Level3: LOCK Level 2 + CC Control bits (OCxM and OCxPE bits in TIMx_CCMRx registers, as long as the related channel is configured in output through the CCxS bits) can no longer be written
Bit 10: Off-state selection for Idle mode This bit is used when MOE=0 on channels configured as outputs. See OC/OCN enable description for more details (Section 20.4.8: TIMx capture/compare enable register (TIMx_CCER)(x = 16 to 17) on page 563). Note: This bit can not be modified as soon as the LOCK level 2 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Allowed values:
0: HiZ: When inactive, OC/OCN outputs are disabled
1: IdleLevel: When inactive, OC/OCN outputs are forced to idle level
Bit 11: Off-state selection for Run mode This bit is used when MOE=1 on channels that have a complementary output which are configured as outputs. OSSR is not implemented if no complementary output is implemented in the timer. See OC/OCN enable description for more details (Section 20.4.8: TIMx capture/compare enable register (TIMx_CCER)(x = 16 to 17) on page 563). Note: This bit can not be modified as soon as the LOCK level 2 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Allowed values:
0: HiZ: When inactive, OC/OCN outputs are disabled
1: IdleLevel: When inactive, OC/OCN outputs are enabled with their inactive level
Bit 12: Break enable 1; Break inputs (BRK and CCS clock failure event) enabled Note: This bit cannot be modified when LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register). Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Break function x disabled
1: Enabled: Break function x enabled
Bit 13: Break polarity Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register). Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective..
Allowed values:
0: ActiveLow: Break input BRKx is active low
1: ActiveHigh: Break input BRKx is active high
Bit 14: Automatic output enable Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Allowed values:
0: Manual: MOE can be set only by software
1: Automatic: MOE can be set by software or automatically at the next update event (if none of the break inputs BRK and BRK2 is active)
Bit 15: Main output enable This bit is cleared asynchronously by hardware as soon as the break input is active. It is set by software or automatically depending on the AOE bit. It is acting only on the channels which are configured in output. See OC/OCN enable description for more details (Section 20.4.8: TIMx capture/compare enable register (TIMx_CCER)(x = 16 to 17) on page 563)..
Allowed values:
0: DisabledIdle: OC/OCN are disabled or forced idle depending on OSSI
1: Enabled: OC/OCN are enabled if CCxE/CCxNE are set
Bits 16-19: Break filter This bit-field defines the frequency used to sample BRK input and the length of the digital filter applied to BRK. The digital filter is made of an event counter in which N events are needed to validate a transition on the output: This bit cannot be modified when LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Bit 26: Break Disarm This bit is cleared by hardware when no break source is active. The BKDSRM bit must be set by software to release the bidirectional output control (open-drain output in Hi-Z state) and then be polled it until it is reset by hardware, indicating that the fault condition has disappeared. Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective..
Bit 28: Break Bidirectional In the bidirectional mode (BKBID bit set to 1), the break input is configured both in input mode and in open drain output mode. Any active break event asserts a low logic level on the Break input to indicate an internal break event to external devices. Note: This bit cannot be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register). Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective..
TIM16 DMA control register
Offset: 0x48, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/2 fields covered.
Bits 0-4: DMA base address This 5-bit field defines the base-address for DMA transfers (when read/write access are done through the TIMx_DMAR address). DBA is defined as an offset starting from the address of the TIMx_CR1 register. Example: ... Example: Let us consider the following transfer: DBL = 7 transfers and DBA = TIMx_CR1. In this case the transfer is done to/from 7 registers starting from the TIMx_CR1 address..
Bits 8-12: DMA burst length This 5-bit field defines the length of DMA transfers (the timer recognizes a burst transfer when a read or a write access is done to the TIMx_DMAR address), i.e. the number of transfers. Transfers can be in half-words or in bytes (see example below). ....
TIM16 DMA address for full transfer
Offset: 0x4c, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: DMA register for burst accesses A read or write operation to the DMAR register accesses the register located at the address (TIMx_CR1 address) + (DBA + DMA index) x 4 where TIMx_CR1 address is the address of the control register 1, DBA is the DMA base address configured in TIMx_DCR register, DMA index is automatically controlled by the DMA transfer, and ranges from 0 to DBL (DBL configured in TIMx_DCR)..
TIM16 alternate function register 1
Offset: 0x60, size: 32, reset: 0x00000001, access: read-write
0/2 fields covered.
Bit 0: BRK BKIN input enable This bit enables the BKIN alternate function input for the timer s BRK input. BKIN input is ORed with the other BRK sources. Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Bit 9: BRK BKIN input polarity This bit selects the BKIN alternate function input sensitivity. It must be programmed together with the BKP polarity bit. Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
TIM16 input selection register
Offset: 0x68, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
0x40014800: TIM17 address block description
51/62 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 (16-bit) | CR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 (16-bit) | CR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc (16-bit) | DIER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 (16-bit) | SR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 (16-bit) | EGR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CCMR1_Input | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CCMR1_Output | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 (16-bit) | CCER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | CNT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 (16-bit) | PSC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x2c (16-bit) | ARR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x30 (16-bit) | RCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x34 (16-bit) | CCR[1] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x44 | BDTR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x48 (16-bit) | DCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4c (16-bit) | DMAR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x60 | AF1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x68 | TISEL |
TIM17 control register 1
Offset: 0x0, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
6/7 fields covered.
Bit 0: Counter enable Note: External clock and gated mode can work only if the CEN bit has been previously set by software. However trigger mode can set the CEN bit automatically by hardware..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Counter disabled
1: Enabled: Counter enabled
Bit 1: Update disable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable UEV event generation. Counter overflow/underflow Setting the UG bit Update generation through the slave mode controller Buffered registers are then loaded with their preload values..
Allowed values:
0: Enabled: Update event enabled
1: Disabled: Update event disabled
Bit 2: Update request source This bit is set and cleared by software to select the UEV event sources. Counter overflow/underflow Setting the UG bit Update generation through the slave mode controller.
Allowed values:
0: AnyEvent: Any of counter overflow/underflow, setting UG, or update through slave mode, generates an update interrupt or DMA request
1: CounterOnly: Only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt or DMA request
Bit 3: One pulse mode.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Counter is not stopped at update event
1: Enabled: Counter stops counting at the next update event (clearing the CEN bit)
Bit 7: Auto-reload preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: TIMx_APRR register is not buffered
1: Enabled: TIMx_APRR register is buffered
Bits 8-9: Clock division This bit-field indicates the division ratio between the timer clock (CK_INT) frequency and the dead-time and sampling clock (t<sub>DTS</sub>)used by the dead-time generators and the digital filters (TIx),.
Allowed values:
0: Div1: t_DTS = t_CK_INT
1: Div2: t_DTS = 2 × t_CK_INT
2: Div4: t_DTS = 4 × t_CK_INT
Bit 11: UIF status bit remapping.
TIM17 control register 2
Offset: 0x4, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/5 fields covered.
Bit 0: Capture/compare preloaded control Note: This bit acts only on channels that have a complementary output..
Allowed values:
0: NotPreloaded: CCxE, CCxNE and OCxM bits are not preloaded
1: Preloaded: CCxE, CCxNE and OCxM bits are preloaded
Bit 2: Capture/compare control update selection Note: This bit acts only on channels that have a complementary output..
Allowed values:
0: Sw: When capture/compare control bits are preloaded (CCPC=1), they are updated by setting the COMG bit only
1: SwOrEdge: When capture/compare control bits are preloaded (CCPC=1), they are updated by setting the COMG bit or when an rising edge occurs on TRGI
Bit 3: Capture/compare DMA selection.
Allowed values:
0: OnCompare: CCx DMA request sent when CCx event occurs
1: OnUpdate: CCx DMA request sent when update event occurs
Bit 8: Output Idle state (OC1 output).
Allowed values:
0: Reset: OCx=0 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
1: Set: OCx=1 (after a dead-time if OCx(N) is implemented) when MOE=0
Bit 9: Output Idle state (OC1N output).
Allowed values:
0: Reset: OCxN=0 after a dead-time when MOE=0
1: Set: OCxN=1 after a dead-time when MOE=0
TIM17 DMA/interrupt enable register
Offset: 0xc, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
6/6 fields covered.
Bit 0: Update interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Update interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Update interrupt enabled
Bit 1: Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: CCx interrupt enabled
Bit 5: COM interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: COM interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: COM interrupt enabled
Bit 7: Break interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Break interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Break interrupt enabled
Bit 8: Update DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Update DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: Update DMA request enabled
Bit 9: Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: CCx DMA request enabled
TIM17 status register
Offset: 0x10, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/5 fields covered.
Bit 0: Update interrupt flag This bit is set by hardware on an update event. It is cleared by software. At overflow regarding the repetition counter value (update if repetition counter = 0) and if the UDIS=0 in the TIMx_CR1 register. When CNT is reinitialized by software using the UG bit in TIMx_EGR register, if URS=0 and UDIS=0 in the TIMx_CR1 register..
Allowed values:
0: NoUpdateOccurred: No update occurred
1: UpdatePending: Update interrupt pending
Bit 1: Capture/compare 1 interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 5: COM interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoCOM: No COM event occurred
1: COM: COM interrupt pending
Bit 7: Break interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware as soon as the break input goes active. It can be cleared by software if the break input is not active..
Allowed values:
0: NoTrigger: No break event occurred
1: Trigger: An active level has been detected on the break input. An interrupt is generated if BIE=1 in the TIMx_DIER register
Bit 9: Capture/Compare 1 overcapture flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoOvercapture: No overcapture has been detected
1: Overcapture: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCRx register while CCxIF flag was already set
TIM17 event generation register
Offset: 0x14, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
4/4 fields covered.
Bit 0: Update generation This bit can be set by software, it is automatically cleared by hardware..
Allowed values:
1: Update: Re-initializes the timer counter and generates an update of the registers.
Bit 1: Capture/compare 1 generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: If CC1 is an output: CC1IF flag is set, Corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. If CC1 is an input: The current value of the counter is captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 5: Capture/Compare control update generation This bit can be set by software, it is automatically cleared by hardware. Note: This bit acts only on channels that have a complementary output..
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: When CCPC bit is set, it allows CCxE, CCxNE and OCxM bits to be updated
Bit 7: Break generation This bit is set by software in order to generate an event, it is automatically cleared by hardware..
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: A break event is generated. MOE bit is cleared and BIF flag is set. Related interrupt or DMA transfer can occur if enabled
TIM17 capture/compare mode register 1
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
3/3 fields covered.
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 1 Selection This bit-field defines the direction of the channel (input/output) as well as the used input. Others: Reserved Note: CC1S bits are writable only when the channel is OFF (CC1E = 0 in TIMx_CCER)..
Allowed values:
1: TI1: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TI1
2: TI2: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TI2
3: TRC: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TRC
Bits 2-3: Input capture 1 prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: NoPrescaler: No prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input
1: TwoEvents: Capture is done once every 2 events
2: FourEvents: Capture is done once every 4 events
3: EightEvents: Capture is done once every 8 events
Bits 4-7: Input capture 1 filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
TIM17 capture/compare mode register 1
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
4/5 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 1 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Output: CCx channel is configured as output
Bit 2: Output compare 1 fast enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Fast output disabled
1: Enabled: Fast output enabled
Bit 3: Output compare 1 preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Preload register on CCRx disabled. New values written to CCRx are taken into account immediately
1: Enabled: Preload register on CCRx enabled. Preload value is loaded into active register on each update event
Bits 4-6: Output compare 1 mode.
Allowed values:
0: Frozen: The comparison between the output compare register TIMx_CCRy and the counter TIMx_CNT has no effect on the outputs
1: ActiveOnMatch: Set channel to active level on match. OCyREF signal is forced high when the counter matches the capture/compare register
2: InactiveOnMatch: Set channel to inactive level on match. OCyREF signal is forced low when the counter matches the capture/compare register
3: Toggle: OCyREF toggles when TIMx_CNT=TIMx_CCRy
4: ForceInactive: OCyREF is forced low
5: ForceActive: OCyREF is forced high
6: PwmMode1: In upcounting, channel is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCRy else inactive. In downcounting, channel is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCRy else active
7: PwmMode2: Inversely to PwmMode1
Bit 16: Output compare 1 mode, bit 3.
TIM17 capture/compare enable register
Offset: 0x20, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
4/4 fields covered.
Bit 0: Capture/Compare 1 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 1: Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 2: Capture/Compare 1 complementary output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Complementary output disabled
1: Enabled: Complementary output enabled
Bit 3: Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: ActiveHigh: OCxN active high
1: ActiveLow: OCxN active low
TIM17 counter
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
TIM17 prescaler
Offset: 0x28, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Prescaler value The counter clock frequency (CK_CNT) is equal to f<sub>CK_PSC</sub> / (PSC[15:0] + 1). PSC contains the value to be loaded in the active prescaler register at each update event (including when the counter is cleared through UG bit of TIMx_EGR register or through trigger controller when configured in reset mode )..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
TIM17 auto-reload register
Offset: 0x2c, size: 16, reset: 0x0000FFFF, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Auto-reload value ARR is the value to be loaded in the actual auto-reload register. Refer to the Section 20.3.1: Time-base unit on page 526 for more details about ARR update and behavior. The counter is blocked while the auto-reload value is null..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
TIM17 repetition counter register
Offset: 0x30, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-7: Repetition counter value These bits allow the user to set-up the update rate of the compare registers (i.e. periodic transfers from preload to active registers) when preload registers are enable, as well as the update interrupt generation rate, if this interrupt is enable. Each time the REP_CNT related downcounter reaches zero, an update event is generated and it restarts counting from REP value. As REP_CNT is reloaded with REP value only at the repetition update event U_RC, any write to the TIMx_RCR register is not taken in account until the next repetition update event. It means in PWM mode (REP+1) corresponds to the number of PWM periods in edge-aligned mode..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x34, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
TIM17 break and dead-time register
Offset: 0x44, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/11 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-7: Dead-time generator setup This bit-field defines the duration of the dead-time inserted between the complementary outputs. DT correspond to this duration. DTG[7:5] = 0xx => DT = DTG[7:0] x t<sub>dtg</sub> with t <sub>dtg</sub>= t<sub>DTS</sub> DTG[7:5] = 10x => DT = (64 + DTG[5:0]) x t<sub>dtg</sub> with t <sub>dtg</sub>= 2 x t<sub>DTS</sub> DTG[7:5] = 110 => DT = (32 + DTG[4:0]) x t<sub>dtg</sub> with t <sub>dtg</sub>= 8 x t<sub>DTS</sub> DTG[7:5] = 111 => DT = (32 + DTG[4:0]) x t<sub>dtg</sub> with t <sub>dtg</sub>= 16 x t<sub>DTS</sub> Example if t <sub>DTS</sub>= 125 ns (8 MHz), dead-time possible values are: 0 to 15875 ns by 125 ns steps, 16 s to 31750 ns by 250 ns steps, 32 s to 63 s by 1 s steps, 64 s to 126 s by 2 s steps Note: This bit-field can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1, 2 or 3 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
Bits 8-9: Lock configuration These bits offer a write protection against software errors. Note: The LOCK bits can be written only once after the reset. Once the TIMx_BDTR register has been written, their content is frozen until the next reset..
Allowed values:
0: Off: No bit is write protected
1: Level1: Any bits except MOE, OSSR, OSSI and LOCK in TIMx_BDTR register, OISx and OISxN bits in TIMx_CR2 register can no longer be written
2: Level2: LOCK Level 1 + CC Polarity bits (CCxP/CCxNP bits in TIMx_CCER register, as long as the related channel is configured in output through the CCxS bits) as well as OSSR and OSSI bits can no longer be written
3: Level3: LOCK Level 2 + CC Control bits (OCxM and OCxPE bits in TIMx_CCMRx registers, as long as the related channel is configured in output through the CCxS bits) can no longer be written
Bit 10: Off-state selection for Idle mode This bit is used when MOE=0 on channels configured as outputs. See OC/OCN enable description for more details (Section 20.4.8: TIMx capture/compare enable register (TIMx_CCER)(x = 16 to 17) on page 563). Note: This bit can not be modified as soon as the LOCK level 2 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Allowed values:
0: HiZ: When inactive, OC/OCN outputs are disabled
1: IdleLevel: When inactive, OC/OCN outputs are forced to idle level
Bit 11: Off-state selection for Run mode This bit is used when MOE=1 on channels that have a complementary output which are configured as outputs. OSSR is not implemented if no complementary output is implemented in the timer. See OC/OCN enable description for more details (Section 20.4.8: TIMx capture/compare enable register (TIMx_CCER)(x = 16 to 17) on page 563). Note: This bit can not be modified as soon as the LOCK level 2 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Allowed values:
0: HiZ: When inactive, OC/OCN outputs are disabled
1: IdleLevel: When inactive, OC/OCN outputs are enabled with their inactive level
Bit 12: Break enable 1; Break inputs (BRK and CCS clock failure event) enabled Note: This bit cannot be modified when LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register). Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Break function x disabled
1: Enabled: Break function x enabled
Bit 13: Break polarity Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register). Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective..
Allowed values:
0: ActiveLow: Break input BRKx is active low
1: ActiveHigh: Break input BRKx is active high
Bit 14: Automatic output enable Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Allowed values:
0: Manual: MOE can be set only by software
1: Automatic: MOE can be set by software or automatically at the next update event (if none of the break inputs BRK and BRK2 is active)
Bit 15: Main output enable This bit is cleared asynchronously by hardware as soon as the break input is active. It is set by software or automatically depending on the AOE bit. It is acting only on the channels which are configured in output. See OC/OCN enable description for more details (Section 20.4.8: TIMx capture/compare enable register (TIMx_CCER)(x = 16 to 17) on page 563)..
Allowed values:
0: DisabledIdle: OC/OCN are disabled or forced idle depending on OSSI
1: Enabled: OC/OCN are enabled if CCxE/CCxNE are set
Bits 16-19: Break filter This bit-field defines the frequency used to sample BRK input and the length of the digital filter applied to BRK. The digital filter is made of an event counter in which N events are needed to validate a transition on the output: This bit cannot be modified when LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Bit 26: Break Disarm This bit is cleared by hardware when no break source is active. The BKDSRM bit must be set by software to release the bidirectional output control (open-drain output in Hi-Z state) and then be polled it until it is reset by hardware, indicating that the fault condition has disappeared. Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective..
Bit 28: Break Bidirectional In the bidirectional mode (BKBID bit set to 1), the break input is configured both in input mode and in open drain output mode. Any active break event asserts a low logic level on the Break input to indicate an internal break event to external devices. Note: This bit cannot be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register). Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective..
TIM17 DMA control register
Offset: 0x48, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/2 fields covered.
Bits 0-4: DMA base address This 5-bit field defines the base-address for DMA transfers (when read/write access are done through the TIMx_DMAR address). DBA is defined as an offset starting from the address of the TIMx_CR1 register. Example: ... Example: Let us consider the following transfer: DBL = 7 transfers and DBA = TIMx_CR1. In this case the transfer is done to/from 7 registers starting from the TIMx_CR1 address..
Bits 8-12: DMA burst length This 5-bit field defines the length of DMA transfers (the timer recognizes a burst transfer when a read or a write access is done to the TIMx_DMAR address), i.e. the number of transfers. Transfers can be in half-words or in bytes (see example below). ....
TIM17 DMA address for full transfer
Offset: 0x4c, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: DMA register for burst accesses A read or write operation to the DMAR register accesses the register located at the address (TIMx_CR1 address) + (DBA + DMA index) x 4 where TIMx_CR1 address is the address of the control register 1, DBA is the DMA base address configured in TIMx_DCR register, DMA index is automatically controlled by the DMA transfer, and ranges from 0 to DBL (DBL configured in TIMx_DCR)..
TIM17 alternate function register 1
Offset: 0x60, size: 32, reset: 0x00000001, access: read-write
0/2 fields covered.
Bit 0: BRK BKIN input enable This bit enables the BKIN alternate function input for the timer s BRK input. BKIN input is ORed with the other BRK sources. Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
Bit 9: BRK BKIN input polarity This bit selects the BKIN alternate function input sensitivity. It must be programmed together with the BKP polarity bit. Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in TIMx_BDTR register)..
TIM17 input selection register
Offset: 0x68, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
0x40000000: TIM2 address block description
96/114 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 (16-bit) | CR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 (16-bit) | CR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | SMCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc (16-bit) | DIER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 (16-bit) | SR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 (16-bit) | EGR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CCMR1_Input | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CCMR1_Output | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | CCMR2_Input | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | CCMR2_Output | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 (16-bit) | CCER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | CNT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | CNT_remap | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 (16-bit) | PSC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x2c | ARR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x34 | CCR[1] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x38 | CCR[2] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x3c | CCR[3] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x40 | CCR[4] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x48 (16-bit) | DCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4c (16-bit) | DMAR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x60 | AF1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x68 | TISEL |
TIM2 control register 1
Offset: 0x0, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/9 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Counter enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Counter disabled
1: Enabled: Counter enabled
Bit 1: Update disable.
Allowed values:
0: Enabled: Update event enabled
1: Disabled: Update event disabled
Bit 2: Update request source.
Allowed values:
0: AnyEvent: Any of counter overflow/underflow, setting UG, or update through slave mode, generates an update interrupt or DMA request
1: CounterOnly: Only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt or DMA request
Bit 3: One-pulse mode.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Counter is not stopped at update event
1: Enabled: Counter stops counting at the next update event (clearing the CEN bit)
Bit 4: Direction.
Allowed values:
0: Up: Counter used as upcounter
1: Down: Counter used as downcounter
Bits 5-6: Center-aligned mode selection.
Allowed values:
0: EdgeAligned: The counter counts up or down depending on the direction bit
1: CenterAligned1: The counter counts up and down alternatively. Output compare interrupt flags are set only when the counter is counting down.
2: CenterAligned2: The counter counts up and down alternatively. Output compare interrupt flags are set only when the counter is counting up.
3: CenterAligned3: The counter counts up and down alternatively. Output compare interrupt flags are set both when the counter is counting up or down.
Bit 7: Auto-reload preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: TIMx_APRR register is not buffered
1: Enabled: TIMx_APRR register is buffered
Bits 8-9: Clock division This bit-field indicates the division ratio between the timer clock (CK_INT) frequency and sampling clock used by the digital filters (ETR, TIx),.
Allowed values:
0: Div1: t_DTS = t_CK_INT
1: Div2: t_DTS = 2 × t_CK_INT
2: Div4: t_DTS = 4 × t_CK_INT
Bit 11: UIF status bit remapping.
TIM2 control register 2
Offset: 0x4, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/3 fields covered.
Bit 3: Capture/compare DMA selection.
Allowed values:
0: OnCompare: CCx DMA request sent when CCx event occurs
1: OnUpdate: CCx DMA request sent when update event occurs
Bits 4-6: Master mode selection.
Bit 7: TI1 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Normal: The TIMx_CH1 pin is connected to TI1 input
1: XOR: The TIMx_CH1, CH2, CH3 pins are connected to TI1 input
TIM2 slave mode control register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/10 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-2: SMS[2:0]: Slave mode selection.
Bit 3: OCREF clear selection.
Bits 4-6: TS[2:0]: Trigger selection.
Bit 7: Master/Slave mode.
Allowed values:
0: NoSync: No action
1: Sync: The effect of an event on the trigger input (TRGI) is delayed to allow a perfect synchronization between the current timer and its slaves (through TRGO). It is useful if we want to synchronize several timers on a single external event.
Bits 8-11: External trigger filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
Bits 12-13: External trigger prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: Div1: Prescaler OFF
1: Div2: ETRP frequency divided by 2
2: Div4: ETRP frequency divided by 4
3: Div8: ETRP frequency divided by 8
Bit 14: External clock enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: External clock mode 2 disabled
1: Enabled: External clock mode 2 enabled. The counter is clocked by any active edge on the ETRF signal.
Bit 15: External trigger polarity.
Allowed values:
0: NotInverted: ETR is noninverted, active at high level or rising edge
1: Inverted: ETR is inverted, active at low level or falling edge
Bit 16: SMS[3].
Bits 20-21: TS[4:3].
TIM2 DMA/Interrupt enable register
Offset: 0xc, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
12/12 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Update interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Update interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Update interrupt enabled
Bit 1: Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: CCx interrupt enabled
Bit 2: Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: CCx interrupt enabled
Bit 3: Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: CCx interrupt enabled
Bit 4: Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: CCx interrupt enabled
Bit 6: Trigger interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Trigger interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Trigger interrupt enabled
Bit 8: Update DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Update DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: Update DMA request enabled
Bit 9: Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: CCx DMA request enabled
Bit 10: Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: CCx DMA request enabled
Bit 11: Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: CCx DMA request enabled
Bit 12: Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: CCx DMA request enabled
Bit 14: Trigger DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Trigger DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: Trigger DMA request enabled
TIM2 status register
Offset: 0x10, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
10/10 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
Bit 0: Update interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoUpdateOccurred: No update occurred
1: UpdatePending: Update interrupt pending
Bit 1: Capture/compare 1 interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 2: Capture/compare 2 interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 3: Capture/compare 3 interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 4: Capture/compare 4 interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 6: Trigger interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoTrigger: No trigger event occurred
1: Trigger: Trigger interrupt pending
Bit 9: Capture/Compare 1 overcapture flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoOvercapture: No overcapture has been detected
1: Overcapture: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCRx register while CCxIF flag was already set
Bit 10: Capture/Compare 2 overcapture flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoOvercapture: No overcapture has been detected
1: Overcapture: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCRx register while CCxIF flag was already set
Bit 11: Capture/Compare 3 overcapture flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoOvercapture: No overcapture has been detected
1: Overcapture: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCRx register while CCxIF flag was already set
Bit 12: Capture/Compare 4 overcapture flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoOvercapture: No overcapture has been detected
1: Overcapture: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCRx register while CCxIF flag was already set
TIM2 event generation register
Offset: 0x14, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
6/6 fields covered.
Bit 0: Update generation.
Allowed values:
1: Update: Re-initializes the timer counter and generates an update of the registers.
Bit 1: Capture/compare 1 generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: If CC1 is an output: CC1IF flag is set, Corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. If CC1 is an input: The current value of the counter is captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 2: Capture/compare 2 generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: If CC1 is an output: CC1IF flag is set, Corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. If CC1 is an input: The current value of the counter is captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 3: Capture/compare 3 generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: If CC1 is an output: CC1IF flag is set, Corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. If CC1 is an input: The current value of the counter is captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 4: Capture/compare 4 generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: If CC1 is an output: CC1IF flag is set, Corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. If CC1 is an input: The current value of the counter is captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 6: Trigger generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: The TIF flag is set in TIMx_SR register. Related interrupt or DMA transfer can occur if enabled.
TIM2 capture/compare mode register 1
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
6/6 fields covered.
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 1 selection.
Allowed values:
1: TI1: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TI1
2: TI2: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TI2
3: TRC: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TRC
Bits 2-3: Input capture 1 prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: NoPrescaler: No prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input
1: TwoEvents: Capture is done once every 2 events
2: FourEvents: Capture is done once every 4 events
3: EightEvents: Capture is done once every 8 events
Bits 4-7: Input capture 1 filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
Bits 8-9: Capture/compare 2 selection.
Allowed values:
1: TI2: CC2 channel is configured as input, IC2 is mapped on TI2
2: TI1: CC2 channel is configured as input, IC2 is mapped on TI1
3: TRC: CC2 channel is configured as input, IC2 is mapped on TRC
Bits 10-11: Input capture 2 prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: NoPrescaler: No prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input
1: TwoEvents: Capture is done once every 2 events
2: FourEvents: Capture is done once every 4 events
3: EightEvents: Capture is done once every 8 events
Bits 12-15: Input capture 2 filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
12/12 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 1 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Output: CCx channel is configured as output
Bit 2: Output compare 1 fast enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Fast output disabled
1: Enabled: Fast output enabled
Bit 3: Output compare 1 preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Preload register on CCRx disabled. New values written to CCRx are taken into account immediately
1: Enabled: Preload register on CCRx enabled. Preload value is loaded into active register on each update event
Bits 4-6: Output compare 1 mode.
Allowed values:
0: Frozen: The comparison between the output compare register TIMx_CCRy and the counter TIMx_CNT has no effect on the outputs / OpmMode1: Retriggerable OPM mode 1 - In up-counting mode, the channel is active until a trigger event is detected (on TRGI signal). In down-counting mode, the channel is inactive
1: ActiveOnMatch: Set channel to active level on match. OCyREF signal is forced high when the counter matches the capture/compare register / OpmMode2: Inversely to OpmMode1
2: InactiveOnMatch: Set channel to inactive level on match. OCyREF signal is forced low when the counter matches the capture/compare register / Reserved
3: Toggle: OCyREF toggles when TIMx_CNT=TIMx_CCRy / Reserved
4: ForceInactive: OCyREF is forced low / CombinedPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC is the logical OR between OC1REF and OC2REF
5: ForceActive: OCyREF is forced high / CombinedPwmMode2: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 2. OCyREFC is the logical AND between OC1REF and OC2REF
6: PwmMode1: In upcounting, channel is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCRy else inactive. In downcounting, channel is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCRy else active / AsymmetricPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC outputs OC1REF when the counter is counting up, OC2REF when it is counting down
7: PwmMode2: Inversely to PwmMode1 / AsymmetricPwmMode2: Inversely to AsymmetricPwmMode1
Bit 7: Output compare 1 clear enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: OCxRef is not affected by the ETRF signal
1: Enabled: OCxRef is cleared as soon as a High level is detected on ETRF signal
Bits 8-9: Capture/Compare 2 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Output: CCx channel is configured as output
Bit 10: Output compare 2 fast enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Fast output disabled
1: Enabled: Fast output enabled
Bit 11: Output compare 2 preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Preload register on CCRx disabled. New values written to CCRx are taken into account immediately
1: Enabled: Preload register on CCRx enabled. Preload value is loaded into active register on each update event
Bits 12-14: Output compare 2 mode.
Allowed values:
0: Frozen: The comparison between the output compare register TIMx_CCRy and the counter TIMx_CNT has no effect on the outputs / OpmMode1: Retriggerable OPM mode 1 - In up-counting mode, the channel is active until a trigger event is detected (on TRGI signal). In down-counting mode, the channel is inactive
1: ActiveOnMatch: Set channel to active level on match. OCyREF signal is forced high when the counter matches the capture/compare register / OpmMode2: Inversely to OpmMode1
2: InactiveOnMatch: Set channel to inactive level on match. OCyREF signal is forced low when the counter matches the capture/compare register / Reserved
3: Toggle: OCyREF toggles when TIMx_CNT=TIMx_CCRy / Reserved
4: ForceInactive: OCyREF is forced low / CombinedPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC is the logical OR between OC1REF and OC2REF
5: ForceActive: OCyREF is forced high / CombinedPwmMode2: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 2. OCyREFC is the logical AND between OC1REF and OC2REF
6: PwmMode1: In upcounting, channel is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCRy else inactive. In downcounting, channel is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCRy else active / AsymmetricPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC outputs OC1REF when the counter is counting up, OC2REF when it is counting down
7: PwmMode2: Inversely to PwmMode1 / AsymmetricPwmMode2: Inversely to AsymmetricPwmMode1
Bit 15: Output compare 2 clear enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: OCxRef is not affected by the ETRF signal
1: Enabled: OCxRef is cleared as soon as a High level is detected on ETRF signal
Bit 16: Output compare 1 mode, bit 3.
Allowed values:
0: Normal: Normal output compare mode (modes 0-7)
1: Extended: Extended output compare mode (modes 7-15)
Bit 24: Output compare 2 mode, bit 3.
Allowed values:
0: Normal: Normal output compare mode (modes 0-7)
1: Extended: Extended output compare mode (modes 7-15)
TIM2 capture/compare mode register 2
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
6/6 fields covered.
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 3 selection.
Allowed values:
1: TI3: CC3 channel is configured as input, IC3 is mapped on TI3
2: TI4: CC3 channel is configured as input, IC3 is mapped on TI4
3: TRC: CC3 channel is configured as input, IC3 is mapped on TRC
Bits 2-3: Input capture 3 prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: NoPrescaler: No prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input
1: TwoEvents: Capture is done once every 2 events
2: FourEvents: Capture is done once every 4 events
3: EightEvents: Capture is done once every 8 events
Bits 4-7: Input capture 3 filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
Bits 8-9: Capture/Compare 4 selection.
Allowed values:
1: TI4: CC4 channel is configured as input, IC4 is mapped on TI4
2: TI3: CC4 channel is configured as input, IC4 is mapped on TI3
3: TRC: CC4 channel is configured as input, IC4 is mapped on TRC
Bits 10-11: Input capture 4 prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: NoPrescaler: No prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input
1: TwoEvents: Capture is done once every 2 events
2: FourEvents: Capture is done once every 4 events
3: EightEvents: Capture is done once every 8 events
Bits 12-15: Input capture 4 filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
12/12 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 3 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Output: CCx channel is configured as output
Bit 2: Output compare 3 fast enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Fast output disabled
1: Enabled: Fast output enabled
Bit 3: Output compare 3 preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Preload register on CCRx disabled. New values written to CCRx are taken into account immediately
1: Enabled: Preload register on CCRx enabled. Preload value is loaded into active register on each update event
Bits 4-6: Output compare 3 mode.
Allowed values:
0: Frozen: The comparison between the output compare register TIMx_CCRy and the counter TIMx_CNT has no effect on the outputs / OpmMode1: Retriggerable OPM mode 1 - In up-counting mode, the channel is active until a trigger event is detected (on TRGI signal). In down-counting mode, the channel is inactive
1: ActiveOnMatch: Set channel to active level on match. OCyREF signal is forced high when the counter matches the capture/compare register / OpmMode2: Inversely to OpmMode1
2: InactiveOnMatch: Set channel to inactive level on match. OCyREF signal is forced low when the counter matches the capture/compare register / Reserved
3: Toggle: OCyREF toggles when TIMx_CNT=TIMx_CCRy / Reserved
4: ForceInactive: OCyREF is forced low / CombinedPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC is the logical OR between OC1REF and OC2REF
5: ForceActive: OCyREF is forced high / CombinedPwmMode2: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 2. OCyREFC is the logical AND between OC1REF and OC2REF
6: PwmMode1: In upcounting, channel is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCRy else inactive. In downcounting, channel is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCRy else active / AsymmetricPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC outputs OC1REF when the counter is counting up, OC2REF when it is counting down
7: PwmMode2: Inversely to PwmMode1 / AsymmetricPwmMode2: Inversely to AsymmetricPwmMode1
Bit 7: Output compare 3 clear enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: OCxRef is not affected by the ETRF signal
1: Enabled: OCxRef is cleared as soon as a High level is detected on ETRF signal
Bits 8-9: Capture/Compare 4 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Output: CCx channel is configured as output
Bit 10: Output compare 4 fast enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Fast output disabled
1: Enabled: Fast output enabled
Bit 11: Output compare 4 preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Preload register on CCRx disabled. New values written to CCRx are taken into account immediately
1: Enabled: Preload register on CCRx enabled. Preload value is loaded into active register on each update event
Bits 12-14: Output compare 4 mode.
Allowed values:
0: Frozen: The comparison between the output compare register TIMx_CCRy and the counter TIMx_CNT has no effect on the outputs / OpmMode1: Retriggerable OPM mode 1 - In up-counting mode, the channel is active until a trigger event is detected (on TRGI signal). In down-counting mode, the channel is inactive
1: ActiveOnMatch: Set channel to active level on match. OCyREF signal is forced high when the counter matches the capture/compare register / OpmMode2: Inversely to OpmMode1
2: InactiveOnMatch: Set channel to inactive level on match. OCyREF signal is forced low when the counter matches the capture/compare register / Reserved
3: Toggle: OCyREF toggles when TIMx_CNT=TIMx_CCRy / Reserved
4: ForceInactive: OCyREF is forced low / CombinedPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC is the logical OR between OC1REF and OC2REF
5: ForceActive: OCyREF is forced high / CombinedPwmMode2: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 2. OCyREFC is the logical AND between OC1REF and OC2REF
6: PwmMode1: In upcounting, channel is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCRy else inactive. In downcounting, channel is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCRy else active / AsymmetricPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC outputs OC1REF when the counter is counting up, OC2REF when it is counting down
7: PwmMode2: Inversely to PwmMode1 / AsymmetricPwmMode2: Inversely to AsymmetricPwmMode1
Bit 15: Output compare 4 clear enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: OCxRef is not affected by the ETRF signal
1: Enabled: OCxRef is cleared as soon as a High level is detected on ETRF signal
Bit 16: Output compare 3 mode, bit 3.
Allowed values:
0: Normal: Normal output compare mode (modes 0-7)
1: Extended: Extended output compare mode (modes 7-15)
Bit 24: Output compare 4 mode, bit 3.
Allowed values:
0: Normal: Normal output compare mode (modes 0-7)
1: Extended: Extended output compare mode (modes 7-15)
TIM2 capture/compare enable register
Offset: 0x20, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/12 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Capture/Compare 1 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 1: Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 3: Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity.
Bit 4: Capture/Compare 2 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 5: Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 7: Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity.
Bit 8: Capture/Compare 3 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 9: Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 11: Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity.
Bit 12: Capture/Compare 4 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 13: Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 15: Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity.
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/2 fields covered.
TIM2 prescaler
Offset: 0x28, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
TIM2 auto-reload register
Offset: 0x2c, size: 32, reset: 0xFFFFFFFF, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x34, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x38, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x3c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x40, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
TIM2 DMA control register
Offset: 0x48, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
TIM2 DMA address for full transfer
Offset: 0x4c, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
TIM2 alternate function option register 1
Offset: 0x60, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
0x40000400: TIM3 address block description
96/114 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 (16-bit) | CR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 (16-bit) | CR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | SMCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc (16-bit) | DIER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 (16-bit) | SR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 (16-bit) | EGR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CCMR1_Input | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CCMR1_Output | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | CCMR2_Input | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | CCMR2_Output | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 (16-bit) | CCER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | CNT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | CNT_remap | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 (16-bit) | PSC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x2c | ARR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x34 | CCR[1] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x38 | CCR[2] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x3c | CCR[3] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x40 | CCR[4] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x48 (16-bit) | DCR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4c (16-bit) | DMAR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x60 | AF1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x68 | TISEL |
TIM3 control register 1
Offset: 0x0, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/9 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Counter enable Note: External clock, gated mode and encoder mode can work only if the CEN bit has been previously set by software. However trigger mode can set the CEN bit automatically by hardware. CEN is cleared automatically in one-pulse mode, when an update event occurs..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Counter disabled
1: Enabled: Counter enabled
Bit 1: Update disable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable UEV event generation. Counter overflow/underflow Setting the UG bit Update generation through the slave mode controller Buffered registers are then loaded with their preload values..
Allowed values:
0: Enabled: Update event enabled
1: Disabled: Update event disabled
Bit 2: Update request source This bit is set and cleared by software to select the UEV event sources. Counter overflow/underflow Setting the UG bit Update generation through the slave mode controller.
Allowed values:
0: AnyEvent: Any of counter overflow/underflow, setting UG, or update through slave mode, generates an update interrupt or DMA request
1: CounterOnly: Only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt or DMA request
Bit 3: One-pulse mode.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Counter is not stopped at update event
1: Enabled: Counter stops counting at the next update event (clearing the CEN bit)
Bit 4: Direction Note: This bit is read only when the timer is configured in Center-aligned mode or Encoder mode..
Allowed values:
0: Up: Counter used as upcounter
1: Down: Counter used as downcounter
Bits 5-6: Center-aligned mode selection Note: It is not allowed to switch from edge-aligned mode to center-aligned mode as long as the counter is enabled (CEN=1).
Allowed values:
0: EdgeAligned: The counter counts up or down depending on the direction bit
1: CenterAligned1: The counter counts up and down alternatively. Output compare interrupt flags are set only when the counter is counting down.
2: CenterAligned2: The counter counts up and down alternatively. Output compare interrupt flags are set only when the counter is counting up.
3: CenterAligned3: The counter counts up and down alternatively. Output compare interrupt flags are set both when the counter is counting up or down.
Bit 7: Auto-reload preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: TIMx_APRR register is not buffered
1: Enabled: TIMx_APRR register is buffered
Bits 8-9: Clock division This bit-field indicates the division ratio between the timer clock (CK_INT) frequency and sampling clock used by the digital filters (ETR, TIx),.
Allowed values:
0: Div1: t_DTS = t_CK_INT
1: Div2: t_DTS = 2 × t_CK_INT
2: Div4: t_DTS = 4 × t_CK_INT
Bit 11: UIF status bit remapping.
TIM3 control register 2
Offset: 0x4, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/3 fields covered.
Bit 3: Capture/compare DMA selection.
Allowed values:
0: OnCompare: CCx DMA request sent when CCx event occurs
1: OnUpdate: CCx DMA request sent when update event occurs
Bits 4-6: Master mode selection These bits permit to select the information to be sent in master mode to slave timers for synchronization (TRGO). The combination is as follows: When the Counter Enable signal is controlled by the trigger input, there is a delay on TRGO, except if the master/slave mode is selected (see the MSM bit description in TIMx_SMCR register). Note: The clock of the slave timer or ADC must be enabled prior to receive events from the master timer, and must not be changed on-the-fly while triggers are received from the master timer..
Bit 7: TI1 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Normal: The TIMx_CH1 pin is connected to TI1 input
1: XOR: The TIMx_CH1, CH2, CH3 pins are connected to TI1 input
TIM3 slave mode control register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/10 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-2: SMS[2:0]: Slave mode selection When external signals are selected the active edge of the trigger signal (TRGI) is linked to the polarity selected on the external input (see Input Control register and Control Register description. reinitializes the counter, generates an update of the registers and starts the counter. Note: The gated mode must not be used if TI1F_ED is selected as the trigger input (TS=00100). Indeed, TI1F_ED outputs 1 pulse for each transition on TI1F, whereas the gated mode checks the level of the trigger signal. Note: The clock of the slave peripherals (timer, ADC, ...) receiving the TRGO or the TRGO2 signals must be enabled prior to receive events from the master timer, and the clock frequency (prescaler) must not be changed on-the-fly while triggers are received from the master timer..
Bit 3: OCREF clear selection This bit is used to select the OCREF clear source.
Bits 4-6: TS[2:0]: Trigger selection This bit-field selects the trigger input to be used to synchronize the counter. Others: Reserved See Table 77: TIM3 internal trigger connection on page 478 for more details on ITRx meaning for each Timer. Note: These bits must be changed only when they are not used (e.g. when SMS=000) to avoid wrong edge detections at the transition..
Bit 7: Master/Slave mode.
Allowed values:
0: NoSync: No action
1: Sync: The effect of an event on the trigger input (TRGI) is delayed to allow a perfect synchronization between the current timer and its slaves (through TRGO). It is useful if we want to synchronize several timers on a single external event.
Bits 8-11: External trigger filter This bit-field then defines the frequency used to sample ETRP signal and the length of the digital filter applied to ETRP. The digital filter is made of an event counter in which N consecutive events are needed to validate a transition on the output:.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
Bits 12-13: External trigger prescaler External trigger signal ETRP frequency must be at most 1/4 of CK_INT frequency. A prescaler can be enabled to reduce ETRP frequency. It is useful when inputting fast external clocks..
Allowed values:
0: Div1: Prescaler OFF
1: Div2: ETRP frequency divided by 2
2: Div4: ETRP frequency divided by 4
3: Div8: ETRP frequency divided by 8
Bit 14: External clock enable This bit enables External clock mode 2. Note: Setting the ECE bit has the same effect as selecting external clock mode 1 with TRGI connected to ETRF (SMS=111 and TS=00111). Note: It is possible to simultaneously use external clock mode 2 with the following slave modes: reset mode, gated mode and trigger mode. Nevertheless, TRGI must not be connected to ETRF in this case (TS bits must not be 00111). Note: If external clock mode 1 and external clock mode 2 are enabled at the same time, the external clock input is ETRF..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: External clock mode 2 disabled
1: Enabled: External clock mode 2 enabled. The counter is clocked by any active edge on the ETRF signal.
Bit 15: External trigger polarity This bit selects whether ETR or ETR is used for trigger operations.
Allowed values:
0: NotInverted: ETR is noninverted, active at high level or rising edge
1: Inverted: ETR is inverted, active at low level or falling edge
Bit 16: SMS[3].
Bits 20-21: TS[4:3].
TIM3 DMA/Interrupt enable register
Offset: 0xc, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
12/12 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Update interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Update interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Update interrupt enabled
Bit 1: Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: CCx interrupt enabled
Bit 2: Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: CCx interrupt enabled
Bit 3: Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: CCx interrupt enabled
Bit 4: Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: CCx interrupt enabled
Bit 6: Trigger interrupt enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Trigger interrupt disabled
1: Enabled: Trigger interrupt enabled
Bit 8: Update DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Update DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: Update DMA request enabled
Bit 9: Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: CCx DMA request enabled
Bit 10: Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: CCx DMA request enabled
Bit 11: Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: CCx DMA request enabled
Bit 12: Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CCx DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: CCx DMA request enabled
Bit 14: Trigger DMA request enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Trigger DMA request disabled
1: Enabled: Trigger DMA request enabled
TIM3 status register
Offset: 0x10, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
10/10 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
r/w0c |
Bit 0: Update interrupt flag This bit is set by hardware on an update event. It is cleared by software. At overflow or underflow and if UDIS=0 in the TIMx_CR1 register. When CNT is reinitialized by software using the UG bit in TIMx_EGR register, if URS=0 and UDIS=0 in the TIMx_CR1 register. When CNT is reinitialized by a trigger event (refer to the synchro control register description), if URS=0 and UDIS=0 in the TIMx_CR1 register..
Allowed values:
0: NoUpdateOccurred: No update occurred
1: UpdatePending: Update interrupt pending
Bit 1: Capture/compare 1 interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 2: Capture/compare 2 interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 3: Capture/compare 3 interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 4: Capture/compare 4 interrupt flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No campture/compare has been detected
1: Match: If CC1 is an output: The content of the counter TIMx_CNT matches the content of the TIMx_CCR1 register. If CC1 is an input: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 6: Trigger interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware on the TRG trigger event (active edge detected on TRGI input when the slave mode controller is enabled in all modes but gated mode. It is set when the counter starts or stops when gated mode is selected. It is cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: NoTrigger: No trigger event occurred
1: Trigger: Trigger interrupt pending
Bit 9: Capture/Compare 1 overcapture flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoOvercapture: No overcapture has been detected
1: Overcapture: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCRx register while CCxIF flag was already set
Bit 10: Capture/Compare 2 overcapture flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoOvercapture: No overcapture has been detected
1: Overcapture: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCRx register while CCxIF flag was already set
Bit 11: Capture/Compare 3 overcapture flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoOvercapture: No overcapture has been detected
1: Overcapture: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCRx register while CCxIF flag was already set
Bit 12: Capture/Compare 4 overcapture flag.
Allowed values:
0: NoOvercapture: No overcapture has been detected
1: Overcapture: The counter value has been captured in TIMx_CCRx register while CCxIF flag was already set
TIM3 event generation register
Offset: 0x14, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
6/6 fields covered.
Bit 0: Update generation This bit can be set by software, it is automatically cleared by hardware..
Allowed values:
1: Update: Re-initializes the timer counter and generates an update of the registers.
Bit 1: Capture/compare 1 generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: If CC1 is an output: CC1IF flag is set, Corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. If CC1 is an input: The current value of the counter is captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 2: Capture/compare 2 generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: If CC1 is an output: CC1IF flag is set, Corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. If CC1 is an input: The current value of the counter is captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 3: Capture/compare 3 generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: If CC1 is an output: CC1IF flag is set, Corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. If CC1 is an input: The current value of the counter is captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 4: Capture/compare 4 generation.
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: If CC1 is an output: CC1IF flag is set, Corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. If CC1 is an input: The current value of the counter is captured in TIMx_CCR1 register.
Bit 6: Trigger generation This bit is set by software in order to generate an event, it is automatically cleared by hardware..
Allowed values:
1: Trigger: The TIF flag is set in TIMx_SR register. Related interrupt or DMA transfer can occur if enabled.
TIM3 capture/compare mode register 1
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
6/6 fields covered.
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 1 selection This bit-field defines the direction of the channel (input/output) as well as the used input. Note: CC1S bits are writable only when the channel is OFF (CC1E = 0 in TIMx_CCER)..
Allowed values:
1: TI1: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TI1
2: TI2: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TI2
3: TRC: CC1 channel is configured as input, IC1 is mapped on TRC
Bits 2-3: Input capture 1 prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: NoPrescaler: No prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input
1: TwoEvents: Capture is done once every 2 events
2: FourEvents: Capture is done once every 4 events
3: EightEvents: Capture is done once every 8 events
Bits 4-7: Input capture 1 filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
Bits 8-9: Capture/compare 2 selection This bit-field defines the direction of the channel (input/output) as well as the used input. Note: CC2S bits are writable only when the channel is OFF (CC2E = 0 in TIMx_CCER)..
Allowed values:
1: TI2: CC2 channel is configured as input, IC2 is mapped on TI2
2: TI1: CC2 channel is configured as input, IC2 is mapped on TI1
3: TRC: CC2 channel is configured as input, IC2 is mapped on TRC
Bits 10-11: Input capture 2 prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: NoPrescaler: No prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input
1: TwoEvents: Capture is done once every 2 events
2: FourEvents: Capture is done once every 4 events
3: EightEvents: Capture is done once every 8 events
Bits 12-15: Input capture 2 filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
TIM3 capture/compare mode register 1
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
12/12 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 1 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Output: CCx channel is configured as output
Bit 2: Output compare 1 fast enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Fast output disabled
1: Enabled: Fast output enabled
Bit 3: Output compare 1 preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Preload register on CCRx disabled. New values written to CCRx are taken into account immediately
1: Enabled: Preload register on CCRx enabled. Preload value is loaded into active register on each update event
Bits 4-6: Output compare 1 mode.
Allowed values:
0: Frozen: The comparison between the output compare register TIMx_CCRy and the counter TIMx_CNT has no effect on the outputs / OpmMode1: Retriggerable OPM mode 1 - In up-counting mode, the channel is active until a trigger event is detected (on TRGI signal). In down-counting mode, the channel is inactive
1: ActiveOnMatch: Set channel to active level on match. OCyREF signal is forced high when the counter matches the capture/compare register / OpmMode2: Inversely to OpmMode1
2: InactiveOnMatch: Set channel to inactive level on match. OCyREF signal is forced low when the counter matches the capture/compare register / Reserved
3: Toggle: OCyREF toggles when TIMx_CNT=TIMx_CCRy / Reserved
4: ForceInactive: OCyREF is forced low / CombinedPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC is the logical OR between OC1REF and OC2REF
5: ForceActive: OCyREF is forced high / CombinedPwmMode2: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 2. OCyREFC is the logical AND between OC1REF and OC2REF
6: PwmMode1: In upcounting, channel is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCRy else inactive. In downcounting, channel is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCRy else active / AsymmetricPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC outputs OC1REF when the counter is counting up, OC2REF when it is counting down
7: PwmMode2: Inversely to PwmMode1 / AsymmetricPwmMode2: Inversely to AsymmetricPwmMode1
Bit 7: Output compare 1 clear enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: OCxRef is not affected by the ETRF signal
1: Enabled: OCxRef is cleared as soon as a High level is detected on ETRF signal
Bits 8-9: Capture/Compare 2 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Output: CCx channel is configured as output
Bit 10: Output compare 2 fast enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Fast output disabled
1: Enabled: Fast output enabled
Bit 11: Output compare 2 preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Preload register on CCRx disabled. New values written to CCRx are taken into account immediately
1: Enabled: Preload register on CCRx enabled. Preload value is loaded into active register on each update event
Bits 12-14: Output compare 2 mode.
Allowed values:
0: Frozen: The comparison between the output compare register TIMx_CCRy and the counter TIMx_CNT has no effect on the outputs / OpmMode1: Retriggerable OPM mode 1 - In up-counting mode, the channel is active until a trigger event is detected (on TRGI signal). In down-counting mode, the channel is inactive
1: ActiveOnMatch: Set channel to active level on match. OCyREF signal is forced high when the counter matches the capture/compare register / OpmMode2: Inversely to OpmMode1
2: InactiveOnMatch: Set channel to inactive level on match. OCyREF signal is forced low when the counter matches the capture/compare register / Reserved
3: Toggle: OCyREF toggles when TIMx_CNT=TIMx_CCRy / Reserved
4: ForceInactive: OCyREF is forced low / CombinedPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC is the logical OR between OC1REF and OC2REF
5: ForceActive: OCyREF is forced high / CombinedPwmMode2: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 2. OCyREFC is the logical AND between OC1REF and OC2REF
6: PwmMode1: In upcounting, channel is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCRy else inactive. In downcounting, channel is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCRy else active / AsymmetricPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC outputs OC1REF when the counter is counting up, OC2REF when it is counting down
7: PwmMode2: Inversely to PwmMode1 / AsymmetricPwmMode2: Inversely to AsymmetricPwmMode1
Bit 15: Output compare 2 clear enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: OCxRef is not affected by the ETRF signal
1: Enabled: OCxRef is cleared as soon as a High level is detected on ETRF signal
Bit 16: Output compare 1 mode, bit 3.
Allowed values:
0: Normal: Normal output compare mode (modes 0-7)
1: Extended: Extended output compare mode (modes 7-15)
Bit 24: Output compare 2 mode, bit 3.
Allowed values:
0: Normal: Normal output compare mode (modes 0-7)
1: Extended: Extended output compare mode (modes 7-15)
TIM3 capture/compare mode register 2
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
6/6 fields covered.
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 3 selection This bit-field defines the direction of the channel (input/output) as well as the used input. Note: CC3S bits are writable only when the channel is OFF (CC3E = 0 in TIMx_CCER)..
Allowed values:
1: TI3: CC3 channel is configured as input, IC3 is mapped on TI3
2: TI4: CC3 channel is configured as input, IC3 is mapped on TI4
3: TRC: CC3 channel is configured as input, IC3 is mapped on TRC
Bits 2-3: Input capture 3 prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: NoPrescaler: No prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input
1: TwoEvents: Capture is done once every 2 events
2: FourEvents: Capture is done once every 4 events
3: EightEvents: Capture is done once every 8 events
Bits 4-7: Input capture 3 filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
Bits 8-9: Capture/Compare 4 selection This bit-field defines the direction of the channel (input/output) as well as the used input. Note: CC4S bits are writable only when the channel is OFF (CC4E = 0 in TIMx_CCER)..
Allowed values:
1: TI4: CC4 channel is configured as input, IC4 is mapped on TI4
2: TI3: CC4 channel is configured as input, IC4 is mapped on TI3
3: TRC: CC4 channel is configured as input, IC4 is mapped on TRC
Bits 10-11: Input capture 4 prescaler.
Allowed values:
0: NoPrescaler: No prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input
1: TwoEvents: Capture is done once every 2 events
2: FourEvents: Capture is done once every 4 events
3: EightEvents: Capture is done once every 8 events
Bits 12-15: Input capture 4 filter.
Allowed values:
0: NoFilter: No filter, sampling is done at fDTS
4: FDTS_Div2_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=6
5: FDTS_Div2_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/2, N=8
6: FDTS_Div4_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=6
7: FDTS_Div4_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/4, N=8
8: FDTS_Div8_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=6
9: FDTS_Div8_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/8, N=8
10: FDTS_Div16_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=5
11: FDTS_Div16_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=6
12: FDTS_Div16_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/16, N=8
13: FDTS_Div32_N5: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=5
14: FDTS_Div32_N6: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=6
15: FDTS_Div32_N8: fSAMPLING=fDTS/32, N=8
TIM3 capture/compare mode register 2
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
12/12 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-1: Capture/Compare 3 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Output: CCx channel is configured as output
Bit 2: Output compare 3 fast enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Fast output disabled
1: Enabled: Fast output enabled
Bit 3: Output compare 3 preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Preload register on CCRx disabled. New values written to CCRx are taken into account immediately
1: Enabled: Preload register on CCRx enabled. Preload value is loaded into active register on each update event
Bits 4-6: Output compare 3 mode.
Allowed values:
0: Frozen: The comparison between the output compare register TIMx_CCRy and the counter TIMx_CNT has no effect on the outputs / OpmMode1: Retriggerable OPM mode 1 - In up-counting mode, the channel is active until a trigger event is detected (on TRGI signal). In down-counting mode, the channel is inactive
1: ActiveOnMatch: Set channel to active level on match. OCyREF signal is forced high when the counter matches the capture/compare register / OpmMode2: Inversely to OpmMode1
2: InactiveOnMatch: Set channel to inactive level on match. OCyREF signal is forced low when the counter matches the capture/compare register / Reserved
3: Toggle: OCyREF toggles when TIMx_CNT=TIMx_CCRy / Reserved
4: ForceInactive: OCyREF is forced low / CombinedPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC is the logical OR between OC1REF and OC2REF
5: ForceActive: OCyREF is forced high / CombinedPwmMode2: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 2. OCyREFC is the logical AND between OC1REF and OC2REF
6: PwmMode1: In upcounting, channel is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCRy else inactive. In downcounting, channel is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCRy else active / AsymmetricPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC outputs OC1REF when the counter is counting up, OC2REF when it is counting down
7: PwmMode2: Inversely to PwmMode1 / AsymmetricPwmMode2: Inversely to AsymmetricPwmMode1
Bit 7: Output compare 3 clear enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: OCxRef is not affected by the ETRF signal
1: Enabled: OCxRef is cleared as soon as a High level is detected on ETRF signal
Bits 8-9: Capture/Compare 4 selection.
Allowed values:
0: Output: CCx channel is configured as output
Bit 10: Output compare 4 fast enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Fast output disabled
1: Enabled: Fast output enabled
Bit 11: Output compare 4 preload enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Preload register on CCRx disabled. New values written to CCRx are taken into account immediately
1: Enabled: Preload register on CCRx enabled. Preload value is loaded into active register on each update event
Bits 12-14: Output compare 4 mode.
Allowed values:
0: Frozen: The comparison between the output compare register TIMx_CCRy and the counter TIMx_CNT has no effect on the outputs / OpmMode1: Retriggerable OPM mode 1 - In up-counting mode, the channel is active until a trigger event is detected (on TRGI signal). In down-counting mode, the channel is inactive
1: ActiveOnMatch: Set channel to active level on match. OCyREF signal is forced high when the counter matches the capture/compare register / OpmMode2: Inversely to OpmMode1
2: InactiveOnMatch: Set channel to inactive level on match. OCyREF signal is forced low when the counter matches the capture/compare register / Reserved
3: Toggle: OCyREF toggles when TIMx_CNT=TIMx_CCRy / Reserved
4: ForceInactive: OCyREF is forced low / CombinedPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC is the logical OR between OC1REF and OC2REF
5: ForceActive: OCyREF is forced high / CombinedPwmMode2: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 2. OCyREFC is the logical AND between OC1REF and OC2REF
6: PwmMode1: In upcounting, channel is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCRy else inactive. In downcounting, channel is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCRy else active / AsymmetricPwmMode1: OCyREF has the same behavior as in PWM mode 1. OCyREFC outputs OC1REF when the counter is counting up, OC2REF when it is counting down
7: PwmMode2: Inversely to PwmMode1 / AsymmetricPwmMode2: Inversely to AsymmetricPwmMode1
Bit 15: Output compare 4 clear enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: OCxRef is not affected by the ETRF signal
1: Enabled: OCxRef is cleared as soon as a High level is detected on ETRF signal
Bit 16: Output compare 3 mode, bit 3.
Allowed values:
0: Normal: Normal output compare mode (modes 0-7)
1: Extended: Extended output compare mode (modes 7-15)
Bit 24: Output compare 4 mode, bit 3.
Allowed values:
0: Normal: Normal output compare mode (modes 0-7)
1: Extended: Extended output compare mode (modes 7-15)
TIM3 capture/compare enable register
Offset: 0x20, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
8/12 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Capture/Compare 1 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 1: Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 3: Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity.
Bit 4: Capture/Compare 2 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 5: Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 7: Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity.
Bit 8: Capture/Compare 3 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 9: Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 11: Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity.
Bit 12: Capture/Compare 4 output enable.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Capture disabled
1: Enabled: Capture enabled
Bit 13: Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity.
Allowed values:
0: RisingEdge: Noninverted/rising edge
1: FallingEdge: Inverted/falling edge
Bit 15: Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity.
TIM3 counter
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/2 fields covered.
TIM3 prescaler
Offset: 0x28, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: Prescaler value The counter clock frequency CK_CNT is equal to f<sub>CK_PSC</sub> / (PSC[15:0] + 1). PSC contains the value to be loaded in the active prescaler register at each update event (including when the counter is cleared through UG bit of TIMx_EGR register or through trigger controller when configured in reset mode )..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
TIM3 auto-reload register
Offset: 0x2c, size: 32, reset: 0xFFFFFFFF, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
Bits 0-31: Auto-reload value ARR is the value to be loaded in the actual auto-reload register. Refer to the Section 18.3.1: Time-base unit on page 429 for more details about ARR update and behavior. The counter is blocked while the auto-reload value is null..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffff
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x34, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x38, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x3c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
capture/compare register
Offset: 0x40, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
TIM3 DMA control register
Offset: 0x48, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
Bits 0-4: DMA base address This 5-bit vector defines the base-address for DMA transfers (when read/write access are done through the TIMx_DMAR address). DBA is defined as an offset starting from the address of the TIMx_CR1 register. Example: ... Example: Let us consider the following transfer: DBL = 7 transfers & DBA = TIMx_CR1. In this case the transfer is done to/from 7 registers starting from the TIMx_CR1 address..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1f
Bits 8-12: DMA burst length This 5-bit vector defines the number of DMA transfers (the timer recognizes a burst transfer when a read or a write access is done to the TIMx_DMAR address). ....
Allowed values: 0x0-0x12
TIM3 DMA address for full transfer
Offset: 0x4c, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-15: DMA register for burst accesses A read or write operation to the DMAR register accesses the register located at the address (TIMx_CR1 address) + (DBA + DMA index) x 4 where TIMx_CR1 address is the address of the control register 1, DBA is the DMA base address configured in TIMx_DCR register, DMA index is automatically controlled by the DMA transfer, and ranges from 0 to DBL (DBL configured in TIMx_DCR)..
TIM3 alternate function option register 1
Offset: 0x60, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/1 fields covered.
TIM3 timer input selection register
Offset: 0x68, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/3 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
Bits 0-3: TI1[0] to TI1[15] input selection These bits select the TI1[0] to TI1[15] input source. Others: Reserved.
Bits 8-11: TI2[0] to TI2[15] input selection These bits select the TI2[0] to TI2[15] input source. Others: Reserved.
Bits 16-19: TI3[0] to TI3[15] input selection These bits select the TI3[0] to TI3[15] input source. Others: Reserved.
0x40013800: USART address block description
124/124 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | CR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | CR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | CR3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | BRR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | GTPR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | RTOR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | RQR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | ISR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 | ICR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | RDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | TDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x2c | PRESC |
USART control register 1
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
24/24 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: USART enable When this bit is cleared, the USART prescalers and outputs are stopped immediately, and all current operations are discarded. The USART configuration is kept, but all the USART_ISR status flags are reset. This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: To enter low-power mode without generating errors on the line, the TE bit must be previously reset and the software must wait for the TC bit in the USART_ISR to be set before resetting the UE bit. Note: The DMA requests are also reset when UE = 0 so the DMA channel must be disabled before resetting the UE bit. Note: In Smartcard mode, (SCEN = 1), the CK is always available when CLKEN = 1, regardless of the UE bit value..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: UART is disabled
1: Enabled: UART is enabled
Bit 1: USART enable in low-power mode When this bit is cleared, the USART cannot wake up the MCU from low-power mode. When this bit is set, the USART can wake up the MCU from low-power mode. This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: It is recommended to set the UESM bit just before entering low-power mode and clear it when exit from low-power mode. Note: If the USART does not support the wake-up from Stop feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: USART not able to wake up the MCU from Stop mode
1: Enabled: USART able to wake up the MCU from Stop mode
Bit 2: Receiver enable This bit enables the receiver. It is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Receiver is disabled
1: Enabled: Receiver is enabled
Bit 3: Transmitter enable This bit enables the transmitter. It is set and cleared by software. Note: During transmission, a low pulse on the TE bit ( 0 followed by 1 ) sends a preamble (idle line) after the current word, except in Smartcard mode. In order to generate an idle character, the TE must not be immediately written to 1 . To ensure the required duration, the software can poll the TEACK bit in the USART_ISR register. Note: In Smartcard mode, when TE is set, there is a 1 bit-time delay before the transmission starts..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transmitter is disabled
1: Enabled: Transmitter is enabled
Bit 4: IDLE interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is disabled
1: Enabled: Interrupt is generated whenever IDLE=1 in the ISR register
Bit 5: RXFIFO not empty interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is disabled
1: Enabled: Interrupt is generated whenever ORE=1 or RXNE=1 in the ISR register
Bit 6: Transmission complete interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is disabled
1: Enabled: Interrupt is generated whenever TC=1 in the ISR register
Bit 7: TXFIFO not-full interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is disabled
1: Enabled: Interrupt is generated whenever TXE=1 in the ISR register
Bit 8: PE interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is disabled
1: Enabled: Interrupt is generated whenever PE=1 in the ISR register
Bit 9: Parity selection This bit selects the odd or even parity when the parity generation/detection is enabled (PCE bit set). It is set and cleared by software. The parity is selected after the current byte. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Even: Even parity
1: Odd: Odd parity
Bit 10: Parity control enable This bit selects the hardware parity control (generation and detection). When the parity control is enabled, the computed parity is inserted at the MSB position (9th bit if M = 1; 8th bit if M = 0) and the parity is checked on the received data. This bit is set and cleared by software. Once it is set, PCE is active after the current byte (in reception and in transmission). This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Parity control disabled
1: Enabled: Parity control enabled
Bit 11: Receiver wake-up method This bit determines the USART wake-up method from Mute mode. It is set or cleared by software. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Idle: Idle line
1: Address: Address mask
Bit 12: Word length This bit is used in conjunction with bit 28 (M1) to determine the word length. It is set or cleared by software (refer to bit 28 (M1)description). This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Bit8: 1 start bit, 8 data bits, n stop bits
1: Bit9: 1 start bit, 9 data bits, n stop bits
Bit 13: Mute mode enable This bit enables the USART Mute mode function. When set, the USART can switch between active and Mute mode, as defined by the WAKE bit. It is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Receiver in active mode permanently
1: Enabled: Receiver can switch between mute mode and active mode
Bit 14: Character match interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is disabled
1: Enabled: Interrupt is generated when the CMF bit is set in the ISR register
Bit 15: Oversampling mode This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: In LIN, IrDA and Smartcard modes, this bit must be kept cleared..
Allowed values:
0: Oversampling16: Oversampling by 16
1: Oversampling8: Oversampling by 8
Bits 16-20: Driver enable deassertion time This 5-bit value defines the time between the end of the last stop bit, in a transmitted message, and the de-activation of the DE (Driver Enable) signal. It is expressed in sample time units (1/8 or 1/16 bit time, depending on the oversampling rate). If the USART_TDR register is written during the DEDT time, the new data is transmitted only when the DEDT and DEAT times have both elapsed. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the Driver Enable feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1f
Bits 21-25: Driver enable assertion time This 5-bit value defines the time between the activation of the DE (Driver Enable) signal and the beginning of the start bit. It is expressed in sample time units (1/8 or 1/16 bit time, depending on the oversampling rate). This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the Driver Enable feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1f
Bit 26: Receiver timeout interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: If the USART does not support the Receiver timeout feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is inhibited
1: Enabled: An USART interrupt is generated when the RTOF bit is set in the ISR register
Bit 27: End-of-block interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: If the USART does not support Smartcard mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is inhibited
1: Enabled: A USART interrupt is generated when the EOBF flag is set in the ISR register
Bit 28: Word length This bit must be used in conjunction with bit 12 (M0) to determine the word length. It is set or cleared by software. M[1:0] = 00 : 1 start bit, 8 Data bits, n Stop bit M[1:0] = 01 : 1 start bit, 9 Data bits, n Stop bit M[1:0] = 10 : 1 start bit, 7 Data bits, n Stop bit This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: In 7-bits data length mode, the Smartcard mode, LIN master mode and auto baud rate (0x7F and 0x55 frames detection) are not supported..
Allowed values:
0: M0: Use M0 to set the data bits
1: Bit7: 1 start bit, 7 data bits, n stop bits
Bit 29: FIFO mode enable This bit is set and cleared by software. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: FIFO mode can be used on standard UART communication, in SPI master/slave mode and in Smartcard modes only. It must not be enabled in IrDA and LIN modes..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: FIFO mode is disabled
1: Enabled: FIFO mode is enabled
Bit 30: TXFIFO empty interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt inhibited
1: Enabled: USART interrupt generated when TXFE = 1 in the USART_ISR register
Bit 31: RXFIFO full interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt inhibited
1: Enabled: USART interrupt generated when RXFF = 1 in the USART_ISR register
USART control register 2
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
20/20 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Synchronous Slave mode enable When the SLVEN bit is set, the synchronous slave mode is enabled. Note: When SPI slave mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Slave mode disabled
1: Enabled: Slave mode enabled
Bit 3: NSS pin enable When the DIS_NSS bit is set, the NSS pin input is ignored. Note: When SPI slave mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: SPI slave selection depends on NSS input pin
1: Enabled: SPI slave is always selected and NSS input pin is ignored
Bit 4: 7-bit address detection/4-bit address detection This bit is for selection between 4-bit address detection or 7-bit address detection. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0) Note: In 7-bit and 9-bit data modes, the address detection is done on 6-bit and 8-bit address (ADD[5:0] and ADD[7:0]) respectively..
Allowed values:
0: Bit4: 4-bit address detection
1: Bit7: 7-bit address detection
Bit 5: LIN break detection length This bit is for selection between 11 bit or 10 bit break detection. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If LIN mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Bit10: 10-bit break detection
1: Bit11: 11-bit break detection
Bit 6: LIN break detection interrupt enable Break interrupt mask (break detection using break delimiter). Note: If LIN mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is inhibited
1: Enabled: An interrupt is generated whenever LBDF=1 in the ISR register
Bit 8: Last bit clock pulse This bit is used to select whether the clock pulse associated with the last data bit transmitted (MSB) has to be output on the CK pin in synchronous mode. The last bit is the 7th or 8th or 9th data bit transmitted depending on the 7 or 8 or 9 bit format selected by the M bit in the USART_CR1 register. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If synchronous mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: NotOutput: The clock pulse of the last data bit is not output to the CK pin
1: Output: The clock pulse of the last data bit is output to the CK pin
Bit 9: Clock phase This bit is used to select the phase of the clock output on the CK pin in synchronous mode. It works in conjunction with the CPOL bit to produce the desired clock/data relationship (see Figure 249 and Figure 250) This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If synchronous mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: First: The first clock transition is the first data capture edge
1: Second: The second clock transition is the first data capture edge
Bit 10: Clock polarity This bit enables the user to select the polarity of the clock output on the CK pin in synchronous mode. It works in conjunction with the CPHA bit to produce the desired clock/data relationship This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If synchronous mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Low: Steady low value on CK pin outside transmission window
1: High: Steady high value on CK pin outside transmission window
Bit 11: Clock enable This bit enables the user to enable the CK pin. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If neither synchronous mode nor Smartcard mode is supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691. In Smartcard mode, in order to provide correctly the CK clock to the smartcard, the steps below must be respected: UE = 0 SCEN = 1 GTPR configuration CLKEN= 1 Note: UE = 1.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CK pin disabled
1: Enabled: CK pin enabled
Bits 12-13: Stop bits These bits are used for programming the stop bits. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Stop1: 1 stop bit
1: Stop0p5: 0.5 stop bit
2: Stop2: 2 stop bit
3: Stop1p5: 1.5 stop bit
Bit 14: LIN mode enable This bit is set and cleared by software. The LIN mode enables the capability to send LIN synchronous breaks (13 low bits) using the SBKRQ bit in the USART_CR1 register, and to detect LIN Sync breaks. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the USART does not support LIN mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: LIN mode disabled
1: Enabled: LIN mode enabled
Bit 15: Swap TX/RX pins This bit is set and cleared by software. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Standard: TX/RX pins are used as defined in standard pinout
1: Swapped: The TX and RX pins functions are swapped
Bit 16: RX pin active level inversion This bit is set and cleared by software. This enables the use of an external inverter on the RX line. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Standard: RX pin signal works using the standard logic levels
1: Inverted: RX pin signal values are inverted
Bit 17: TX pin active level inversion This bit is set and cleared by software. This enables the use of an external inverter on the TX line. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Standard: TX pin signal works using the standard logic levels
1: Inverted: TX pin signal values are inverted
Bit 18: Binary data inversion This bit is set and cleared by software. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Positive: Logical data from the data register are send/received in positive/direct logic
1: Negative: Logical data from the data register are send/received in negative/inverse logic
Bit 19: Most significant bit first This bit is set and cleared by software. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: LSB: data is transmitted/received with data bit 0 first, following the start bit
1: MSB: data is transmitted/received with MSB (bit 7/8/9) first, following the start bit
Bit 20: Auto baud rate enable This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: If the USART does not support the auto baud rate feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Auto baud rate detection is disabled
1: Enabled: Auto baud rate detection is enabled
Bits 21-22: Auto baud rate mode These bits are set and cleared by software. This bitfield can only be written when ABREN = 0 or the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If DATAINV = 1 and/or MSBFIRST = 1 the patterns must be the same on the line, for example 0xAA for MSBFIRST) Note: If the USART does not support the auto baud rate feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Start: Measurement of the start bit is used to detect the baud rate
1: Edge: Falling edge to falling edge measurement
2: Frame7F: 0x7F frame detection
3: Frame55: 0x55 frame detection
Bit 23: Receiver timeout enable This bit is set and cleared by software. When this feature is enabled, the RTOF flag in the USART_ISR register is set if the RX line is idle (no reception) for the duration programmed in the RTOR (receiver timeout register). Note: If the USART does not support the Receiver timeout feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Receiver timeout feature disabled
1: Enabled: Receiver timeout feature enabled
Bits 24-31: Address of the USART node These bits give the address of the USART node in Mute mode or a character code to be recognized in low-power or Run mode: In Mute mode: they are used in multiprocessor communication to wake up from Mute mode with 4-bit/7-bit address mark detection. The MSB of the character sent by the transmitter should be equal to 1. In 4-bit address mark detection, only ADD[3:0] bits are used. In low-power mode: they are used for wake up from low-power mode on character match. When WUS[1:0] is programmed to 0b00 (WUF active on address match), the wake-up from low-power mode is performed when the received character corresponds to the character programmed through ADD[6:0] or ADD[3:0] bitfield (depending on ADDM7 bit), and WUF interrupt is enabled by setting WUFIE bit. The MSB of the character sent by transmitter should be equal to 1. In Run mode with Mute mode inactive (for example, end-of-block detection in ModBus protocol): the whole received character (8 bits) is compared to ADD[7:0] value and CMF flag is set on match. An interrupt is generated if the CMIE bit is set. These bits can only be written when the reception is disabled (RE = 0) or when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
USART control register 3
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
24/24 fields covered.
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Bit 0: Error interrupt enable Error Interrupt Enable Bit is required to enable interrupt generation in case of a framing error, overrun error noise flag or SPI slave underrun error (FE = 1 or ORE = 1 or NE = 1 or UDR = 1 in the USART_ISR register)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is inhibited
1: Enabled: An interrupt is generated when FE=1 or ORE=1 or NF=1 in the ISR register
Bit 1: IrDA mode enable This bit is set and cleared by software. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If IrDA mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: IrDA disabled
1: Enabled: IrDA enabled
Bit 2: IrDA low-power This bit is used for selecting between normal and low-power IrDA modes This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If IrDA mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Normal: Normal mode
1: LowPower: Low-power mode
Bit 3: Half-duplex selection Selection of Single-wire Half-duplex mode This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Half duplex mode is not selected
1: Selected: Half duplex mode is selected
Bit 4: Smartcard NACK enable This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the USART does not support Smartcard mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: NACK transmission in case of parity error is disabled
1: Enabled: NACK transmission during parity error is enabled
Bit 5: Smartcard mode enable This bit is used for enabling Smartcard mode. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the USART does not support Smartcard mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Smartcard Mode disabled
1: Enabled: Smartcard Mode enabled
Bit 6: DMA enable receiver This bit is set/reset by software.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: DMA mode is disabled for reception
1: Enabled: DMA mode is enabled for reception
Bit 7: DMA enable transmitter This bit is set/reset by software.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: DMA mode is disabled for transmission
1: Enabled: DMA mode is enabled for transmission
Bit 8: RTS enable This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the hardware flow control feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: RTS hardware flow control disabled
1: Enabled: RTS output enabled, data is only requested when there is space in the receive buffer
Bit 9: CTS enable This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0) Note: If the hardware flow control feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CTS hardware flow control disabled
1: Enabled: CTS mode enabled, data is only transmitted when the CTS input is asserted
Bit 10: CTS interrupt enable Note: If the hardware flow control feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is inhibited
1: Enabled: An interrupt is generated whenever CTSIF=1 in the ISR register
Bit 11: One sample bit method enable This bit enables the user to select the sample method. When the one sample bit method is selected the noise detection flag (NE) is disabled. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Sample3: Three sample bit method
1: Sample1: One sample bit method
Bit 12: Overrun disable This bit is used to disable the receive overrun detection. the ORE flag is not set and the new received data overwrites the previous content of the USART_RDR register. When FIFO mode is enabled, the RXFIFO is bypassed and data is written directly in USART_RDR register. Even when FIFO management is enabled, the RXNE flag is to be used. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: This control bit enables checking the communication flow w/o reading the data.
Allowed values:
0: Enabled: Overrun Error Flag, ORE, is set when received data is not read before receiving new data
1: Disabled: Overrun functionality is disabled. If new data is received while the RXNE flag is still set the ORE flag is not set and the new received data overwrites the previous content of the RDR register
Bit 13: DMA Disable on reception error This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE=0). Note: The reception errors are: parity error, framing error or noise error..
Allowed values:
0: NotDisabled: DMA is not disabled in case of reception error
1: Disabled: DMA is disabled following a reception error
Bit 14: Driver enable mode This bit enables the user to activate the external transceiver control, through the DE signal. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the Driver Enable feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: DE function is disabled
1: Enabled: The DE signal is output on the RTS pin
Bit 15: Driver enable polarity selection This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the Driver Enable feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: High: DE signal is active high
1: Low: DE signal is active low
Bits 17-19: Smartcard auto-retry count This bitfield specifies the number of retries for transmission and reception in Smartcard mode. In transmission mode, it specifies the number of automatic retransmission retries, before generating a transmission error (FE bit set). In reception mode, it specifies the number or erroneous reception trials, before generating a reception error (RXNE/RXFNE and PE bits set). This bitfield must be programmed only when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). When the USART is enabled (UE = 1), this bitfield may only be written to 0x0, in order to stop retransmission. 0x1 to 0x7: number of automatic retransmission attempts (before signaling error) Note: If Smartcard mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7
Bits 20-21: Wake-up from low-power mode interrupt flag selection This bitfield specifies the event which activates the WUF (wake-up from low-power mode flag). This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the USART does not support the wake-up from Stop feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Address: WUF active on address match
2: Start: WuF active on Start bit detection
3: RXNE: WUF active on RXNE
Bit 22: Wake-up from low-power mode interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: WUFIE must be set before entering in low-power mode. Note: If the USART does not support the wake-up from Stop feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is inhibited
1: Enabled: An USART interrupt is generated whenever WUF=1 in the ISR register
Bit 23: TXFIFO threshold interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt inhibited
1: Enabled: USART interrupt generated when Transmit FIFO reaches the threshold programmed in TXFTCFG
Bit 24: Transmission complete before guard time, interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: If the USART does not support the Smartcard mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt inhibited
1: Enabled: USART interrupt generated whenever TCBGT=1 in the USART_ISR register
Bits 25-27: Receive FIFO threshold configuration Remaining combinations: Reserved.
Allowed values:
0: Depth_1_8: RXFIFO reaches 1/8 of its depth
1: Depth_1_4: RXFIFO reaches 1/4 of its depth
2: Depth_1_2: RXFIFO reaches 1/2 of its depth
3: Depth_3_4: RXFIFO reaches 3/4 of its depth
4: Depth_7_8: RXFIFO reaches 7/8 of its depth
5: Full: RXFIFO becomes full
Bit 28: RXFIFO threshold interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt inhibited
1: Enabled: USART interrupt generated when Receive FIFO reaches the threshold programmed in RXFTCFG
Bits 29-31: TXFIFO threshold configuration Remaining combinations: Reserved.
Allowed values:
0: Depth_1_8: TXFIFO reaches 1/8 of its depth
1: Depth_1_4: TXFIFO reaches 1/4 of its depth
2: Depth_1_2: TXFIFO reaches 1/2 of its depth
3: Depth_3_4: TXFIFO reaches 3/4 of its depth
4: Depth_7_8: TXFIFO reaches 7/8 of its depth
5: Empty: TXFIFO becomes empty
USART baud rate register
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
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USART guard time and prescaler register
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
Bits 0-7: Prescaler value.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
Bits 8-15: Guard time value This bitfield is used to program the Guard time value in terms of number of baud clock periods. This is used in Smartcard mode. The Transmission Complete flag is set after this guard time value. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If Smartcard mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
USART receiver timeout register
Offset: 0x14, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
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Bits 0-23: Receiver timeout value This bitfield gives the Receiver timeout value in terms of number of bits during which there is no activity on the RX line. In standard mode, the RTOF flag is set if, after the last received character, no new start bit is detected for more than the RTO value. In Smartcard mode, this value is used to implement the CWT and BWT. See Smartcard chapter for more details. In the standard, the CWT/BWT measurement is done starting from the start bit of the last received character. Note: This value must only be programmed once per received character..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffffff
Bits 24-31: Block length This bitfield gives the Block length in Smartcard T = 1 Reception. Its value equals the number of information characters + the length of the Epilogue Field (1-LEC/2-CRC) - 1. Examples: BLEN = 0: 0 information characters + LEC BLEN = 1: 0 information characters + CRC BLEN = 255: 254 information characters + CRC (total 256 characters)) In Smartcard mode, the Block length counter is reset when TXE = 0 (TXFE = 0 in case FIFO mode is enabled). This bitfield can be used also in other modes. In this case, the Block length counter is reset when RE = 0 (receiver disabled) and/or when the EOBCF bit is written to 1. Note: This value can be programmed after the start of the block reception (using the data from the LEN character in the Prologue Field). It must be programmed only once per received block..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
USART request register
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
5/5 fields covered.
Bit 0: Auto baud rate request Writing 1 to this bit resets the ABRF and ABRE flags in the USART_ISR and requests an automatic baud rate measurement on the next received data frame. Note: If the USART does not support the auto baud rate feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
1: Request: resets the ABRF flag in the USART_ISR and request an automatic baud rate measurement on the next received data frame
Bit 1: Send break request Writing 1 to this bit sets the SBKF flag and request to send a BREAK on the line, as soon as the transmit machine is available. Note: When the application needs to send the break character following all previously inserted data, including the ones not yet transmitted, the software should wait for the TXE flag assertion before setting the SBKRQ bit..
Allowed values:
1: Break: sets the SBKF flag and request to send a BREAK on the line, as soon as the transmit machine is available
Bit 2: Mute mode request Writing 1 to this bit puts the USART in Mute mode and resets the RWU flag..
Allowed values:
1: Mute: Puts the USART in mute mode and sets the RWU flag
Bit 3: Receive data flush request Writing 1 to this bit empties the entire receive FIFO i.e. clears the bit RXFNE. This enables to discard the received data without reading them, and avoid an overrun condition..
Allowed values:
1: Discard: clears the RXNE flag. This allows to discard the received data without reading it, and avoid an overrun condition
Bit 4: Transmit data flush request When FIFO mode is disabled, writing 1 to this bit sets the TXE flag. This enables to discard the transmit data. This bit must be used only in Smartcard mode, when data have not been sent due to errors (NACK) and the FE flag is active in the USART_ISR register. If the USART does not support Smartcard mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. When FIFO is enabled, TXFRQ bit is set to flush the whole FIFO. This sets the TXFE flag (Transmit FIFO empty, bit 23 in the USART_ISR register). Flushing the Transmit FIFO is supported in both UART and Smartcard modes. Note: In FIFO mode, the TXFNF flag is reset during the flush request until TxFIFO is empty in order to ensure that no data are written in the data register..
Allowed values:
1: Discard: Set the TXE flags. This allows to discard the transmit data
USART interrupt and status register
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x008000C0, access: read-only
28/28 fields covered.
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Bit 0: Parity error This bit is set by hardware when a parity error occurs in receiver mode. It is cleared by software, writing 1 to the PECF in the USART_ICR register. An interrupt is generated if PEIE = 1 in the USART_CR1 register. Note: This error is associated with the character in the USART_RDR..
Allowed values:
0: NoError: No parity error
1: Error: Parity error
Bit 1: Framing error This bit is set by hardware when a de-synchronization, excessive noise or a break character is detected. It is cleared by software, writing 1 to the FECF bit in the USART_ICR register. When transmitting data in Smartcard mode, this bit is set when the maximum number of transmit attempts is reached without success (the card NACKs the data frame). An interrupt is generated if EIE = 1 in the USART_CR3 register. Note: This error is associated with the character in the USART_RDR..
Allowed values:
0: NoError: No Framing error is detected
1: Error: Framing error or break character is detected
Bit 2: Noise detection flag This bit is set by hardware when noise is detected on a received frame. It is cleared by software, writing 1 to the NECF bit in the USART_ICR register. Note: This bit does not generate an interrupt as it appears at the same time as the RXFNE bit which itself generates an interrupt. An interrupt is generated when the NE flag is set during multi buffer communication if the EIE bit is set. Note: When the line is noise-free, the NE flag can be disabled by programming the ONEBIT bit to 1 to increase the USART tolerance to deviations (Refer to Section 26.5.8: Tolerance of the USART receiver to clock deviation on page 709). Note: This error is associated with the character in the USART_RDR..
Allowed values:
0: NoNoise: No noise is detected
1: Noise: Noise is detected
Bit 3: Overrun error This bit is set by hardware when the data currently being received in the shift register is ready to be transferred into the USART_RDR register while RXFF = 1. It is cleared by a software, writing 1 to the ORECF, in the USART_ICR register. An interrupt is generated if RXFNEIE = 1 in the USART_CR1 register, or EIE = 1 in the USART_CR3 register. Note: When this bit is set, the USART_RDR register content is not lost but the shift register is overwritten. An interrupt is generated if the ORE flag is set during multi buffer communication if the EIE bit is set. Note: This bit is permanently forced to 0 (no overrun detection) when the bit OVRDIS is set in the USART_CR3 register..
Allowed values:
0: NoOverrun: No Overrun error
1: Overrun: Overrun error is detected
Bit 4: Idle line detected This bit is set by hardware when an Idle Line is detected. An interrupt is generated if IDLEIE = 1 in the USART_CR1 register. It is cleared by software, writing 1 to the IDLECF in the USART_ICR register. Note: The IDLE bit is not set again until the RXFNE bit has been set (i.e. a new idle line occurs). Note: If Mute mode is enabled (MME = 1), IDLE is set if the USART is not mute (RWU = 0), whatever the Mute mode selected by the WAKE bit. If RWU = 1, IDLE is not set..
Allowed values:
0: NoIdle: No Idle Line is detected
1: Idle: Idle Line is detected
Bit 5: RXFIFO not empty RXFNE bit is set by hardware when the RXFIFO is not empty, meaning that data can be read from the USART_RDR register. Every read operation from the USART_RDR frees a location in the RXFIFO. RXFNE is cleared when the RXFIFO is empty. The RXFNE flag can also be cleared by writing 1 to the RXFRQ in the USART_RQR register. An interrupt is generated if RXFNEIE = 1 in the USART_CR1 register..
Allowed values:
0: NoData: Data is not received
1: DataReady: Received data is ready to be read
Bit 6: Transmission complete This bit indicates that the last data written in the USART_TDR has been transmitted out of the shift register. It is set by hardware when the transmission of a frame containing data is complete and when TXFE is set. An interrupt is generated if TCIE = 1 in the USART_CR1 register. TC bit is is cleared by software, by writing 1 to the TCCF in the USART_ICR register or by a write to the USART_TDR register. Note: If TE bit is reset and no transmission is on going, the TC bit is immediately set..
Allowed values:
0: TxNotComplete: Transmission is not complete
1: TxComplete: Transmission is complete
Bit 7: TXFIFO not full TXFNF is set by hardware when TXFIFO is not full meaning that data can be written in the USART_TDR. Every write operation to the USART_TDR places the data in the TXFIFO. This flag remains set until the TXFIFO is full. When the TXFIFO is full, this flag is cleared indicating that data can not be written into the USART_TDR. An interrupt is generated if the TXFNFIE bit =1 in the USART_CR1 register. Note: The TXFNF is kept reset during the flush request until TXFIFO is empty. After sending the flush request (by setting TXFRQ bit), the flag TXFNF should be checked prior to writing in TXFIFO (TXFNF and TXFE are set at the same time). Note: This bit is used during single buffer transmission..
Allowed values:
0: Full: Transmit FIFO is full
1: NotFull: Transmit FIFO is not full
Bit 8: LIN break detection flag This bit is set by hardware when the LIN break is detected. It is cleared by software, by writing 1 to the LBDCF in the USART_ICR. An interrupt is generated if LBDIE = 1 in the USART_CR2 register. Note: If the USART does not support LIN mode, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: NotDetected: LIN break not detected
1: Detected: LIN break detected
Bit 9: CTS interrupt flag This bit is set by hardware when the CTS input toggles, if the CTSE bit is set. It is cleared by software, by writing 1 to the CTSCF bit in the USART_ICR register. An interrupt is generated if CTSIE = 1 in the USART_CR3 register. Note: If the hardware flow control feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value..
Allowed values:
0: NotChanged: No change occurred on the CTS status line
1: Changed: A change occurred on the CTS status line
Bit 10: CTS flag This bit is set/reset by hardware. It is an inverted copy of the status of the CTS input pin. Note: If the hardware flow control feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value..
Allowed values:
0: Set: CTS line set
1: Reset: CTS line reset
Bit 11: Receiver timeout This bit is set by hardware when the timeout value, programmed in the RTOR register has lapsed, without any communication. It is cleared by software, writing 1 to the RTOCF bit in the USART_ICR register. An interrupt is generated if RTOIE = 1 in the USART_CR2 register. In Smartcard mode, the timeout corresponds to the CWT or BWT timings. Note: If a time equal to the value programmed in RTOR register separates 2 characters, RTOF is not set. If this time exceeds this value + 2 sample times (2/16 or 2/8, depending on the oversampling method), RTOF flag is set. Note: The counter counts even if RE = 0 but RTOF is set only when RE = 1. If the timeout has already elapsed when RE is set, then RTOF is set. Note: If the USART does not support the Receiver timeout feature, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value..
Allowed values:
0: NotReached: Timeout value not reached
1: Reached: Timeout value reached without any data reception
Bit 12: End of block flag This bit is set by hardware when a complete block has been received (for example T = 1 Smartcard mode). The detection is done when the number of received bytes (from the start of the block, including the prologue) is equal or greater than BLEN + 4. An interrupt is generated if the EOBIE = 1 in the USART_CR1 register. It is cleared by software, writing 1 to the EOBCF in the USART_ICR register. Note: If Smartcard mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: NotReached: End of Block not reached
1: Reached: End of Block (number of characters) reached
Bit 13: SPI slave underrun error flag In slave transmission mode, this flag is set when the first clock pulse for data transmission appears while the software has not yet loaded any value into USART_TDR. This flag is reset by setting UDRCF bit in the USART_ICR register. Note: If the USART does not support the SPI slave mode, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: NoUnderrun: No underrun error
1: Underrun: underrun error
Bit 14: Auto baud rate error This bit is set by hardware if the baud rate measurement failed (baud rate out of range or character comparison failed) It is cleared by software, by writing 1 to the ABRRQ bit in the USART_RQR register. Note: If the USART does not support the auto baud rate feature, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value..
Bit 15: Auto baud rate flag This bit is set by hardware when the automatic baud rate has been set (RXFNE is also set, generating an interrupt if RXFNEIE = 1) or when the auto baud rate operation was completed without success (ABRE = 1) (ABRE, RXFNE and FE are also set in this case) It is cleared by software, in order to request a new auto baud rate detection, by writing 1 to the ABRRQ in the USART_RQR register. Note: If the USART does not support the auto baud rate feature, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value..
Bit 16: Busy flag This bit is set and reset by hardware. It is active when a communication is ongoing on the RX line (successful start bit detected). It is reset at the end of the reception (successful or not)..
Allowed values:
0: Idle: USART is idle (no reception)
1: Busy: Reception on going
Bit 17: Character match flag This bit is set by hardware, when a the character defined by ADD[7:0] is received. It is cleared by software, writing 1 to the CMCF in the USART_ICR register. An interrupt is generated if CMIE = 1in the USART_CR1 register..
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No Character match detected
1: Match: Character match detected
Bit 18: Send break flag This bit indicates that a send break character was requested. It is set by software, by writing 1 to the SBKRQ bit in the USART_CR3 register. It is automatically reset by hardware during the stop bit of break transmission..
Allowed values:
0: NoBreak: No break character transmitted
1: Break: Break character transmitted
Bit 19: Receiver wake-up from Mute mode This bit indicates if the USART is in Mute mode. It is cleared/set by hardware when a wake-up/mute sequence is recognized. The Mute mode control sequence (address or IDLE) is selected by the WAKE bit in the USART_CR1 register. When wake-up on IDLE mode is selected, this bit can only be set by software, writing 1 to the MMRQ bit in the USART_RQR register. Note: If the USART does not support the wake-up from Stop feature, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Active: Receiver in Active mode
1: Mute: Receiver in Mute mode
Bit 20: Wake-up from low-power mode flag This bit is set by hardware, when a wake-up event is detected. The event is defined by the WUS bitfield. It is cleared by software, writing a 1 to the WUCF in the USART_ICR register. An interrupt is generated if WUFIE = 1 in the USART_CR3 register. Note: When UESM is cleared, WUF flag is also cleared. Note: If the USART does not support the wake-up from Stop feature, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Bit 21: Transmit enable acknowledge flag This bit is set/reset by hardware, when the Transmit Enable value is taken into account by the USART. It can be used when an idle frame request is generated by writing TE = 0, followed by TE = 1 in the USART_CR1 register, in order to respect the TE = 0 minimum period..
Bit 22: Receive enable acknowledge flag This bit is set/reset by hardware, when the Receive Enable value is taken into account by the USART. It can be used to verify that the USART is ready for reception before entering low-power mode. Note: If the USART does not support the wake-up from Stop feature, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Bit 23: TXFIFO empty This bit is set by hardware when TXFIFO is empty. When the TXFIFO contains at least one data, this flag is cleared. The TXFE flag can also be set by writing 1 to the bit TXFRQ (bit 4) in the USART_RQR register. An interrupt is generated if the TXFEIE bit = 1 (bit 30) in the USART_CR1 register..
Allowed values:
0: NotEmpty: TXFIFO not empty.
1: Empty: TXFIFO empty.
Bit 24: RXFIFO full This bit is set by hardware when the number of received data corresponds to RXFIFO size + 1 (RXFIFO full + 1 data in the USART_RDR register. An interrupt is generated if the RXFFIE bit = 1 in the USART_CR1 register..
Allowed values:
0: NotFull: RXFIFO not full.
1: Full: RXFIFO Full.
Bit 25: Transmission complete before guard time flag.
Allowed values:
0: NotCompleted: Transmission is not complete or transmission is complete unsuccessfully (i.e. a NACK is received from the card)
1: Completed: Transmission is complete successfully (before Guard time completion and there is no NACK from the smart card)
Bit 26: RXFIFO threshold flag This bit is set by hardware when the threshold programmed in RXFTCFG in USART_CR3 register is reached. This means that there are (RXFTCFG - 1) data in the Receive FIFO and one data in the USART_RDR register. An interrupt is generated if the RXFTIE bit = 1 (bit 27) in the USART_CR3 register. Note: When the RXFTCFG threshold is configured to 101 , RXFT flag is set if 16 data are available i.e. 15 data in the RXFIFO and 1 data in the USART_RDR. Consequently, the 17th received data does not cause an overrun error. The overrun error occurs after receiving the 18th data..
Allowed values:
0: NotReached: Receive FIFO does not reach the programmed threshold.
1: Reached: Receive FIFO reached the programmed threshold.
Bit 27: TXFIFO threshold flag This bit is set by hardware when the TXFIFO reaches the threshold programmed in TXFTCFG of USART_CR3 register i.e. the TXFIFO contains TXFTCFG empty locations. An interrupt is generated if the TXFTIE bit = 1 (bit 31) in the USART_CR3 register..
Allowed values:
0: NotReached: TXFIFO does not reach the programmed threshold.
1: Reached: TXFIFO reached the programmed threshold.
USART interrupt flag clear register
Offset: 0x20, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
15/15 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
w1c |
w1c |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
Bit 0: Parity error clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the PE flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the PE flag in the ISR register
Bit 1: Framing error clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the FE flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the FE flag in the ISR register
Bit 2: Noise detected clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the NE flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the NF flag in the ISR register
Bit 3: Overrun error clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the ORE flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the ORE flag in the ISR register
Bit 4: Idle line detected clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the IDLE flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the IDLE flag in the ISR register
Bit 5: TXFIFO empty clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the TXFE flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear the TXFE flag in the ISR register
Bit 6: Transmission complete clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the TC flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the TC flag in the ISR register
Bit 7: Transmission complete before Guard time clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the TCBGT flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear the TCBGT flag in the ISR register
Bit 8: LIN break detection clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the LBDF flag in the USART_ISR register. Note: If LIN mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the LBDF flag in the ISR register
Bit 9: CTS clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the CTSIF flag in the USART_ISR register. Note: If the hardware flow control feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the CTSIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 11: Receiver timeout clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the RTOF flag in the USART_ISR register. Note: If the USART does not support the Receiver timeout feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the RTOF flag in the ISR register
Bit 12: End of block clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the EOBF flag in the USART_ISR register. Note: If the USART does not support Smartcard mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the EOBF flag in the ISR register
Bit 13: SPI slave underrun clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the UDRF flag in the USART_ISR register. Note: If the USART does not support SPI slave mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear the UDR flag in the ISR register
Bit 17: Character match clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the CMF flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the CMF flag in the ISR register
Bit 20: Wake-up from low-power mode clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the WUF flag in the USART_ISR register. Note: If the USART does not support the wake-up from Stop feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the WUF flag in the ISR register
USART receive data register
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
Bits 0-8: Receive data value Contains the received data character. The RDR register provides the parallel interface between the input shift register and the internal bus (see Figure 243). When receiving with the parity enabled, the value read in the MSB bit is the received parity bit..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1ff
USART transmit data register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-8: Transmit data value Contains the data character to be transmitted. The USART_TDR register provides the parallel interface between the internal bus and the output shift register (see Figure 243). When transmitting with the parity enabled (PCE bit set to 1 in the USART_CR1 register), the value written in the MSB (bit 7 or bit 8 depending on the data length) has no effect because it is replaced by the parity. Note: This register must be written only when TXE/TXFNF = 1..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1ff
USART prescaler register
Offset: 0x2c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Clock prescaler The USART input clock can be divided by a prescaler factor: Remaining combinations: Reserved Note: When PRESCALER is programmed with a value different of the allowed ones, programmed prescaler value is 1011 i.e. input clock divided by 256..
Allowed values:
0: Div1: Input clock divided by 1
1: Div2: Input clock divided by 2
2: Div4: Input clock divided by 4
3: Div6: Input clock divided by 6
4: Div8: Input clock divided by 8
5: Div10: Input clock divided by 10
6: Div12: Input clock divided by 12
7: Div16: Input clock divided by 16
8: Div32: Input clock divided by 32
9: Div64: Input clock divided by 64
10: Div128: Input clock divided by 128
11: Div256: Input clock divided by 256
0x40004400: USART address block description
124/124 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | CR1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | CR2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | CR3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | BRR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | GTPR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | RTOR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | RQR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | ISR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x20 | ICR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | RDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x28 | TDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x2c | PRESC |
USART control register 1
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
24/24 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
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rw |
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rw |
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rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
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Bit 0: USART enable When this bit is cleared, the USART prescalers and outputs are stopped immediately, and all current operations are discarded. The USART configuration is kept, but all the USART_ISR status flags are reset. This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: To enter low-power mode without generating errors on the line, the TE bit must be previously reset and the software must wait for the TC bit in the USART_ISR to be set before resetting the UE bit. Note: The DMA requests are also reset when UE = 0 so the DMA channel must be disabled before resetting the UE bit. Note: In Smartcard mode, (SCEN = 1), the CK is always available when CLKEN = 1, regardless of the UE bit value..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: UART is disabled
1: Enabled: UART is enabled
Bit 1: USART enable in low-power mode When this bit is cleared, the USART cannot wake up the MCU from low-power mode. When this bit is set, the USART can wake up the MCU from low-power mode. This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: It is recommended to set the UESM bit just before entering low-power mode and clear it when exit from low-power mode. Note: If the USART does not support the wake-up from Stop feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: USART not able to wake up the MCU from Stop mode
1: Enabled: USART able to wake up the MCU from Stop mode
Bit 2: Receiver enable This bit enables the receiver. It is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Receiver is disabled
1: Enabled: Receiver is enabled
Bit 3: Transmitter enable This bit enables the transmitter. It is set and cleared by software. Note: During transmission, a low pulse on the TE bit ( 0 followed by 1 ) sends a preamble (idle line) after the current word, except in Smartcard mode. In order to generate an idle character, the TE must not be immediately written to 1 . To ensure the required duration, the software can poll the TEACK bit in the USART_ISR register. Note: In Smartcard mode, when TE is set, there is a 1 bit-time delay before the transmission starts..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Transmitter is disabled
1: Enabled: Transmitter is enabled
Bit 4: IDLE interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is disabled
1: Enabled: Interrupt is generated whenever IDLE=1 in the ISR register
Bit 5: RXFIFO not empty interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is disabled
1: Enabled: Interrupt is generated whenever ORE=1 or RXNE=1 in the ISR register
Bit 6: Transmission complete interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is disabled
1: Enabled: Interrupt is generated whenever TC=1 in the ISR register
Bit 7: TXFIFO not-full interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is disabled
1: Enabled: Interrupt is generated whenever TXE=1 in the ISR register
Bit 8: PE interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is disabled
1: Enabled: Interrupt is generated whenever PE=1 in the ISR register
Bit 9: Parity selection This bit selects the odd or even parity when the parity generation/detection is enabled (PCE bit set). It is set and cleared by software. The parity is selected after the current byte. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Even: Even parity
1: Odd: Odd parity
Bit 10: Parity control enable This bit selects the hardware parity control (generation and detection). When the parity control is enabled, the computed parity is inserted at the MSB position (9th bit if M = 1; 8th bit if M = 0) and the parity is checked on the received data. This bit is set and cleared by software. Once it is set, PCE is active after the current byte (in reception and in transmission). This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Parity control disabled
1: Enabled: Parity control enabled
Bit 11: Receiver wake-up method This bit determines the USART wake-up method from Mute mode. It is set or cleared by software. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Idle: Idle line
1: Address: Address mask
Bit 12: Word length This bit is used in conjunction with bit 28 (M1) to determine the word length. It is set or cleared by software (refer to bit 28 (M1)description). This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Bit8: 1 start bit, 8 data bits, n stop bits
1: Bit9: 1 start bit, 9 data bits, n stop bits
Bit 13: Mute mode enable This bit enables the USART Mute mode function. When set, the USART can switch between active and Mute mode, as defined by the WAKE bit. It is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Receiver in active mode permanently
1: Enabled: Receiver can switch between mute mode and active mode
Bit 14: Character match interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is disabled
1: Enabled: Interrupt is generated when the CMF bit is set in the ISR register
Bit 15: Oversampling mode This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: In LIN, IrDA and Smartcard modes, this bit must be kept cleared..
Allowed values:
0: Oversampling16: Oversampling by 16
1: Oversampling8: Oversampling by 8
Bits 16-20: Driver enable deassertion time This 5-bit value defines the time between the end of the last stop bit, in a transmitted message, and the de-activation of the DE (Driver Enable) signal. It is expressed in sample time units (1/8 or 1/16 bit time, depending on the oversampling rate). If the USART_TDR register is written during the DEDT time, the new data is transmitted only when the DEDT and DEAT times have both elapsed. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the Driver Enable feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1f
Bits 21-25: Driver enable assertion time This 5-bit value defines the time between the activation of the DE (Driver Enable) signal and the beginning of the start bit. It is expressed in sample time units (1/8 or 1/16 bit time, depending on the oversampling rate). This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the Driver Enable feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1f
Bit 26: Receiver timeout interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: If the USART does not support the Receiver timeout feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is inhibited
1: Enabled: An USART interrupt is generated when the RTOF bit is set in the ISR register
Bit 27: End-of-block interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: If the USART does not support Smartcard mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is inhibited
1: Enabled: A USART interrupt is generated when the EOBF flag is set in the ISR register
Bit 28: Word length This bit must be used in conjunction with bit 12 (M0) to determine the word length. It is set or cleared by software. M[1:0] = 00 : 1 start bit, 8 Data bits, n Stop bit M[1:0] = 01 : 1 start bit, 9 Data bits, n Stop bit M[1:0] = 10 : 1 start bit, 7 Data bits, n Stop bit This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: In 7-bits data length mode, the Smartcard mode, LIN master mode and auto baud rate (0x7F and 0x55 frames detection) are not supported..
Allowed values:
0: M0: Use M0 to set the data bits
1: Bit7: 1 start bit, 7 data bits, n stop bits
Bit 29: FIFO mode enable This bit is set and cleared by software. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: FIFO mode can be used on standard UART communication, in SPI master/slave mode and in Smartcard modes only. It must not be enabled in IrDA and LIN modes..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: FIFO mode is disabled
1: Enabled: FIFO mode is enabled
Bit 30: TXFIFO empty interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt inhibited
1: Enabled: USART interrupt generated when TXFE = 1 in the USART_ISR register
Bit 31: RXFIFO full interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt inhibited
1: Enabled: USART interrupt generated when RXFF = 1 in the USART_ISR register
USART control register 2
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
20/20 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
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rw |
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rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
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rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
Bit 0: Synchronous Slave mode enable When the SLVEN bit is set, the synchronous slave mode is enabled. Note: When SPI slave mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Slave mode disabled
1: Enabled: Slave mode enabled
Bit 3: NSS pin enable When the DIS_NSS bit is set, the NSS pin input is ignored. Note: When SPI slave mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: SPI slave selection depends on NSS input pin
1: Enabled: SPI slave is always selected and NSS input pin is ignored
Bit 4: 7-bit address detection/4-bit address detection This bit is for selection between 4-bit address detection or 7-bit address detection. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0) Note: In 7-bit and 9-bit data modes, the address detection is done on 6-bit and 8-bit address (ADD[5:0] and ADD[7:0]) respectively..
Allowed values:
0: Bit4: 4-bit address detection
1: Bit7: 7-bit address detection
Bit 5: LIN break detection length This bit is for selection between 11 bit or 10 bit break detection. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If LIN mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Bit10: 10-bit break detection
1: Bit11: 11-bit break detection
Bit 6: LIN break detection interrupt enable Break interrupt mask (break detection using break delimiter). Note: If LIN mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is inhibited
1: Enabled: An interrupt is generated whenever LBDF=1 in the ISR register
Bit 8: Last bit clock pulse This bit is used to select whether the clock pulse associated with the last data bit transmitted (MSB) has to be output on the CK pin in synchronous mode. The last bit is the 7th or 8th or 9th data bit transmitted depending on the 7 or 8 or 9 bit format selected by the M bit in the USART_CR1 register. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If synchronous mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: NotOutput: The clock pulse of the last data bit is not output to the CK pin
1: Output: The clock pulse of the last data bit is output to the CK pin
Bit 9: Clock phase This bit is used to select the phase of the clock output on the CK pin in synchronous mode. It works in conjunction with the CPOL bit to produce the desired clock/data relationship (see Figure 249 and Figure 250) This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If synchronous mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: First: The first clock transition is the first data capture edge
1: Second: The second clock transition is the first data capture edge
Bit 10: Clock polarity This bit enables the user to select the polarity of the clock output on the CK pin in synchronous mode. It works in conjunction with the CPHA bit to produce the desired clock/data relationship This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If synchronous mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Low: Steady low value on CK pin outside transmission window
1: High: Steady high value on CK pin outside transmission window
Bit 11: Clock enable This bit enables the user to enable the CK pin. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If neither synchronous mode nor Smartcard mode is supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691. In Smartcard mode, in order to provide correctly the CK clock to the smartcard, the steps below must be respected: UE = 0 SCEN = 1 GTPR configuration CLKEN= 1 Note: UE = 1.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CK pin disabled
1: Enabled: CK pin enabled
Bits 12-13: Stop bits These bits are used for programming the stop bits. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Stop1: 1 stop bit
1: Stop0p5: 0.5 stop bit
2: Stop2: 2 stop bit
3: Stop1p5: 1.5 stop bit
Bit 14: LIN mode enable This bit is set and cleared by software. The LIN mode enables the capability to send LIN synchronous breaks (13 low bits) using the SBKRQ bit in the USART_CR1 register, and to detect LIN Sync breaks. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the USART does not support LIN mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: LIN mode disabled
1: Enabled: LIN mode enabled
Bit 15: Swap TX/RX pins This bit is set and cleared by software. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Standard: TX/RX pins are used as defined in standard pinout
1: Swapped: The TX and RX pins functions are swapped
Bit 16: RX pin active level inversion This bit is set and cleared by software. This enables the use of an external inverter on the RX line. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Standard: RX pin signal works using the standard logic levels
1: Inverted: RX pin signal values are inverted
Bit 17: TX pin active level inversion This bit is set and cleared by software. This enables the use of an external inverter on the TX line. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Standard: TX pin signal works using the standard logic levels
1: Inverted: TX pin signal values are inverted
Bit 18: Binary data inversion This bit is set and cleared by software. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Positive: Logical data from the data register are send/received in positive/direct logic
1: Negative: Logical data from the data register are send/received in negative/inverse logic
Bit 19: Most significant bit first This bit is set and cleared by software. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: LSB: data is transmitted/received with data bit 0 first, following the start bit
1: MSB: data is transmitted/received with MSB (bit 7/8/9) first, following the start bit
Bit 20: Auto baud rate enable This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: If the USART does not support the auto baud rate feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Auto baud rate detection is disabled
1: Enabled: Auto baud rate detection is enabled
Bits 21-22: Auto baud rate mode These bits are set and cleared by software. This bitfield can only be written when ABREN = 0 or the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If DATAINV = 1 and/or MSBFIRST = 1 the patterns must be the same on the line, for example 0xAA for MSBFIRST) Note: If the USART does not support the auto baud rate feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Start: Measurement of the start bit is used to detect the baud rate
1: Edge: Falling edge to falling edge measurement
2: Frame7F: 0x7F frame detection
3: Frame55: 0x55 frame detection
Bit 23: Receiver timeout enable This bit is set and cleared by software. When this feature is enabled, the RTOF flag in the USART_ISR register is set if the RX line is idle (no reception) for the duration programmed in the RTOR (receiver timeout register). Note: If the USART does not support the Receiver timeout feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Receiver timeout feature disabled
1: Enabled: Receiver timeout feature enabled
Bits 24-31: Address of the USART node These bits give the address of the USART node in Mute mode or a character code to be recognized in low-power or Run mode: In Mute mode: they are used in multiprocessor communication to wake up from Mute mode with 4-bit/7-bit address mark detection. The MSB of the character sent by the transmitter should be equal to 1. In 4-bit address mark detection, only ADD[3:0] bits are used. In low-power mode: they are used for wake up from low-power mode on character match. When WUS[1:0] is programmed to 0b00 (WUF active on address match), the wake-up from low-power mode is performed when the received character corresponds to the character programmed through ADD[6:0] or ADD[3:0] bitfield (depending on ADDM7 bit), and WUF interrupt is enabled by setting WUFIE bit. The MSB of the character sent by transmitter should be equal to 1. In Run mode with Mute mode inactive (for example, end-of-block detection in ModBus protocol): the whole received character (8 bits) is compared to ADD[7:0] value and CMF flag is set on match. An interrupt is generated if the CMIE bit is set. These bits can only be written when the reception is disabled (RE = 0) or when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
USART control register 3
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
24/24 fields covered.
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Bit 0: Error interrupt enable Error Interrupt Enable Bit is required to enable interrupt generation in case of a framing error, overrun error noise flag or SPI slave underrun error (FE = 1 or ORE = 1 or NE = 1 or UDR = 1 in the USART_ISR register)..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is inhibited
1: Enabled: An interrupt is generated when FE=1 or ORE=1 or NF=1 in the ISR register
Bit 1: IrDA mode enable This bit is set and cleared by software. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If IrDA mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: IrDA disabled
1: Enabled: IrDA enabled
Bit 2: IrDA low-power This bit is used for selecting between normal and low-power IrDA modes This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If IrDA mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Normal: Normal mode
1: LowPower: Low-power mode
Bit 3: Half-duplex selection Selection of Single-wire Half-duplex mode This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: NotSelected: Half duplex mode is not selected
1: Selected: Half duplex mode is selected
Bit 4: Smartcard NACK enable This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the USART does not support Smartcard mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: NACK transmission in case of parity error is disabled
1: Enabled: NACK transmission during parity error is enabled
Bit 5: Smartcard mode enable This bit is used for enabling Smartcard mode. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the USART does not support Smartcard mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Smartcard Mode disabled
1: Enabled: Smartcard Mode enabled
Bit 6: DMA enable receiver This bit is set/reset by software.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: DMA mode is disabled for reception
1: Enabled: DMA mode is enabled for reception
Bit 7: DMA enable transmitter This bit is set/reset by software.
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: DMA mode is disabled for transmission
1: Enabled: DMA mode is enabled for transmission
Bit 8: RTS enable This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the hardware flow control feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: RTS hardware flow control disabled
1: Enabled: RTS output enabled, data is only requested when there is space in the receive buffer
Bit 9: CTS enable This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0) Note: If the hardware flow control feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: CTS hardware flow control disabled
1: Enabled: CTS mode enabled, data is only transmitted when the CTS input is asserted
Bit 10: CTS interrupt enable Note: If the hardware flow control feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is inhibited
1: Enabled: An interrupt is generated whenever CTSIF=1 in the ISR register
Bit 11: One sample bit method enable This bit enables the user to select the sample method. When the one sample bit method is selected the noise detection flag (NE) is disabled. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0)..
Allowed values:
0: Sample3: Three sample bit method
1: Sample1: One sample bit method
Bit 12: Overrun disable This bit is used to disable the receive overrun detection. the ORE flag is not set and the new received data overwrites the previous content of the USART_RDR register. When FIFO mode is enabled, the RXFIFO is bypassed and data is written directly in USART_RDR register. Even when FIFO management is enabled, the RXNE flag is to be used. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: This control bit enables checking the communication flow w/o reading the data.
Allowed values:
0: Enabled: Overrun Error Flag, ORE, is set when received data is not read before receiving new data
1: Disabled: Overrun functionality is disabled. If new data is received while the RXNE flag is still set the ORE flag is not set and the new received data overwrites the previous content of the RDR register
Bit 13: DMA Disable on reception error This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE=0). Note: The reception errors are: parity error, framing error or noise error..
Allowed values:
0: NotDisabled: DMA is not disabled in case of reception error
1: Disabled: DMA is disabled following a reception error
Bit 14: Driver enable mode This bit enables the user to activate the external transceiver control, through the DE signal. This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the Driver Enable feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: DE function is disabled
1: Enabled: The DE signal is output on the RTS pin
Bit 15: Driver enable polarity selection This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the Driver Enable feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: High: DE signal is active high
1: Low: DE signal is active low
Bits 17-19: Smartcard auto-retry count This bitfield specifies the number of retries for transmission and reception in Smartcard mode. In transmission mode, it specifies the number of automatic retransmission retries, before generating a transmission error (FE bit set). In reception mode, it specifies the number or erroneous reception trials, before generating a reception error (RXNE/RXFNE and PE bits set). This bitfield must be programmed only when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). When the USART is enabled (UE = 1), this bitfield may only be written to 0x0, in order to stop retransmission. 0x1 to 0x7: number of automatic retransmission attempts (before signaling error) Note: If Smartcard mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7
Bits 20-21: Wake-up from low-power mode interrupt flag selection This bitfield specifies the event which activates the WUF (wake-up from low-power mode flag). This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If the USART does not support the wake-up from Stop feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Address: WUF active on address match
2: Start: WuF active on Start bit detection
3: RXNE: WUF active on RXNE
Bit 22: Wake-up from low-power mode interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: WUFIE must be set before entering in low-power mode. Note: If the USART does not support the wake-up from Stop feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt is inhibited
1: Enabled: An USART interrupt is generated whenever WUF=1 in the ISR register
Bit 23: TXFIFO threshold interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt inhibited
1: Enabled: USART interrupt generated when Transmit FIFO reaches the threshold programmed in TXFTCFG
Bit 24: Transmission complete before guard time, interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: If the USART does not support the Smartcard mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt inhibited
1: Enabled: USART interrupt generated whenever TCBGT=1 in the USART_ISR register
Bits 25-27: Receive FIFO threshold configuration Remaining combinations: Reserved.
Allowed values:
0: Depth_1_8: RXFIFO reaches 1/8 of its depth
1: Depth_1_4: RXFIFO reaches 1/4 of its depth
2: Depth_1_2: RXFIFO reaches 1/2 of its depth
3: Depth_3_4: RXFIFO reaches 3/4 of its depth
4: Depth_7_8: RXFIFO reaches 7/8 of its depth
5: Full: RXFIFO becomes full
Bit 28: RXFIFO threshold interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Interrupt inhibited
1: Enabled: USART interrupt generated when Receive FIFO reaches the threshold programmed in RXFTCFG
Bits 29-31: TXFIFO threshold configuration Remaining combinations: Reserved.
Allowed values:
0: Depth_1_8: TXFIFO reaches 1/8 of its depth
1: Depth_1_4: TXFIFO reaches 1/4 of its depth
2: Depth_1_2: TXFIFO reaches 1/2 of its depth
3: Depth_3_4: TXFIFO reaches 3/4 of its depth
4: Depth_7_8: TXFIFO reaches 7/8 of its depth
5: Empty: TXFIFO becomes empty
USART baud rate register
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
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USART guard time and prescaler register
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
Bits 0-7: Prescaler value.
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
Bits 8-15: Guard time value This bitfield is used to program the Guard time value in terms of number of baud clock periods. This is used in Smartcard mode. The Transmission Complete flag is set after this guard time value. This bitfield can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE = 0). Note: If Smartcard mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
USART receiver timeout register
Offset: 0x14, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
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Bits 0-23: Receiver timeout value This bitfield gives the Receiver timeout value in terms of number of bits during which there is no activity on the RX line. In standard mode, the RTOF flag is set if, after the last received character, no new start bit is detected for more than the RTO value. In Smartcard mode, this value is used to implement the CWT and BWT. See Smartcard chapter for more details. In the standard, the CWT/BWT measurement is done starting from the start bit of the last received character. Note: This value must only be programmed once per received character..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xffffff
Bits 24-31: Block length This bitfield gives the Block length in Smartcard T = 1 Reception. Its value equals the number of information characters + the length of the Epilogue Field (1-LEC/2-CRC) - 1. Examples: BLEN = 0: 0 information characters + LEC BLEN = 1: 0 information characters + CRC BLEN = 255: 254 information characters + CRC (total 256 characters)) In Smartcard mode, the Block length counter is reset when TXE = 0 (TXFE = 0 in case FIFO mode is enabled). This bitfield can be used also in other modes. In this case, the Block length counter is reset when RE = 0 (receiver disabled) and/or when the EOBCF bit is written to 1. Note: This value can be programmed after the start of the block reception (using the data from the LEN character in the Prologue Field). It must be programmed only once per received block..
Allowed values: 0x0-0xff
USART request register
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
5/5 fields covered.
Bit 0: Auto baud rate request Writing 1 to this bit resets the ABRF and ABRE flags in the USART_ISR and requests an automatic baud rate measurement on the next received data frame. Note: If the USART does not support the auto baud rate feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
1: Request: resets the ABRF flag in the USART_ISR and request an automatic baud rate measurement on the next received data frame
Bit 1: Send break request Writing 1 to this bit sets the SBKF flag and request to send a BREAK on the line, as soon as the transmit machine is available. Note: When the application needs to send the break character following all previously inserted data, including the ones not yet transmitted, the software should wait for the TXE flag assertion before setting the SBKRQ bit..
Allowed values:
1: Break: sets the SBKF flag and request to send a BREAK on the line, as soon as the transmit machine is available
Bit 2: Mute mode request Writing 1 to this bit puts the USART in Mute mode and resets the RWU flag..
Allowed values:
1: Mute: Puts the USART in mute mode and sets the RWU flag
Bit 3: Receive data flush request Writing 1 to this bit empties the entire receive FIFO i.e. clears the bit RXFNE. This enables to discard the received data without reading them, and avoid an overrun condition..
Allowed values:
1: Discard: clears the RXNE flag. This allows to discard the received data without reading it, and avoid an overrun condition
Bit 4: Transmit data flush request When FIFO mode is disabled, writing 1 to this bit sets the TXE flag. This enables to discard the transmit data. This bit must be used only in Smartcard mode, when data have not been sent due to errors (NACK) and the FE flag is active in the USART_ISR register. If the USART does not support Smartcard mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. When FIFO is enabled, TXFRQ bit is set to flush the whole FIFO. This sets the TXFE flag (Transmit FIFO empty, bit 23 in the USART_ISR register). Flushing the Transmit FIFO is supported in both UART and Smartcard modes. Note: In FIFO mode, the TXFNF flag is reset during the flush request until TxFIFO is empty in order to ensure that no data are written in the data register..
Allowed values:
1: Discard: Set the TXE flags. This allows to discard the transmit data
USART interrupt and status register
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x008000C0, access: read-only
28/28 fields covered.
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Bit 0: Parity error This bit is set by hardware when a parity error occurs in receiver mode. It is cleared by software, writing 1 to the PECF in the USART_ICR register. An interrupt is generated if PEIE = 1 in the USART_CR1 register. Note: This error is associated with the character in the USART_RDR..
Allowed values:
0: NoError: No parity error
1: Error: Parity error
Bit 1: Framing error This bit is set by hardware when a de-synchronization, excessive noise or a break character is detected. It is cleared by software, writing 1 to the FECF bit in the USART_ICR register. When transmitting data in Smartcard mode, this bit is set when the maximum number of transmit attempts is reached without success (the card NACKs the data frame). An interrupt is generated if EIE = 1 in the USART_CR3 register. Note: This error is associated with the character in the USART_RDR..
Allowed values:
0: NoError: No Framing error is detected
1: Error: Framing error or break character is detected
Bit 2: Noise detection flag This bit is set by hardware when noise is detected on a received frame. It is cleared by software, writing 1 to the NECF bit in the USART_ICR register. Note: This bit does not generate an interrupt as it appears at the same time as the RXFNE bit which itself generates an interrupt. An interrupt is generated when the NE flag is set during multi buffer communication if the EIE bit is set. Note: When the line is noise-free, the NE flag can be disabled by programming the ONEBIT bit to 1 to increase the USART tolerance to deviations (Refer to Section 26.5.8: Tolerance of the USART receiver to clock deviation on page 709). Note: This error is associated with the character in the USART_RDR..
Allowed values:
0: NoNoise: No noise is detected
1: Noise: Noise is detected
Bit 3: Overrun error This bit is set by hardware when the data currently being received in the shift register is ready to be transferred into the USART_RDR register while RXFF = 1. It is cleared by a software, writing 1 to the ORECF, in the USART_ICR register. An interrupt is generated if RXFNEIE = 1 in the USART_CR1 register, or EIE = 1 in the USART_CR3 register. Note: When this bit is set, the USART_RDR register content is not lost but the shift register is overwritten. An interrupt is generated if the ORE flag is set during multi buffer communication if the EIE bit is set. Note: This bit is permanently forced to 0 (no overrun detection) when the bit OVRDIS is set in the USART_CR3 register..
Allowed values:
0: NoOverrun: No Overrun error
1: Overrun: Overrun error is detected
Bit 4: Idle line detected This bit is set by hardware when an Idle Line is detected. An interrupt is generated if IDLEIE = 1 in the USART_CR1 register. It is cleared by software, writing 1 to the IDLECF in the USART_ICR register. Note: The IDLE bit is not set again until the RXFNE bit has been set (i.e. a new idle line occurs). Note: If Mute mode is enabled (MME = 1), IDLE is set if the USART is not mute (RWU = 0), whatever the Mute mode selected by the WAKE bit. If RWU = 1, IDLE is not set..
Allowed values:
0: NoIdle: No Idle Line is detected
1: Idle: Idle Line is detected
Bit 5: RXFIFO not empty RXFNE bit is set by hardware when the RXFIFO is not empty, meaning that data can be read from the USART_RDR register. Every read operation from the USART_RDR frees a location in the RXFIFO. RXFNE is cleared when the RXFIFO is empty. The RXFNE flag can also be cleared by writing 1 to the RXFRQ in the USART_RQR register. An interrupt is generated if RXFNEIE = 1 in the USART_CR1 register..
Allowed values:
0: NoData: Data is not received
1: DataReady: Received data is ready to be read
Bit 6: Transmission complete This bit indicates that the last data written in the USART_TDR has been transmitted out of the shift register. It is set by hardware when the transmission of a frame containing data is complete and when TXFE is set. An interrupt is generated if TCIE = 1 in the USART_CR1 register. TC bit is is cleared by software, by writing 1 to the TCCF in the USART_ICR register or by a write to the USART_TDR register. Note: If TE bit is reset and no transmission is on going, the TC bit is immediately set..
Allowed values:
0: TxNotComplete: Transmission is not complete
1: TxComplete: Transmission is complete
Bit 7: TXFIFO not full TXFNF is set by hardware when TXFIFO is not full meaning that data can be written in the USART_TDR. Every write operation to the USART_TDR places the data in the TXFIFO. This flag remains set until the TXFIFO is full. When the TXFIFO is full, this flag is cleared indicating that data can not be written into the USART_TDR. An interrupt is generated if the TXFNFIE bit =1 in the USART_CR1 register. Note: The TXFNF is kept reset during the flush request until TXFIFO is empty. After sending the flush request (by setting TXFRQ bit), the flag TXFNF should be checked prior to writing in TXFIFO (TXFNF and TXFE are set at the same time). Note: This bit is used during single buffer transmission..
Allowed values:
0: Full: Transmit FIFO is full
1: NotFull: Transmit FIFO is not full
Bit 8: LIN break detection flag This bit is set by hardware when the LIN break is detected. It is cleared by software, by writing 1 to the LBDCF in the USART_ICR. An interrupt is generated if LBDIE = 1 in the USART_CR2 register. Note: If the USART does not support LIN mode, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: NotDetected: LIN break not detected
1: Detected: LIN break detected
Bit 9: CTS interrupt flag This bit is set by hardware when the CTS input toggles, if the CTSE bit is set. It is cleared by software, by writing 1 to the CTSCF bit in the USART_ICR register. An interrupt is generated if CTSIE = 1 in the USART_CR3 register. Note: If the hardware flow control feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value..
Allowed values:
0: NotChanged: No change occurred on the CTS status line
1: Changed: A change occurred on the CTS status line
Bit 10: CTS flag This bit is set/reset by hardware. It is an inverted copy of the status of the CTS input pin. Note: If the hardware flow control feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value..
Allowed values:
0: Set: CTS line set
1: Reset: CTS line reset
Bit 11: Receiver timeout This bit is set by hardware when the timeout value, programmed in the RTOR register has lapsed, without any communication. It is cleared by software, writing 1 to the RTOCF bit in the USART_ICR register. An interrupt is generated if RTOIE = 1 in the USART_CR2 register. In Smartcard mode, the timeout corresponds to the CWT or BWT timings. Note: If a time equal to the value programmed in RTOR register separates 2 characters, RTOF is not set. If this time exceeds this value + 2 sample times (2/16 or 2/8, depending on the oversampling method), RTOF flag is set. Note: The counter counts even if RE = 0 but RTOF is set only when RE = 1. If the timeout has already elapsed when RE is set, then RTOF is set. Note: If the USART does not support the Receiver timeout feature, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value..
Allowed values:
0: NotReached: Timeout value not reached
1: Reached: Timeout value reached without any data reception
Bit 12: End of block flag This bit is set by hardware when a complete block has been received (for example T = 1 Smartcard mode). The detection is done when the number of received bytes (from the start of the block, including the prologue) is equal or greater than BLEN + 4. An interrupt is generated if the EOBIE = 1 in the USART_CR1 register. It is cleared by software, writing 1 to the EOBCF in the USART_ICR register. Note: If Smartcard mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: NotReached: End of Block not reached
1: Reached: End of Block (number of characters) reached
Bit 13: SPI slave underrun error flag In slave transmission mode, this flag is set when the first clock pulse for data transmission appears while the software has not yet loaded any value into USART_TDR. This flag is reset by setting UDRCF bit in the USART_ICR register. Note: If the USART does not support the SPI slave mode, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: NoUnderrun: No underrun error
1: Underrun: underrun error
Bit 14: Auto baud rate error This bit is set by hardware if the baud rate measurement failed (baud rate out of range or character comparison failed) It is cleared by software, by writing 1 to the ABRRQ bit in the USART_RQR register. Note: If the USART does not support the auto baud rate feature, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value..
Bit 15: Auto baud rate flag This bit is set by hardware when the automatic baud rate has been set (RXFNE is also set, generating an interrupt if RXFNEIE = 1) or when the auto baud rate operation was completed without success (ABRE = 1) (ABRE, RXFNE and FE are also set in this case) It is cleared by software, in order to request a new auto baud rate detection, by writing 1 to the ABRRQ in the USART_RQR register. Note: If the USART does not support the auto baud rate feature, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value..
Bit 16: Busy flag This bit is set and reset by hardware. It is active when a communication is ongoing on the RX line (successful start bit detected). It is reset at the end of the reception (successful or not)..
Allowed values:
0: Idle: USART is idle (no reception)
1: Busy: Reception on going
Bit 17: Character match flag This bit is set by hardware, when a the character defined by ADD[7:0] is received. It is cleared by software, writing 1 to the CMCF in the USART_ICR register. An interrupt is generated if CMIE = 1in the USART_CR1 register..
Allowed values:
0: NoMatch: No Character match detected
1: Match: Character match detected
Bit 18: Send break flag This bit indicates that a send break character was requested. It is set by software, by writing 1 to the SBKRQ bit in the USART_CR3 register. It is automatically reset by hardware during the stop bit of break transmission..
Allowed values:
0: NoBreak: No break character transmitted
1: Break: Break character transmitted
Bit 19: Receiver wake-up from Mute mode This bit indicates if the USART is in Mute mode. It is cleared/set by hardware when a wake-up/mute sequence is recognized. The Mute mode control sequence (address or IDLE) is selected by the WAKE bit in the USART_CR1 register. When wake-up on IDLE mode is selected, this bit can only be set by software, writing 1 to the MMRQ bit in the USART_RQR register. Note: If the USART does not support the wake-up from Stop feature, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
0: Active: Receiver in Active mode
1: Mute: Receiver in Mute mode
Bit 20: Wake-up from low-power mode flag This bit is set by hardware, when a wake-up event is detected. The event is defined by the WUS bitfield. It is cleared by software, writing a 1 to the WUCF in the USART_ICR register. An interrupt is generated if WUFIE = 1 in the USART_CR3 register. Note: When UESM is cleared, WUF flag is also cleared. Note: If the USART does not support the wake-up from Stop feature, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Bit 21: Transmit enable acknowledge flag This bit is set/reset by hardware, when the Transmit Enable value is taken into account by the USART. It can be used when an idle frame request is generated by writing TE = 0, followed by TE = 1 in the USART_CR1 register, in order to respect the TE = 0 minimum period..
Bit 22: Receive enable acknowledge flag This bit is set/reset by hardware, when the Receive Enable value is taken into account by the USART. It can be used to verify that the USART is ready for reception before entering low-power mode. Note: If the USART does not support the wake-up from Stop feature, this bit is reserved and kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Bit 23: TXFIFO empty This bit is set by hardware when TXFIFO is empty. When the TXFIFO contains at least one data, this flag is cleared. The TXFE flag can also be set by writing 1 to the bit TXFRQ (bit 4) in the USART_RQR register. An interrupt is generated if the TXFEIE bit = 1 (bit 30) in the USART_CR1 register..
Allowed values:
0: NotEmpty: TXFIFO not empty.
1: Empty: TXFIFO empty.
Bit 24: RXFIFO full This bit is set by hardware when the number of received data corresponds to RXFIFO size + 1 (RXFIFO full + 1 data in the USART_RDR register. An interrupt is generated if the RXFFIE bit = 1 in the USART_CR1 register..
Allowed values:
0: NotFull: RXFIFO not full.
1: Full: RXFIFO Full.
Bit 25: Transmission complete before guard time flag.
Allowed values:
0: NotCompleted: Transmission is not complete or transmission is complete unsuccessfully (i.e. a NACK is received from the card)
1: Completed: Transmission is complete successfully (before Guard time completion and there is no NACK from the smart card)
Bit 26: RXFIFO threshold flag This bit is set by hardware when the threshold programmed in RXFTCFG in USART_CR3 register is reached. This means that there are (RXFTCFG - 1) data in the Receive FIFO and one data in the USART_RDR register. An interrupt is generated if the RXFTIE bit = 1 (bit 27) in the USART_CR3 register. Note: When the RXFTCFG threshold is configured to 101 , RXFT flag is set if 16 data are available i.e. 15 data in the RXFIFO and 1 data in the USART_RDR. Consequently, the 17th received data does not cause an overrun error. The overrun error occurs after receiving the 18th data..
Allowed values:
0: NotReached: Receive FIFO does not reach the programmed threshold.
1: Reached: Receive FIFO reached the programmed threshold.
Bit 27: TXFIFO threshold flag This bit is set by hardware when the TXFIFO reaches the threshold programmed in TXFTCFG of USART_CR3 register i.e. the TXFIFO contains TXFTCFG empty locations. An interrupt is generated if the TXFTIE bit = 1 (bit 31) in the USART_CR3 register..
Allowed values:
0: NotReached: TXFIFO does not reach the programmed threshold.
1: Reached: TXFIFO reached the programmed threshold.
USART interrupt flag clear register
Offset: 0x20, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: write-only
15/15 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
w1c |
w1c |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
w1c |
Bit 0: Parity error clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the PE flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the PE flag in the ISR register
Bit 1: Framing error clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the FE flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the FE flag in the ISR register
Bit 2: Noise detected clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the NE flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the NF flag in the ISR register
Bit 3: Overrun error clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the ORE flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the ORE flag in the ISR register
Bit 4: Idle line detected clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the IDLE flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the IDLE flag in the ISR register
Bit 5: TXFIFO empty clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the TXFE flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear the TXFE flag in the ISR register
Bit 6: Transmission complete clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the TC flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the TC flag in the ISR register
Bit 7: Transmission complete before Guard time clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the TCBGT flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear the TCBGT flag in the ISR register
Bit 8: LIN break detection clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the LBDF flag in the USART_ISR register. Note: If LIN mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the LBDF flag in the ISR register
Bit 9: CTS clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the CTSIF flag in the USART_ISR register. Note: If the hardware flow control feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the CTSIF flag in the ISR register
Bit 11: Receiver timeout clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the RTOF flag in the USART_ISR register. Note: If the USART does not support the Receiver timeout feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the RTOF flag in the ISR register
Bit 12: End of block clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the EOBF flag in the USART_ISR register. Note: If the USART does not support Smartcard mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the EOBF flag in the ISR register
Bit 13: SPI slave underrun clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the UDRF flag in the USART_ISR register. Note: If the USART does not support SPI slave mode, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691.
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clear the UDR flag in the ISR register
Bit 17: Character match clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the CMF flag in the USART_ISR register..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the CMF flag in the ISR register
Bit 20: Wake-up from low-power mode clear flag Writing 1 to this bit clears the WUF flag in the USART_ISR register. Note: If the USART does not support the wake-up from Stop feature, this bit is reserved and must be kept at reset value. Refer to Section 26.4: USART implementation on page 691..
Allowed values:
1: Clear: Clears the WUF flag in the ISR register
USART receive data register
Offset: 0x24, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r |
Bits 0-8: Receive data value Contains the received data character. The RDR register provides the parallel interface between the input shift register and the internal bus (see Figure 243). When receiving with the parity enabled, the value read in the MSB bit is the received parity bit..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1ff
USART transmit data register
Offset: 0x28, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-8: Transmit data value Contains the data character to be transmitted. The USART_TDR register provides the parallel interface between the internal bus and the output shift register (see Figure 243). When transmitting with the parity enabled (PCE bit set to 1 in the USART_CR1 register), the value written in the MSB (bit 7 or bit 8 depending on the data length) has no effect because it is replaced by the parity. Note: This register must be written only when TXE/TXFNF = 1..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x1ff
USART prescaler register
Offset: 0x2c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
Bits 0-3: Clock prescaler The USART input clock can be divided by a prescaler factor: Remaining combinations: Reserved Note: When PRESCALER is programmed with a value different of the allowed ones, programmed prescaler value is 1011 i.e. input clock divided by 256..
Allowed values:
0: Div1: Input clock divided by 1
1: Div2: Input clock divided by 2
2: Div4: Input clock divided by 4
3: Div6: Input clock divided by 6
4: Div8: Input clock divided by 8
5: Div10: Input clock divided by 10
6: Div12: Input clock divided by 12
7: Div16: Input clock divided by 16
8: Div32: Input clock divided by 32
9: Div64: Input clock divided by 64
10: Div128: Input clock divided by 128
11: Div256: Input clock divided by 256
0x40005c00: USB address block description
24/187 fields covered.
Offset | Name | 31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
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21 |
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19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0x0 | CHEP[0]R | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 | CHEP[1]R | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 | CHEP[2]R | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0xc | CHEP[3]R | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x10 | CHEP[4]R | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | CHEP[5]R | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x18 | CHEP[6]R | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1c | CHEP[7]R | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x40 | CNTR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x44 | ISTR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x48 | FNR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4c | DADDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x54 | LPMCSR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x58 | BCDR |
USB endpoint/channel 0 register
Offset: 0x0, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/17 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
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r |
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w |
w |
rw |
Bits 0-3: endpoint/channel address Device mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the transactions directed to this endpoint. A value must be written before enabling the corresponding endpoint. Host mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the channel addressed by the host transaction..
Bits 4-5: Status bits, for transmission transfers.
Bit 6: Data toggle, for transmission transfers If the endpoint/channel is non-isochronous, this bit contains the required value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be transmitted. Hardware toggles this bit when the ACK handshake is received from the USB host, following a data packet transmission. If the endpoint/channel is defined as a control one, hardware sets this bit to 1 at the reception of a SETUP PID addressed to this endpoint (in device mode) or when a SETUP transaction is acknowledged by the device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double buffer feature, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping since no data toggling is used for this sort of endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet transmission, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint/channel is not a control one) or to force a specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGTX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. This bit is read/write but it can only be toggled by writing 1..
Bit 7: Valid USB transaction transmitted Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in the USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written. Host mode Same as VTRX behavior but for USB OUT and SETUP transactions..
Bit 8: endpoint/channel kind The meaning of this bit depends on the endpoint/channel type configured by the UTYPE bits. Table 142 summarizes the different meanings. DBL_BUF: This bit is set by the software to enable the double-buffering feature for this bulk endpoint. The usage of double-buffered bulk endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode. STATUS_OUT: This bit is set by the software to indicate that a status out transaction is expected: in this case all OUT transactions containing more than zero data bytes are answered STALL instead of ACK . This bit may be used to improve the robustness of the application to protocol errors during control transfers and its usage is intended for control endpoints only. When STATUS_OUT is reset, OUT transactions can have any number of bytes, as required..
Bits 9-10: USB type of transaction These bits configure the behavior of this endpoint/channel as described in Table 141: Endpoint/channel type encoding. Channel0/Endpoint0 must always be a control endpoint/channel and each USB function must have at least one control endpoint/channel which has address 0, but there may be other control channels/endpoints if required. Only control channels/endpoints handle SETUP transactions, which are ignored by endpoints of other kinds. SETUP transactions cannot be answered with NAK or STALL. If a control endpoint/channel is defined as NAK, the USB peripheral does not answer, simulating a receive error, in the receive direction when a SETUP transaction is received. If the control endpoint/channel is defined as STALL in the receive direction, then the SETUP packet is accepted anyway, transferring data and issuing the CTR interrupt. The reception of OUT transactions is handled in the normal way, even if the endpoint/channel is a control one. Bulk and interrupt endpoints have very similar behavior and they differ only in the special feature available using the EPKIND configuration bit. The usage of isochronous channels/endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode.
Bit 11: Setup transaction completed Device mode This bit is read-only and it is set by the hardware when the last completed transaction is a SETUP. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It must be examined, in the case of a successful receive transaction (VTRX event), to determine the type of transaction occurred. To protect the interrupt service routine from the changes in SETUP bits due to next incoming tokens, this bit is kept frozen while VTRX bit is at 1; its state changes when VTRX is at 0. This bit is read-only. Host mode This bit is set by the software to send a SETUP transaction on a control endpoint. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It is cleared by hardware when the SETUP transaction is acknowledged and VTTX interrupt generated..
Bits 12-13: Status bits, for reception transfers Device mode These bits contain information about the endpoint status, which are listed in Table 140: Reception status encoding on page 881. These bits can be toggled by software to initialize their value. When the application software writes 0, the value remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. Hardware sets the STATRX bits to NAK when a correct transfer has occurred (VTRX = 1) corresponding to a OUT or SETUP (control only) transaction addressed to this endpoint, so the software has the time to elaborate the received data before it acknowledges a new transaction. Double-buffered bulk endpoints implement a special transaction flow control, which control the status based upon buffer availability condition (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint is defined as isochronous, its status can be only VALID or DISABLED , so that the hardware cannot change the status of the endpoint after a successful transaction. If the software sets the STATRX bits to STALL or NAK for an isochronous endpoint, the USB peripheral behavior is not defined. These bits are read/write but they can be only toggled by writing 1. Host mode These bits are the host application controls to start, retry, or abort host transactions driven by the channel. These bits also contain information about the device answer to the last IN channel transaction and report the current status of the channel according to the following STATRX table of states: - DISABLE DISABLE value is reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a single-buffer channel. When in DISABLE state the channel is unused or not active waiting for application to restart it by writing VALID. Application can reset a VALID channel to DISABLE to abort a transaction. In this case the transaction is immediately removed from the host execution list. If the aborted transaction was already under execution it is regularly terminated on the USB but the relative VTRX interrupt is not generated. - VALID A host channel is actively trying to submit USB transaction to device only when in VALID state.VALID state can be set by software or automatically by hardware on a NAKED channel at the start of a new frame. When set to VALID, an host channel enters the host execution queue and waits permission from the host frame scheduler to submit its configured transaction. VALID value is also reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a double-buffered channel. In this case the channel remains active on the alternate buffer while application needs to read the current buffer and toggle DTOGTX. In case software is late in reading and the alternate buffer is not ready, the host channel is automatically suspended transparently to the application. The suspended double buffered channel is re-activated as soon as delay is recovered and DTOGTX is toggled. - NAK NAK value is reported in case of NAK acknowledge received. When in NAK state the channel is suspended and does not try to transmit. NAK state is moved to VALID by hardware at the start of the next frame, or software can change it to immediately retry transmission by writing it to VALID, or can disable it and abort the transaction by writing DISABLE - STALL STALL value is reported in case of STALL acknowledge received. When in STALL state the channel behaves as disabled. Application must not retry transmission but reset the USB and re-enumerate..
Bit 14: Data Toggle, for reception transfers If the endpoint/channel is not isochronous, this bit contains the expected value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be received. Hardware toggles this bit, when the ACK handshake is sent following a data packet reception having a matching data PID value; if the endpoint is defined as a control one, hardware clears this bit at the reception of a SETUP PID received from host (in device mode), while it sets this bit to 1 when SETUP transaction is acknowledged by device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double-buffering feature this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used only to support packet buffer swapping for data transmission since no data toggling is used for this kind of channels/endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (Refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet reception, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint is not a control one) or to force specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGRX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value toggle. This bit is read/write but it can be only toggled by writing 1..
Bit 15: USB valid transaction received Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an OUT/SETUP transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. The type of occurred transaction, OUT or SETUP, can be determined from the SETUP bit described below. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect. Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated. - A transaction ended with a NAK sets this bit and NAK answer is reported to application reading the NAK state from the STATRX field of this register. One NAKed transaction keeps pending and is automatically retried by the host at the next frame, or the host can immediately retry by resetting STATRX state to VALID. - A transaction ended by STALL handshake sets this bit and the STALL answer is reported to application reading the STALL state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must consequently disable the channel and re-enumerate. - A transaction ended with ACK handshake sets this bit If double buffering is disabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading the DISABLE state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and re-arm the channel by writing VALID to the STATRX field of this register. If double buffering is enabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading VALID state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and toggle the DTOGTX bit of this register. - A transaction ended with error sets this bit. Errors can be seen via the bits ERR_RX (host mode only). This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect..
Bits 16-22: Host mode Device address assigned to the endpoint during the enumeration process..
Bit 23: Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when a device responds with a NAK. Software can use this bit to monitor the number of NAKs received from a device..
Bit 24: Low speed endpoint.
Bit 25: Received error for an OUT/SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an OUT or SETUP transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bit 26: Received error for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an IN transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bits 27-28: Three errors for an OUT or SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an OUT transaction. THREE_ERR_TX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
Bits 29-30: Three errors for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an IN transaction. THREE_ERR_RX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
USB endpoint/channel 1 register
Offset: 0x4, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/17 fields covered.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
rw |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
rw |
w |
w |
r |
rw |
rw |
rw |
w |
w |
rw |
Bits 0-3: endpoint/channel address Device mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the transactions directed to this endpoint. A value must be written before enabling the corresponding endpoint. Host mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the channel addressed by the host transaction..
Bits 4-5: Status bits, for transmission transfers.
Bit 6: Data toggle, for transmission transfers If the endpoint/channel is non-isochronous, this bit contains the required value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be transmitted. Hardware toggles this bit when the ACK handshake is received from the USB host, following a data packet transmission. If the endpoint/channel is defined as a control one, hardware sets this bit to 1 at the reception of a SETUP PID addressed to this endpoint (in device mode) or when a SETUP transaction is acknowledged by the device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double buffer feature, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping since no data toggling is used for this sort of endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet transmission, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint/channel is not a control one) or to force a specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGTX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. This bit is read/write but it can only be toggled by writing 1..
Bit 7: Valid USB transaction transmitted Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in the USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written. Host mode Same as VTRX behavior but for USB OUT and SETUP transactions..
Bit 8: endpoint/channel kind The meaning of this bit depends on the endpoint/channel type configured by the UTYPE bits. Table 142 summarizes the different meanings. DBL_BUF: This bit is set by the software to enable the double-buffering feature for this bulk endpoint. The usage of double-buffered bulk endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode. STATUS_OUT: This bit is set by the software to indicate that a status out transaction is expected: in this case all OUT transactions containing more than zero data bytes are answered STALL instead of ACK . This bit may be used to improve the robustness of the application to protocol errors during control transfers and its usage is intended for control endpoints only. When STATUS_OUT is reset, OUT transactions can have any number of bytes, as required..
Bits 9-10: USB type of transaction These bits configure the behavior of this endpoint/channel as described in Table 141: Endpoint/channel type encoding. Channel0/Endpoint0 must always be a control endpoint/channel and each USB function must have at least one control endpoint/channel which has address 0, but there may be other control channels/endpoints if required. Only control channels/endpoints handle SETUP transactions, which are ignored by endpoints of other kinds. SETUP transactions cannot be answered with NAK or STALL. If a control endpoint/channel is defined as NAK, the USB peripheral does not answer, simulating a receive error, in the receive direction when a SETUP transaction is received. If the control endpoint/channel is defined as STALL in the receive direction, then the SETUP packet is accepted anyway, transferring data and issuing the CTR interrupt. The reception of OUT transactions is handled in the normal way, even if the endpoint/channel is a control one. Bulk and interrupt endpoints have very similar behavior and they differ only in the special feature available using the EPKIND configuration bit. The usage of isochronous channels/endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode.
Bit 11: Setup transaction completed Device mode This bit is read-only and it is set by the hardware when the last completed transaction is a SETUP. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It must be examined, in the case of a successful receive transaction (VTRX event), to determine the type of transaction occurred. To protect the interrupt service routine from the changes in SETUP bits due to next incoming tokens, this bit is kept frozen while VTRX bit is at 1; its state changes when VTRX is at 0. This bit is read-only. Host mode This bit is set by the software to send a SETUP transaction on a control endpoint. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It is cleared by hardware when the SETUP transaction is acknowledged and VTTX interrupt generated..
Bits 12-13: Status bits, for reception transfers Device mode These bits contain information about the endpoint status, which are listed in Table 140: Reception status encoding on page 881. These bits can be toggled by software to initialize their value. When the application software writes 0, the value remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. Hardware sets the STATRX bits to NAK when a correct transfer has occurred (VTRX = 1) corresponding to a OUT or SETUP (control only) transaction addressed to this endpoint, so the software has the time to elaborate the received data before it acknowledges a new transaction. Double-buffered bulk endpoints implement a special transaction flow control, which control the status based upon buffer availability condition (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint is defined as isochronous, its status can be only VALID or DISABLED , so that the hardware cannot change the status of the endpoint after a successful transaction. If the software sets the STATRX bits to STALL or NAK for an isochronous endpoint, the USB peripheral behavior is not defined. These bits are read/write but they can be only toggled by writing 1. Host mode These bits are the host application controls to start, retry, or abort host transactions driven by the channel. These bits also contain information about the device answer to the last IN channel transaction and report the current status of the channel according to the following STATRX table of states: - DISABLE DISABLE value is reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a single-buffer channel. When in DISABLE state the channel is unused or not active waiting for application to restart it by writing VALID. Application can reset a VALID channel to DISABLE to abort a transaction. In this case the transaction is immediately removed from the host execution list. If the aborted transaction was already under execution it is regularly terminated on the USB but the relative VTRX interrupt is not generated. - VALID A host channel is actively trying to submit USB transaction to device only when in VALID state.VALID state can be set by software or automatically by hardware on a NAKED channel at the start of a new frame. When set to VALID, an host channel enters the host execution queue and waits permission from the host frame scheduler to submit its configured transaction. VALID value is also reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a double-buffered channel. In this case the channel remains active on the alternate buffer while application needs to read the current buffer and toggle DTOGTX. In case software is late in reading and the alternate buffer is not ready, the host channel is automatically suspended transparently to the application. The suspended double buffered channel is re-activated as soon as delay is recovered and DTOGTX is toggled. - NAK NAK value is reported in case of NAK acknowledge received. When in NAK state the channel is suspended and does not try to transmit. NAK state is moved to VALID by hardware at the start of the next frame, or software can change it to immediately retry transmission by writing it to VALID, or can disable it and abort the transaction by writing DISABLE - STALL STALL value is reported in case of STALL acknowledge received. When in STALL state the channel behaves as disabled. Application must not retry transmission but reset the USB and re-enumerate..
Bit 14: Data Toggle, for reception transfers If the endpoint/channel is not isochronous, this bit contains the expected value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be received. Hardware toggles this bit, when the ACK handshake is sent following a data packet reception having a matching data PID value; if the endpoint is defined as a control one, hardware clears this bit at the reception of a SETUP PID received from host (in device mode), while it sets this bit to 1 when SETUP transaction is acknowledged by device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double-buffering feature this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used only to support packet buffer swapping for data transmission since no data toggling is used for this kind of channels/endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (Refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet reception, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint is not a control one) or to force specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGRX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value toggle. This bit is read/write but it can be only toggled by writing 1..
Bit 15: USB valid transaction received Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an OUT/SETUP transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. The type of occurred transaction, OUT or SETUP, can be determined from the SETUP bit described below. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect. Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated. - A transaction ended with a NAK sets this bit and NAK answer is reported to application reading the NAK state from the STATRX field of this register. One NAKed transaction keeps pending and is automatically retried by the host at the next frame, or the host can immediately retry by resetting STATRX state to VALID. - A transaction ended by STALL handshake sets this bit and the STALL answer is reported to application reading the STALL state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must consequently disable the channel and re-enumerate. - A transaction ended with ACK handshake sets this bit If double buffering is disabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading the DISABLE state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and re-arm the channel by writing VALID to the STATRX field of this register. If double buffering is enabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading VALID state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and toggle the DTOGTX bit of this register. - A transaction ended with error sets this bit. Errors can be seen via the bits ERR_RX (host mode only). This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect..
Bits 16-22: Host mode Device address assigned to the endpoint during the enumeration process..
Bit 23: Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when a device responds with a NAK. Software can use this bit to monitor the number of NAKs received from a device..
Bit 24: Low speed endpoint.
Bit 25: Received error for an OUT/SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an OUT or SETUP transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bit 26: Received error for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an IN transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bits 27-28: Three errors for an OUT or SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an OUT transaction. THREE_ERR_TX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
Bits 29-30: Three errors for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an IN transaction. THREE_ERR_RX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
USB endpoint/channel 2 register
Offset: 0x8, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/17 fields covered.
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Bits 0-3: endpoint/channel address Device mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the transactions directed to this endpoint. A value must be written before enabling the corresponding endpoint. Host mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the channel addressed by the host transaction..
Bits 4-5: Status bits, for transmission transfers.
Bit 6: Data toggle, for transmission transfers If the endpoint/channel is non-isochronous, this bit contains the required value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be transmitted. Hardware toggles this bit when the ACK handshake is received from the USB host, following a data packet transmission. If the endpoint/channel is defined as a control one, hardware sets this bit to 1 at the reception of a SETUP PID addressed to this endpoint (in device mode) or when a SETUP transaction is acknowledged by the device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double buffer feature, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping since no data toggling is used for this sort of endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet transmission, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint/channel is not a control one) or to force a specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGTX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. This bit is read/write but it can only be toggled by writing 1..
Bit 7: Valid USB transaction transmitted Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in the USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written. Host mode Same as VTRX behavior but for USB OUT and SETUP transactions..
Bit 8: endpoint/channel kind The meaning of this bit depends on the endpoint/channel type configured by the UTYPE bits. Table 142 summarizes the different meanings. DBL_BUF: This bit is set by the software to enable the double-buffering feature for this bulk endpoint. The usage of double-buffered bulk endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode. STATUS_OUT: This bit is set by the software to indicate that a status out transaction is expected: in this case all OUT transactions containing more than zero data bytes are answered STALL instead of ACK . This bit may be used to improve the robustness of the application to protocol errors during control transfers and its usage is intended for control endpoints only. When STATUS_OUT is reset, OUT transactions can have any number of bytes, as required..
Bits 9-10: USB type of transaction These bits configure the behavior of this endpoint/channel as described in Table 141: Endpoint/channel type encoding. Channel0/Endpoint0 must always be a control endpoint/channel and each USB function must have at least one control endpoint/channel which has address 0, but there may be other control channels/endpoints if required. Only control channels/endpoints handle SETUP transactions, which are ignored by endpoints of other kinds. SETUP transactions cannot be answered with NAK or STALL. If a control endpoint/channel is defined as NAK, the USB peripheral does not answer, simulating a receive error, in the receive direction when a SETUP transaction is received. If the control endpoint/channel is defined as STALL in the receive direction, then the SETUP packet is accepted anyway, transferring data and issuing the CTR interrupt. The reception of OUT transactions is handled in the normal way, even if the endpoint/channel is a control one. Bulk and interrupt endpoints have very similar behavior and they differ only in the special feature available using the EPKIND configuration bit. The usage of isochronous channels/endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode.
Bit 11: Setup transaction completed Device mode This bit is read-only and it is set by the hardware when the last completed transaction is a SETUP. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It must be examined, in the case of a successful receive transaction (VTRX event), to determine the type of transaction occurred. To protect the interrupt service routine from the changes in SETUP bits due to next incoming tokens, this bit is kept frozen while VTRX bit is at 1; its state changes when VTRX is at 0. This bit is read-only. Host mode This bit is set by the software to send a SETUP transaction on a control endpoint. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It is cleared by hardware when the SETUP transaction is acknowledged and VTTX interrupt generated..
Bits 12-13: Status bits, for reception transfers Device mode These bits contain information about the endpoint status, which are listed in Table 140: Reception status encoding on page 881. These bits can be toggled by software to initialize their value. When the application software writes 0, the value remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. Hardware sets the STATRX bits to NAK when a correct transfer has occurred (VTRX = 1) corresponding to a OUT or SETUP (control only) transaction addressed to this endpoint, so the software has the time to elaborate the received data before it acknowledges a new transaction. Double-buffered bulk endpoints implement a special transaction flow control, which control the status based upon buffer availability condition (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint is defined as isochronous, its status can be only VALID or DISABLED , so that the hardware cannot change the status of the endpoint after a successful transaction. If the software sets the STATRX bits to STALL or NAK for an isochronous endpoint, the USB peripheral behavior is not defined. These bits are read/write but they can be only toggled by writing 1. Host mode These bits are the host application controls to start, retry, or abort host transactions driven by the channel. These bits also contain information about the device answer to the last IN channel transaction and report the current status of the channel according to the following STATRX table of states: - DISABLE DISABLE value is reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a single-buffer channel. When in DISABLE state the channel is unused or not active waiting for application to restart it by writing VALID. Application can reset a VALID channel to DISABLE to abort a transaction. In this case the transaction is immediately removed from the host execution list. If the aborted transaction was already under execution it is regularly terminated on the USB but the relative VTRX interrupt is not generated. - VALID A host channel is actively trying to submit USB transaction to device only when in VALID state.VALID state can be set by software or automatically by hardware on a NAKED channel at the start of a new frame. When set to VALID, an host channel enters the host execution queue and waits permission from the host frame scheduler to submit its configured transaction. VALID value is also reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a double-buffered channel. In this case the channel remains active on the alternate buffer while application needs to read the current buffer and toggle DTOGTX. In case software is late in reading and the alternate buffer is not ready, the host channel is automatically suspended transparently to the application. The suspended double buffered channel is re-activated as soon as delay is recovered and DTOGTX is toggled. - NAK NAK value is reported in case of NAK acknowledge received. When in NAK state the channel is suspended and does not try to transmit. NAK state is moved to VALID by hardware at the start of the next frame, or software can change it to immediately retry transmission by writing it to VALID, or can disable it and abort the transaction by writing DISABLE - STALL STALL value is reported in case of STALL acknowledge received. When in STALL state the channel behaves as disabled. Application must not retry transmission but reset the USB and re-enumerate..
Bit 14: Data Toggle, for reception transfers If the endpoint/channel is not isochronous, this bit contains the expected value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be received. Hardware toggles this bit, when the ACK handshake is sent following a data packet reception having a matching data PID value; if the endpoint is defined as a control one, hardware clears this bit at the reception of a SETUP PID received from host (in device mode), while it sets this bit to 1 when SETUP transaction is acknowledged by device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double-buffering feature this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used only to support packet buffer swapping for data transmission since no data toggling is used for this kind of channels/endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (Refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet reception, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint is not a control one) or to force specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGRX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value toggle. This bit is read/write but it can be only toggled by writing 1..
Bit 15: USB valid transaction received Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an OUT/SETUP transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. The type of occurred transaction, OUT or SETUP, can be determined from the SETUP bit described below. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect. Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated. - A transaction ended with a NAK sets this bit and NAK answer is reported to application reading the NAK state from the STATRX field of this register. One NAKed transaction keeps pending and is automatically retried by the host at the next frame, or the host can immediately retry by resetting STATRX state to VALID. - A transaction ended by STALL handshake sets this bit and the STALL answer is reported to application reading the STALL state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must consequently disable the channel and re-enumerate. - A transaction ended with ACK handshake sets this bit If double buffering is disabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading the DISABLE state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and re-arm the channel by writing VALID to the STATRX field of this register. If double buffering is enabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading VALID state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and toggle the DTOGTX bit of this register. - A transaction ended with error sets this bit. Errors can be seen via the bits ERR_RX (host mode only). This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect..
Bits 16-22: Host mode Device address assigned to the endpoint during the enumeration process..
Bit 23: Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when a device responds with a NAK. Software can use this bit to monitor the number of NAKs received from a device..
Bit 24: Low speed endpoint.
Bit 25: Received error for an OUT/SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an OUT or SETUP transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bit 26: Received error for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an IN transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bits 27-28: Three errors for an OUT or SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an OUT transaction. THREE_ERR_TX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
Bits 29-30: Three errors for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an IN transaction. THREE_ERR_RX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
USB endpoint/channel 3 register
Offset: 0xc, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/17 fields covered.
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Bits 0-3: endpoint/channel address Device mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the transactions directed to this endpoint. A value must be written before enabling the corresponding endpoint. Host mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the channel addressed by the host transaction..
Bits 4-5: Status bits, for transmission transfers.
Bit 6: Data toggle, for transmission transfers If the endpoint/channel is non-isochronous, this bit contains the required value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be transmitted. Hardware toggles this bit when the ACK handshake is received from the USB host, following a data packet transmission. If the endpoint/channel is defined as a control one, hardware sets this bit to 1 at the reception of a SETUP PID addressed to this endpoint (in device mode) or when a SETUP transaction is acknowledged by the device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double buffer feature, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping since no data toggling is used for this sort of endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet transmission, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint/channel is not a control one) or to force a specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGTX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. This bit is read/write but it can only be toggled by writing 1..
Bit 7: Valid USB transaction transmitted Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in the USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written. Host mode Same as VTRX behavior but for USB OUT and SETUP transactions..
Bit 8: endpoint/channel kind The meaning of this bit depends on the endpoint/channel type configured by the UTYPE bits. Table 142 summarizes the different meanings. DBL_BUF: This bit is set by the software to enable the double-buffering feature for this bulk endpoint. The usage of double-buffered bulk endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode. STATUS_OUT: This bit is set by the software to indicate that a status out transaction is expected: in this case all OUT transactions containing more than zero data bytes are answered STALL instead of ACK . This bit may be used to improve the robustness of the application to protocol errors during control transfers and its usage is intended for control endpoints only. When STATUS_OUT is reset, OUT transactions can have any number of bytes, as required..
Bits 9-10: USB type of transaction These bits configure the behavior of this endpoint/channel as described in Table 141: Endpoint/channel type encoding. Channel0/Endpoint0 must always be a control endpoint/channel and each USB function must have at least one control endpoint/channel which has address 0, but there may be other control channels/endpoints if required. Only control channels/endpoints handle SETUP transactions, which are ignored by endpoints of other kinds. SETUP transactions cannot be answered with NAK or STALL. If a control endpoint/channel is defined as NAK, the USB peripheral does not answer, simulating a receive error, in the receive direction when a SETUP transaction is received. If the control endpoint/channel is defined as STALL in the receive direction, then the SETUP packet is accepted anyway, transferring data and issuing the CTR interrupt. The reception of OUT transactions is handled in the normal way, even if the endpoint/channel is a control one. Bulk and interrupt endpoints have very similar behavior and they differ only in the special feature available using the EPKIND configuration bit. The usage of isochronous channels/endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode.
Bit 11: Setup transaction completed Device mode This bit is read-only and it is set by the hardware when the last completed transaction is a SETUP. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It must be examined, in the case of a successful receive transaction (VTRX event), to determine the type of transaction occurred. To protect the interrupt service routine from the changes in SETUP bits due to next incoming tokens, this bit is kept frozen while VTRX bit is at 1; its state changes when VTRX is at 0. This bit is read-only. Host mode This bit is set by the software to send a SETUP transaction on a control endpoint. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It is cleared by hardware when the SETUP transaction is acknowledged and VTTX interrupt generated..
Bits 12-13: Status bits, for reception transfers Device mode These bits contain information about the endpoint status, which are listed in Table 140: Reception status encoding on page 881. These bits can be toggled by software to initialize their value. When the application software writes 0, the value remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. Hardware sets the STATRX bits to NAK when a correct transfer has occurred (VTRX = 1) corresponding to a OUT or SETUP (control only) transaction addressed to this endpoint, so the software has the time to elaborate the received data before it acknowledges a new transaction. Double-buffered bulk endpoints implement a special transaction flow control, which control the status based upon buffer availability condition (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint is defined as isochronous, its status can be only VALID or DISABLED , so that the hardware cannot change the status of the endpoint after a successful transaction. If the software sets the STATRX bits to STALL or NAK for an isochronous endpoint, the USB peripheral behavior is not defined. These bits are read/write but they can be only toggled by writing 1. Host mode These bits are the host application controls to start, retry, or abort host transactions driven by the channel. These bits also contain information about the device answer to the last IN channel transaction and report the current status of the channel according to the following STATRX table of states: - DISABLE DISABLE value is reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a single-buffer channel. When in DISABLE state the channel is unused or not active waiting for application to restart it by writing VALID. Application can reset a VALID channel to DISABLE to abort a transaction. In this case the transaction is immediately removed from the host execution list. If the aborted transaction was already under execution it is regularly terminated on the USB but the relative VTRX interrupt is not generated. - VALID A host channel is actively trying to submit USB transaction to device only when in VALID state.VALID state can be set by software or automatically by hardware on a NAKED channel at the start of a new frame. When set to VALID, an host channel enters the host execution queue and waits permission from the host frame scheduler to submit its configured transaction. VALID value is also reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a double-buffered channel. In this case the channel remains active on the alternate buffer while application needs to read the current buffer and toggle DTOGTX. In case software is late in reading and the alternate buffer is not ready, the host channel is automatically suspended transparently to the application. The suspended double buffered channel is re-activated as soon as delay is recovered and DTOGTX is toggled. - NAK NAK value is reported in case of NAK acknowledge received. When in NAK state the channel is suspended and does not try to transmit. NAK state is moved to VALID by hardware at the start of the next frame, or software can change it to immediately retry transmission by writing it to VALID, or can disable it and abort the transaction by writing DISABLE - STALL STALL value is reported in case of STALL acknowledge received. When in STALL state the channel behaves as disabled. Application must not retry transmission but reset the USB and re-enumerate..
Bit 14: Data Toggle, for reception transfers If the endpoint/channel is not isochronous, this bit contains the expected value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be received. Hardware toggles this bit, when the ACK handshake is sent following a data packet reception having a matching data PID value; if the endpoint is defined as a control one, hardware clears this bit at the reception of a SETUP PID received from host (in device mode), while it sets this bit to 1 when SETUP transaction is acknowledged by device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double-buffering feature this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used only to support packet buffer swapping for data transmission since no data toggling is used for this kind of channels/endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (Refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet reception, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint is not a control one) or to force specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGRX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value toggle. This bit is read/write but it can be only toggled by writing 1..
Bit 15: USB valid transaction received Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an OUT/SETUP transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. The type of occurred transaction, OUT or SETUP, can be determined from the SETUP bit described below. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect. Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated. - A transaction ended with a NAK sets this bit and NAK answer is reported to application reading the NAK state from the STATRX field of this register. One NAKed transaction keeps pending and is automatically retried by the host at the next frame, or the host can immediately retry by resetting STATRX state to VALID. - A transaction ended by STALL handshake sets this bit and the STALL answer is reported to application reading the STALL state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must consequently disable the channel and re-enumerate. - A transaction ended with ACK handshake sets this bit If double buffering is disabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading the DISABLE state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and re-arm the channel by writing VALID to the STATRX field of this register. If double buffering is enabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading VALID state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and toggle the DTOGTX bit of this register. - A transaction ended with error sets this bit. Errors can be seen via the bits ERR_RX (host mode only). This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect..
Bits 16-22: Host mode Device address assigned to the endpoint during the enumeration process..
Bit 23: Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when a device responds with a NAK. Software can use this bit to monitor the number of NAKs received from a device..
Bit 24: Low speed endpoint.
Bit 25: Received error for an OUT/SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an OUT or SETUP transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bit 26: Received error for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an IN transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bits 27-28: Three errors for an OUT or SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an OUT transaction. THREE_ERR_TX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
Bits 29-30: Three errors for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an IN transaction. THREE_ERR_RX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
USB endpoint/channel 4 register
Offset: 0x10, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/17 fields covered.
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Bits 0-3: endpoint/channel address Device mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the transactions directed to this endpoint. A value must be written before enabling the corresponding endpoint. Host mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the channel addressed by the host transaction..
Bits 4-5: Status bits, for transmission transfers.
Bit 6: Data toggle, for transmission transfers If the endpoint/channel is non-isochronous, this bit contains the required value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be transmitted. Hardware toggles this bit when the ACK handshake is received from the USB host, following a data packet transmission. If the endpoint/channel is defined as a control one, hardware sets this bit to 1 at the reception of a SETUP PID addressed to this endpoint (in device mode) or when a SETUP transaction is acknowledged by the device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double buffer feature, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping since no data toggling is used for this sort of endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet transmission, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint/channel is not a control one) or to force a specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGTX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. This bit is read/write but it can only be toggled by writing 1..
Bit 7: Valid USB transaction transmitted Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in the USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written. Host mode Same as VTRX behavior but for USB OUT and SETUP transactions..
Bit 8: endpoint/channel kind The meaning of this bit depends on the endpoint/channel type configured by the UTYPE bits. Table 142 summarizes the different meanings. DBL_BUF: This bit is set by the software to enable the double-buffering feature for this bulk endpoint. The usage of double-buffered bulk endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode. STATUS_OUT: This bit is set by the software to indicate that a status out transaction is expected: in this case all OUT transactions containing more than zero data bytes are answered STALL instead of ACK . This bit may be used to improve the robustness of the application to protocol errors during control transfers and its usage is intended for control endpoints only. When STATUS_OUT is reset, OUT transactions can have any number of bytes, as required..
Bits 9-10: USB type of transaction These bits configure the behavior of this endpoint/channel as described in Table 141: Endpoint/channel type encoding. Channel0/Endpoint0 must always be a control endpoint/channel and each USB function must have at least one control endpoint/channel which has address 0, but there may be other control channels/endpoints if required. Only control channels/endpoints handle SETUP transactions, which are ignored by endpoints of other kinds. SETUP transactions cannot be answered with NAK or STALL. If a control endpoint/channel is defined as NAK, the USB peripheral does not answer, simulating a receive error, in the receive direction when a SETUP transaction is received. If the control endpoint/channel is defined as STALL in the receive direction, then the SETUP packet is accepted anyway, transferring data and issuing the CTR interrupt. The reception of OUT transactions is handled in the normal way, even if the endpoint/channel is a control one. Bulk and interrupt endpoints have very similar behavior and they differ only in the special feature available using the EPKIND configuration bit. The usage of isochronous channels/endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode.
Bit 11: Setup transaction completed Device mode This bit is read-only and it is set by the hardware when the last completed transaction is a SETUP. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It must be examined, in the case of a successful receive transaction (VTRX event), to determine the type of transaction occurred. To protect the interrupt service routine from the changes in SETUP bits due to next incoming tokens, this bit is kept frozen while VTRX bit is at 1; its state changes when VTRX is at 0. This bit is read-only. Host mode This bit is set by the software to send a SETUP transaction on a control endpoint. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It is cleared by hardware when the SETUP transaction is acknowledged and VTTX interrupt generated..
Bits 12-13: Status bits, for reception transfers Device mode These bits contain information about the endpoint status, which are listed in Table 140: Reception status encoding on page 881. These bits can be toggled by software to initialize their value. When the application software writes 0, the value remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. Hardware sets the STATRX bits to NAK when a correct transfer has occurred (VTRX = 1) corresponding to a OUT or SETUP (control only) transaction addressed to this endpoint, so the software has the time to elaborate the received data before it acknowledges a new transaction. Double-buffered bulk endpoints implement a special transaction flow control, which control the status based upon buffer availability condition (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint is defined as isochronous, its status can be only VALID or DISABLED , so that the hardware cannot change the status of the endpoint after a successful transaction. If the software sets the STATRX bits to STALL or NAK for an isochronous endpoint, the USB peripheral behavior is not defined. These bits are read/write but they can be only toggled by writing 1. Host mode These bits are the host application controls to start, retry, or abort host transactions driven by the channel. These bits also contain information about the device answer to the last IN channel transaction and report the current status of the channel according to the following STATRX table of states: - DISABLE DISABLE value is reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a single-buffer channel. When in DISABLE state the channel is unused or not active waiting for application to restart it by writing VALID. Application can reset a VALID channel to DISABLE to abort a transaction. In this case the transaction is immediately removed from the host execution list. If the aborted transaction was already under execution it is regularly terminated on the USB but the relative VTRX interrupt is not generated. - VALID A host channel is actively trying to submit USB transaction to device only when in VALID state.VALID state can be set by software or automatically by hardware on a NAKED channel at the start of a new frame. When set to VALID, an host channel enters the host execution queue and waits permission from the host frame scheduler to submit its configured transaction. VALID value is also reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a double-buffered channel. In this case the channel remains active on the alternate buffer while application needs to read the current buffer and toggle DTOGTX. In case software is late in reading and the alternate buffer is not ready, the host channel is automatically suspended transparently to the application. The suspended double buffered channel is re-activated as soon as delay is recovered and DTOGTX is toggled. - NAK NAK value is reported in case of NAK acknowledge received. When in NAK state the channel is suspended and does not try to transmit. NAK state is moved to VALID by hardware at the start of the next frame, or software can change it to immediately retry transmission by writing it to VALID, or can disable it and abort the transaction by writing DISABLE - STALL STALL value is reported in case of STALL acknowledge received. When in STALL state the channel behaves as disabled. Application must not retry transmission but reset the USB and re-enumerate..
Bit 14: Data Toggle, for reception transfers If the endpoint/channel is not isochronous, this bit contains the expected value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be received. Hardware toggles this bit, when the ACK handshake is sent following a data packet reception having a matching data PID value; if the endpoint is defined as a control one, hardware clears this bit at the reception of a SETUP PID received from host (in device mode), while it sets this bit to 1 when SETUP transaction is acknowledged by device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double-buffering feature this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used only to support packet buffer swapping for data transmission since no data toggling is used for this kind of channels/endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (Refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet reception, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint is not a control one) or to force specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGRX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value toggle. This bit is read/write but it can be only toggled by writing 1..
Bit 15: USB valid transaction received Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an OUT/SETUP transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. The type of occurred transaction, OUT or SETUP, can be determined from the SETUP bit described below. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect. Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated. - A transaction ended with a NAK sets this bit and NAK answer is reported to application reading the NAK state from the STATRX field of this register. One NAKed transaction keeps pending and is automatically retried by the host at the next frame, or the host can immediately retry by resetting STATRX state to VALID. - A transaction ended by STALL handshake sets this bit and the STALL answer is reported to application reading the STALL state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must consequently disable the channel and re-enumerate. - A transaction ended with ACK handshake sets this bit If double buffering is disabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading the DISABLE state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and re-arm the channel by writing VALID to the STATRX field of this register. If double buffering is enabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading VALID state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and toggle the DTOGTX bit of this register. - A transaction ended with error sets this bit. Errors can be seen via the bits ERR_RX (host mode only). This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect..
Bits 16-22: Host mode Device address assigned to the endpoint during the enumeration process..
Bit 23: Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when a device responds with a NAK. Software can use this bit to monitor the number of NAKs received from a device..
Bit 24: Low speed endpoint.
Bit 25: Received error for an OUT/SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an OUT or SETUP transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bit 26: Received error for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an IN transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bits 27-28: Three errors for an OUT or SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an OUT transaction. THREE_ERR_TX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
Bits 29-30: Three errors for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an IN transaction. THREE_ERR_RX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
USB endpoint/channel 5 register
Offset: 0x14, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/17 fields covered.
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Bits 0-3: endpoint/channel address Device mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the transactions directed to this endpoint. A value must be written before enabling the corresponding endpoint. Host mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the channel addressed by the host transaction..
Bits 4-5: Status bits, for transmission transfers.
Bit 6: Data toggle, for transmission transfers If the endpoint/channel is non-isochronous, this bit contains the required value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be transmitted. Hardware toggles this bit when the ACK handshake is received from the USB host, following a data packet transmission. If the endpoint/channel is defined as a control one, hardware sets this bit to 1 at the reception of a SETUP PID addressed to this endpoint (in device mode) or when a SETUP transaction is acknowledged by the device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double buffer feature, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping since no data toggling is used for this sort of endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet transmission, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint/channel is not a control one) or to force a specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGTX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. This bit is read/write but it can only be toggled by writing 1..
Bit 7: Valid USB transaction transmitted Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in the USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written. Host mode Same as VTRX behavior but for USB OUT and SETUP transactions..
Bit 8: endpoint/channel kind The meaning of this bit depends on the endpoint/channel type configured by the UTYPE bits. Table 142 summarizes the different meanings. DBL_BUF: This bit is set by the software to enable the double-buffering feature for this bulk endpoint. The usage of double-buffered bulk endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode. STATUS_OUT: This bit is set by the software to indicate that a status out transaction is expected: in this case all OUT transactions containing more than zero data bytes are answered STALL instead of ACK . This bit may be used to improve the robustness of the application to protocol errors during control transfers and its usage is intended for control endpoints only. When STATUS_OUT is reset, OUT transactions can have any number of bytes, as required..
Bits 9-10: USB type of transaction These bits configure the behavior of this endpoint/channel as described in Table 141: Endpoint/channel type encoding. Channel0/Endpoint0 must always be a control endpoint/channel and each USB function must have at least one control endpoint/channel which has address 0, but there may be other control channels/endpoints if required. Only control channels/endpoints handle SETUP transactions, which are ignored by endpoints of other kinds. SETUP transactions cannot be answered with NAK or STALL. If a control endpoint/channel is defined as NAK, the USB peripheral does not answer, simulating a receive error, in the receive direction when a SETUP transaction is received. If the control endpoint/channel is defined as STALL in the receive direction, then the SETUP packet is accepted anyway, transferring data and issuing the CTR interrupt. The reception of OUT transactions is handled in the normal way, even if the endpoint/channel is a control one. Bulk and interrupt endpoints have very similar behavior and they differ only in the special feature available using the EPKIND configuration bit. The usage of isochronous channels/endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode.
Bit 11: Setup transaction completed Device mode This bit is read-only and it is set by the hardware when the last completed transaction is a SETUP. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It must be examined, in the case of a successful receive transaction (VTRX event), to determine the type of transaction occurred. To protect the interrupt service routine from the changes in SETUP bits due to next incoming tokens, this bit is kept frozen while VTRX bit is at 1; its state changes when VTRX is at 0. This bit is read-only. Host mode This bit is set by the software to send a SETUP transaction on a control endpoint. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It is cleared by hardware when the SETUP transaction is acknowledged and VTTX interrupt generated..
Bits 12-13: Status bits, for reception transfers Device mode These bits contain information about the endpoint status, which are listed in Table 140: Reception status encoding on page 881. These bits can be toggled by software to initialize their value. When the application software writes 0, the value remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. Hardware sets the STATRX bits to NAK when a correct transfer has occurred (VTRX = 1) corresponding to a OUT or SETUP (control only) transaction addressed to this endpoint, so the software has the time to elaborate the received data before it acknowledges a new transaction. Double-buffered bulk endpoints implement a special transaction flow control, which control the status based upon buffer availability condition (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint is defined as isochronous, its status can be only VALID or DISABLED , so that the hardware cannot change the status of the endpoint after a successful transaction. If the software sets the STATRX bits to STALL or NAK for an isochronous endpoint, the USB peripheral behavior is not defined. These bits are read/write but they can be only toggled by writing 1. Host mode These bits are the host application controls to start, retry, or abort host transactions driven by the channel. These bits also contain information about the device answer to the last IN channel transaction and report the current status of the channel according to the following STATRX table of states: - DISABLE DISABLE value is reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a single-buffer channel. When in DISABLE state the channel is unused or not active waiting for application to restart it by writing VALID. Application can reset a VALID channel to DISABLE to abort a transaction. In this case the transaction is immediately removed from the host execution list. If the aborted transaction was already under execution it is regularly terminated on the USB but the relative VTRX interrupt is not generated. - VALID A host channel is actively trying to submit USB transaction to device only when in VALID state.VALID state can be set by software or automatically by hardware on a NAKED channel at the start of a new frame. When set to VALID, an host channel enters the host execution queue and waits permission from the host frame scheduler to submit its configured transaction. VALID value is also reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a double-buffered channel. In this case the channel remains active on the alternate buffer while application needs to read the current buffer and toggle DTOGTX. In case software is late in reading and the alternate buffer is not ready, the host channel is automatically suspended transparently to the application. The suspended double buffered channel is re-activated as soon as delay is recovered and DTOGTX is toggled. - NAK NAK value is reported in case of NAK acknowledge received. When in NAK state the channel is suspended and does not try to transmit. NAK state is moved to VALID by hardware at the start of the next frame, or software can change it to immediately retry transmission by writing it to VALID, or can disable it and abort the transaction by writing DISABLE - STALL STALL value is reported in case of STALL acknowledge received. When in STALL state the channel behaves as disabled. Application must not retry transmission but reset the USB and re-enumerate..
Bit 14: Data Toggle, for reception transfers If the endpoint/channel is not isochronous, this bit contains the expected value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be received. Hardware toggles this bit, when the ACK handshake is sent following a data packet reception having a matching data PID value; if the endpoint is defined as a control one, hardware clears this bit at the reception of a SETUP PID received from host (in device mode), while it sets this bit to 1 when SETUP transaction is acknowledged by device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double-buffering feature this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used only to support packet buffer swapping for data transmission since no data toggling is used for this kind of channels/endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (Refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet reception, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint is not a control one) or to force specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGRX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value toggle. This bit is read/write but it can be only toggled by writing 1..
Bit 15: USB valid transaction received Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an OUT/SETUP transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. The type of occurred transaction, OUT or SETUP, can be determined from the SETUP bit described below. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect. Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated. - A transaction ended with a NAK sets this bit and NAK answer is reported to application reading the NAK state from the STATRX field of this register. One NAKed transaction keeps pending and is automatically retried by the host at the next frame, or the host can immediately retry by resetting STATRX state to VALID. - A transaction ended by STALL handshake sets this bit and the STALL answer is reported to application reading the STALL state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must consequently disable the channel and re-enumerate. - A transaction ended with ACK handshake sets this bit If double buffering is disabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading the DISABLE state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and re-arm the channel by writing VALID to the STATRX field of this register. If double buffering is enabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading VALID state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and toggle the DTOGTX bit of this register. - A transaction ended with error sets this bit. Errors can be seen via the bits ERR_RX (host mode only). This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect..
Bits 16-22: Host mode Device address assigned to the endpoint during the enumeration process..
Bit 23: Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when a device responds with a NAK. Software can use this bit to monitor the number of NAKs received from a device..
Bit 24: Low speed endpoint.
Bit 25: Received error for an OUT/SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an OUT or SETUP transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bit 26: Received error for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an IN transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bits 27-28: Three errors for an OUT or SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an OUT transaction. THREE_ERR_TX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
Bits 29-30: Three errors for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an IN transaction. THREE_ERR_RX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
USB endpoint/channel 6 register
Offset: 0x18, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/17 fields covered.
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Bits 0-3: endpoint/channel address Device mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the transactions directed to this endpoint. A value must be written before enabling the corresponding endpoint. Host mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the channel addressed by the host transaction..
Bits 4-5: Status bits, for transmission transfers.
Bit 6: Data toggle, for transmission transfers If the endpoint/channel is non-isochronous, this bit contains the required value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be transmitted. Hardware toggles this bit when the ACK handshake is received from the USB host, following a data packet transmission. If the endpoint/channel is defined as a control one, hardware sets this bit to 1 at the reception of a SETUP PID addressed to this endpoint (in device mode) or when a SETUP transaction is acknowledged by the device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double buffer feature, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping since no data toggling is used for this sort of endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet transmission, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint/channel is not a control one) or to force a specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGTX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. This bit is read/write but it can only be toggled by writing 1..
Bit 7: Valid USB transaction transmitted Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in the USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written. Host mode Same as VTRX behavior but for USB OUT and SETUP transactions..
Bit 8: endpoint/channel kind The meaning of this bit depends on the endpoint/channel type configured by the UTYPE bits. Table 142 summarizes the different meanings. DBL_BUF: This bit is set by the software to enable the double-buffering feature for this bulk endpoint. The usage of double-buffered bulk endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode. STATUS_OUT: This bit is set by the software to indicate that a status out transaction is expected: in this case all OUT transactions containing more than zero data bytes are answered STALL instead of ACK . This bit may be used to improve the robustness of the application to protocol errors during control transfers and its usage is intended for control endpoints only. When STATUS_OUT is reset, OUT transactions can have any number of bytes, as required..
Bits 9-10: USB type of transaction These bits configure the behavior of this endpoint/channel as described in Table 141: Endpoint/channel type encoding. Channel0/Endpoint0 must always be a control endpoint/channel and each USB function must have at least one control endpoint/channel which has address 0, but there may be other control channels/endpoints if required. Only control channels/endpoints handle SETUP transactions, which are ignored by endpoints of other kinds. SETUP transactions cannot be answered with NAK or STALL. If a control endpoint/channel is defined as NAK, the USB peripheral does not answer, simulating a receive error, in the receive direction when a SETUP transaction is received. If the control endpoint/channel is defined as STALL in the receive direction, then the SETUP packet is accepted anyway, transferring data and issuing the CTR interrupt. The reception of OUT transactions is handled in the normal way, even if the endpoint/channel is a control one. Bulk and interrupt endpoints have very similar behavior and they differ only in the special feature available using the EPKIND configuration bit. The usage of isochronous channels/endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode.
Bit 11: Setup transaction completed Device mode This bit is read-only and it is set by the hardware when the last completed transaction is a SETUP. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It must be examined, in the case of a successful receive transaction (VTRX event), to determine the type of transaction occurred. To protect the interrupt service routine from the changes in SETUP bits due to next incoming tokens, this bit is kept frozen while VTRX bit is at 1; its state changes when VTRX is at 0. This bit is read-only. Host mode This bit is set by the software to send a SETUP transaction on a control endpoint. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It is cleared by hardware when the SETUP transaction is acknowledged and VTTX interrupt generated..
Bits 12-13: Status bits, for reception transfers Device mode These bits contain information about the endpoint status, which are listed in Table 140: Reception status encoding on page 881. These bits can be toggled by software to initialize their value. When the application software writes 0, the value remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. Hardware sets the STATRX bits to NAK when a correct transfer has occurred (VTRX = 1) corresponding to a OUT or SETUP (control only) transaction addressed to this endpoint, so the software has the time to elaborate the received data before it acknowledges a new transaction. Double-buffered bulk endpoints implement a special transaction flow control, which control the status based upon buffer availability condition (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint is defined as isochronous, its status can be only VALID or DISABLED , so that the hardware cannot change the status of the endpoint after a successful transaction. If the software sets the STATRX bits to STALL or NAK for an isochronous endpoint, the USB peripheral behavior is not defined. These bits are read/write but they can be only toggled by writing 1. Host mode These bits are the host application controls to start, retry, or abort host transactions driven by the channel. These bits also contain information about the device answer to the last IN channel transaction and report the current status of the channel according to the following STATRX table of states: - DISABLE DISABLE value is reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a single-buffer channel. When in DISABLE state the channel is unused or not active waiting for application to restart it by writing VALID. Application can reset a VALID channel to DISABLE to abort a transaction. In this case the transaction is immediately removed from the host execution list. If the aborted transaction was already under execution it is regularly terminated on the USB but the relative VTRX interrupt is not generated. - VALID A host channel is actively trying to submit USB transaction to device only when in VALID state.VALID state can be set by software or automatically by hardware on a NAKED channel at the start of a new frame. When set to VALID, an host channel enters the host execution queue and waits permission from the host frame scheduler to submit its configured transaction. VALID value is also reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a double-buffered channel. In this case the channel remains active on the alternate buffer while application needs to read the current buffer and toggle DTOGTX. In case software is late in reading and the alternate buffer is not ready, the host channel is automatically suspended transparently to the application. The suspended double buffered channel is re-activated as soon as delay is recovered and DTOGTX is toggled. - NAK NAK value is reported in case of NAK acknowledge received. When in NAK state the channel is suspended and does not try to transmit. NAK state is moved to VALID by hardware at the start of the next frame, or software can change it to immediately retry transmission by writing it to VALID, or can disable it and abort the transaction by writing DISABLE - STALL STALL value is reported in case of STALL acknowledge received. When in STALL state the channel behaves as disabled. Application must not retry transmission but reset the USB and re-enumerate..
Bit 14: Data Toggle, for reception transfers If the endpoint/channel is not isochronous, this bit contains the expected value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be received. Hardware toggles this bit, when the ACK handshake is sent following a data packet reception having a matching data PID value; if the endpoint is defined as a control one, hardware clears this bit at the reception of a SETUP PID received from host (in device mode), while it sets this bit to 1 when SETUP transaction is acknowledged by device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double-buffering feature this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used only to support packet buffer swapping for data transmission since no data toggling is used for this kind of channels/endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (Refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet reception, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint is not a control one) or to force specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGRX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value toggle. This bit is read/write but it can be only toggled by writing 1..
Bit 15: USB valid transaction received Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an OUT/SETUP transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. The type of occurred transaction, OUT or SETUP, can be determined from the SETUP bit described below. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect. Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated. - A transaction ended with a NAK sets this bit and NAK answer is reported to application reading the NAK state from the STATRX field of this register. One NAKed transaction keeps pending and is automatically retried by the host at the next frame, or the host can immediately retry by resetting STATRX state to VALID. - A transaction ended by STALL handshake sets this bit and the STALL answer is reported to application reading the STALL state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must consequently disable the channel and re-enumerate. - A transaction ended with ACK handshake sets this bit If double buffering is disabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading the DISABLE state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and re-arm the channel by writing VALID to the STATRX field of this register. If double buffering is enabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading VALID state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and toggle the DTOGTX bit of this register. - A transaction ended with error sets this bit. Errors can be seen via the bits ERR_RX (host mode only). This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect..
Bits 16-22: Host mode Device address assigned to the endpoint during the enumeration process..
Bit 23: Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when a device responds with a NAK. Software can use this bit to monitor the number of NAKs received from a device..
Bit 24: Low speed endpoint.
Bit 25: Received error for an OUT/SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an OUT or SETUP transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bit 26: Received error for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an IN transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bits 27-28: Three errors for an OUT or SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an OUT transaction. THREE_ERR_TX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
Bits 29-30: Three errors for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an IN transaction. THREE_ERR_RX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
USB endpoint/channel 7 register
Offset: 0x1c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/17 fields covered.
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Bits 0-3: endpoint/channel address Device mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the transactions directed to this endpoint. A value must be written before enabling the corresponding endpoint. Host mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the channel addressed by the host transaction..
Bits 4-5: Status bits, for transmission transfers.
Bit 6: Data toggle, for transmission transfers If the endpoint/channel is non-isochronous, this bit contains the required value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be transmitted. Hardware toggles this bit when the ACK handshake is received from the USB host, following a data packet transmission. If the endpoint/channel is defined as a control one, hardware sets this bit to 1 at the reception of a SETUP PID addressed to this endpoint (in device mode) or when a SETUP transaction is acknowledged by the device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double buffer feature, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping since no data toggling is used for this sort of endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet transmission, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint/channel is not a control one) or to force a specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGTX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. This bit is read/write but it can only be toggled by writing 1..
Bit 7: Valid USB transaction transmitted Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in the USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written. Host mode Same as VTRX behavior but for USB OUT and SETUP transactions..
Bit 8: endpoint/channel kind The meaning of this bit depends on the endpoint/channel type configured by the UTYPE bits. Table 142 summarizes the different meanings. DBL_BUF: This bit is set by the software to enable the double-buffering feature for this bulk endpoint. The usage of double-buffered bulk endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode. STATUS_OUT: This bit is set by the software to indicate that a status out transaction is expected: in this case all OUT transactions containing more than zero data bytes are answered STALL instead of ACK . This bit may be used to improve the robustness of the application to protocol errors during control transfers and its usage is intended for control endpoints only. When STATUS_OUT is reset, OUT transactions can have any number of bytes, as required..
Bits 9-10: USB type of transaction These bits configure the behavior of this endpoint/channel as described in Table 141: Endpoint/channel type encoding. Channel0/Endpoint0 must always be a control endpoint/channel and each USB function must have at least one control endpoint/channel which has address 0, but there may be other control channels/endpoints if required. Only control channels/endpoints handle SETUP transactions, which are ignored by endpoints of other kinds. SETUP transactions cannot be answered with NAK or STALL. If a control endpoint/channel is defined as NAK, the USB peripheral does not answer, simulating a receive error, in the receive direction when a SETUP transaction is received. If the control endpoint/channel is defined as STALL in the receive direction, then the SETUP packet is accepted anyway, transferring data and issuing the CTR interrupt. The reception of OUT transactions is handled in the normal way, even if the endpoint/channel is a control one. Bulk and interrupt endpoints have very similar behavior and they differ only in the special feature available using the EPKIND configuration bit. The usage of isochronous channels/endpoints is explained in Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode.
Bit 11: Setup transaction completed Device mode This bit is read-only and it is set by the hardware when the last completed transaction is a SETUP. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It must be examined, in the case of a successful receive transaction (VTRX event), to determine the type of transaction occurred. To protect the interrupt service routine from the changes in SETUP bits due to next incoming tokens, this bit is kept frozen while VTRX bit is at 1; its state changes when VTRX is at 0. This bit is read-only. Host mode This bit is set by the software to send a SETUP transaction on a control endpoint. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It is cleared by hardware when the SETUP transaction is acknowledged and VTTX interrupt generated..
Bits 12-13: Status bits, for reception transfers Device mode These bits contain information about the endpoint status, which are listed in Table 140: Reception status encoding on page 881. These bits can be toggled by software to initialize their value. When the application software writes 0, the value remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value to toggle. Hardware sets the STATRX bits to NAK when a correct transfer has occurred (VTRX = 1) corresponding to a OUT or SETUP (control only) transaction addressed to this endpoint, so the software has the time to elaborate the received data before it acknowledges a new transaction. Double-buffered bulk endpoints implement a special transaction flow control, which control the status based upon buffer availability condition (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint is defined as isochronous, its status can be only VALID or DISABLED , so that the hardware cannot change the status of the endpoint after a successful transaction. If the software sets the STATRX bits to STALL or NAK for an isochronous endpoint, the USB peripheral behavior is not defined. These bits are read/write but they can be only toggled by writing 1. Host mode These bits are the host application controls to start, retry, or abort host transactions driven by the channel. These bits also contain information about the device answer to the last IN channel transaction and report the current status of the channel according to the following STATRX table of states: - DISABLE DISABLE value is reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a single-buffer channel. When in DISABLE state the channel is unused or not active waiting for application to restart it by writing VALID. Application can reset a VALID channel to DISABLE to abort a transaction. In this case the transaction is immediately removed from the host execution list. If the aborted transaction was already under execution it is regularly terminated on the USB but the relative VTRX interrupt is not generated. - VALID A host channel is actively trying to submit USB transaction to device only when in VALID state.VALID state can be set by software or automatically by hardware on a NAKED channel at the start of a new frame. When set to VALID, an host channel enters the host execution queue and waits permission from the host frame scheduler to submit its configured transaction. VALID value is also reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a double-buffered channel. In this case the channel remains active on the alternate buffer while application needs to read the current buffer and toggle DTOGTX. In case software is late in reading and the alternate buffer is not ready, the host channel is automatically suspended transparently to the application. The suspended double buffered channel is re-activated as soon as delay is recovered and DTOGTX is toggled. - NAK NAK value is reported in case of NAK acknowledge received. When in NAK state the channel is suspended and does not try to transmit. NAK state is moved to VALID by hardware at the start of the next frame, or software can change it to immediately retry transmission by writing it to VALID, or can disable it and abort the transaction by writing DISABLE - STALL STALL value is reported in case of STALL acknowledge received. When in STALL state the channel behaves as disabled. Application must not retry transmission but reset the USB and re-enumerate..
Bit 14: Data Toggle, for reception transfers If the endpoint/channel is not isochronous, this bit contains the expected value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for the next data packet to be received. Hardware toggles this bit, when the ACK handshake is sent following a data packet reception having a matching data PID value; if the endpoint is defined as a control one, hardware clears this bit at the reception of a SETUP PID received from host (in device mode), while it sets this bit to 1 when SETUP transaction is acknowledged by device (in host mode). If the endpoint/channel is using the double-buffering feature this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to Section 28.5.3: Double-buffered endpoints and usage in Device mode). If the endpoint/channel is isochronous, this bit is used only to support packet buffer swapping for data transmission since no data toggling is used for this kind of channels/endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (Refer to Section 28.5.5: Isochronous transfers in Device mode). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet reception, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint is not a control one) or to force specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes 0, the value of DTOGRX remains unchanged, while writing 1 makes the bit value toggle. This bit is read/write but it can be only toggled by writing 1..
Bit 15: USB valid transaction received Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an OUT/SETUP transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. The type of occurred transaction, OUT or SETUP, can be determined from the SETUP bit described below. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect. Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated. - A transaction ended with a NAK sets this bit and NAK answer is reported to application reading the NAK state from the STATRX field of this register. One NAKed transaction keeps pending and is automatically retried by the host at the next frame, or the host can immediately retry by resetting STATRX state to VALID. - A transaction ended by STALL handshake sets this bit and the STALL answer is reported to application reading the STALL state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must consequently disable the channel and re-enumerate. - A transaction ended with ACK handshake sets this bit If double buffering is disabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading the DISABLE state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and re-arm the channel by writing VALID to the STATRX field of this register. If double buffering is enabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading VALID state from the STATRX field of this register. Host application must read received data from USBRAM and toggle the DTOGTX bit of this register. - A transaction ended with error sets this bit. Errors can be seen via the bits ERR_RX (host mode only). This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect..
Bits 16-22: Host mode Device address assigned to the endpoint during the enumeration process..
Bit 23: Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when a device responds with a NAK. Software can use this bit to monitor the number of NAKs received from a device..
Bit 24: Low speed endpoint.
Bit 25: Received error for an OUT/SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an OUT or SETUP transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bit 26: Received error for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (for example no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an IN transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated..
Bits 27-28: Three errors for an OUT or SETUP transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an OUT transaction. THREE_ERR_TX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
Bits 29-30: Three errors for an IN transaction Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus for an IN transaction. THREE_ERR_RX is not generated for isochronous transactions. The software can only clear this bit. Coding of the received error:.
USB control register
Offset: 0x40, size: 32, reset: 0x00000003, access: read-write
1/18 fields covered.
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Bit 0: USB Reset Software can set this bit to reset the USB core, exactly as it happens when receiving a RESET signaling on the USB.The USB peripheral, in response to a RESET, resets its internal protocol state machine. Reception and transmission are disabled until the RST_DCON bit is cleared. All configuration registers do not reset: the microcontroller must explicitly clear these registers (this is to ensure that the RST_DCON interrupt can be safely delivered, and any transaction immediately followed by a RESET can be completed). The function address and endpoint registers are reset by an USB reset event. Software sets this bit to drive USB reset state on the bus and initialize the device. USB reset terminates as soon as this bit is cleared by software..
Bit 1: Power down This bit is used to completely switch off all USB-related analog parts if it is required to completely disable the USB peripheral for any reason. When this bit is set, the USB peripheral is disconnected from the transceivers and it cannot be used..
Bit 2: Suspend state effective This bit is set by hardware as soon as the suspend state entered through the SUSPEN control gets internally effective. In this state USB activity is suspended, USB clock is gated, transceiver is set in low power mode by disabling the differential receiver. Only asynchronous wake-up logic and single ended receiver is kept alive to detect remote wake-up or resume events. Software must poll this bit to confirm it to be set before any STOP mode entry. This bit is cleared by hardware simultaneously to the WAKEUP flag being set..
Bit 3: Suspend state enable Software can set this bit when the SUSP interrupt is received, which is issued when no traffic is received by the USB peripheral for 3 ms. Software can also set this bit when the L1REQ interrupt is received with positive acknowledge sent. As soon as the suspend state is propagated internally all device activity is stopped, USB clock is gated, USB transceiver is set into low power mode and the SUSPRDY bit is set by hardware. In the case that device application wants to pursue more aggressive power saving by stopping the USB clock source and by moving the microcontroller to stop mode, as in the case of bus powered device application, it must first wait few cycles to see the SUSPRDY = 1 acknowledge the suspend request. This bit is cleared by hardware simultaneous with the WAKEUP flag set. Software can set this bit when host application has nothing scheduled for the next frames and wants to enter long term power saving. When set, it stops immediately SOF generation and any other host activity, gates the USB clock and sets the transceiver in low power mode. If any USB transaction is on-going at the time SUSPEN is set, suspend is entered at the end of the current transaction. As soon as suspend state is propagated internally and gets effective the SUSPRDY bit is set. In the case that host application wants to pursue more aggressive power saving by stopping the USB clock source and by moving the micro-controller to STOP mode, it must first wait few cycles to see SUSPRDY=1 acknowledge to the suspend request. This bit is cleared by hardware simultaneous with the WAKEUP flag set..
Bit 4: L2 remote wake-up / resume driver Device mode The microcontroller can set this bit to send remote wake-up signaling to the host. It must be activated, according to USB specifications, for no less than 1 ms and no more than 15 ms after which the host PC is ready to drive the resume sequence up to its end. Host mode Software sets this bit to send resume signaling to the device. Software clears this bit to send end of resume to device and restart SOF generation. In the context of remote wake up, this bit is to be set following the WAKEUP interrupt..
Bit 5: L1 remote wake-up / resume driver.
Bit 7: LPM L1 state request interrupt mask.
Bit 8: Expected start of frame interrupt mask.
Bit 9: Start of frame interrupt mask.
Bit 10: USB reset request (Device mode) or device connect/disconnect (Host mode) interrupt mask.
Bit 11: Suspend mode interrupt mask.
Bit 12: Wake-up interrupt mask.
Bit 13: Error interrupt mask.
Bit 14: Packet memory area over / underrun interrupt mask.
Bit 15: Correct transfer interrupt mask.
Bit 16: 512 byte threshold interrupt mask.
Bit 17: Device disconnection mask Host mode.
Bit 31: HOST mode HOST bit selects betweens host or device USB mode of operation. It must be set before enabling the USB peripheral by the function enable bit..
USB interrupt status register
Offset: 0x44, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
5/15 fields covered.
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Bits 0-3: Device Endpoint / host channel identification number These bits are written by the hardware according to the host channel or device endpoint number, which generated the interrupt request. If several endpoint/channel transactions are pending, the hardware writes the identification number related to the endpoint/channel having the highest priority defined in the following way: two levels are defined, in order of priority: isochronous and double-buffered bulk channels/endpoints are considered first and then the others are examined. If more than one endpoint/channel from the same set is requesting an interrupt, the IDN bits in USB_ISTR register are assigned according to the lowest requesting register, CHEP0R having the highest priority followed by CHEP1R and so on. The application software can assign a register to each endpoint/channel according to this priority scheme, so as to order the concurring endpoint/channel requests in a suitable way. These bits are read only..
Bit 4: Direction of transaction This bit is written by the hardware according to the direction of the successful transaction, which generated the interrupt request. If DIR bit = 0, VTTX bit is set in the USB_CHEPnR register related to the interrupting endpoint. The interrupting transaction is of IN type (data transmitted by the USB peripheral to the host PC). If DIR bit = 1, VTRX bit or both VTTX/VTRX are set in the USB_CHEPnR register related to the interrupting endpoint. The interrupting transaction is of OUT type (data received by the USB peripheral from the host PC) or two pending transactions are waiting to be processed. This information can be used by the application software to access the USB_CHEPnR bits related to the triggering transaction since it represents the direction having the interrupt pending. This bit is read-only..
Bit 7: LPM L1 state request Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when LPM command to enter the L1 state is successfully received and acknowledged. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written and writing 1 has no effect..
Bit 8: Expected start of frame Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an SOF packet is expected but not received. The host sends an SOF packet each 1 ms, but if the device does not receive it properly, the suspend timer issues this interrupt. If three consecutive ESOF interrupts are generated (for example three SOF packets are lost) without any traffic occurring in between, a SUSP interrupt is generated. This bit is set even when the missing SOF packets occur while the suspend timer is not yet locked. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written and writing 1 has no effect..
Bit 9: Start of frame This bit signals the beginning of a new USB frame and it is set when a SOF packet arrives through the USB bus. The interrupt service routine may monitor the SOF events to have a 1 ms synchronization event to the USB host and to safely read the USB_FNR register which is updated at the SOF packet reception (this can be useful for isochronous applications). This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written and writing 1 has no effect..
Bit 10: USB reset request (Device mode) or device connect/disconnect (Host mode) Device mode This bit is set by hardware when an USB reset is released by the host and the bus returns to idle. USB reset state is internally detected after the sampling of 60 consecutive SE0 cycles. Host mode This bit is set by hardware when device connection or device disconnection is detected. Device connection is signaled after J state is sampled for 22 cycles consecutively from unconnected state. Device disconnection is signaled after SE0 state is seen for 22 bit times consecutively from connected state..
Bit 11: Suspend mode request Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when no traffic has been received for 3 ms, indicating a suspend mode request from the USB bus. The suspend condition check is enabled immediately after any USB reset and it is disabled by the hardware when the suspend mode is active (SUSPEN=1) until the end of resume sequence. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written and writing 1 has no effect..
Bit 12: Wake-up This bit is set to 1 by the hardware when, during suspend mode, activity is detected that wakes up the USB peripheral. This event asynchronously clears the SUSPRDY bit in the CTLR register and activates the USB_WAKEUP line, which can be used to notify the rest of the device (for example wake-up unit) about the start of the resume process. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written and writing 1 has no effect..
Bit 13: Error This flag is set whenever one of the errors listed below has occurred: NANS: No ANSwer. The timeout for a host response has expired. CRC: Cyclic redundancy check error. One of the received CRCs, either in the token or in the data, was wrong. BST: Bit stuffing error. A bit stuffing error was detected anywhere in the PID, data, and/or CRC. FVIO: Framing format violation. A non-standard frame was received (EOP not in the right place, wrong token sequence, etc.). The USB software can usually ignore errors, since the USB peripheral and the PC host manage retransmission in case of errors in a fully transparent way. This interrupt can be useful during the software development phase, or to monitor the quality of transmission over the USB bus, to flag possible problems to the user (for example loose connector, too noisy environment, broken conductor in the USB cable and so on). This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written and writing 1 has no effect..
Bit 14: Packet memory area over / underrun This bit is set if the microcontroller has not been able to respond in time to an USB memory request. The USB peripheral handles this event in the following way: During reception an ACK handshake packet is not sent, during transmission a bit-stuff error is forced on the transmitted stream; in both cases the host retries the transaction. The PMAOVR interrupt must never occur during normal operations. Since the failed transaction is retried by the host, the application software has the chance to speed-up device operations during this interrupt handling, to be ready for the next transaction retry; however this does not happen during isochronous transfers (no isochronous transaction is anyway retried) leading to a loss of data in this case. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written and writing 1 has no effect..
Bit 15: Completed transfer in host mode This bit is set by the hardware to indicate that an endpoint/channel has successfully completed a transaction; using DIR and IDN bits software can determine which endpoint/channel requested the interrupt. This bit is read-only..
Bit 16: 512 byte threshold interrupt This bit is set to 1 by the hardware when 512 bytes have been transmitted or received during isochronous transfers. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written and writing 1 has no effect. Note that no information is available to indicate the associated channel/endpoint, however in practice only one ISO endpoint/channel with such large packets can be supported, so that channel..
Bit 17: Device connection Host mode This bit is set when a device connection is detected. This bit is read/write but only 0 can be written and writing 1 has no effect..
Bit 29: Device connection status Host mode: This bit contains information about device connection status. It is set by hardware when a LS/FS device is attached to the host while it is reset when the device is disconnected..
Bit 30: Low speed device connected Host mode: This bit is set by hardware when an LS device connection is detected. Device connection is signaled after LS J-state is sampled for 22 consecutive cycles of the USB clock (48 MHz) from the unconnected state..
USB frame number register
Offset: 0x48, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-only
5/5 fields covered.
Bits 0-10: Frame number This bit field contains the 11-bits frame number contained in the last received SOF packet. The frame number is incremented for every frame sent by the host and it is useful for isochronous transfers. This bit field is updated on the generation of an SOF interrupt..
Bits 11-12: Lost SOF Device mode These bits are written by the hardware when an ESOF interrupt is generated, counting the number of consecutive SOF packets lost. At the reception of an SOF packet, these bits are cleared..
Bit 13: Locked Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when at least two consecutive SOF packets have been received after the end of an USB reset condition or after the end of an USB resume sequence. Once locked, the frame timer remains in this state until an USB reset or USB suspend event occurs..
Bit 14: Receive data - line status This bit can be used to observe the status of received data minus upstream port data line. It can be used during end-of-suspend routines to help determining the wake-up event..
Bit 15: Receive data + line status This bit can be used to observe the status of received data plus upstream port data line. It can be used during end-of-suspend routines to help determining the wake-up event..
USB Device address
Offset: 0x4c, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
0/2 fields covered.
Bits 0-6: Device address Device mode These bits contain the USB function address assigned by the host PC during the enumeration process. Both this field and the endpoint/channel address (EA) field in the associated USB_CHEPnR register must match with the information contained in a USB token in order to handle a transaction to the required endpoint. Host mode These bits contain the address transmitted with the LPM transaction.
Bit 7: Enable function This bit is set by the software to enable the USB Device. The address of this device is contained in the following ADD[6:0] bits. If this bit is at 0 no transactions are handled, irrespective of the settings of USB_CHEPnR registers..
LPM control and status register
Offset: 0x54, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
2/4 fields covered.
Bit 0: LPM support enable Device mode This bit is set by the software to enable the LPM support within the USB Device. If this bit is at 0 no LPM transactions are handled..
Bit 1: LPM token acknowledge enable Device mode: The NYET/ACK is returned only on a successful LPM transaction: No errors in both the EXT token and the LPM token (else ERROR) A valid bLinkState = 0001B (L1) is received (else STALL).
Bit 3: bRemoteWake value Device mode This bit contains the bRemoteWake value received with last ACKed LPM Token.
Bits 4-7: BESL value Device mode These bits contain the BESL value received with last ACKed LPM Token.
Battery charging detector
Offset: 0x58, size: 32, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
3/7 fields covered.
Bit 0: Battery charging detector (BCD) enable Device mode This bit is set by the software to enable the BCD support within the USB Device. When enabled, the USB PHY is fully controlled by BCD and cannot be used for normal communication. Once the BCD discovery is finished, the BCD must be placed in OFF mode by clearing this bit to 0 in order to allow the normal USB operation..
Bit 2: Primary detection (PD) mode enable Device mode This bit is set by the software to put the BCD into PD mode. Only one detection mode (PD, SD or OFF) must be selected to work correctly..
Bit 3: Secondary detection (SD) mode enable Device mode This bit is set by the software to put the BCD into SD mode. Only one detection mode (PD, SD or OFF) must be selected to work correctly..
Bit 5: Primary detection (PD) status Device mode This bit gives the result of PD..
Bit 6: Secondary detection (SD) status Device mode This bit gives the result of SD..
Bit 7: DM pull-up detection status Device mode This bit is active only during PD and gives the result of comparison between DM voltage level and V<sub>LGC</sub> threshold. In normal situation, the DM level must be below this threshold. If it is above, it means that the DM is externally pulled high. This can be caused by connection to a PS2 port (which pulls-up both DP and DM lines) or to some proprietary charger not following the BCD specification..
Bit 15: DP pull-up / DPDM pull-down Device mode This bit is set by software to enable the embedded pull-up on DP line. Clearing it to 0 can be used to signal disconnect to the host when needed by the user software. Host mode This bit is set by software to enable the embedded pull-down on DP and DM lines..
0x40002c00: WWDG address block description
6/6 fields covered.
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0x0 (16-bit) | CR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x4 (16-bit) | CFR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x8 (16-bit) | SR |
WWDG control register
Offset: 0x0, size: 16, reset: 0x0000007F, access: read-write
2/2 fields covered.
Bits 0-6: 7-bit counter (MSB to LSB) These bits contain the value of the watchdog counter, decremented every (4096 x 2<sup>WDGTB[2:0]</sup>) PCLK cycles. A reset is produced when it is decremented from 0x40 to 0x3F (T6 becomes cleared)..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7f
Bit 7: Activation bit This bit is set by software and only cleared by hardware after a reset. When WDGA = 1, the watchdog can generate a reset..
Allowed values:
0: Disabled: Watchdog disabled
1: Enabled: Watchdog enabled
WWDG configuration register
Offset: 0x4, size: 16, reset: 0x0000007F, access: read-write
3/3 fields covered.
Bits 0-6: 7-bit window value These bits contain the window value to be compared with the down-counter..
Allowed values: 0x0-0x7f
Bit 9: Early wake-up interrupt enable Set by software and cleared by hardware after a reset. When set, an interrupt occurs whenever the counter reaches the value 0x40..
Allowed values:
1: Enable: interrupt occurs whenever the counter reaches the value 0x40
Bits 11-13: Timer base The timebase of the prescaler can be modified as follows:.
Allowed values:
0: Div1: Counter clock (PCLK1 div 4096) div 1
1: Div2: Counter clock (PCLK1 div 4096) div 2
2: Div4: Counter clock (PCLK1 div 4096) div 4
3: Div8: Counter clock (PCLK1 div 4096) div 8
4: Div16: Counter clock (PCLK1 div 4096) div 16
5: Div32: Counter clock (PCLK1 div 4096) div 32
6: Div64: Counter clock (PCLK1 div 4096) div 64
7: Div128: Counter clock (PCLK1 div 4096) div 128
WWDG status register
Offset: 0x8, size: 16, reset: 0x00000000, access: read-write
1/1 fields covered.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
r/w0c |
Bit 0: Early wake-up interrupt flag This bit is set by hardware when the counter has reached the value 0x40. It must be cleared by software by writing 0. Writing 1 has no effect. This bit is also set if the interrupt is not enabled..
Allowed values:
0: Finished: The EWI Interrupt Service Routine has been serviced
1: Pending: The EWI Interrupt Service Routine has been triggered